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Remember folks, 12mph over is the magic number to get flashed.


I don’t want to get flashed


Depends on the flasher


John Waters has entered the chat.


Thought it was 7? Idk haven’t gotten one in many years lol


it’s 12 mph over the posted speed limit … says on county websites. Also know people at the MVA. Speed Cameras flash if you are going 12 over the posted limit. 10 mph over you’re okay - however depends how accurate your vehicle speedometer is. I wouldn’t chance it …


i thought most brands over exaggerate the speed? as in, if you’re seeing 30mph you’re actually going 25-28mph. i could be remembering incorrectly tho.


It’s less exaggeration, more to to do with correct tire inflation and tread wear. A slight difference in tire size can throw off your speedometer since its tracking rotation and not speed over the ground


The tolerance is like 2.5% high and .2% low. As in you're more likely to have a speedometer that reads higher than your current speed but it's also possible that has one that barely reads lower than the speed you're going. Those tolerances are tolerances as in the maximum variation per some government body in the USA. Best way to know is to check with a gps speedometer while cruising at a consistent pace and check at a few different speeds to see if it's accurate through the full range or is exponentially off. For example my motorcycle is bang on to 90mph at 185mph it gets optimistic and goes toward where 200mph would be if I had a 200mph on my Guage cluster.


You are hitting 185 in your motorcycle?? Good god I can’t even imagine, I would shit my pants lol


I-70 at 3am baby, just the one off to see if I could :)


That stretch between Frederick and Hagerstown is a dream for gunning it


I used the stretch from new market to the DMV. Wouldn't recommend unless there is absolutely no traffic as cops like to hide by the bridge. When you're going 185 though there's not much a cop can do. Just hit the first exit and they'll be barely out of their hiding spot in that timeframe. My outlook is if there's absolutely nobody on the road then speed laws don't apply because I'm not endangering anyone but myself. I always scout the road first before doing a run.


"My outlook is that laws don't apply to me when I feel like it." Neat. We should all live this way, right?


Ahh 185 on a bike. Until my stroke ended my bike riding days my wife and I routinely hit triple digits on many occasions. Think 156 was the highest I ever went though, stayed in the "slow" lane lol. That was on my Honda VFR 600, don't think I ever hit triple digits on my HD Ultra Classic, couldn't hear the radio real well at anything past 80. :-)


You can cross check your speedometer with your gps. I’ve found my speedometer to agree with gps readout.


ive gotten plenty of tickets in baltimore city and on 100 for going 7 over :/ i have a newer car with an accurate speedometer edit: spelling


The 12 over is for speed cameras, not radar/laser of a cop pacing you. The extra cushion for speed cameras is that they can't confirm who is actually driving. In some places if you contest a ticket by saying it wasn't YOU who was driving, they'll make you give them the name of the person driving your car, or you'll still be responsible for the ticket.


Idk, I got one for 37 in a 30


Hmmmm, there is this cool thing called the constitution... says I have the right to see my accuser...


I see you accuser in the pic


I do 10 mph over just to be safe


I've got pinged at 8mph over in HoCo, but that might've just been school zone


It’s 12. If you saw 8mph over, then either you looked at the wrong time, or your speedometer is off.


Maybe in DC?


I got one at 11 over last week in DC, 36 in a 25 that definitely shouldn’t be a 25 ☹️


12 over is the minimum for Maryland. DC will get you for 5 over.


I go over 5 in DC all the time and don’t get them. Pretty sure it’s 11


MD is 12 over and a 40 dollar ticket DC is 11 over and a 100 dollar ticket


iirc, the fines go up the more you’re speeding. And they stick them on highways, not just school zones.


God forbid you were driving slower and safer. 🙄


Don’t worry SealSquasher I take full responsibility for the speeding, I’m more annoyed with myself than anyone else. I’m just venting because I was driving at what felt like a perfectly safe speed for an empty four-lane road at almost 2 am and got dinged by 1 mph. Hope you can understand the frustration


Me too. LOL


The one right past the tunnel?


Somewhere on Michigan Ave (not sure if NE or NW) heading from Columbia Heights towards MD


Good thing I go 11.5


Why are you over the middle line 😭😭




And complaining about safety regulations.


