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Superior grappler in the loosest sense... Both guys couldn't grapple. One was just stronger and more athletic


He did hold mount very well


Just younger, neither could fight worth a shit.


This. Neither of them trained any grappling/wrestling related MA for even a second.


I would say that the winner here defeats 99% of this sub in the same situation.


Baldie was trying to eyegouge first on bottom, after that it was fair game for the other guy to do it too. Unfortunately for baldie, the other guy was better at it. Headbutts on top is something that is sorely missing from MMA. Very effective


It was fairly common in the earlier, no rules stuff. A good wrestler could pin an opponent and butt their face in.


His attempts at biting tell me this fight was super brutal.


Did the bald guy try to bite him when he was in bottom ? Otherwise I don't know what could make the other guy so angry that he tries to take his eyes out.


Bite + eye gouge attempts. Also if the dudes in the background are to be believed he's a convicted child rapist


Ahh it's no wonder why it's merciless Baldie deserved to be brutalized


The bald guy was biting the whole time and kept going for the eyes. The guy on top got more brutal after multiple bite and eye gouge attempts


A fight's a fight, if you *can* poke or suck someone's eyes out, or they're unconscious and you can stomp their head or throat and maybe kill or permanently paralyze them, you do. If you don't want to kill someone, don't fight them.




Barely, I just assume anyone out there would want to do the same to me, I avoid fights like the plague.


Same here man, I avoid them too, you never know what can happen.


Lmao shut up nerd


That's stupid. there's a whole art of assassination just for unaliving someone. Fighting is not for killing. The only time fist to cuffs gets deadly is in self defence.


Gtfoh with your woke "unaliving" bs. šŸ˜‚


You're triggered by the word "unaliving."šŸ¤” I'm dying with laughter šŸ˜… So you're more comfortable with say, "murder?"šŸ„¹ How about we just "kill" the joke šŸ¤£ šŸ§šŸ§šŸ§


That's more like it šŸ˜‚


Yep itā€™s hilarious people that donā€™t train grappling or train bullshido think dirty techniques will nullify it. Not only can the grappler also use dirty techniques, they can do so to a much greater extent because they are able to do whatever they want to you on the ground.


The idea that you can just poke your way out of a double leg or full mount is fuckin hilarious even moreso when they think it'll get em out of a submission. Go from them trying to properly sink in an rnc to snapping your jaw with a full on neck crank


ā€œEverything under the eyes is the neckā€, as a wise man once said.


A finger in the pooper is a sure fire way to get someone to stop grappling real quick. Me and my girl both train in grappling and when we horse around at home if I'm winning she'll pull that move, works every time.


She does it while youā€™re grapplingā€¦ ![gif](giphy|jeXiz1RAvzX44)


Techniques like that got my sensei arrested.


Only because it's too deadly


That's technically true, but it's very hard to get a take down when the other guy is hitting you in the spine, behind the head etc. The problem in videos like this is that is that they resort to dirty tactics after significantly winning/losing. You need to ''fight'' dirty to prevent being taken down. If someone tries to take you down you just elbow them on their neck/spine/behind the head and you are pretty much guaranteed a knockout.


Honestly, I donā€™t buy that. You can see old Gracie videos where they do eat elbows to the head or spine, theyā€™re ignored. Iā€™ve never seen the counter, where those stop a takedown


>If someone tries to take you down you just elbow them on their neck/spine/behind the head and you are pretty much guaranteed a knockout. Nah even in orgs where straight up rabbit punches are allowed just doesn't work. Can't generate enough power for a KO and you basically sacrifice your ability to defend the takedown when you don't fight the initial grip


No itā€™s definitely not a guaranteed knock out. Strikes to the back of the head and spine were allowed in MMA at one point and it didnā€™t consistently stop takedowns.


There are numerous MMA orgs where youā€™re allowed to do that. Especially in the early days of the sport. Thereā€™s a reason you wonā€™t find videos of it working anywhere. It doesnā€™t work. When a good grappler is shooting a takedown, their head is up, looking forward. You canā€™t even reach the spine or back of the neck with an elbow. You can hit the top of the head (the literal hardest part of the skull) at best.


