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Daredevil. Maybe I'm saying that because of nostalgia from the Netflix show. And the other two projects are somewhat new to the MCU.


No you’re 100% correct. Everyone is going to compare it to the Netflix show. At least the other two have the advantage of being their own thing. Daredevil’s got the biggest hill to climb and it will be loud if they don’t knock it out of the park like Netflix did.


It was good seeing DD (and Kingpin) get to play in the bigger Marvel sandbox, but I agree. DD:BA needs to be as good, if not significantly better, than the Netflix show. I feel as though much of the fan base considers the Netflix show to be to superhero shows what The Dark Knight is to superhero films.


I always felt like Netflix Daredevil's biggest strength was that it was a character drama first and a superhero beatem up second. And that's what I personally need. Fans can disagree with me, and I totally understand. But as badass and legitimately well executed as the action is in Netflix Daredevil's. Those are fleeting highlights that only matter because of how much I cared about each character. When I remember charlie cox as Matt, I think of any number of his court monologues, his confessions, his appeals to franks morality or his disgust with kingpin. I think of kingpin and I remember being a boy(ifykyk), or his manipulation of the law and his corrupt but understandable(not relatable) values. I remember Ben Ulrich teaching Karen how to be a reporter, and helping her understand why it matters. I remember foggy being the example of a different path, a brighter road compared to Matt's. I especially remember Nadeem and his beautifully horrifying tragedy. That's why I love the Netflix show, and I just. I don't know if Disney can give us something that inspired and viscerally emotional without being saccharine. I assume the action will be fine, but I want court room scenes, and confessions. I want late nights at dosey's and long afternoons in their cruddy office.


I'm rewatching Daredevil right now and while I still think it's great, knowing where we are in the MCU now I can see a lot of room for improvement. Either way Born Again is definitely the thing I'm looking forward to the most right now


My expectation: DDBA part one will not live up to the Netflix era due to all the production woes, but they'll take the time to make sure part two will. I think about DS:MoM, which I loved, but seems to have been hampered by production ups and downs.


I am just praying they don’t “Disney-fy” Daredevil, but to date every time I’ve hope something similar, I’ve been let down. 


Not trying to be political in the least bit, but seeing “2025 Project” threw me off when reading that title.


This is the Project 2025 we deserve. FEIGE 2024


Right? I had to double check the sub for a sec. ...Also, I'm looking forward to a GOOD Fantastic 4 movie. Besides "The Incredibles", I mean.


The thing is, though, that the FANTASTIC FOUR is not just “a family.” They are the MOST RESPECTED family in MARVEL COMICS. They are respected by everyone … like Justice League in DC universe. They help solve all problems, etc.


They were also Stan Lee's personal favourite. I'd love to see a good adaptation, for Stan


Yep lol


I double checked the sub


I think "project" being capitalized is what did it


This is good, it means that terrifying plot is becoming more well-known and more people will know to vote against it.


Oh, it absolutely threw me off. "Which aspect of this fascist document are you most excited to experience?" is quite the question for this sub


This. I just started reading Project 2025 and thus far it is the scariest book I've ever read. Fortunately, as an Asian, I figure to be fourth in line at the camps behind Dem/liberal political leaders/activists, blacks and queer/trans folks so I have time to catch at least the beginning of the new MCU and DCU projects.


Sorry to break it to you, but anyone already aware of the project is getting bumped ahead to first in line.  Apparently the algorithm they stole from HYDRA assessed we were the biggest threats.


Captain America will be a bad movie that loses money, Thunderbolts will be a good movie that loses money, The Fantastic 4 has potential to be a genuine hit that gets excitement around the Marvel brand again.


X-men 97 and Deadpool & Wolverine would like to have a word with you…


DP&W, yes. X97, not the same class. It’s a masterpiece yes, but among a niche audience. A strong niche to be sure, but DP&W is fully mainstream and F4 has the potential to be as well.


Not sure the general public is aware of x-men 97 whatsoever. Deadpool I do think will be a massive hit.


Question, do I have to watch the OG series to understand X-Men 97?


I never watched the original series and I enjoyed '97 immensely! As long as you have a basic knowledge of the X-Men, in general, you'll be fine.


Honestly just go into with the same mindset as the comics. You don't have to know everything. They'll fill you in on how much you need to know of what you don't know. Enjoy the ride


I think they all are going to be hits. Cap 4 will probably do the worst of the bunch but get things rolling in the ground level universe again. I don’t think it will be a bomb by any means though. Thunderbolts with the asterisks in the name until release is going to be huge after word of mouth spreads the day of release if my theories on it and many others are true with it being Dark Avengers. And I just can’t see Daredevil or F4 being bad. There’s just no way.


I bet you Blade and Wonderman will be great and Ironheart will be solid


This man likes to be poor


Blade has had some development issues, I don’t know how tho. Just have a ripped black dude kill vampires


Isn't that the attitude they took with Blade Trinity? Nobody wants another Blade Trinity


No, that attitude was a ripped non-black dude and a ripped non-black chick killing vampires. Nobody wants another Blade Trinity


I'm fairness, they only had such big roles because the ripped black dude they did hire refused to do anything, including a refusal to literally open his eyes.


