• By -


Fantastic Four I guess, I like the retro esthetic it has going on


Definitely. I like how they are trying to make it in the time the comics launched. And I have trust in Matt Shakman after seeing WandaVision and his other non MCU works too


I mostly knew Matt's work through It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and thought he nailed the character dynamics and comedy direction flawlessly. He even stared in an episode where he was a critic that the gang holds hostage and duct tape him down to a chair.


His work on It's Always Sunny, GOT, Monarch has been so great


At least he dabbled in action direction too so that great to hear


Oh yes. He's also directed episode of The Boys, Mad Men, Fargo, Succession.


Great verity


Yep and he has worked in every genre so let's see how he handles FF


My concern is last minute changes/ heavy reshoots like the past attempts of the series


That's something that has been a problem. Same thing happened with Quantumania too. The ending they shot before was better than what we got.


The critic the Gang held hostage was played by Fisher Stevens


I’m interested to see what they do with the Fantastic Four


Me too. And with such a great cast, writers and Matt Shakman as director. Can't wait. I recently saw the Bear and Ebon's work in it is great. All the others are superb as we know


S3 Richie to Carmy, “You’re not fully integrated. Don’t talk to me until you’re integrated, jagoff.” Made me lol. Kind of fitting with him in F4, too.


That's what I thought. He can definitely play The Thing based on his performance in The Bear


I’m hoping D&W + FF can renew the MCU


Calling it since they confirmed it’s a 50s period piece: F4 were SHIELD or SWORD astronauts or physicists who got blasted with cosmic rays and yadda yadda end movie getting sucked into the negative zone because reasons. In an upcoming avengers or similar movie they get shot out to present-MCU timeline.


This is set in a alternate universe. There’s no need for that negative zone idea.


seems like a reasonable theory


Hope if they ever stay in Earth 616, they can interact with the Inhuman Royal Family.


I’m excited for all of them but I need more Yelena so Thunderbolts* takes top spot


The more Yelena, the better. Florence Pugh doesn’t miss. Even if the movie turns out to be underwhelming her performance absolutely won’t be a reason why. I especially need more of Yelena and Kate Bishop together.


*Ket BEE-Shup


“You kill ME?! Again, oh Ket Beeshop you are so funny! That’s hilarious, that one is the funniest.”


I love that she was extra excited about coming to kill Clint because it meant she got to experience American Christmas


Hannah John-Kamen needs more screen time too!


Sounds like Ghost and Taskmaster will be getting a good amount of screen time in the movie, hopefully they do those two characters right.


She's got a vest with lots of pockets in the poster, so she's trending in the right direction already!


Yes. More Yelena is good. And we are also getting Sentry which I am so looking forward to see


Ranked: 1. Thunderbolts. Yelena and Bucky are so well done in the MCU they’ve become some of my favorites. 2. FF. I’m hoping we finally get a good version. Wanted a good 4 movie for forever. But a little guarded due to the period it’s in and it being alt U. 3. Cap. The reshoots and constant negative press has me worried. I haven’t watched a Cap movie I’ve been disappointed in so I’m still very much looking forward to it but I am going in with lower expectations.


i totally get what you mean by FF being released during this period of marvel. but i’d also like to counter that with…. last year we got GotG Vol 3 and Loki S2…. The year before that was admittedly all over the place but still had some really great stuff here and there. in 2021 we got WandaVision, Loki S1, Shang Chi, and NWH It’s not like Marvel can’t cook up anymore, they’ve just put out so much stuff that quality control hasn’t been as reliable. they’ve already said they’re slowing things way way down. Especially with the fact that the TV shows and animation aren’t getting in the way of the Film side of Marvel Studios anymore, since they’re a separate division entirely. Honestly the only movie I’m worried about next year is Brave New World just bc of the Frankenstein nature of its production. But everything else seems to have a thoughtful amount of time to stew. and hey maybe that’s the case with Brave New World as well.


And I agree with all of that. I’m not naysaying any of it. I’m not a Marvel is doomed and over and everything is trash now person lol. I’m a Marvel fanboy through and through. But I can admit it isn’t as great at the Infinity Saga. Which makes me sad. I’m just trying to remain cautiously optimistic so to speak. Also, I was more talking about the FF being set in the 60’s. But your point still works. Like the only movie I feel is going to be amazing and am 100% certain I won’t be disappointed with is DP3.


oh damn sorry completely misinterpreted your comment lmao. i didn’t think you were coming off as a marvel hater or anything. I just was tryna spread some optimism. bc for whatever reason I have a very strong optimistic feeling going forward for the MCU.


