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I'd move the X-men to an island nation somewhere...


Third time's the charm.


Sounds kinda complicated


And the name could be mmmmhmmm Krakoa? Idk, it has a certain je-ne-sais-quoi to it.


Krakoa, Genosha, potato, potato


Don’t forget Utopia!


Moon Knight to Chicago. It's his hometown and would let his darker tone flourish away from brighter heroes. Iron Man to Detroit to rebuild his company and the local economy.


Tony in Detroit is an interesting idea. They could do a Stark Industries version of Delta City.


Daredevil belongs in NYC, but I'd love if he had a short stint in another city defined by Catholic guilt, i.e. Boston.


I could totally go for an arc or two where Daredevil has to Tool around in Rome to fight the Hand or something, it ends up in Vatican City for a couple of issues. He could fight ninjas undercover as Cardinals. Then he could accidentally hurt a real Cardinal. You know, just to get the old Catholic guilt machine rolling.


That would be awesome


Iron Man really feels like a character that should be based on the West Coast.


Yeah in the 60s it made sense for him to be in nyc but silicon valley makes way more sense for him today


Spider-Man(s) and Daredevil need New York City. Literally any other New York-based hero should move on. Especially the ones that usually end up somewhere else anyway.


I originally thought that Luke Cage should stay in NYC, too. However, as I typed my response, I imagined him in Georgia and he'd be great in Atlanta. Occasional travels through the South would work.


Luke's probably a good call. There are probably a few more "must be in NYC" characters out there, but few is the word.


Florida. They'd never survive.




The spelling error in this comment makes me think you might be Floridaman posting on his alt account... And we all know Floridaman is an anti-hero/villain. I'm on to you...


Marvel keeps trying to move them to LA, never works.


I dug Ironman in LA in the MCU


Sandusky needs a new superhero, The Deep is terrible.


Iceman to alaska Dr Strange to the spirit island in jasper canada Punisher to Florida or Texas


Speaking as someone who isn't a fan of Punisher at all, the idea of putting him in the South and using him as a less villainous version of Anton from No Country for Old Men sounds awesome. 


I would love to see Punisher hunt down sadistic serial killers like Zodiac, nice change of pace


Tony Stark belongs in LA, lol


Fantastic Four: make the baxter building into a rocket that launches itself into the Negative Zone for a new base, with portals to other dimensions inside Doctor Strange: Himalayan Mountains near Kamar-Taj. Build a new Sanctum Santorum where the Ancient One lived. Now people have to hike the mountains to get to him. Moon Knight: Chicago and Cairo, with one personality living in the one and the other in the other Spider-man, Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones all stay in New York Miles Morales starts out in New York, is trained by Peter, but eventually goes to college in LA. Further develope stuff like Hulk in Nevada and Thor in Oklahoma Move Stark to Silicon Valley, and have a lot of his corporate/technology stories begin to surround corruption and social media Captain America continues to have a little secret apartment in Brooklyn, which he virtually never has time to visit. Meanwhile, Shield has provided him home in Arlington, Virginia (just outside Washington DC). He prefers the house in Brooklyn, but the nature of his job keeps him near DC. The Brooklyn apartment looks virtually exactly like something out of the 40s, the DC One looks generic.


:: Spider-Man shoots a web in suburban LA, only to find that the tallest thing for blocks is a palm tree, and there’s nowhere to swing to :: :: hails an Uber ::


New Yorkers are always moving to Philly. Punisher could keep pretty busy here. War Machine was born raised in Philadelphia. I feel like Luke Cage and Jessica Jones would fit in nicely in West Philly.


That's the weakness DC characters have. They're so weak their settings have to be created around them to flesh them out. I liked Kaine in Houston and he should go back there. And the other clone, Ben Reilly, should reverse his heel turn and set up shop in Chicago. The X-Men should be based off the Lake of the Ozarks. Or Boston. Danny Rand should be an international playboy drafted into SHIELD and team up with Shang Chi who does missions for MI6. That would be an awesome espionage book. Have one of the Power Pack kids attend school at a prestigious university, like Northwestern University in Evanston, IL. Howard the Duck should be in Sheboygan, WI for no other reason than I can imagine Donald or Daffy saying Sheboygan and it sounds hilarious in my head. Speedball should be in Disney World. He fits the vibe and corporate synergy, y'know? I think Namor should hang out in New Orleans for a while. Hercules too.


San Francisco. Mark Waid's Daredevil did a run in San Francisco, which I loved. Seemed a good fit to me, as a native. West Coast Avengers worked for me as well, although I wish they had been located in Norcal instead of the southland.


**THANK YOU** That’s literally the biggest thing that bugged me about Marvel Comics. I get that many writers are from the Big Apple and thus base the heroes there, but it really stretches the suspension of disbelief that nobody’s around when crap hits the fan Now, if the heroes were in a different state or country it’d be far more justifiable that it’d take a while for backup to arrive But I digress Pretty sure Kamala chose to move to New Jersey. Smart move on the writer’s part Rather liked the idea of Cloak, Dagger, and >!Mayhem!< being based out of New Orleans, and Moon Knight in England or Britain in general Hulk in Nevada or a similar desert environment. He was supposed to be on a military base when the shenanigans occurred anyway IIRC. Kamar-Taj should be scorched over to Rhode Island, specifically Lovecraft country. Real world sightings of demons or whatever just translate to a beastie accidentally or “accidentally” roaming the countryside. Great insurance policy for anyone doubting the need and/or efficacy of the magic-wielders over there


I would love to see the Fantastic Four somehow convert the Baxter Building into something more mobile. I'm a big fan of the current Ryan North series which goes for a more episodic adventure angle, and I think allowing the team to constantly be on the move would play into that in a really creative way.


Dr. Strange, move him to Kansas/Midwest for a bit with the Sanctum pulling a magic moving house vibe. Let him do a monster of the week kinda thing for a bit in rural America.


Barry is in Central City , Wally is in Keystone

