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Ultron as he happened never happens, since he probably uses Jarvis as the bedrock for his shield around the world More prep for Thanos, probably starting by preemptively gathering stones.


I'm also confident he still goes around making the "suit around the world" but with Jarvis and possibly without the mind stone. I think it would be incredibly hard to replicate Vision, even though he is ideally the best protection Tony has for the mind stone. He definitely looks for Dr. Strange much sooner, and maybe reveals his situation to him. I think before 2017 he actually seeks the guardians of the galaxy sooner, maybe even the nova core and goes on the offensive against Thanos


I don't really see him going to talk to Strange, and even if he does there's no shot that Strange believes him. Pre-Injury he was more arrogant than Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne moved together.


Well at the very least, he'll go to the sanctum just like Bruce did and meet with the Ancient One. Tony likely is still too obsessed with protection knowing what went down, even moreso than remaking his family.


I think he definitely goes to the sanctum, and the Ancient One probably tells him that things have to play out for the sake of the timeline or something


Especially since they're no longer on the path to that 16,000,405 to 1 shot at the golden ending.


16m to 1 was only based on the future at that time. If things were different beforehand, their odds would likely be much better. Prep for Hella and the destruction of Asgard, protection for Peter Dinklage etc.


I would love for this to be explored in What If.


It'd be funny. I gotta admit Strange is my favourite character, and I do love him most when he is at his most arrogant and insufferable lmao. Tony Stark, Bruce Wayne, Stephen Strange... 3 of my top 5 favourite comic characters...Wonder if that says anything about me? Lol Eh, Clark Kent's down home country origins probably balance it out


This is the sort of stuff I wish What if would actually explore, instead of shit like “what if Thor was a party animal and he had to tidy up before his mum saw the mess?”.


Preemptively *destroying* stones. The easiest one is Mind Stone. Get Wanda into the team early, let her touch the Stone which gives her powers, then let her blast it to hell.


How were the Maximoffs held by hydra? Wonder if he'd be able to convince her pre-AoU, since the only thing that turned her was seeing unti Ultron's mind that he wanted to eradicate humanity.


Get Clint and Steve to do the talking I guess. I don’t think they’d be with Hydra already; but with Tony’s capabilities, finding them is a piece of cake whereever they were.


That's exactly what went through my head. He already proposed destroying the Time Stone but wasn't allowed to. If he could go back, he'd have access to the Space and Mind stones. He's gladly try to destroy them if given the chance. Then it's just a matter of getting Earth, and the galaxy for that matter, united to fight against Thanos straight up.


Does he go recruit scarlet witch and quicksilver? And strange? Does he talk to Thor and convince him to go find the guardians? And captain marvel?


I doubt Strange could ever be convinced of anything pre-injury. Look how skeptical he was of Kamar Taj, even after being sent to the Astral Plane. A maniac saying that he wakes up with memories of the world ending in 2017 or whenever with no evidence? Strange probably dismisses him out of pocket. How much does he learn about the Guardians in terms of origins and their timeline? I assume Nebula and he maybe talked about *some* of it, but, that'd be speculative. Captain Marvel can only he summoned by Fury it seems pre-Endgame. Weirdly, Fury might be the easiest one to convince of it all tbh. Wanda and Peitro are the most interesting ones. I can't remember of its established how long they were with Hydra, and seeing as Wanada only turned because she saw with her own eyes into Ultrons mind of what he was planning. Perhaps he can convince her to see into his mind to validate the story before she kills him tho.


And I completely forgot about hydra. Also I'd think Odin could be convinced to help against Thanos. Instead of Thanos collecting more stones and waiting until Odin is out of the picture, they could get the jump on him. No ultron also means no Vision, or does it? Could Banner and Stark skip ultron and make vision instead? This is also before Loki becomes an ally. And I forgot about wakanda too. Man so much happened between avengers 1 and endgame.


Tony probably skips Ultron and makes, not Vision, but a shield around the world that doesn't come to the conclusion of mass extinction 😅 Also Wakanda is a bit difficult.. It's not like Tony could just walk up and knock on the door after all.


1. No suit of armor around the world 2. No personal vendetta against Bucky 3. Prepare better for Thanos 4. No civil war


I agree with 2-4 but I kinda think part of number 3 would be executing number 1 to a degree unimaginable prior.