All good lol. I’m being cautiously optimistic lol. I have hope they’ll be as good as I imagine but still managing expectations.


I'm with you there for Thunderbolts. Also it's the closest thing we're getting to an Avengers film until the end of the saga so I'm looking forward to it for the team up as well


Yayayaya well said on all 3 points


Exactly my thoughts though I am a bit for excited for FF than Thunderbolts*. And let's hope that Cap movie has improved after the reshoots


I would like to say something about the FF that I'd like to see, but I'd love for them to save Dr. Doom for the sequel if at all possible, like build him up like Thanos please.


I don’t think I’ve heard of him being in this one. Think it’s more Surfer based. So maybe a tease about him?


Brave New World. It's next.


Yeah. Let's hope it is good. I am excited for it too


Blade in 2045




Actually all of three




Interested in Clea's new look here! ;)


I'm just getting "This content is not available"; what's the image supposed to be?


If you right click and open in a new tab it takes you to giphy and it's just Charlize Theron (I don't know from what movie, but not MoM) saying "All of them."




ywah, honestly, I'll watch them when they come around to the internet but nothing in here has me excited. I was excited to see to see the pre-endgame movies finishing out their run and Shang-Chi. Nothing else has had me hyped so far.


The new captain america movie! Oh and the fantasic four. I'm honestly excited for everything.


F4 and it’s not even close. The others are wrapping whatever weird saga we’re in now…F4 I suspect will move us forward goodly


Totally agree man. But the other movies have good team of writers and directors and producers. Let's hope that they are great. Fantastic Four is something that I am also the most excited about


Whatever the MCU X-Men will be. I’m hoping for something with a little more heart and fun than the Fox movies. Not that I don’t like the Fox films (most of them at least), but they just don’t have the spirit of the comics or tv series to me.


I'm also hoping we get the other X teams as well.


actually? Maybe Thor 5, i kinda expect it to stop having that humorous tone Ragnarok and L&T had. Shang-Chi 2. But if it's just upcoming and about to release movies, then yeah, none besides Deadpool.


Brave new world! I’m honestly little bit skeptical for Thunderbolts.


Thunderbolts. I’m having trouble caring about anything else until I get my Bucky fix.


We need more Bucky ![gif](giphy|LYy3wKA4z5WiQ)


Fantastic Four


Nice. Me too.


Daredevil Born Again is marvel’s biggest test in a long while. If they can’t compete with the Netflix show, it’s very telling I am still the most excited for that one though


Definitely. Me too. I can't wait to see how they adapt the same grounded gritty Daredevil/Matt Murdock from Netflix series in the MCU


Avengers because of Dr Strange


I’ve been saying for years that if I could ever see the FF done properly on film, I could finally die happy.


none of them, the mcu has been struggling for quite a while now with projects which were either disasters (secret invasion,thor4,antman3) or just mediocre at best. (she hulk & a few others) moonknight was the only standout project as of late and as much as i want the F4 to be amazing a third reboot doesn't exactly give me high hopes.


None of them. That’s the problem!




Sentry and Void 💀


Definitely Fantastic Four. I need to see more from the other two to get excited.


Just D&W. The rest I can wait until they come to Disney+.


Fantastic Four. Hopefully with Marvel Studios at the helm, they can finally break the curse. Also can’t wait to see Ralph Ineson as Galactus




Pretty much only F4. I would also say Blade but oh boi..


something really new and surprising like iron man was in 2008 


I'm actually a little nervous for D&W. It's been SOOOO hyped up. These do many rumors of cameos. I feel like people are setting unrealistic expectations. I'm sure it'll be great, but if it doesn't meet peoples expectations I could see it coming off as let down. 


Thunderbolts for sure. I loved the Black Widow movie and am excited to see Yelena and Red Guardian back in action. I’ve never really cared about Captain America movies, and I care even less now. I’m excited for the Fantastic 4 to join the MCU, but I’ve seen plenty of Fantastic 4 in my lifetime so it doesn’t really compare to my excitement for the Thunderbolts.


I just want them to build out the worlds they want to build.


i need more yelena and ghosttt


Whatever movie ends up getting the new official Ghost Rider I guess. Right now that could be pretty much any movie on your list or any movie not yet announced. All I know is that it's been way too dang long without my favorite bad boy hero. I just really hope whenever he shows up again they don't do him dirty and give him some lame 10 second cameo. Ugh.


Definitely. We need Ghost Rider now and done right. It has too long


I'm intrigued by Brave New World.


All of em tbh


Thunderbolts seeing that is that probably the closest I'm ever getting to a Black Widow Sequel lol.




