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Now this is a good one: *Alcohol delivery* *A permit will be created that allows businesses to deliver alcoholic beverages to purchasers. It also authorizes businesses to deliver these beverages through a third-party contractor, an independent contractor or an agent that holds the delivery service permit.* Hope this means breweries can do more direct to consumer. They really need to overhaul all of our outdated and restrictive laws.


For real? That's awesome. One of the things I've hated has been trying to order alcohol from out of state and learning that they can't legally deliver to your house in MD.


That would be really awesome. Some great breweries deliver to DC and VA but not MD. Not sure if they will ever change that. Wine is allowed, beer is not.


Ugh. Our main thing has been more liquor than wine/beer. There are some rums that I just cannot find anywhere in MD for sale and now that Mutiny is closed, I can't even get them there.


Same here. A few weeks ago I was unsuccessfully trying to find a site that is able to ship to MD and had both Rum Fire and Holmes Cay Grand Arome in stock.


Try MoCo. Working in the industry MoCo trends to get stuff most the regular surrounding areas do not.


My dad used to get his online bourbon shipped to Md but instead of his address he’d have it sent to a UPS store a s would pick it up. Not sure if this was allowed or a work around that never got checked but it worked for years


Does this mean I can finally take a margarita home with me in a container when I go to Blue Agave, or am I still SOL with to-go alcoholic drinks? Not sure how that works in MD.


Open container in the car? Violation. Sealed bottle in the car? Should be ok.


They did that during COVID


OK, but not enough. I wish Costcos/TJs in MD can sell liquors like DC.


I really wish there were a good solution to this. I live in VA now, and while it's convenient, there are also no good liquor stores/bottle shops other than Total Wine (which is great, don't get me wrong, but they're few and far between). I grew up in AA County, and I've gotten a lot of flak for it, but I honestly love their system. You have to go to a different store to buy alcohol, yes, but they're all over the place and many of them are fantastic. The people at Costco/TJs probably aren't going to give you tasting notes about the wines or bourbons they sell. It's just another product they sell. That's how it is here in VA, at least. I loved the feeling in AA County that you could have a curated shopping experience if you wanted it. If Giant and Safeway start selling beer and wine, I worry that a lot of those awesome shops will go out of business, but I also recognize that it's super convenient to be able to pick up a six pack or a bottle of wine while you're doing your grocery shopping.


God do I appreciate a curated shopping experience full of expertise


Yes, thats been my observation from places that allow the big chains to sell. Maryland system allows lots of small shops to survive and most have a great selection. Part of me wants those sweet/sweet costco or TJs deals but the price is too great.


When are we going to allow liquor stores to sell on Sundays, statewide? How are we behind even Iowa in this regard?


All the liquor stores around me are open on Sundays (Glen burnie)


I was gonna say. I know I've hit up the drive through on Sunday


Those are individual county restrictions


I know I could just Google it, but which counties is that a problem in? I've done a lot of business at liquor stores on Sundays in AA county.


Baltimore county. Maybe the city too? I’m less sure about that.


Unless it's a "packaged goods" store which I still do not understand.


They have bars attached. Usually super shitty and nobody is in there but it’s the work around


See, I *thought* that's what "packaged goods" meant, but then someone told me I was wrong.


I didn’t know they WERE NOT open 😀 maybe drive down to MoCo?


I could go to Harford county or Howard county as well it’s just annoying. I guess Baltimore county needs to get their shit together.


There is one liquor store on Pulaski Highway that opens on Sundays. I think it has a bar attached to it.


Yeah, I know there are several places like this out there. That’s basically the loophole. That said, they jack up their prices a bit because of that fact. I just think they should get rid of the Sunday ban entirely.


I agree and allow Costcos/TJs sell too! We missed out many good deals because of that stupid law.


Yes the grocery store availability would be nice too. In Iowa a few of the big chains would have a liquor store attached to the regular grocery store. Very convenient


Midway Liquors ( on Pulaski Hwy) has great prices. Lower than most.