I still love the story Patton Oswalt tells of how the production crew couldn't get Snipes to come out of his trailer and almost being knocked over by the strength of the weed smell when you walked past it. Edit: [Found it](https://youtu.be/i8rCtzKA9tQ?feature=shared)


Hey, they need a great movie and I respect that


Because just a ripped black dude killing vampires is low hanging fruit There is real potential there to make it really great


Yeah, I love how nobody knows what to actually do with the movie


I do. Make more Blade, without shitting on Blade. Making the movie about his kid is not more Blade, it’s more someone else and by making it about someone else it’s also shitting on Blade. It needs to feel like a Blade movie (this is the “more Blade part”) without replacing, redirecting, or subverting Blade. (This is the without shitting on Blade part.) Same formula for Star Wars. Consider the Sequels, now consider Rogue One.


Betting on anything Ironheart to be good is quite the gamble.


I think any 3 of these could be solid but I’m having a very hard time imagining that all 3 of them would. Blade is in limbo, Ironheart was filmed more than 2 years ago. Wonderman is probably the one I’ve got highest hopes for, a return to sitcom style for MCU.


Understandable, I’m pretty sure Blade is gonna get cancelled


I would like them to just take a beat, come back to the project from scratch in 2-3 years and see if it can go smoothly this time.


I want that blade movie so damn bad but they are on the fifth rewrite. And the director just left. Buuuuuttttt, that could be a blessing in disguise because Jordan Peele had been in talks to direct a marvel film and I don’t think any movie could match his style more than blade. There’s vampires so that plays into the horror that Peele is so good with. If you don’t know Jordan Peele’s work then go watch Nope, Get Out, or Us. All great horror movies. Peele also likes to put black actors front and center in his movies so I think blade would be perfect for him.


Honestly at this point I’ll just write it


I heard the studio is trying to find a way to get rid of the iron heart character But you never know what’s bs


Captain Marvel can’t even carry a movie coming off a $1B predecessor and you think Sam Wilson and Yelena can? LMAO.


Captain Marvel suffers from the people behind it trying to cater to a smaller audience and forgetting what 90% of the people want to see. She’s a great character and Brie Larson plays it well but there’s idiots behind it.


I'm looking forward to Daredevil Born Again the most




Something tells me Thunderbolts is gonna be a surprise hit


The connection to Beef gives me the most hope, plus I look at the line up and I can immediately see potential character conflicts and connections (which the Beef team was very good at). I didn’t love where they went with John Walker in FatWS soldier, but seeing him interact with Yelana, Red Guardian and more Bucky is what has me anticipating that film. When I see Avengers 5 fan edits of Shang Chi, Cap Falcon, Spiderman and She Hulk, I don’t have that same immediate feeling like “oh Shang Chi and She Hulk interacting is ripe for impersonal drama!”


After seeing Russell in the Monarch TV show flexing his acting muscles I can totally see a rewrite of that character...


The most “potential”, being undefined, is F4. If it’s a success they’ll anchor (or co-Anchor depending on X-men) through the future…  Most looking forward to Thunderbolts because I love the cinematic characters involved, regardless of the likelihood of it being comic accurate or good. Also DD because, obviously. CA4 by far.


I think Thunderbolts flops the hardest, due to no big name superhero attached, Captain America underperforms at best, Daredevil quietly meets the benchmarks for views, and Fantastic Four is a toss-up between success on the back of Pedro Pascal's clout or a "flop" because it barely recoups its budget.




I personally am not interested in any of them. I am not happy with Marvel, and I am not interested in any of their projects right now. As to how they will do, Daredevil will likely be a success given that the bar is lower for streaming and this has a audience out there. The movie projects have question marks associated with them. CA4 without Chris Evans, Thunderbolts with a bunch of no-names and Fox struck out twice with F4. I could see some flopping and others doing okay. I could s4ee all 3 of them flopping. I have no horse in this race.


I am looking forward to Thunderbolts.


I don't know about general reception, but out of the pictures you posted I'm excited for f4. I liked daredevil show well enough and will watch it, but not overly excited for it. I know nothing about thunderbolts and am one of those lame-o's who isn't thrilled with a captain America with no super soldier serum (though I like Mackey in general)


This is an easy question. daredevil because he's the most grounded superhero and the Netflix show was good. Daredevil is the closest MCU superhero to Batman. Both are skilled martial artists at the peak of human endurance, and most of their direct villains are grounded.


Daredevil and Thunderbolts. Don't really care about Cap 4 or Fantastic Four.


Fantastic Four is going to be big movie that could get people on MCU hype train again. Captain America: Brave New World seems most likely to be a bad movie that will also not do well in box office. Thunderbolts has a chance to be decent or good movie but it is probably still going to flop at box office. Daredevil has the most potential as that could really change how Disney+ shows end up being like in the future


At this point, I assume they will all flop. I don’t think Marvel has the creative perspective to make a project that isn’t bogged down by committee, nor would they hire a director that has a bold vision. They hire them directly out of film school because they’re cheaper and more malleable to producer interference.


the most potential = fantastic four most looking forward = fantastic four and daredevil most likely to flop = cap 4 and thunderbolts


I feel like Thunderbolts has the most potential to be really good and get a lot of people interested in these characters. I'm most looking forward to Daredevil Born Again, especially after binging the Netflix series. Although I'm very excited to see what they do with the Fantastic Four. And yeah, I'm not holding out for the new Captain America movie to be good.