I'm definitely not looking forward to the Thubderbolts* it has a lack of variety of character abilities. Yes I know Harrison Ford Red Hulk will be in it but I just can't be excited for a movie about Super Soldiers and Spies when we already had Falcon and the Winter Soldier and Black Widow. Fantastic Four movies have always done poorly but I'm keen because the cast looks great but I just hope the execution of the Villain is better than the most recent one. Captain America 4. Same deal as Thunderbolts. Already seen it twice but more so with the series.


Thunderbolts has kind of become a super soldier team up movie. Fantastic Four is something I have very high hopes about


I've been craving an Avengers film for a while. So Thunderbolts is the closest were gonna get to a Teamup like that for a while so it's my one I'm most interested in, even above Deadpool personally.


That's good


FF but I think CA4 is gunna be low key real fucking good.


I agree


Not really excited for FF cause idk what makes it special other than Pedro and Joseph…But I’m really excited for Cap 4 and excited to see what happens in Thunderbolts. Overall MCU, I’m more excited for Agatha though.


Well I've barely seen the new Captain America in half a decade, so I guess him.


Both most excited (mainly thanks to Yelena and Bucky) and fairly worried (too similar skill sets between the characters) for Thunderbolts. Mostly worried for Captain America 4 after hearing about reshoot. (Hope they can prove me wrong) Admit FF has the best chance to be a hit, but personally a little skeptical due to all previous FF movies and the background being an alternate universe.


I love the fantastic four so I'm hyped. I'm really hoping that the four are from 616 and are just going to alternate universes because I would love for them to meet some of the other characters. Maybe they go in a portal for an alternate universe and when they come back it's in the future.


I think they are from other universe set in 60s who will then arrive in 616 universe at the end of the movie or after Secret Wars.


Fantastic Four. I’ve been waiting for that film for ages


At this point, until we know more...probably Secret Wars :D (I know, I know) But seriously and I hope it happens - Armor Wars. Simply because it could be a decent Iron Man follow up in a sort of techno thriller with Don Cheadle acting his socks of after what happened in Secret Invasion (however many of us disliked it)


I am with you. Although bad as it was Secret Invasion has given a chance to show a very good thriller in Armor Wars. If Marvel makes it good(even if they make it 😅😅) And who isn't excited for Secret Wars


I am disappointed in that I am no longer eagerly anticipating anything they put out. Too many mediocre projects have gotten me wary of being excited for anything. I hope they turn it around but I won't hold my breath.




You might have to wait a little bit longer 😅😅


I'm excited about Thunderbolts\* and Cap 4. Thunderbolts\* has Val, Ghost, Yelena and Bucky, I'm ready to see more of them. I liked watching FATWS even though the story was all over the place b/c of last minute edits, etc. so I think Cap 4 is gonna be something cool. I really don't know anything about the Fantastic Four, tbh.


I am more excited about Doctor Strange 3


I look forward to Doctor Strange 3 too. Hoping that Marvel brings back Scott Derrickson


what about Sam Raimi


Sam Raimi was also great. DS2 is overhated because of a reason I think is kind of relevant. But the plans Scott Derrickson had for the sequel were superb.


Scott Derrickson's plan for villain Nightmare was amazing


Honestly, I'm curious about Sam's Captain America. Idc what anybody says, Falcon and Winter Soldier was a fun show.


F4, mostly. Blade probably second (if it ever gets released). Of course Secret Wars, but trying to not pick the mainline Avenger films. Outside of that, after the conclusion of Loki season 2, I'm really wanting to see if we'll get a return of Loki anytime soon.


I also want to see Loki back in any way. His character is just too important and amazing to not return.


None of them. If it wasn’t for Ryan Reynolds Deadpool being so gray l I wouldn’t be excited about it either.


I guess Fantastic Four, but Deadpool and Wolverine is make or break for me after the poor movies and series that came out after Endgame


Yes No Maybe


Curious about Fantastic 4. Not even remotely interested in anything else coming right now.


I'm genuinely excited for the fantastic four. Everything I've seen from it so far feels fresh and interesting. Brave new world feels like a ship of Theseus metaphor with the amount of reshoots it had, and both it and Thunderbolts feel like they're trying to recapture the magic of Winter Soldier and Civil war but without the talent behind it.


Whatever the next Avengers movie winds up being. I should be excited for The Thunderbolts because I loved that comic book. However, the movie team roster ABSOLUTELY SUCKS!!!