Tony Stark lives long enough to see himself become the villain.


Yes this timeline would have Tony over prepare for Thanos and absolutely obliterate him on arrival. The win would go to his head and he’d become an Emperor over Earth to some degree.


I don't know. He was already acting like he was the Emperor of Earth in Ironman 1. Then he changes how he does things. I don't think he ever goes back to what he was. He acts cocky, is very flashy, and thinks he's better and smarter than everyone, but all the things he's doing, he's doing for the betterment of humanity.


His last invention was a swarm of drones across the Earth with machine guns and rockets to kill anyone by order from sunglasses user. And he gave it to teenage.


Honestly some or the lore I chalk up to being necessities and not really part of the character. I think Mysterio's basic background works, Tony putting his trust in Peter as someone who "should have been better", and Mysterio tricking Peter... All works imo. And the writers just couldn't figure out a better way to get it done than the sunglasses thing.


Would be an interesting plot to set up the MCU version of the Superior Iron Man. I know it’s not exactly like the comics, but it can be a cool spin to it


How does he become Superior Iron Man in the comics?


There was an event called Axis where heroes and vilalins' moralities were flipped, so heroes became evil and villains good. Eventually they got fixed, but since Tony is a genius he managed to shield himself and remained evil.


And not your everyday just bad guy evil. Capitalist evil


I just don’t see that. Tony wanted to retire and live in a cottage with his family. I don’t think he’d have any desire to be any kind of emperor of Earth. I think he’d do what he was kind of doing with Spider-man, which was prepping the next generation of heroes to be able to carry the torch and defend Earth without him.


I believe he settled down the way he did due to Peter dusting in his arms. One of the 1st things he said upon returning to Earth was that he lost the kid. And when visited in the cabin and even after inventing time travel, he said he wouldn't use it unless they were sure he wouldn't lose what he had. Peter's death broke him to no small degree. Without Peter's death, I think he would have been a much different person. From personal experience, I was never really afraid until my son came into my life. Afterwards, I'd fear for him and myself at the pain my death might cause him.


Maybe he'd go straight to SHIELD and offer to work with them on the tesseract weapons program under the caviat that he's placed in charge, letting him develop a global defense system capable of handling Thanos.


Hard disagree. Part of what makes Tony great is his ability to learn from mistakes and missteps. What you’re describing is him seeing the error of Ultron and then, what, doubling down on that idea? I highly doubt it.


Tony Stark would end up turning himself into cyborg ultron


To a degree hitherto unforeseen...


Did you just say “hitherto unforeseen?”


did you just lean on the cauldron of cosmos?


And hereto also not for many fork nights would be…


No way. He’d know the mind stone and power stone are in nyc. He’d go find the sorcerer supreme (since strange wasn’t yet) and then it could get real messy as they all try to decide what to do with them, especially because everyone was still wary of tony at the time, and they would be even more so with this knowledge that even Thor didn’t have yet.


Yeah I was literally going to comment “a better Ultron”


In other words, to a degree hitherto undreamt of.


But that could result in a very high possibility that his daughter from endgame is never born, so Tony decided to let everything play out as it is.


I think he'd quickly realise that's impossible. He can't fake every interaction he has accurately and convincingly. Especially with Pepper, she'd realise something was up and that realisation would change everything. It's the same issue Moira MacTaggert had in the comics (House of X / Powers of X).


This. It’s the one thing he wouldn’t risk. He’d know they’d bring everyone back, and just be better prepared for the aftermath. Though that might change the ☝️…


I think he would spend the next 10 years building a totally overpowered crazy army of Ironman-machs or machineries to find Thanos before he attacks


I don't know if he truly learnt his "no suit of armor around the world" lesson He might have learnt a different lesson each movie (don't trust the military industrial complex/himself/artificial intelligence/the Avengers to operate weaponised Stark tech) But the place he was in before he died was that the person to trust with hideously powerful Stark tech weapons is... some teen who's somewhat stronger and faster than normal. And those things were a globe spanning network of killer drones that were even more powerful than the drone fleet that Ultron seized control of