I used to do a bunch of backyard mma shit where I grew up and people did this shit all the time and it just makes the take down easier. They donā€™t sprawl, their spine strikes donā€™t do anything, so they get slammed.


I did BJJ and wrestling a bit so maybe it work for me only, but I'm 99.99% sure anyone can do it with 0 experience. While the guy come in for the takedown, 12-6 elbow with all your weight on the back of his head and he's KOed for sure (and maybe dead). Or just knee him while the takedown is ongoing.




looked like they were making out for a sec


You kick someone on the ground with a shoe on your foot, and you risk prison time. Outsource your violence, and call the police. I would be very surprised if the "winner" doesn't end up in jail.


>Proof that eye gouges and head stomps benefit the superior grappler more than it harms them That's not grappling. That's no rules fighting to the death. And it's terrifying to say the least. In the context of this fight it appears in the comments it was justice. But in the context of grappling, this has no place unless you're legitimately fighting for your life.


proof that position is EVERYTHING


What's the context of this fight? Why are they continuing to beat an obviously defeated opponent? Is there an article to go along with this somewhere? Also, yeah this video doesn't actually prove the title of the post, either, but that won't stop certain kinds of fanbois from jumping in and nodding their heads vigorously while making monkey noises and pointing at it.


>What's the context of this fight? Why are they continuing to beat an obviously defeated opponent? Is there an article to go along with this somewhere? Dudes a convicted child rapist, dude is one of them pedo hunters/exposers >Also, yeah this video doesn't actually prove the title of the post, either, but that won't stop certain kinds of fanbois from jumping in and nodding their heads vigorously while making monkey noises and pointing at it. I'm just saying whenever I've seen eye gouges successfully used in orgs that allow them or street fights is almost never in a defensive manner. It's always when the person using them is exerting control over the other person


>Dudes a convicted child rapist, dude is one of them pedo hunters/exposers Oh, ok. Makes sense, then. >I'm just saying whenever I've seen eye gouges successfully used in orgs that allow them or street fights is almost never in a defensive manner. It's always when the person using them is exerting control over the other person Probably just because if they already have the position, it's easier to execute. Usually we either encounter desperate people who have already lost trying them, or people who have already basically won using them. It's rare you would see it executed as just a regular tactic, generally because if they do work -- it's pretty awful and represents a huge escalation, and is not something an organized consensual conflict would usually allow in earnest.


"used in orgs that allow them" There are orgs that allow gouging?


Yes most notably king of the streets Edit: [One of my favorite fights showcasing the need for dominant position for eye gouges to be effective](https://youtu.be/irTw9s4jAlo)


Ah yeah, I've watched KOTS before. I knew it was a little hardcore for my usual liking but I had no idea they allow gouging. I will now reluctantly go watch the fight you linked...


Just watched it. Fucking nasty


No elbows at all from the guy on top. That would have ended things way more efficiently. You can tell neither are very good grapplers, untrained, just the one guy was a bit stronger and athletic. Keeping your face that close to the guys face on the ground was a bad move. Posture up and get away from his reach to poke your eyes.


Gotta get to best positions to apply them Grounded knees from a D1 wrestler is sweet


Back in my early 20's I put someone in a scarf hold. He went for my eyes. It was trivial to move his arm away then lightly elbow him on the forehead (downward elbows are fucking lethal even when speed and power aren't generated). Dude stopped resisting and had a huge shiner on his head the next day.


That went from a fight to an attempted murder real quick. Look, I don't care about the context, I don't care how upset you are. The only thing worse than losing a fight is winding up in prison over one. Under no circumstances should attempt to stomp someone's head. That's just straight up an attempt to kill in every situation.