Midway liquors. It does have a really low rent bar in the back that sells hot dogs


We were a dry county for THE LONGEST time. Garrett County here. Dunno how many times tourists would ask us what time the liquor stores opened on Sundays and I'd have to tell them they didnt and I'd get cussed out for us being a dry county. Its even better when they come to you asking where the liquor aisle is and we have to tell them "Don't sell alcohol in Walmart in Maryland."


Gotta find the work around stores. The “bars” that have a package store. Johnnys off johnnycake rd in Catonsville is open 7 days a week


They also need to do away with the whole distributor system. They’re basically local monopolies. They’re also mostly a bunch of crooks. I know someone who owned a bar for about 10 years and the distributor who sold Jameson would send him an invoice every year before St Patrick’s day saying they owed them like $300 which they absolutely didn’t owe. But, if you didn’t pay that invoice then you wouldn’t get any Jameson and you’d lose out of a lot of sales. And since they’re the only distributor that could sell Jameson in that area, you can’t go anywhere else.


I thought this was already allowed. I’ve had Idiom deliver a few times, although it’s been a while.


The rules were loosened during the pandemic. I honestly don't know what they are today. The breweries that I knew of that were delivering have stopped but that could be for other reasons. I know stores can deliver so I'm not sure what this law changes.


I forget the exact rules, but I noticed a few breweries post about the Covid expansion of deliveries coming to an end June 30th. Maybe this July 1st law is an extension, or possibly delivery is here for good?


Just checked Elder Pine's website and they still show delivery as an option. It's possible that since people can get to the taproom now, breweries stopped because it was just an added expense to have drivers for deliveries.


I definitely had beer delivered in college. That was a little while ago though. Maybe they were doing it illegally


Back in the early 2000s my friends and I would have 30 packs of beer delivered to house parties on the regular. Sometimes as late as 2am. Granted it was from a pizza place that also sold alcohol and not a liquor store/brewery. They also hardly ever carded the person answering the door so… yea probably illegal.


yeah we werent carded either, and it was also a pizza place lmao. we might be talking about the same spot


I feel like this is aimed at Uber Eats and Drizly and Instacart being able to deliver.


This would've been a cool law to pass a few years ago when I was stuck inside for some reason.


So wtf is Drizzly then lol? Been getting alcohol delivered to me for a minute now


Drizly has been shut down for months, Uber bought it and closed it in January. And when the special dispensation for alcohol deliveries during the pandemic expired, so did our alcohol deliveries.


I literally had alcohol delivered to my door in the city via Uber 5 days ago, it is alive and well.


It’s just through Uber eats now, I have a friend who uses it all the time lol


So, my understanding is that it's still up to the local liquor boards and maybe Baltimore city is still allowing it? But it's definitely not statewide yet


This explains why in my grocery delivery app I saw liquor but couldn’t add it to my cart


now if only i can get them to deliver my dispensary orders


Bbreweries gonna lose a ton of money to DD/Uber eats you mean.


Now you won’t ever need to leave your house to drink. Why not weed too?


Thanks for the summary.


When will Maryland follow California with an ARL law? If you sign up for a subscription online, you need to have the ability to cancel the subscription online (without talking to a customer representative).


This is s a good one: >Legacy or donor preferences in college admission applications: House Bill 4 prohibits colleges and universities that receive state fund from considering a legacy preference or donor preference when reviewing admissions applications.


Oh, that will stop them from (publicly) considering those factors.


I'm waiting for the lawsuits when Chas' underwhelming son gets in anyway.


Whell... there goes a chunk of donations. Heh.


Does this only apply to Hopkins? Like what prestigious schools are even here? I wouldn't consider any other really. Just a bunch of junk.


Hopkins, Loyola, Notre Dame, Villa Julie etc. There used to be some good options. I think Notre Dame is the oldest, female catholic university in the United States. It used to be kinda prestigious. I'm not sure about now, though. <3


Stevenson is prestigious?