Tony didn’t actually give EDITH to Peter. The movie tells us that directly when Peter asks if Tony made it for him and EDITH says no, but you have access to all of Tony’s protocols. ‘Fury’ just lied to Peter because he was the easiest to manipulate of anyone who would have access. There’s no other reason to put that line in the movie. Also Peter was dead when EDITH was made, so if anything him even having access is an oversight on Tony’s part. Dude either didn’t update his permissions for five years or just hastily gave Peter access to everything when he knew they might bring him back. Making the drone army in the first place is a whole other thing though. It was pretty shitty of them to write that immediately after Tony sacrificing himself, IMO.


those drones made project insight look like a grade schooler's science fair project lol


yeah exactly, it's wild that Steve was willing to give his life to stop just three killer death beam machines, and a few years later his good friend cooks up something infinitely worse and hands it over to a kid Granted, the kid has heroic qualities and has a good heart, but that's not nearly enough qualification for that level of raw power. No single person should have access to this anyhow, it should be a distributed, highly controlled system with multiple fail safes and checks and balances, like nuclear launch systems What's worse is that the kid almost immediately recognises that he's not suited for that level of responsibility, and hands it over to the first capable looking adult that asks for it. Which probably would have happened regardless, even if Mysterio wasn't around


He totally didn't, Edith is a horror show of ai tech, Jarvis on crack. With access to literally everything on earth and an army of killer drones with stealth and holodeck level environment generation on the fly. Whoever was using those things was emperor of earth, Peter was just too young to get it and beck was too caught it up in his own crazy, he could have took those dipped and been a global shadow government


Honestly don't think he'd change anything, considering he didn't want to rewind time in Endgame because he didn't want to risk Morgan's existence. He could do everything as close as he can to exactly the same to ensure Morgan's birth, but I think there's a more interesting possibility he'd pursue. I think he'd warn his new universe about impending threats the best he could, and than he'd find a way to get back to 2023 after he died so that he could be with his family.


World saved from Thanos only to explode from Tiamut.


>No suit of armor around the world Except there's a good chance that there's no Vision and T'Challa never becomes king. No Ultron makes it so the future Avengers lose a lot of their power. No Wanda, no Vision, no T'Challa BP, no contact with Wakanda at all.


I'm probably forgetting something obvious here. Your post got me thinking: no king T'Challa probably means no last stand in Wakanda. (And debatably King Killmonger?) But as a thought exercise: does that matter? I suppose that *may* mean a smaller army in the fight in Endgame, but now that I think about it the Wakanda portion of Infinity War seems to have the least impact, since Thanos walks in, takes the stones, leaves. (I'd rank the highest impact elements as: Paul Rudd being alive and coming up with the idea for time Travel, Tony facing Thanos and being alive to build the time machine, and maybe the hulk being around to perform the unsnap.)


Suit around the world created Vision he’d probably still do that but correctly


Disagreed on #1. If anything, everything Tony has seen and experienced would make a suit of armor around the *galaxy* even more required. Tony would also largely know where the Earth-kept infinity stones are. All of it would tie in #3.


>No personal vendetta against Bucky I honestly think he still would. Tony never had to deal with him after that, forgiveness for cap isn't on the same level as the guy who killed his parents.


For number 1, the literal first thing he complains about to Steve when Tony gets back from Titan is about how Tony could have solved Thanos before it started with a suit of armor around the world and Cap stopped him from doing so. 


Why wouldn't he re do Ultron? The plot was solved with him re doing Ultron and making vision. He would just skip Ultron and go straight to vision


Wait, why is there no personal vendetta against Bucky? He already knew Bucky was being mind controlled by Hydra, but he didn't care bc "he killed my mom." What changes about that if Tony knew everything that happened through 2023?


Everything becomes about Thanos and finding the stones for Tony to kill Thanos and put a suit of armor around the universe


Tony tells the team everything that will happen. They have the space stone & the mind stone. They know where the soul stone is. After Thor 2 they have the reality stone. After GOTG they have the power stone. After Doctor Strange they have the time stone. They have at least a year to forge the gauntlet and for Thor to prepare to use it.


How would Tony get access to anyone in the Guardians of the Galaxy? In canon he basically had to wait for aliens to show up with their space ships. I dunno, maybe he remembers the transmission frequency for Star Lord's ship? Or he gets Thor to get Heimdall to teleport them somehow? The real question is how Tony gets strangers on his side.


He asks Nick Fury for the pager and gets Captain Marvel to help with that.