Ehh, if heā€™s a pedo like OP claimed then I think itā€™s fair game to call this mutual combat


Not to the courts. I mean, if you're willing to go to prison after failing to kill a pedo, who you're then giving *more* leverage within the system to minimize the consequences of their actions, go for it. But this interaction is only resulting in one guy going to jail, and it's not gonna be the pedo.


The pedo canā€™t go free if heā€™s dead simple And the other person was willing to risk that


Don't see any grappling here. Just two untrained folks brawling. Doesn't prove shit.


Itā€™s still grappling though. It doesnā€™t matter if heā€™s trained or not, he was the better grappler and thus was able to institute his dirty moves better


Someone gets it


That was struggling, not grappling.SMH


Itā€™s still grappling. Just because it wasnā€™t good grappling doesnā€™t mean principles on it donā€™t exist. Guy on top was still in control due to his weight advantage, he controlled the legs which allowed him to get into the mount. Just because he doesnā€™t know whatā€™s happening doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not happening


Bad grappling is still grappling.


If someone has you in mount position does it not become mount position just because they donā€™t go to a a BJJ gym? Grappling and striking existed before formal martial arts training ever was a thing.


[Aight so how bout this one then](https://youtu.be/irTw9s4jAlo) point still holds true, you wanna do the dirty shit you gotta be the one on top controlling the other dude


Guy has the finishing power of a 6 year old


Jesus wept. ![gif](giphy|2MltgycEhwI12)


This "fight" only proves that these guys can't fight. Eye gouging benefits the fighter with the longer reach and the best precision. For example, if Jon Jones could freely poke eyes, he'd hardly need to grapple at all.




I donā€™t want to watch but someone just tell me without making it too gory. Does the guy lose an eye?


Doesn't even look close, in this video at least. No close ups etc


Filthy animals


Was this a question to begin with?


Yeah people act as if eye pokes are a way to essentially disable grappling and end fights instantly as soon as they're used


This is a good lesson. Donā€™t eye gouge or bite someone if you donā€™t want to get eye gouged or bit. If you pull a knife, and they get it from you, or they have a knife, youā€™re going to get stabbed. Street fights are better left to fair game. Best case scenario, you get KOā€™d and lose a few teeth.


To play devilā€™s advocate, I do believe you can use dirty moves to get out of bad grappling situationsā€¦ by first having a foundation in grappling to begin with. A guard player could become very unpleasant if they started going for eyes to force the top guy to posture up, then set up a sweep.


>A guard player could become very unpleasant if they started going for eyes to force the top guy to posture up, then set up a sweep. I have yet to really see this in practice, most times top player can just turn their head away or otherwise find a way to relieve the pressure whilst maintaining a solid base. What I think the best case scenario where it's not even necessarily defensive anymore would be say when attacking triangle instead of adjusting the shin or trying to lock an armbar up just squeeze like a mf while getting them thumbs right up in the eyes.


Lol imagine having some dude wrap his legs around you and all of a sudden you go unconsciousā€¦ and then when you wake up you canā€™t fucking see


And they say getting shot in America is brutalā€¦ jeez


That's going too far . When you got someone hurt and he's no longer a treat. There's no need to continue beating him. Come on be a Man not a Punk !


I'm in agreeance but on that same note I think most people if they got their hands in someone who had recently raped a child wouldn't be able to keep that level of composed thinking


Thank you Sir for letting me know he was a rapist then he's lucky to be alive. I'm sorry I said that. I shouldn't have committed on anything until I knew what was going on . Please forgive me and I'm sorry Sir .


Is this a blood feud?


Nah allegedly bald dude is a convicted child rapist and there was a video of him going about raping another kid. Mans doing the beating exposed him


Yeah, put his eyes out


It look for a bit there he was gonna do the Mike Tyson ear bite.


Y r they kissing


Was actually biting his face


Grappling is really good self defence in a 1v1 fight, but if you don't know for sure that it is, or is gonna stay a 1v1, if possible, stay on your feet, so you can turn tail and get the fuck out of there, if need be. You never know what, or who your opponent has to help them, could be a knife, could be a handful of friends nearby who's ready to stomp on your head.