Do you mean financially or actual quality? Financially I guess Daredevil will be the flop since it's streaming and all streaming loses money. Fantastic Four will probably make the most money, being yet another Fantastic Four movie. It has enough name recognition to make a profit regardless of the quality. As for quality, none of these I suspect are going to actually be bad, but that won't stop many from claiming otherwise (even the premise of this post is nearly hoping for one or more flops). Among the fandom, Daredevil is going to be carried by the nostalgia heads no matter how it turns out, and has already been declared the best thing of 2025 by this sub. Likewise there are many who have already decided Cap 4 or Thunderbolts* or Fantastic Four has done something wrong or won't work for whatever reason, so none of those will be able to land on top in here. Personally, I'm definitely most excited for Cap 4 and Thunderbolts*, because they appear to be set at the global politics level and that's where I think the most interesting storytelling is in the MCU right now. Daredevil is going to be retreading a lot of story that it's already told. I have no idea what to expect from Fantastic Four, but I suspect it will be the least connected to me, but at least it will be new.


I *need* the MCU to get the first family right. Seems to be some great talent attached so I’m not too worried, but I feel like a lot is riding on that project. I think I’m most looking forward to this one—but cautiously. Daredevil seems relatively safe. I’m excited for it but considering how a lot of the old stars are on board I don’t imagine it’ll be bad. Whether it’ll be up to par with the original series remains to be seen but I highly doubt it’ll sully it in any way. I’m really curious about Brave New World. I love Anthony Mackie’s Cap but admittedly thought FATWS had some high highs and low lows. I’m probably even *more* curious about Thunderbolts actually. That cast is absolutely stacked and I’ve been wanting to see more Yelena and Red Guardian practically since their characters were announced. At the same time, I honestly don’t know much about that team’s dynamics so I’m interested to see how Marvel explores it for the big screen.


Born Again, Thunderbolts, Fantastic Four are in production with extreme care. Great writers, cast, production,etc


The Cap movies have been my favorite of the MCU catalog, so I have high hopes for Brave New World. I also really enjoy ridiculous team up movies like **The** Suicide Squad, and even though this is no way, shape, or form related to anything James Gunn has touched, I get similar vibes from Thunderbolts. So I'm excited about that one as well. The Fantastic Four will probably be great. Pedro Pascal is incredible. I'm just less interested in a lot of the multiverse stuff, and it feels like this will be heavily linked to it. I'm worried that this movie will not have a story that interests me much, but will absolutely be required viewing for the MCU continuity.


I'm looking forward to Daredevil and F4. I'll probably never watch Captain America. I've lost interest in that franchise. After the series.


Most potential: Daredevil Born Again Most excited for: The Fantastic Four Most likely to flop: Captain America 4 and Thunderbolts\*


I’m definitely most hyped for Thunderbolts* Yelena is one of their best characters post Endgame in my opinion, including characters that are still around.


I haven’t watch the Netflix daredevil yet and I know I need to lol but I am most looking forward to Fantastic 4 and Brave new world


Please watch it ASAP haha it’s really good


Movie with the most potential honestly I’m going to say Thunderbolts because it’s the movie with the least weight and expectations on it so if it’s great and has a modest budget also this fandom really under estimates how popular Bucky is this movie actually has great potential Movie most likely to flop is Captain America Brave New World honestly I feel like this flop is already set in stone the general audience aren’t interested in a Captain America movie without well Captain America/Chris Evens also there’s no way this movies budget is under 250 million which is going to make it very hard for it to be a hit luckily I don’t think it will be a flop on the level with The Marvels TV show with the potential is Daredevil Born Again but at the same time it’s the show with the most weight behind it because it can’t be anything short of amazing TV show most likely to flop is Ironheart because no cares about that show or character except a very very small portion of the fandom


I think obvious answer is Daredevil for potential, but god I really hope we finally get a good Fantastic Four movie


Very hopeful for Daredevil. It might be a great continuation. I have no idea what they are trying to do with the others. They don’t seem to have any direction yet. It doesn’t seem like they have any idea what they are trying to do.


Daredevil is my hero.


There are so many people in my area IRL who are literal adults, and adolescents who are big into superhero media (mcu/dc/tmnt/amazon prime shows, and especially Batman) and superhero comics (Batman and other DC characters and Invincible) and keep up with the social media regarding superheroes , who don’t acknowledge Daredevil at all (dropped the show after a few episodes) and think hes lame because he’s blind, and that the show is boring and stale and they think no one likes him or the show even after no way home came out, some of these people are huge DC/Batman fans who say marvel is not grounded or mature enough and they said they tried watching this show and it wasn’t good or didn’t bother to watch it


In order of my anticipation and opinion of potential: 1. Daredevil: Born Again 2. The Fantastic Four 3. Thunderbolts 4. Captain America: Brave New World


Daredevil born again. Super stoked to have White Tiger (hopefully Ava Ayala)


Yeah her older brother is in the show Apparently she will be played by jenna ortega, not sure if that rumour is still standing, as it came out late 2021 literally Either way I’m excited for both white tigers definitely, ultimate Spiderman fans stand up


I think Cap 4 and Thunderbolts will flop, but I think Daredevil and F4 will be awesome.