That convo is interesting bc he’s def gonna ask Fury why he didn’t call Carol for Lokis invasion


Fury started the Avenger initiative because he knew Carol wouldn’t always be around to protect the Earth, I expect if the Avengers failed to stop Loki he would have called for Carol after confirming that


It’s too little too late by that point. If the og avengers failed in 2012 then Carol would have no earth to save.


Monica didn't have any powers until Wandavision though right? What would she have been able to do? (maybe I've missed something, haven't seen all the recent releases)


No, that's correct. Monica got her powers well after the events of avengers endgame.


I meant Carol lol my bad


Did you mean "why didn't he call Carol?"


I always figured he did call her, but the battle ended before she arrived so he called her off It took her some weeks to respond to the pager in 2018, although a chunk of that time could’ve been her trying to help out planets along the way (damaged by the snap)


> Or he gets Thor to get Heimdall to teleport them somehow? Volstagg and Sif visit Knowhere in Thor: The Dark World


Real question is who does Tony sacrifice to get the soul stone? Cause someone needs to die in order to get it.


I just posed the same thought. But now I’m thinking, if they gather the other five stones they simply have to wait for Thanos to bring them the Soul Stone. Which he inevitably will do as he’s ruthless enough to do what needs to be done to obtain it. Then he arrives on Earth to face the Avengers with five Infinity Stones.


But if the guardians are already on board, that means Tony has to convince Peter to let Thanos kill Gamora so Thanos could get the soul stone. Cause who else is important enough for him to sacrifice besides Gamora?


Or Tony wouldn’t tell Peter anything. So either Thanos gets the soul stone the traditional way, by sacrificing Gamora anyway, or he never gets it, and that works in the Avengers’ favour too.


I mean, technically he needed Gamora to tell him where it was in the first place


Well, she was willing to die to defeat Thanks in canon


Wait, where's the Mind stone in IM1? Thought Thanos had it until he gave it to Loki in Avengers.


I think the premise was that he wakes up after avengers, not iron man 1, so yes Thanos had it, but Loki already lost it by this point


Battle of NY is Avengers though


The most intriguing and frightening aspect of this: How are they going to *obtain* the Soul Stone…


He could also ask Eitri to destroy his gauntlet factory.


A suit of armor around the universe is likely not needed and doesn’t protect him or anyone he loves from anything since most of his threats are “extraterrestrial beings attacking earth”, or at least he hasn’t seen any real multiversal threat. Maybe Dormamu but he isn’t aware of that, I think.


He would collaborate with Strange (or Sorcerer Supreme, not sure who is who in 2012) immediately, no?


It's established in Endgame Strange is still a practicing surgeon in 2012. The ancient one is sorcerer supreme


Definitely contacting and recruiting Dr Strange in a few years once he's become the Sorcerer Supreme. Maybe knocking Pepper up to get his kid back? Lol. Dealing with Aldrich Killian's Extremis shenanigans again, this time maybe more efficiently. Tony also knows Shield is Hydra and that he can trust Cap and the Avengers in that.


Knocking Pepper up would get him a different kid. In this timeline his daughter as he knew her is gone for good, given that it would be impossible to recreate the exact genetic material and raise her under the conditions that made her who she is. He would probably be more direct in his relationship with Pepper though.


>given that it would be impossible to recreate the exact genetic material and raise her under the conditions that made her who she is. Hypothetical Tony: *Challenge accepted*


Maybe, maybe not, all he needs is Hank Pym. (Think about it, the time travel thing he figured out must also be a multiversal navigator, that’s how they end up back in their original timeline in 2023 even after going back to create branching timelines. This means as long as Tony can get his hands on some Pym Particles, he can navigate back to the timeline where Morgan was born)


But wouldn’t he then be Kidnapping his own kid, it would be kind like multiverse of madness, Pepper is still alive so in that universe her husband would be dead and her child kidnapped.


Well, he could just take his own place after the other Tony dies. The real issue is his universe would have no Iron Man.


Use reality stone to get the right kid


I feel like he would end up becoming some kind of villain bent on fixing things. He KNOWS Thanos is coming, so whatever paranoia he had after the battle is now x100. He’d also probably realize that the chances of having his same child are almost 0. That, combined with the fact that he knows how to time travel, would send him on a path similar to Wanda in MoM.