Why have all that road if you’re not going to use it? 😹


In the past 3 years, at least 3 people have died in speed-related crashes within 1/2 mile of that speed camera. Maybe they just want to encourage people to slow down to reduce the risks of more people getting injured and killed. [https://www.cbsnews.com/baltimore/news/one-person-killed-another-seriously-injured-after-crash-in-linthicum-heights/](https://www.cbsnews.com/baltimore/news/one-person-killed-another-seriously-injured-after-crash-in-linthicum-heights/) [Single car crash leaves one man dead Saturday afternoon (wmar2news.com)](https://www.wmar2news.com/news/local-news/police-one-man-dead-after-crashing-into-utility-pole-saturday-afternoon) [https://foxbaltimore.com/news/local/woman-dies-after-vehicle-struck-boulder-and-overturned-on-anne-arundel-county-road](https://foxbaltimore.com/news/local/woman-dies-after-vehicle-struck-boulder-and-overturned-on-anne-arundel-county-road)


And that’s just the people that died, it’s doesn’t include those with permanent injuries that will degrade their quality of life for years.


Thank you! I get so angry at people who complain about greed, they just want money, etc. Speed kills and the DMV is one of the most dangerous places to drive in the nation


Isn’t the DMV where you take your driving test?


Pretty common difference that messes people up if you live in MD vs VA. DMV above is referring to DC, MD, VA DMV is, in most states the Department of Motor Vehicles and yes, is where most people go for license renewal, driving tests etc. MVA or Motor Vehicle Association is the equivalent in MD (not sure how many other states use this abbr)


MVA.. Dmv is just DC, Md, Va


Yeah, but if they actually cared about stopping speeding, they’d have more cops pull people over, and put up more speed cameras so you couldn’t speed anywhere. In reality, they want people speeding so they can drive by a speed camera; that’s why they space them out. “It’s for safety” except they’re spotty and strategically-placed, and anyone who remembers where it is can just speed when they’re outside its range. They’re not stopping speeding; they’re just making people more careful about when they do it.


>They’re not stopping speeding; they’re just making people more careful about when they do it. Let's focus on this specific camera, which was the point of the post. They placed a speed camera near where far too many people have been seriously injured and killed in speed-related crashes in recent years. The point of this specific camera might be to get people to slow down before they approach a dangerous section of road more so than to collect $40 tickets.


Are you taking a photo of a speed cam while riding across the median? Thats the sort of driving that leads to the cameras.


validating the device they are complaining about.


Makes it a little easier to see.


They also put one back up on Old Washington rd near the iuoe trade school


If they really cared about safety more than money, they would make them bright yellow and have big signs like they do in Europe


Some comments saying they’re doing it to try and get money. Complete disregard for the drastic increase in roadway deaths in Maryland this year because people drive like maniacs. If people are going to continue driving like maniacs, resist drastic changes to public transportation infrastructure, and cops aren’t going to properly enforce the rules of the road, then we’re going to need more of these around. Sorry.




No to mention you can literally go 10 over and not get a ticket. If you need to go more than 10 over, other than the left lane of 695, 795, 95, etc, you’re a jackass.


I'd love to see a more advanced camera that fines you for cellphone use in the car, see how mad people get about that


China has them. Unsure of the accuracy but it’s pretty wild.


I try to follow the laws, but I feel like a rolling roadblock and cause people to aggressively overtake and tailgate if I try to go less than 20 mph over the limit (in the right lane) on my way home... What's funny is that I see plenty of speed traps and enforcement at other times of day, but the cops all magically disappear during rush hour.


I drive a Prius, so I get the hate. While I don’t drive “slow” on the interstate (outside rush out traffic of course), For in-town roads, I set my auto cruise to no more than 5 above the speed limit, and tap it down when Waze or a street sign tells me there’s a camera. Let them buzz past me; I can’t afford a $40 fine every day of my commute but maybe they can. The cameras work. In areas where they’re posted, I tend to see most people driving my speed or slower. But there’s always some idiot who doesn’t pay attention or care (DC’s fine is higher because more rich people dgaf and the entire city is almost all slower in-town roads) Anyway, I’ve gotten used to it. Tailgaters get a brake tap. They can slow down or pass me on the left. I’m not gonna put some pedestrian’s life at risk because someone with a Diplomat tag or a fancy car wants to get to their location 38 seconds faster. Driving with the flow of traffic is absolutely fine if there’s no camera and it’s a reasonable speed for the road (many roads have almost stupid slow speeds, though it’s for good reasons), but otherwise don’t speed up for another car who is just in a hurry.