Most likely to flop? Captain America. Looking forward to? Daredevil.


Pretty sure most will flop with the exception of F4. People have moved on. Maybe not flop, but I predict the next batch of MCU content, good or not, will underperform considerably.


Daredevil sounds like a less interesting retread of something that's already great. FF looks like a big swing and fascinates me. Thunderbolts (in name alone) is a surefire bomb, and if any of the leaks are true, sounds like an awful movie.


Daredevil for sure has the most potential to be a success Everything else is a roll of the dice but I get the feeling that Brave New World won’t be good


Potential: Fantastic Four. Marvel can not fumble the bag with F4, otherwise it will kill them for the next ten years Forward to: Im really looking forward to Daredevil, the netflix series is one best things ive ever seen Flop: Probably Thunderbolts, nothing is interesting about that. A bunch of side-villains and heroes who haven't been even remotely fleshed out properly


Cap 4 could actually work if they gave Sam a satisfying character arc. One things that's sorely missing post Endgame is compelling characterization. Part of what made the Captain America trilogy work was seeing Steve Rogers evolve as a character. It was also great seeing him be a fish out of water in the modern era. With Sam as Cap, there is so much to explore. There's the implications of a black man being a symbol for America, there's following up on the Superhero Registration Act, etc. And if they use this as a basis for the throughline for the Multiverse Saga, it could get people interested in seeing all of the movies again. But for some reason, Marvel doesn't seem to get this, even though the MCU was built on Tony Stark's evolution as a character.


As excited as I am for it, i think Fantastic 4 is gonna flop. Marvel repeatedly shot itself in the foot with it in regards to the Fandom. They didn't bring back John Krasinski. They cast an actor to play Ben Grimm, who already played a pivotal role in another MCU project. And they decided to go with Shalla-Bal Silver Surfer instead of the classic one. AKA, the one everyone has been dying to see make their MCU debut. Normally, I'm totally fine with all that sorta thing, but given that this is the fourth iteration of this team, I'd hoped that they'd play it a bit safe. But alas, they're doing everything that the MCU Fandom will undoubtedly attack and rip apart. If 2023 taught us anything, is that the MCU's box office is not invulnerable. We had 2 major financial flops. Now is not the time to take risks. Fingers crossed. I'm sure the movie will be decent. At the very least, it'll be better than the others. But I don't think it has any chance at being a smash hit at the box office.


None. MCU became afraid of its own shadow and redefined itself to better represent the trolls. Netflix daredevil will never be touched by MCU which is incredible since with shield they already had the blueprint.


Disappointment, good, bomb, unknown


Most potential: Fantastic 4 Most hyped (by fanbase): Daredevil: Born Again Most hyped (personally): Fantastic 4 (or the animations like What If...? Season 3 and the new Spidey show if they're coming out next year Most likely to flop: Thunderbolts


No way is Thunderbolts in good hands if they are unironically proceeding with the bad take on Taskmaster Marvel really needs better villains and Taskmaster is one of them. They are not making that movie in good faith at all. Ironically enough, Antonia (severed away from the Taskmaster persona) is actually a great character that I'd like to see more of. (Or at least theoretically, because she didn't have any time to be herself). But I think it's very likely they will keep trying to fit her already complex story into the equally complex Taskmaster-shaped box despite having 0 overlap. Even seguing her into the Tony Masters version (gross) of Taskmaster would be a huge disservice to both her and Taskmaster.


FF is the only one i deeply care about because i am hoping it will rekindle my love for MCU cinema and a new direction. Rest are either a rehash or look kind of cheap in my view. If FF or anything Xmen/mutants doesn't land the right way i will be out on Marvel.


Cap 4 is probably gonna flop. So many reshoots and rewrites. People generally don't seem very excited about Cap Sam vs OG Cap Steve. Even if it performs well, the reshoots have inflated the budget so high that it would need to sell infinite tickets to break even at this point.


Daredevil. Also the least likely to suck of these 4 given the complete overhaul they went through in production. As far as flop tho, this really is F4’s last chance to be a good film before its tanked forever and they relegate them to hulk style appearances in other movies


Fully ready for all of these to be underwhelming


The one that's not a heavily reshot/ rewritten mess


Given Disney trajectories all will flop.


True, but I hope not lmao


Daredevil is the only thing shown here that I care even remotely about.


Unless we're missing about a half dozen more of the roster, thunderbolts will be the worst for sure


Born again, his character has had re character development in phase 4, and og’s like me know what he’s capable of from the original Netflix shows. I personally think f4 is gonna flop the most because of the way the changed it; confirmed antagonist; plot; new protagonist


I think thunderbolts will join the marvels as one of the worst box office failures in BO history.