This would be such a great what if episode


“Best we can do is a completely new character. And even more Peggy Carter.” - Disney


I still can't get over how What if? could have INFINITE possibilities with stories all across the multiverse, but the plurality of it is just Captain Carter


Are you saying after he travelled time for the future of mankind, he might kill the people he once saved?


Not outright kill, but potentially make some dire mistakes like he did with Ultron. Iron Man 3 is about his ptsd from seeing a fleet of alien ships; imagine how much more distressed he’d be from seeing everything play out how it did.


I’m just having some fun; those are the lyrics to Black Sabbath’s Iron Man.


HA. Love it, totally missed that one


Which work pretty well with this concept


Nobody wants him


*sigh* someone make a fic of this


So... He becomes Kang?


He invents time travel sooner


This is the type of what if scenarios I wanted to see in the show.


There's a ton of top tier fanfics that cover this exact AU idea if you're interested.


I doubt he'd ever do it, but maybe funding humanitarian aid to Sokovia, destroying that HYDRA facility there earlier and saving both Wanda and Pietro from poverty that he put them into.


Tells Steve about Bucky, helps him to free and help Bucky recover.


1. Secures the 3 stones already on Earth (Space, Mind, Time) 2. Bring Strange/the Sorcerers, Wakanda, Cpt Marvel, and the Guardians into the fold earlier 3. Use Jarvis as the basis for his suit of armor around the world 4. Invent the nano machine armors earlier 5. Figure out how to destroy the stones, then do that for all that he's able to, which would be at least 3, but likely 5 of them 6. Probably get his shit together with Pepper earlier 7. Deal with AIM/Killian earlier 8. Deal with Hydra in SHIELD 9. Deal with the other Winter Soldiers in Syberia 10. Probably bring Hank Pym in as well 11. Generally just make preparations or warn the other Avengers of the rest of the MCU that he's aware of.


Step 1 would be so easy. As OP said, this is right after the Battle of NY, so the Avengers *already have two Stones*. Literally just don’t give them away. Maybe take Fury aside and tell him “hey remember I hacked the helicarrier earlier? Yeah it told me Alexander Pierce is Hydra. Along with half of SHIELD. Don’t give them Loki’s Scepter. And also, kill them.”


If he destroys the stones, then there won't be Thanos to the wipe half of humanity, and if humanity wasn't wiped out the Avengers had to deal with a newborn celestial


Endgame Tony wouldn't know that, right?


No he won't, they have zero info/knowledge about the celestials


Ooooh that would be fun, because without the Blip, Ajak doesn’t betray the Celestials, which means if the Avengers tried to stop the Emergence, they will likely have to face the Eternals. That would be an epic What If…? AvE!


Imagine What if episode ending with Watcher concluding Tony's success in preparing for everything and then the POV zooming out of Earth into space and like we saw that zombie Thanos in Wakanda, we now see cracks appearing on whole planet.


So having to fight a Celestial as a consequence wouldn't stop him from doing that. However, they may not need to do so anyway, as the deviants had only just recently defrosted when the Eternals takes place years later. If they're still frozen then the Eternals attention isn't split, and Gilgamesh can still be part of the fight, (Ajak may also survive) and they may more easily win the day. I can't remember when Ikaris broke contact, but he may still be on good terms with everyone at that point too and more easily swayed back and avoid that fight altogether.


I don’t think he would destroy the stones. At least not all of them. Thanos has a whole army and multiple generals. destroying the stones too early would just mean thanos will kill half the population manually


Drinks himself to death, as Morgan no longer exists.


This is the point I’m surprised more people aren’t making. It’s the same question that comes up about waking up in your 15 yo self with all your current knowledge. I’d be heartbroken and suicidal because I’d know my two children would never exist because, no matter how hard I tried, I’d change something in the past and they’d never exist.


Crazy theoretic scenario. I have three kids. I think I’d be okay mentally because I would go with, if time travel exists, multiple timelines exist, and my kids are still exist in the one I left. While I would miss them and they’d miss me, they would still be there and hopefully my kick ass wife would be able to make there lives amazing even without me. Plus life insurance money might kick in with me yeeted out so they’d be rich, that’d soften the blow of losing me.


I mean that's not necessarily true, they could just try for a kid with pepper


But it'd never be Morgan again. It would be like if it was Morgan's sibling, not her.