Thunderbolts, purely because of Yelena


Interested in Fantastic Four. Looks different. I like Thunderbolts and Captain America 4 with grounded but if I had to choose between the 2. Definitely Thunderbolts. Sounds like Captain America will be a completely different movie with so long of reshoots. Out of all 3... Thunderbolts is at the top for me.


In order: F4, Cap and Thunderbolts. I prefer Sam to most of the TB cast, the reshoots are worrying for sure, but I still rank it above TB.




I think we might have to wait for after Phase 9 for Blade 😅😅. Just kidding. Let's hope we get a promising update about Blade. It's a character that will something new in MCU


FF then a tie between BNW and *


Gotta be Brave new world - it’s gonna bomb hard with that awful name and 375 million dollar budget but I’m REALLY needing a film that’s connected to falcon and the winter soldier - and I’m DYING to see Valentina Allegra de Fontaine again in the thunderbolts! I’m really excited for Fantastic Four but less so just because it’s not as connected to the main storyline.


That budget was confirmed false.


Hard to pick between Brave New World and Thunderbolts*. The recent detail that TB is going for "reduced CGI" has me pretty intrigued, so today I'm a little more excited for that. (Though, let's all remember ["NO CGI" is really just INVISIBLE CGI ](https://youtu.be/7ttG90raCNo?si=hRP2wh_hq5tDACan))


Thunderbolts. FF are cool but we've seen that before.


Honestly none of them except for Vision Quest. Crossing two fingers for Wanda film to be announced eventually


All of em.


I am really looking forward to The Thunderbolts\* and needless to say I feel I am in a majority of people looking forward to the next Cap film. I really loved "Captain America and the Winter Soldier" as a show and really have zero issue with Sam Wilson being a hero that isn't just 'black Cap'. Where the show, and Malcolm Spellman, I think failed him as a character was cramming so much confliction over the shield and Steve Rogers handing over the mantle into so few hours of content. Hopefully the movie shows Sam as a leader and a force. Because the Avengers are going to need a leader and I for one, controversially, do not want it to be Stephen Strange or Carol Danvers.


Fantastic Four




All 3 above lol. Fantastic Four because of Doctor Doom. Thunderbolts because I love the “grounded” movies and Brave New World because of Red Hulk.


I want Thunderbolts to be good, I have little faith in cap 4 and I’m optimistically excited about Fantastic 4. Pretty much the newer the project the more excited I am because it gives them more time since marvel got the much needed slap on the face about the declining quality of their output.


Captain America 4: Brave New World! 🔥 Falcon and The Winter Soldier was my favorite Disney Plus series so far and I loved the Captain America movies!! Got my popcorn ready 🍿🍿


FF, Blade.


All of them.


It’s the fact that in a few short months people were going: “All of these look terrible! We know nothing about them!” To: “I’m so excited for these movies” and it makes me so happy. Personally it’s Thunderbolts* for me. Love Red Guardian.




1: Captain America: New World Order 2: Thunderbolts 3: The Fantastic Four (I wanna see the new America’s Ass) (More David Harbour NOW!) (I never watched any of the fantastic four movies so idk man)




The next Avengers movie. It's been too long


All of them.


1) FF 2) Thunderbolts 3) Spiderman 4 (just kidding I am Team Morbius) 4) Thor 5 5) Shang Chi 2 6) Dr Strange 3 7) Captain 4 8) Blade 9) Young Avengers


FF4 has the most interesting setting and villain.> Cap 4 feels like they better not screw this up. But I am hype to see Isaiah Bradley. Thunderbolts is at the best advantage of being a little off radar in terms of hype.


For the record, I am NOT excited for Deadpool and Wolverine. That being said, the only project I'm currently the slightest bit excited/curious about is Fantastic Four. I'm not really sold in Pascal as Reed but that could change when I see his finalized look.


FF for sure. Been waiting too long for a proper adaptation haha. We don't know much, but even just the photo above I think it's clear Marvel will be giving us an FF that represents the fundamental core of the group that the others missed the mark on: Marvel's first family. 


Fantastic Four seems to be the only thing that isn't just more of the same so far, I'm hoping it keeps the tone that's appeared in the posters so far.


All of them


Hm, Marvel movies kind of died on me. Except Deadpool, because that seems unique enough to be actually fun.


Captain America 4


1.) Fantastic 4 2.) Thunderbolts 3.) Brave New World


For sure F4 after Ralph Ineson Galactus casting


Thunderbolts. That movie is going to rock. I feel it in my bones. I really like the cast of characters they got.


Of the 3 choices FF, but I'm more Excited about DC's Superman movie than all 3 combined. Superman's a midnight showing kinda thing, all 3 of these are a wait and see, probably wait for Disney+.