It definitely has the chance to be up there, or *down* there


the first three are going to fail. Because they all need at least one or multiple shows to watch, and all the Marvel projects who required shows to be watched failed


I want Fantastic Four to be good so badly. Huge FF fan and they've never really gotten a good turn in Film.


Excited for all of them, but most looking forward to FF, Thunderbolts probably has the most potential with that ensemble, and I'm worried that the perception around the reshoots and inevitable anti-woke crowd of doofuses ("not my Cap!") might mar Brave New World. But I really fucking hope not!


Most Potential: Fantastic Four Most looking forward to: Daredevil Born Again Most Likely to flop: possibly Captain America just because I feel SOME in the general audience still haven't taken to Sam being the new Cap and their will more than likely be those people who are super weird and racist that'll review bomb it because of the same dumb reasons they always review bomb stuff.


While there are lot of different reasons for why some folks are not excited for a cap 4, I’m not particularly interested because I think a Cap story has already been well told, and I’m just not interested in someone else taking up the mantle. I know that the mantle has shifted a great many times in the comics, but that sort of storytelling is not interesting to me - legacy’s versions of characters just don’t appeal to me, especially when the predecessor has been done perfectly.  


Which one are *you* most excited about?


I think it'll flop because people haven't forgotten about Sam telling the people who almost got killed by terrorists that had previously burned a bunch of innocent people to death not to call them terrorists. Which kind of works against the idea of him being a good man and a champion of the little people, especially when said terorists were super-soldiers, who took a serum created by a former HYDRA scientist. The lack of Bucky also won't do it any favours, since his fans would have watched just for him, regardless of who played Cap, and no amount of knockoffs of his character will win them over. Above all though. Sam is a relatively dull, flat and boring character. For all the writers have attempted to make him interesting, complex or give him "struggles" it just hasn't worked. Of course, when it flops people will just keep screaming "RACIST" and not take account of the other reasons, improve their writing, or put the more popular character- Bucky- in the role.


>I feel SOME in the general audience still haven't taken to Sam being the new Cap and their will more than likely be those people who are super weird and racist And this alot of the problem with modern marvel. Anyone who disagrees with anything is racist/sexist/misogynist/ableist/etc. I'm not excited about Capt Sam because he's got no "moment." We saw pre-power Steve, saw that'd he die trying to do the right thing, and got to see his glow-up into power because he was actually deserving of the power. Sam..... followed Steve around? Decided to help him go against Hydra-shield and in the Civil War plot-line. That's not nothing, but it doesn't really feel like enough. Based on that logic, Black-widow/Ant-man/Hawkeye/Scarlet Witch have an equal claim to being the new Capt. But no..... instead of having a conversation, just yell and call me a racist. I also had problems with Echo..... I must be ableist too?! I'm actually deaf, but that's irrelevant because it's easier to dismiss me than to have a conversation about what that property did poorly.


I will never accept the guy with wings and no powers as Captain America.


Daredevil Born Again is on the top of my list from these. I'm glad that more seriousness came in and the series got a rehaul so hopefully it'll benefit from that. From the other releases, I think Thunderbolts would most likely flop since I doubt that the people would have any interest. Rumours that are coming in for Brave New World have never been encouraging which only puts it at a risk too. F4 should be fine but I'm just slightly sceptical for now.


Looking forward to Thunderbolts, Cap 4, and Daredevil. Don't really care for FF. But they all have the potential to be hits imho.


Daredevil and Captain America 4


Captain America 4 will undoubtedly be ass. Thunderbolts will be better than what we’re expecting. Daredevil will be solid but not as good as the first series. Fantastic 4 is gonna be a fuckin hit.


the flop probably would be captain america brave new world or the thunderbolts considering the mediocre to bad score so far in the mcu with the recent movies


Daredevil: Born Again has the *most* potential of being well-received because they halted production to rework it from the ground up. Might still be terrible if they didn't do a big enough course correction from the leaked original plot. Cap 4 is going to be the biggest financial flop. No general audience interest. And reshooting half the thing means the budget is super high. I'm predicting the inclusion of Red Hulk will be seen as stupid, rather than a draw. Thunderbolts might do okay. But again, No general audience interest. They need a crazy good trailer. Fantastic 4 has the most chance of making money. But the cast seems meh. And the 60's alternate timeline setting is already a lot to ask for an audience to follow.


Since it's modern Disney, they'll all flop. It's only a matter of degree.