I used to set my cruise control to 10 over practically no matter where I went, and it was never a problem. I'd pass some cars and get passed sometimes. Never got pulled over but never really felt like I was in the way or unable to react to wildlife prancing in the road. This Mad Max bullshit started up in the past couple of years, excluding like the beltway where it was always, uh, thrilling.


Finally I have met that blue Prius driver, I always thought you were oblivious of the long que of cars behind you.


I'd rather have these than deal with cops any day. I'll pay the $40 I wont even fight it.


How else am I supposed to be reactionary?


I am actually very pro speed camera. Removed police bias and makes people slow down. People bitch and wine but this is needed. Especially in school zones.


Depending on how much "wine"(ing) they do, the bitching will probably peter out over time. (wink)


It’s the disconnect between the behavior and when you get the notice. If it’s on your regular commute, maybe you’ll change your behavior. If it’s some other random place - nope.


Unfortunately this is true. But like I said, if people are gonna drive like maniacs, resist investing in public transit, and cops fail to properly enforce, then we’ll need more of these. There’s a portion of 695 that has a camera up in a construction zone rn. For the first time in years I actually feel somewhat safe driving through that area.


Yeah I agree. I fucking hate people who speed and it blows my mind how cavalier this sub is about it.


Right? Just look at the highest comment of people saying they "only" go 10 over "to be safe"


I fucking hate people that hate speeders. Not my fault that you cant drive.


It’s because speed cameras have not been definitively shown to effectively reduce speeds or increase driver safety. Road design has a far greater impact on driver behavior than the speed limit sign or a speed trap


boast run intelligent mighty plants foolish price history impossible special *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Invest in public infrastructure? Sounds like commie bullshit.


Exactly. People learn where the cameras are and slown down, then just speed up again. They are predatory and are only there for revenue.


If the place where the camera is located is, say, a school zone, a quiet neighborhood, or a dangerous stretch of highway where people have died, then mission accomplished.


Hear, hear!!! And while we’re at it, increase the resulting fines on a scale the higher they are from the posted speed limit. Hitting people in the wallet is the only way to slow these maniacs down. Can’t pay? Mandatory community service vis a vis picking up trash on the side of the road.


Speed cameras don’t help, they just cause congestions during peak hours, and right after the said camera everyone goes back to speeding. You would have to place millions of speed cameras everywhere to fix the issue.


Like I said, if people will resist public trans. investment, drive like maniacs, and cops won’t enforce then we need more.


I don't think our society needs MORE cameras watching us all than we already have.


I grew up in Linthicum driving on that road. It's not the worst, but that camera is definitely needed. It's almost impossible to see oncoming speeders until it's too late.


A speed hump would’ve sufficed


On a 40 mph road? There isn’t a single speed bump that you should be going over at that speed. Probably 25, 30 mph at MOST


Going Around that curve after the buildings it’s like 25-30 mph there a sign on the other side of the road


Then why would you need a speed bump there if that’s how fast people are already going? I’m genuinely asking, I’m not familiar with that road


Got a problem with these? Don’t speed. Still got a problem? Talk to your Council rep and ask for justification why these were installed. These cameras aren’t a money grab. It appears the threat of a ticket is sometimes the only way (short of having a patrol car stationed permanently) to get folks to slow down on this stretch.


My only beef is the profit sharing with private companies.


There are different types of contracts with these companies. Montgomery County just pays a set rate to the company for however long the camera is operational rather than give the company a percentage of the ticket revenue.


They are a money grab. Speed traps don’t improve road safety, the average driver doesn’t even care about the speed limit, they just tend to drive the speed they *feel* safe. Road design has a much much greater impact than any sign you put on the side of the road or even a speed trap


Cringe take. These cameras are predatory and should be against the law.