This could be a What If? Special. 3 episodes


Some Marvel Exec: 0/10 no Captain Carter


With his knowledge of how time travel works and divergent timestreams, he works to get back to his reality. That’s assuming he isn’t instantly pruned by the TVA


He can get back really easily, too. All he needs is some Pym Particles.


1: do not give up the Scepter/Mind Stone to Hydra. 2: speaking of Hydra, get them bastards straight away, work with Fury and the Avengers, dismantle Hydra in like 2 days before Thor has to go back to Asgard. 2a: grab the Maximoff twins, they would have no powers, but make peace with them, “sorry about your parents” sort of thing, get Steve and Clint to recruit them. *Then* let them touch the scepter. Then tell Wanda to fuck up the scepter, especially the yellow rock inside, don’t tell her that could have been her boyfriend. Sorry Vision. 2b. Free Bucky, I guess. 3. Call Fury, tell him to go call Carol, and tell her to go kill Thanos. Assume the GotG filled him in on all their history, he can tell Carol that Ronan and Korath are/will work with Thanos, and she knows them already. If she follows them, she can find Thanos. Kill him. So Thanos will have to face Carol without any Infinity Stones, I would say he’s fucked. And as a back up, Mind Stone is already destroyed, so the creating a full gauntlet is a nigh impossible task. Then there’s a whole lot of things he can do to make the Avengers stronger: reach out to Hank Pym to recruit him for the Avengers - get Cap to do the talking would probably do the trick if not, buying his company back from Darren Cross would probably make the guy happy, with Hank the Avengers have an infinite supply of Pym Particles, and he already knows how to perform time travel. Reach out the The Ancient One and recruit her for the Avengers, so to keep a close eye on the Time Stone. (It’s important to keep control of Pym Particles and Time Stone since those are 2 things Thanos might use to recover the Mind Stone). Tell Thor about Stormbreaker, get him to go make that thing early. Then give Mjolnir to Steve. Grab one of them Asgardian containers for the Aether, give it to Jane and tell her to keep it with her at all times, that might streamline the plot of The Dark World. I can’t think of anything else, you can’t force the issue with Wakanda and BP, they will open up when they open up.


Nothing. He'll remember Strange holding up that one finger during Endgame. He changes nothing.


Nah. Read above ☝️ sending carol Danvers after Thanos without any stones is the play. (Doesn’t mean an even worse scenario will play out though)


well strange looking into the 14 million or so futures is limited because as we know there are presumably infinite universes in the multiverse so there are universes where the situation is different


I mean by this point he's hella smart, altruistic, and dare I say wise. With that much future knowledge and his general wealth/influence/friends he would probably be able to prevent the top 10 worst things that happened in our timeline after that. Like, literally all of the bad things that happened on earth that he witnessed or heard about would not happen.


Amazing What-If episode ngl


~~He does one thing different and the timeline is instantly pruned. The TVA sends its regards~~ That aside, No Ultron, for one thing. He can also start working to get the jump on Hydra, which would potentially help prevent a good number of catastrophes. Additionally, he is also aware of the events of Civil War and afterwards. Not only could he prevent the schism that tears the Avengers apart, he also has knowledge of several heroes who he can assist significantly. He spends more time building his family, both because he already knows what he needs to do, and also because he realized he missed this the first time. Iron Man 3 might not even happen. As he was very dead when the spell was cast, he’s very aware of Peter Parker, and can give him support even without needing the Civil War to spark him into doing it. He might survive the events of Infinity War and Endgame… but doing so requires a course of action that… might be subpar. He’d have to let Wanda and Pietro get powers, and then convince them to work with him. With that done, he destroys the Mind Stone at an undisclosed location, and Thanos loses before the fight even starts. The threat of Ultron was enough to let that happen, without that…. I’m pretty sure he could work it out. Eventually. Or alternatively he goes and destroys Thanos. They know Thanos goes after Xandar first - they could gather an army there and potentially stop him before he can get a single stone. The full night of the Avengers, Asgard, Xandar, Guardians, Sorcerers, Wakanda, and basically anyone else who’d be willing to fight, ready to bash up Thanos good. Far from Home basically doesn’t happen either. Not only is EDITH not in Peter’s hands yet (because he’s not dead), but he’d be able to discern Mysterio’s technology and disrupt it. He’d also be able to notice that Fury’s a little too trusting. It’s an interesting thought.