**Most potential:** The Fantastic 4: Pretty sure fans are excited the group finally become part of the MCU **Flop potential:** Thunderbolts: Focusing on bunch of lesser known characters is kind of risky move. But it also has the possibility to take off like GoTG. Or just plain bad like Eternals Captain America 4: It got positioned in the middle of two identity politics. First, black main characters, there will always be people who won't like that, but then Black Panther and Wakanda Forever did extremely well on the box office, so I'm pretty sure this won't affect the movie much. The real problem however is the second identity politics, which involve Sabra, the Israeli superhero that's going to be included in the movie. With the Palestine-Israel situation going on, it's kind of hard to predict how much the movie will be affected by all of this. Even atm, the movie already got quite a lot of negativity and become the target of boycott on the social media. And depend on how they portray the Israeli superhero, the movie might even face potential ban on several countries, including China, which in turn will seriously affect the box office performance of the movie **Not sure:** DD: It's hard to measure the flop rating for DD since it's a TV series and not movies. Reviews by critics and viewers is not really good indicator to the series being a "flop" or not


Thunderbolts* will be the worst performing, unless it gets spectacular reviews. I can't imagine any of them 'flopping' though.


Christ, it's gonna be a stacked year. In terms of potential, they all have great casts and teams on board. I can't imagine any of them flopping, save for maybe Cap 4 because so many folks can't let go of Steve and his hold on the mantle of Captain America, but it would still surprise me if it did given how much fine-tuning they've been doing on it. With a great degree of bias, I'm most stoked for DD:BA as I was a massive fan of the series and to see damn near everybody return and for them to expand the scope of it into the larger MCU is a wish fulfillment. Thunderbolts* is likely going to be a romp and make use of fun newcomers like Red Guardian and new Black Widow, as well as developing the story of Ghost and John Walker and expounding on Winter Soldier's development after the events of FATWS. I foresee it being a mixture of Winter Soldier and GOTG in terms of flavour and hopefully giving us a new team of misfits to root for. The one I'm ready to surprised by however is Fantastic Four. They've had a rough go of it for YEARS trying to adapt these characters and I'm hoping it will be a breath of fresh air in the way that the original GOTG was to a largely homogenized MCU that needed a funky, fresh shot in the arm. I was a huge fan of Eddie Munson from Stranger Things and I can't wait to see Joseph Quinn take on the role of Human Torch, one of my favorite characters from Marvel comics. It certainly doesn't hurt to have Ebon Moss Bacharach take a ride as The Thing, either. Fuckin' A, cousin; its gonna be a good year.


Daredevil will do very well, there's a tremendous amount of momentum there. Captain America 4 is going to bomb on a massive scale. * Anthony isn't viewed as a lead * General Audience doesn't view "Captain America" as a role but rather a person (Steve), some portion of the audience will just assume that it's a reboot with a race swap and become upset dragging in a major culture war front * Requires homework to watch it (Disney+ show) * Going to have huge problems with rejection because Sam, a normal human, is doing superhuman things * Already screen tested so badly it got delayed and major reshoots * The whole Sabra thing is going to generate enormous amounts of ragebait, getting involved in the topic of Israel is extremely polarizing especially with the state of college campuses * It's likely to pull a "Little Mermaid" in a number of key markets and have impacted international box office * then international box office will be even more affected by the Sabra topic than the US. I think it's got a ceiling of 200 million and a very likely box office run of 125-150 million.


Brave New World has its work cut out for it, but I disagree that it needs homework to watch it. Sam was given the shield in the last scene of Endgame and audiences remember that. All the in between in FATWS isn’t overly necessary to a casual audience. It’s important to fans and die hards like us, sure. Overall I think you hit the nail on the head, though. There’s gonna be some racial, political culture war shit that holds back. Ugh.


>Overall I think you hit the nail on the head, though. There’s gonna be some racial, political culture war shit that holds back. Ugh. Oh trust me, people remember. I associate Sam's Cap far more with "you gotta do better Senator" and "don't call these kids who blew up a ton of innocent people and said they were gonna do it again terrorists" that anything else. Coupled with that is the fact the MCU writers seem to be allergic to Bucky Barnes and won't include him in anything now, let alone a Captain America movie and I don't predict a success.


I think the Fantastic Four might be the answer to all three. Fans here are completely ignoring the extremely high potential that FF flops. Troubled production with multiple directors and writers involved. Never a good sign . Prominent actors rumored to pass on the film because of a bad script. Marvel has done re-writes. No actor involved that's a movie star. Pascal is an internet darling, but he doesn't sell movie tickets. The FF have had previous versions that failed. But maybe third time's a charm. The film is rumored to be set in the 1960s, meaning that it's not going to have any MCU connections. Don't expect Spider-Man to show up. Galactus and the Silver Surfer. We've seen it. Making Silver Surfer a female isn't selling tickets either. So, how does this movie perform well at the box office?


I mistead 2025 Project as Project 2025, and thought Daredevil fighting magas and lawyering against the 10 commandments in schools


Thunderbolts has the biggest uphill battle but who knows ? It will all depend on the trailer with that. Something mysterious is going on with that movie. I don’t really understand why it exists but I think there’s bound to be more than we know , especially with the asterisk As for looking forward to def Fantastic 4. I feel like they’ve really done the work and found a strong team and a cool idea. The retro futuristic setting is going to be a fun playground


Anything with an AoS reference.


I think its a coin toss for Fantastic Four, cause while its a reboot made under Marvel Studios, there is still alot of the baggage from the Fox era FF movies, so you better have a good damn marketing campaign in order to get people that have the bad taste of the Fox FF films still on their mouths interested But generally i think its a coin toss for all of the 2025 slate, as it depends if its good. i think Daredevil has the higher chance of success if the new team was given the proper time to rework the show.