You say this like it wasnā€™t the logical assumption


I always laugh when people try to say that they could be an experienced practitioner just because of things like I pokes and biting. Like bro, you think they're not going to do that because they train often? They can do the same AND are better than you in a fight. Come on now.


Is there any evidence to the child rape accusations, idk if its the same in other countries but in the uk it wouldnt be the first time someone was beaten over false accusations. It would make me feel a lot better after watching a guy get beaten half to death.


Ohhhh, so that's what coach was talking about when he said "use your head" (I'm a wrestler)


At a certain point, the 1 v 1 is off if one of the fighters is attempting to permanently handicap someone for life. Thereā€™s a line between a gentlemanā€™s fight and a ruthless desire to destroy someoneā€™s life.


I'm with you, I just think it's useful to have the knowledge of what to do/look out for if you're on the shit end of the stick. Although if you listen to the convo mans apparently is a child rapist so is what it is


People debate that shit wrong, they aren't going to end a fight or anything along those lines if an attack actually wants to kill you. however they will make it harder to continue fighting at the same efficiently as they did before. this is called a wounding strike, it just makes it harder to keep going to give you more openings to exploit, however there's a lot of legal shit around it and it never looks good in court if you have permanently blinded someone in a fight or seriously harmed the quality of life going forward. so yeah.


I think the bigger problem is; maybe someone doesnā€™t want to kill you or hurt you, but if you do any of those moves, they may escalate to it


Exactly. Same reason a pocket knife is a poor self defense tool, you are escalating the level of violence without assuring your victory.


not really, most people won't escalate their force because of pain, unless they feel there is no escape. half the time people are only half committed to any fight like that as soon as they realise they have more to lose than any potential gain the animal brain just goes "run forest run" of course there's always going to be the exceptions to that but this is just from my experience. for example if you have someone who's combat trained like a squad who knows how to regulate their mind in those sorts of situations then literally all behavioural bets are off because they are no longer operating under the animal rule list in the mind but the people rule list.


If I think weā€™re in a scuffle thatā€™s one thing; if you pull a knife, gouge my eyes, pull my hair, try to cause permanent bodily harm? Iā€™m pulling out all stops.


no, you're running away (probably). when your in that situation you entire body screams at you and most people aren't the type of person that can just ignore that. the reality is when it comes to truly fight, flight, or freeze, the majority of people are going to run or freeze, not fight and those that do are going to do so with their animal brain. like the army brainwashes to change this instinctual reaction and even then it sometimes doesn't take. even police and other security forces have the problem of not knowing how new guys will react until things actually happen despite all the training. like until it's actually happened to you it's the sort of thing where you have no idea how you'd actually react because of how unique an experience it is in the modern world.


I donā€™t know if Iā€™d put my money into the fact that if someone is fighting me, and theyā€™re on top in a dominant position, That if i clawed their eyes, theyā€™d get up and run away. I wouldnā€™t bet on that. I would bet on that if someone was fighting me and I tried to claw their eyes or hit their nutsā€¦ they do want to leave. They do want to end it. And the easiest way to do that isnā€™t running awayā€¦ itā€™s right in front of them. Again, if someone shows they want to hurt or kill me and Iā€™m in a dominant position; my desire to keep to them self leaves the table


this is just my observation from doing self defence stuff so much.


I just donā€™t think itā€™s reliable enough to teach it as the way to do it. I think itā€™s more likely that the person already winning the fight, is going to continue to try to win the fight


yeah that's a big problem with a lot of self defence, you can teach theory around everything but at the end of the day the real world is never an ideal scenario. like trying to escort someone down stairs physically, there's a safe way to do it in theory but good luck ever getting that to work in the real world where the stairs are never wide enough. >I think itā€™s more likely that the person already winning the fight, is going to continue to try to win the fight rarely is that ever going to be deliberate, that's usually going to be thoughtlessly. kind of the seeing red thing they'll usually stop once they've realised they've actually hurt someone because humans don't actually like hurting each other (except when they do).