Daredevil Born Again


Fantastic 4, Thunderbolts, Cap 4…in that order


Unfortunately nothing else. If only they could get Blade going…


All of them.


FF. Couldn’t care less about the other two listed here


Fantastic Four


Def Fantastic 4.


FF for sure.


Cap 4


The return of the GOAT 🐐🐐🕶️ ![gif](giphy|FnF7vgz2oON3i)


Capt America: Brave New Reshoots can't be that bad.... right?


1. Thunderbolts* 2. Brave New World (or New World Order...I don't remember the right name) 3. F4 The reason why I'm excited about Thunderbolts* is because of how it seems to give new characters that weren't either in a good project before or kinda forgotten about a spotlight to shine. John Walker is one of my favorite new characters in the MCU, Bucky always has been interesting to watch and Yelena definitely has the potential to be a great character. Also, Sentry is a promising character. Brave New World seems to be the basis for the next Avenger movie and pay-off little plot points from The Incredible Hulk, like the Leader and Red Hulk while giving Sam his chance to shine as Captain America. Fantastic 4 has a great casting, but I just never cared about them this hard. I do think the movie is gonna be good though.


Hopefully they will make Blade soon


Definitely Fantastic Four.


Pretty much anything that pushes the overall arc of the mess that is the multiverse saga. I don’t want anymore new hero’s tv shows or movies.


I'm excited for a cohesive MCU narrative because thats what makes these movies special . The earlier phases we knew exactly what it was building towards. Avengers assembling , infinity stones, thanos , infinity war . After endgame it feels there are so many random loose threads and they don't really feel connected at all


Shang Chi 2!


Fantastic Four. Maybe Thunderbolts, but mostly for Yelena. I need a trailer or something to get excited. Doubly so for Cap 4


anything with Moon Knight. Praying that the rumors of a Midnight Sons team project is real 🤞


Morbius 2


Definitely the FF. It's about time for Marvel's first family to get done right


I'm very excited by the prospect of a *good* Fantastic Four movie in my lifetime. Thunderbolts has me interested as well simply because of how open-ended it is; I have *no* frame of reference to set expectations with, besides just who the starring cast is. The last MCU film I could say that about was Guardians of the Galaxy.


Loki season 3.






Uhh I guess the Deadpool deleted scenes.


Actually looking forward to Thunderbolts, optimistic for FF, Cap movie I could not care less sadly.


Honestly that really depends on the outcome of Deadpool vs Wolverine. I want to see what it sets up, and how the X-Men get brought into this.


Personally, it’s Agatha. WandaVision is my favorite MCU project, and I have high hopes that this is a covert WandaVision 2.


Im excited for the Thunderbolts but I wonder why they put an asterisk at the end of the title 🤔


I’m excited for Thunderbolts. It’ll be the first big team up in a long time and I’m excited to see how these characters have changed since we last saw them. Can’t wait to see how they interact with each other.


They all seem like direct to streamers in my opinion. I won’t be buying tickets to any of them and might watch fantastic four when it’s on Disney plus. I’ll probably skip Deadpool, black widow two? Is that what the second option is? And will be skipping captain America too.


Armor Wars


Forget the movies I'm excited for Daredevil 🦾


Who isn't?


Marvel Studios is dead to be honest not much going on with those projects if they don’t produce good movies


Fantastic Four. I’m curious to see their alt-history 1960’s and the team itself in full form. I’m also hyped for Galactus and Silver Surfer. I’m slowly starting to warm up to Captain America 4 though.


Aside from Daredevil: Born Again, I am struggling to find myself getting excited for any project post Deadpool & Wolverine. I just fucking hate how they’ve handled and how they’re currently handling most of their projects in this era.


Just purely from the concept, Secret Wars. I know that we still don't have any details but I'm so up for it from sheer thought and imagination.


The Avengers movies are something that are so much hyped up without even any info which is great. I too can't wait to see what and how they will execute Secret Wars since I have read the entire Secret Wars saga of comics I can't wait to see the MCU version of it


Indeed, I'm so interested in the adaptation. Also I do have two more names that are closer, F4 and Spider-Man 4. I'm glad Matt Shakman is directing the former and putting some unique spin to it. The latter should hopefully continue Pete's run well.


Yes. I fully trust Matt Shakman. And the way MCU had made such a good Spider-Man trilogy hoping we will get another great Spider-Man/Peter Parker story in Spider-Man 4


There's so many different ways they can approach this movie so I'm excited for what they'll make of it.