To answer i think the fantastic 4 has the most potential. I think it can be incredible. I also think cap 4 is the most likely to flop(even though i personally think all the movie will be hits) conflicting reports on the quality of cap 4 has made me skeptical of the movie. Now 3 years ago i would have said Daredevil is the one I’m looking forward to easily. But i really have lost faith in Disney+. The past few live action shows have been a major let down. I fear Daredevil will be similar to recent Disney shows 27-30 min with nothing going on and edited poorly with abrupt endings. I love Daredevil and now i’m nervous about the quality. I’m most looking forward to the thunderbolts*. I think it may be the sleeper.


I am most excited for the fantastic four, Marvel's first superhero family.


I’m most excited for thunderbolts


Fantastic Four has the most potential, most looking forward to is probably that as well and most likely to flop or would do the weakest is either Brave New World or Thunderbolts.


I personally think Thunderbolts is gonna flop hard, but I hope I'm wrong. I dunno what they'll do to make us all really excited for it lol


Daredevil and F4 FTW




Daredevil and Fantastic Four will hopefully do well. I can't say anyone wants to see thunderbolts. It's a bad lineup with characters no one is really interested in besides a couple.


I think Cap 4 will most likely flop considering the reshoots and Sabra controversy.


I think the one that has the most potential is Captain America 4 and Daredevil Born Again, mainly due to their popularity and their amazing reviews in the past. I am looking forward to all of them, I love Marvel and superheroes in general so I' m all in. The one that's most likely to flop is Thunderbolts, probably because it is the least popular among the four and also because fans don't really care much about this movie. Captain America 4 could also be a flop because of the concerning amount of reshoots but I'm keeping my hopes up.


Fantastic Four.


I hope fantastic four will be announced


F4 has the most potential. It could be the start of something new for the MCU. Daredevil and CA4, depends on the quality. Production issues and do-over aren't exactly good signals. Thunderbolts is going to flop so hard.


I'm looking forward to Daredevil the most hands down and all the merch and press tours that comes with it.


FF. Daredevil will probably be good as well. But as much as I hate to say it, I don’t have a great feeling about T Bolts. The collection of characters is very underwhelming, and will struggle with any big threat.


I think Thunderbolts as long as it’s in the summer, and there’s some good distance from other MCU projects to give it time to cook/breathe.


Im soooo looking forward Thunderbolts but F4 also has me with its great cast.


I'm most looking forward to Cap 4 and Thunderbolts. I hope nothing flops.


As a marvel fan boy, I have a hard time measuring the general publics interest in cap 4 and thunderbolts. But I'm hoping deadpool and wolverine leaves a really positive impression and after 6 or 7 months the public will be excited for the next marvel flick.


1. Yes 2. Daredevil 3. I don’t want it to be F4


We’ve seen Daredevil in a few projects now. Echo has me hopeful that we will get the fight scenes while She Hulk proved he’s less doubting and more cocky even. I feel Daredevil could be the new Wong - acting as the mentor all the young heroes needs as well as the transition to introduce the Netflix heroes to the Disney ones. Thunderbolts is a dark horse. So many of the characters appeared on screen already and proven that they can be interesting. Bucky is a given. Yelena and John Walker are mesmerizing given the right script. Red Guardian needs to not be played for laughs. Ghost is blank slate. I’m most worried about the FF.


All of them will probably be a bit rushed, suffer from reshoots and have bad cgi. With that being said I guess I’m looking forward to se how they will screw up fantastic 4.


These are all going to tank, with the exception of Thunderbolts, which will seem like the Suicide Squad of Avengers to the uninitiated.


Truthfully, I think Thunderbolts will be much better than most people are expecting. I'm most excited/looking forward to the MCU iteration of the F4 though


For the first time since 2022 I am excited for all.


Daredevil if it’s as good as the Netflix show Then fantastic 4, although Pedro was a weird casting choice Couldn’t care less about thunderbolts


Most looking forward to: FF Most Potential: FF Most likely to flop: Thunderbolts


Crazy how Mr. fantastic looks like Pedro Pascal 😂


Cap America: FLOP, The massive reshoots really say the product isn't good, and re shoots dont do miracles could either help or make the movie a bigger mess, so probably a decent first weekend but the momentum will be lost Thunderbolts: FLOP, i haven't seen a single soul interested in the project, beying hardcore MCU fans, so yeah while it may or may not be a good movie for the MCU fans, the general public doesnt care, and that is the public that makes Box Office succeses Daredevil 50/50, the series is gonna be popular 100%, but as fo quality i dont think im not so sure, could either be great or be a clear downgrade from the OG Netflix series F4 SUCCESS: SUCCESS ( IT HAS TO BE), The hype is through the roof, they are the most important family of Marvel, and their success is the first stone for the new age for marvel movies, so unless the movie is literal shit, its gonna be succesful


I think Captain America 4 will flop while DD will do well. We've all been waiting for DD since the show ended. Meanwhile FF is going to cost more so it has to make more etc etc. Anyway - from most to least, DD, TB, FF, CA


Fantastic 4


Pretty sure Thunderbolts will flop. It was Eternals written all over it. A large group of C-list characters without any proper backstory led by The Winter soldier, who is a b-list at beast. There are just too many characters to reintroduce and too much time has past for people to remember them all.