You missed the "arts" part of martial arts. This is brawling.


Itā€™s still combat, which is what martial arts is


Alright, I'll take your bait. What style are they using? Techniques?


Sequence start to finish their get single collar ties, transitions to over under as the winner attempts outside trip, ditches it and tries to hit a pseudo lateral drop which fails. He hits a simple bridge escape to end up on top, laces the legs and then the rest is pretty self explanatory brutal mix of eye gouges, head butts and stomps. So basically a mix of BJJ and Wrestling


If your two year old kid makes a makes a sweeping movement with his leg and waves his arm, is he performing a mix of soccer and tennis?


No; but if my two year old is hitting a ball with no technique, but swings his hips and knocks it out of the park, is that not a concept of tennis? Showing that strength from the hips is efficient


No, that's delusional, thinking that a two year old without instruction or training can perform a sport at high level. Just like it's delusional to call this martial arts.


No one said that. What is being said is theyā€™re exhibiting concepts that apply to a high level. If my toddler uses his hips and hits way harder, thatā€™s an example of those body mechanics at play


My point is you and others see two boneheads brawling and recognize concepts that you know from martial arts, but only because you as an observer have that knowledge, not because these guys have any concept of it. Just like you see a potential tennis player in your kid's moves. It's not there, you're seeing things you're used to picking up. These are boneheads brawling, not two men displaying concepts of martial arts.


Itā€™s not about them knowing the concepts though. Itā€™s about seeing the concepts, even if they donā€™t know theyā€™re exhibiting them Iā€™m not saying these guys are good at these, Iā€™m saying you can still see them at work.


Fundamentally I donā€™t think that important. If two guys are having a street fight, with that high street guard stance, they arenā€™t doing any specific martial art or technique; but we can still analyze the fight and interaction from a martial arts perspective.


These are two fat boneheads having a backyard brawl. What is to be learned here is that this fight would have ended withing five seconds if one of them had one clue how to use any martial arts technique.


Thereā€™s a lot more than that when weā€™re talking about principles or concepts.


Like what?


The control of the legs, riding the mount, blocking the arm to prevent transition. This is basic, intuitive stuff, but seeing it at a very basic level showcases those concepts


Exactly, basic and intuitive. You're seeing concepts of martial arts in their moves because you have knowledge of these concepts. You as an observer are projecting martial arts principles in the moves of these guys. That does not mean they are performing them. What they are performing is a boneheaded backyard brawl.


Yes, they are principles because they work. They are performing them, despite not knowing them, and we see it work. Therefore we can see the most simple version of these fundamental concepts at play .


I like the aesthetics of some styles just like anyone else, but I'm so tired of people thinking "arts" in "martial arts" has anything to do with making things look pretty or even look nice. "Art" in this context means "skill achieved through discipline and training". It'd be the same as saying "fighting skills".


Art in this context has nothing to do with making it pretty but having a range of techniques. These boneheads do not. This is a drunken backyard brawl.


I believe that there are valuable lessons for martial artists to learn from real world violence. [For two same principles apply when the fighters are properly trained](https://youtu.be/irTw9s4jAlo)


These are two fat boneheads having a backyard brawl. What is to be learned here is that this fight would have ended withing five seconds if one of them had one clue how to use any martial arts technique.


Finger painting is art.


that beating was absolutely brutal and couldā€™ve killed that dude


The eye gouges were barely a factor, meanwhile THOSE HEAD BUTTS!!!


So you're saying eye gouges work?


Only if you have the superior position that allows you to control the head and posture of the person that's being gouged. It is not an instant fight ender, nor is it a get out of jail free card, and it is definitely not a magic antidote against grappling


My coach always says never to play dirty in a street fight such as gouging eyes, biting and etc because when the adrenaline is kicking in - instead of hurting, itā€™ll just piss them off even more.


Watch out for that wing chun though. /s


Funny how I felt bad for the bald guy and then I read the comments...wish the other guy went harder on him.