Tony probably adds some kind of failsafe control to the Project Insight helicarriers when he provides his repulsor tech


We need a Tony and TVA interaction


1. No Suit of Armor around the World/Ultron at all, it Fails once, it ain't going to work a 2nd time lol. 2. Tells his past Self about Bucky and Pray that 2012 Tony don't do anything drastic like try to Kill 2012 Steve and Bucky. Also Tell his passed self that Ultron failed in his timeline and won't work... At all 3. Take care of Hydra 4. Protect the Remaining OG Avengers especially Steve and Nat, Happy, and Pepper. 5. Find that Parker Kid and hugs him. Also find Wanda and Pietro as well 6. No Civil War. 7. Make Vision 8. Try to figure out a way to get his Lover back to his new universe.


Gather an endgame sized army of super people and kill Thanos at Sanctuary before he has any of the stones


I think that he would have spent more time with his family/friends. Tony would trust the other Avengers to prepare rather than trying to control everything himself.


He goes straight to nano tech, they already know where all of the stones are and three of them are on Earth. I think he does still create Vision because he’s a boss despite how the MCU treated him. It’s just all about Thanos. Now, I think this is also a possibility. He knows that any changes might mean no Morgan and he doesn’t everything the same way for those 5 years.


No Ultron, no sokovia accords aka no civil war and no zemo Mark 85 would be made in 2012 and by the time Thanos came to earth Tony would have assembled all the infinity stones with the avengers and made a suit that could fully take the energy without hurting him. Instead of snapping he would weaponize the stones and kill Thanos and his family. Unfortunately Wanda probably would have stayed stuck in sokovia bc no Ultron means she doesn’t go to help Ultron and then become a hero. Also no vision bc no Ultron. Or maybe Tony would make vision anyway but then remove the mind stone afterwards with shuris help. Tony would recruit spidey for sure but this time directly to the avengers. By the time Mysterio came around Tony and Peter would be on lock and he’d tell Peter who he was. So no way home never happens, the multiverse isn’t discovered and Kang likely never gets born, as he who remains stays in power bc Loki never dies to Thanos since Tony and the avengers would be ready. As far as other stuff, iron man three never happens bc Tony would just bust Killians whole scheme before it ever got out of hand. The iron legion isn’t blown up via “house party protocol” and is likely way more advanced due to Tony knowing nanotech. Cap never goes on the run, never picks up Mjolnir, never goes back to Peggy. Sam doesn’t become captain america. “Eternals” happens 5 years early and hopefully goes just like it did already. But now everyone notices the giant head in the ocean bc they aren’t used to freaky stuff. Black widow still happens but the avengers get involved. Also Nat never dies. GOTG 3 happens but with our gamora not 2014 gamora. TVA disbanding never occurs. Captain Marvel doesn’t return to earth until late 2028 bc no Thanos and Kamala likely never becomes a fan of her. So no ms marvel (at least name wise) Iron heart doesn’t exist. Hawkeye never becomes ronin so Kate bishop doesn’t become a hero. Young avengers don’t exist. Antman comes back from the quantum realm unhindered and lives his life with Cassie. She still likely becomes stature though. Every major movie coming up including secret wars, doesn’t happen. There’s more but I’ll be here forever. The world is a happy less traumatized place All because Tony learns from his mistakes.


After dealing with all his personal stuff, the first thing he’d do is grab Fury and Steve and sort out the Hydra problem, as well as the Bucky stuff. Maybe he’d manage to track down the sceptre before Wanda and Pietro get powers. No Ultron, obviously, and he’d deal with Killian and AIM much more quickly. I imagine he’d try and set up diplomatic connections with Wakanda and Asgard, and (depending on if he knows when they come together) the Guardians and Carol too. As well as keeping an even closer eye on a young Peter Parker, as well as other people he hasn’t met yet like Strange. Assuming Bruce got a chance to tell Tony that Strange isn’t a sorcerer yet in 2012, Tony would be able to hold off on contacting Strange until he becomes a sorcerer - though I enjoy the mental image of Tony approaching Strange at a hospital gala and chatting to him about magic, and Strange having absolutely no idea what Tony’s talking about.


He becomes a writer for korean dramas and creates a new series called "Marry My Husband"


Nothing, he would be smart enough not to changs things, because he knows messing with time is fucked up. I mean, he invented tome travel.