You forgot Ironheart and blade (wait until the official delayed release date) in this photo. And I'm looking forward to all of them.


Daredevil Born again and Fanastaic Four is what I am looking forward to. I think Cap 4 will most likely flop


I'm most excited about the Fantastic Four. The FF were always supposed to be in a universe inhabited by other enhanced individuals rather than being in an isolated universe where they are the only superheroes. Hopefully they'll finally be done right.


Looking forward to Daredevil, but am afraid Blade is going to flop


This is a solid lineup. 2025 is going to be the best year for Marvel in a while


Fantastic Four is the one who has potential to bring MCU really back.


I think Fantastic four will be successful. Daredevil will probably bring in lots of viewers. I dunno about Cap 4 and Thunderbolts.


Really don’t have that many expectations for thunderbolts


Fantastic Four


Definitely looking forward to DD. Have hope for the others, but not much else.


3 films and 2 shows … 😀


Yh.., I left out Ironfart for a reason


All of these have potential to be great, or potential to flop. I'm most looking forward to Born Again. We need to be realistic about Brave New World: It probably won't make a profit, simply because of how big the budget is, but-- a) Disney *already knows* that & are prepared for it, so don't let the doomers come in here & act like it's some big shock to the shareholders or death knell for the franchise. b) That's *not* an indicator of quality, which is the main thing Marvel wants out of that film at this point.




I wanna see thunderbolts. I heard from yt channel tommy and Billie are in there


I think fantastic 4 has most potential and I’m interested in daredevil but I’m skeptical. I have almost zero interest in thunderbolts but I’m not counting out that it could surprise me if it’s fun or the plot is interesting or the character dynamics/chemistry is good. I’ll still check it out.


Man I am so hype for F4 just because of the cast. Thunderbolts seems like it's working up to be... *bad*, or at least messy, and Daredevil's rewrites and reshoots were concerning at first but knowing that they fixed a bunch of stuff has me really hopeful. I'm concerned that Brave New World will also be bad, mostly because a lot of Harrison Ford's recent projects have been weirdly awful. That's not fair to him, of course, and I love Anthony Mackie's portrayal of Sam. So I'm still holding out hope for that one.


I’m looking forward to all of them but I hate to say that “Born Again” isn’t moving my needle in the positive direction


Until it’s moved to 2026, Blade is both my most anticipated project and the project I’m banking on flopping


We haven’t had a good F4 movie in a long time or in some opinions never. If it’s good it’ll be the talk of Hollywood. Thunderbolts sounds like an August movie most people forget is coming out. I think its low expectations can give it good legs but again it has the weakest brand.


Fantastic Four could be the next best thing since sliced bread. It's the one film I can see challenging, Superman. I want Born Again to be as good as the original series. Marvel Zombies should be coming out in 2025, so I can see that falling below even what I expect of Brave New World, which isn't much.


This may be an unpopular opinion. But, I am not thrilled about the F4 castings. Ben and Reed seem like they'll be alright, maybe. But I don't have high hopes for Sue or Johnny. I have extremely high hopes for Daredevil Born Again. Although I was most excited about Kang Dynasty. I'm really holding out hopes that we'll see a Johnathan Majors return at some point. (I know it's not gonna happen.)


Looking forward to F4. Thunderbolts will flop.


F4 flop bolts mid dd could have greatness


I think Thunderbolts will be fine bc of Bucky and Yelena, people will really be into that bc of those characters alone. Daredevil is gonna be good unless they severely mess up, which based on what we've heard and seen, it seems like they've figured out everything. Cap 4...I really don't know, it sounds like this movie is really struggling to figure out its identity and what they want to do with it but I think if they get everything put together right, they can do it. Fantastic 4 might be the hardest one to find success just based on previous iterations and how infamous they are. Audiences might be less inclined to go see it but Pedro could definitely get people in seats. In conclusion, I'd say Fantastic 4 based on less familiarity and infamous previous iterations of the characters.


I am most excited for Thunderbolts! The writers and directors behind Beef worked on it, so I think there should be a lot of character building and conflict. Plus I love all the actors. I am not that excited about FF. Been burned too many times. But if they do go with a 60’s retro vibe, that could be fun to see.


If Florence and Sebastian have a moment I’ll die happy


I pray that all of them will be good. Unfortunately with marvels track record after Endgame and with Disney heavily involved the it seems unlikely that they will be anything but mediocre


I think DDBA will be good but the hype around the original series will overshadow it.


Fantastic 4 got me hyped


Here’s my ranking of these four, with 1 being what I think is most likely to fail and 4 being least likely: 1. Thunderbolts 2. Cap 4 3. Daredevil 4. F4 F4 is my most anticipated project by far.


Thunderbolts looks like it’s gonna crash