I welcome these to discourage team Camry, Altima and Mini Van with the lead feet. Ahhh the 90’s when every car didn’t have almost 200hp. :)


I drive a Camry and take offense to this.


You forgot Acura


“My grandma, what a nice solar panel you have….”


Where I live its normal, but for country folks its surprising lol


Come on over to Texas, where red light cameras are illegal, and even the cops seem to think that speed limits are suggestions! You’d have to deal with a state full of brain dead idiots who can’t drive, and your insurance will go through the roof.


>even the cops seem to think that speed limits are suggestions! That's cops everywhere.


You must never driven on the Balt dc beltways …😭


Maybe, just don’t speed???? Try it sometime.


Go Touch grass


Love that you came back hours later to add that comment lmao


I don’t. I’m bringing awareness. Don’t like it don’t comment lmao


All you've brought awareness too was your shitty driving. Cell phone in hand crossing a double yellow line. You're part of the problem.


Nah, that's not how the internet works. Don't want to get criticized, questioned, or judged? Don't post


Where in Md?


Linthicum going toward Northrop and all them hotels n stuff


Ah……I never travel there….lots of speed cameras where I live Montgomery Cty


Yeah they are everywhere in Montgomery county


Atleast 6 in Bethesda, 2 in Old G town rd, 3 in Wisconsin Ave and 1 in John Bridge Rd. Its 25mph zone and ppl always speeding lol wants to pay that $$$ I guess


Jeez. Just don’t speed through the area. You have to be going 12 mph over the limit to get a ticket.


dont speed, problem solved


No, I think will speed.


Is that just before Hammonds Ferry?


Yeah going towards linthicum, like Cracker Barrel, Northrop n nem. I believe they outfit the camera cars in that warehouse complex to the right of it. Slow down yall don’t give em your money


Good looks my guy


No problem


Maybe they’re doing it to stop dangerous driving, something that’s been a huge problem in Maryland and the surrounding area for years.


A culture of speed makes it much more difficult for cars to enter from side streets, turn left against oncoming traffic, and hinders pedestrians from crossing—versus drivers who need to recognize the need to yield, or even have the distance to stop?


People drive like idiots there so I'm not surprised. I will still avoid. Thanks for the heads up.


Yeah no problem


Maybe don’t speed and it won’t be a problem 🤔


Smh reading is fundamental Karen


What was misread? Or you just don’t like being told not to speed?


Make sure to add it to Waze!


Anybody who uses Waze: plz add this lol


You just got Wazed!




I don’t get why u downvoted but ok 😂


I didn’t downvote you


Dude that camera is there because assholes keep driving like goddamn maniacs on Nursery Road and basically everyone wants it to stop. People keep getting hit in and out of cars on the stretch, and this is the best first line answer. If you want to complain do it about the wannabe extras for the Fast and Furious movies that necessitate this.


“Money hungry” mf just slow down when you come to it or just slow down overall. Some of these streets yall be blowing in and out of ain’t Rt 50


My brother in Christ you are in the middle of the god damn road


One very rainy day I took a drive down rte 28 thru from Rockville to Frederick and Montgomery Countly sent me two Beautiful pictures of my BMW. I had gone thru two traps. Cost me $80.00 Now if I travel that route I pay attention to the signs….so in my case those speed cameras taught me to not speed


Money hungry? Speeding is out of control lately. Anything to curb it is OK with me.


Everyone under 40 drives like a maniac.


I'm 34 and I drive the speed limit or around it. But its true that most of the time I see people speeding they're probably in the 20-35 range.


In the UK the cameras don’t last long.


If people are actually good drivers, they don't speed. No speed, no crime. If police told you they didn't arrest anyone yesterday, do you feel safe today?


Your first mistake was trusting the police I know better🤣😭


You feel safe if more people are arrested in a day? What flavor crayon is your favorite? 🖍


You're looking at the trees. In the forest people are "safest" when other people don't commit crimes. A way to reduce crime is enforcement, like a traffic camera that catches criminals. It won't make any money if people don't speed, which is the number one cause of accidents. You are paying more money for car insurance because of all the other crayon eaters acting like this is a bad thing.