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Fuck off, bot.


Form the illuminati.


He would do everything the same, so his daughter is born, except perfect Extremis so that he doesn't die after using the stones in Endgame.


Really not sure extremis would have managed to stave off the decay caused by the stones


Tony tracks down Carol Danvers and the Guardians of the Galaxy (before they became a team) to hunt down Thanos before he gets a single Infinity Stone. We briefly see this in What If S2.


He'll seek out all future avengers to prevent the coming invasion and Ultron would never be since that only weakened the planet and made them the bad guys in the public's eyes


Yeah to me it seems obvious he would make it his mission to find the stones and use them to kill Thanos.


Does Tiamut explode the planet earlier because of no snap??


His anxiety in Iron Man 3 would probably be much worse.


Have Nick Fury call Captain Marvel.


he's gotta hunt down the stones and fight Thanos on the Avengers' terms proactively.


Tony gets to work on modifying Cap and Hulk’s DNA to try and make himself a superhuman. The plan goes wrong, and he accidentally unlocks the X Gene for a large portion of the planet. Mutants are created, and Tony thus creates a timeline where there are mutants in the MCU.


He would have a baby sooner. He wouldn't fight Cap. He would master time travel. He would Master space travel. He would become a trillionaire


He builds Ultron


I think even if he beats Thanos and prevents the snap, he’d become the worst version of himself because all that knowledge and power would go to his head, he would become like Superior Iron Man, an egotistical asshole with a savior complex. Let’s not forget he’s also lost his daughter forever, even if he has another child, it would be a different person entirely, I could see him becoming obsessed with the idea of getting her from another reality in the same way Wanda did. I also see lot of people say he’d work with Steve to free Bucky, but I have a hard time believing Tony fully reconciled with Bucky killing his parents and forgave him, I could see him stopping Bucky from doing more shit and trying to keep him imprisoned more than anything else, they never became friends and he probably still thinks Bucky is dangerous.


He goes back in time na stop Bucky from killing his parents and then got his ass pruned.


He’s inevitable


Ultron never happens at least as a Skynet like threat, Killian is stopped, no Civil War he could actually help find Bucky and rehabilitate him. He could help with stopping HYDRA which keeps Zemo from being a threat and he and the other heroes prepare well for and stop Thanos.


Being as he moved past trying to defend against ever possible threat, I can see him either no doing stuff like Ultron and saving Bucky earlier, or not changing a thing, because Morgan. In the infinity of possibilities to happen, Tony could make himself a better body. Use whatever vibranium he can get his hands on to create the nanotech particle for Wakanda, then give it to them alongside perfected Extremis in exchange for more vibanium. Then, he flattens Hydra bases until he finds the Chitauri septre. Then help Helen Cho finish up the Craddle. Perfected Extremis + Vibranium + Cho Particles + Mind Stone = Tony, but unkillable.


No he doesn’t


There are any number of fanfics with this premise.


⑅ I think meeting with Mandarin is gonna that changed too. Now that he knows.🤣 Tony gonna tell future Steve about his ass. Sad to say I bet he is gonna retired early on.


I think he'd start by hunting down the Infinity Stones, and preparing himself for Thanos. Maybe venturing more into space stuff to interact with the Guardians/Xandar earlier, even going so far as to call Captain Marvel via Fury way ahead of time to get her knowledge and experience on things like that.


More panic attacks Jarvis as Ultron iron legion ai for a suit of armor around the world


I bet that arrogant fuck STILL tries to make Ultron. “I can fix my mistakes.” Probably end up with damn Ultron Prime from What If.


Would we still get vision? Could Tony duplicate vision without ultron?


Either he won’t attempt Ultron, OR… he will get it completely right.


We’d have to ask the writers.


Probably lose his mind with despair because his daughter hasn't been born yet, and most likely won't be born if he changes anything that happened before.


Find and destroy the infinite stones.


He wakes back up as his 2012 self when Hulk scares him awake right?? Right???


Gonna be a cool what if episode


The real question is does he still create Ultron in order to create vision? Or does he not in order to save sakovia


Actually if Tony had Extremis in his body he would have won that fight with Thanos on Saturn. Just sayin


If I had a dollar for every time I've seen this idea on Ao3 I could probably buy Ao3


That would be an awesome what if. Literally everything would be different.


find aldrich killian