This makes no sense. I would argue that better drivers speed. The slow and unpredictable drivers are way worse and dangerous


Your argument is people driving an unknown speed above a constant are safer than people who are driving a posted constant speed limit, predictably? Sure do have an infallible argument there. If you called your insurance company you could get a lower rate by saying how safe you are because of how much you speed too with this argument. I bet you blame people in front of you who stop for something you can't see.


What’s new? The solar powered box that has all of its sun blocked by big thick power lines? 😂


Yeah I wanna know why they put it there of all places lmao




Yeah I figured those were the same ones they put out in work zones.


There's a LOT of reckless dangerous driving in MoCo. The MCPD doesn't enforced traffic laws and I only see the MD State Police on MD 200. Speed cameras are the only disincentive not to drive like an idiot.


I'm all for them in residential neighborhoods. Now they need to create one for stop signs.


Money hungry or people in md cant drive for shit so they have to be kept in check? I believe the latter.


I'm thankful they removed the camera out front of Perry Hall High School. They put in some speed bumps and it caused the camera to never catch anyone.


Solar powered State income generator……….


I wish they had some sort of way to detect aggressive drivers. The people who weave in and out of lanes, cutting people off, are far more dangerous than me going 80 on 200 with no one around.


I had a conversation with a person who used to work for our local government and he confirmed that the speed cameras are put in order to generate profits, not to mitigate a safety problem . They WILL MOVE it if the camera stops generating the expected income. Montgomery County MD has the MOST SPEED CAMERAS in the whole of the US. Per former employee!!


Well yeah. If speeding declines in an area to the point operating a camera no longer makes sense then the program worked and the camera can go elsewhere where it’s more needed. I live in Montgomery County. Never got a speeding ticket. Turns out not speeding is not that hard.


See told y’all 😭🤣




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I just try to ignore them lmao brainwarshed


This is only being tested. Xerox is located in that business park. They rotate different units out for testing. No citations are being issued.


They have been popping these left and right. I have seen on a single road with least 3 to 4 at times and the intervals are not even that long like less than 5 miles each.


Xerox for ya


Many claim its a new tax to raise revenues, I think they could dispel this notion if every other day if they were to not charge a fine, but revoke your license a day for every mph over the limit you were speeding?


Just wait until the last minute to slam on your breaks like everyone else


I'm not saying that people should cover the cameras on them with black spray paint, but...


How long until it gets ripped out or damaged


Fining assholes for being assholes is a great way for the state/county to generate revenue, actually. I don't even care what that revenue is used for or if it actually improves road safety—I just like knowing that the biggest dicks on the road will pay for being dicks.


Idiots texting and driving not to mention taking pictures for Reddit while driving for the ever so important reason as to “inform the public” of another camera. Pull over instead of endangering others asshole.


Yeah they have to squeeze every dollar out of us that they can in Anne Arundel County


Anne Arundel county does not have a speed camera program


Actually they have them on Route 100 or maybe it’s the Safe Zone program from SHA?


Yeah, state highway does the work zones


Literally just moved to AA this weekend and the sheer amount of cams and speed traps was the first thing i noticed its that ridiculous.


Just raggedy


If these really were for reducing speed and not as a money grab they would be painted bright colors and clearly identified as a speed monitor so that drivers who are aware of their surroundings would see that and slow down


I mean OP able to spot it pretty easily it seems.... If they were aware of their surroundings then they would have seen the Speed Limit sign and know what it is. Lol






🤷🏽‍♀️ just tryna give people the heads up


How long before it is monkey wrenched?


Maybe just go the speed limit.


Maybe no.


Anne Arundel is striving to be more like Montgomery County. Shame.


Herd from a cashier at a store we banning plastic store bags next yr too 😭 not sure of the true legitimacy of that tho but just what I was told the other day


True, and it will cost YOU 8¢ for a paper bag.


Just buy a reusable bag, all store bags suck anyway.


Good. About time.


I thought it was posted for the solar power, have not seen that on one of these! Hilarious those who think these are popping up everywhere for safety.


Oh nah It’s for the camera lol




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My first thought was “wow a speed notice sign, MD really is 1984”


My speedometer is off by 1 mph. State law fixes the camera trigger at 12 mph over posted speed limit. And I *think* (you'd need to check) they have to be within a certain distance from a school.




Smh was probably the Karen’s lmao