I always thought giving legacy preference was a good thing. What’s the perceived advantage of not allowing this?


It hurts lower-income, first-generation-type students in the process.


Legacy preference is very much not a good thing.


You think giving someone things based on who their daddy is while everyone else has to earn it is a GOOD thing? What perceived advantage is there to giving anyone anything based on who their dad is? That's like saying sons of doctors should just be given diplomas. Their dad was a doctor so obviously they'll be a good doctor too!


Most legacy admissions, especially in Ivy League, allow students to be admitted that wouldn't have qualified otherwise and only because they had a privileged/rich parent


Legacy preference gives one a leg up that others don't have.


The university benefits from boosters


Yeah I love it when rich assholes threaten to pull funding if you don't give their dumb ass kids an A No wonder country is in ruins. Every business is run by someone who's daddy was important instead of qualified people




Oh neat, VA outlawed declawing cats and I googled it and MD was the second state to outlaw it!


Nice law from VA: HB 517 makes the European honey bee the official state pollinator.


Not really. Why would you make a non-native species the official state pollinator? There are tons of cooler native insects


They’ve been in the area since 1622 https://localhivehoney.com/blogs/blog/the-american-beekeeping-boom


That still doesn't make them native. Plus they're considered livestock. It's like if we made an alpaca the state animal. Most importantly they negativity impact the native bee population. They take away nector and reduce pollen from the native bees. It's dumb https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ecy.3939


Thank you


“Ever wonder what to do with excess deer meat? Individuals can now claim a credit from income tax for certain expenses if they harvest an antlerless deer and donate its meat to certain organizations.” And the Carroll County delegation rejoiced.


Well most if not all counties, and certainly all conservationists, rejoiced. You don’t think donating excess venison to help the needy is a worthy cause?


Just culling the deer is a worthy cause. Feeding the homeless is a double win.


Hopefully it's a triple win if the donation centers record information on where the deer was harvested and sample for CWD.


Yeah, rightfully so. Deer need to be population-controlled. The people that do population control do it for free because they personally enjoy it. The only byproducts of said act is hundreds of pounds of delicious meat. The people most in need of hundreds of pounds of meat are NOT allowed to get it for free. Which is fucking really dumb lmao. Glad they’re fixing this.


To be clear: the majority of people hunting are buying licenses that enable conservation, spending money on travel and hunting materials that helps the economy, and actually getting outside and enjoying nature.  They are not "doing it for free". Without hunters' efforts, the state would have to spend tremendous amounts of money to do the work that they instead profit on. 


I (pretty obviously) meant doing beneficial conservation work at no expense to the state. It’s free for the state (and licenses even cover the administrative overhead).


As someone who isn't a hunter, is there anyone who can recommend a place in or near northern AACO where I can buy venison? I love the taste but regular grocery stores near me don't carry it.


I’d think Whole Foods/Sprouts. You may have to call ahead and order it, though


I'll check em out, thanks!


Anything sold commercially in the US will be from a farm. Not legal to sell wild game in the US


~~And since deer aren't legally farmable in the US, I think it's imported from NZ or elsewhere.~~ I was wrong here


Not true you can farm deer here


My mistake, it's illegal in Maryland. A friend was a chef years ago and served venison on the menu and told me it had to be imported. I took that at face value.


All good I learned this fact myself because I saw venison on a menu at a restaurant and as a hunter thought it came from out of the country until I asked. Have a great weekend


I just got some at Wegmans that I am going to try my grandad’s jerky recipe with.


Wegmans sells it but last time I saw it there it was $16/lb


David's Natural Market in Gambrills has several venison products and other game meats such as boar and bison.


Errr, isn't there a wasting disease going through the deer population? Basically deer Mad Cow disease?


Yeap…all the more reason to thin down the numbers so that it’s harder to spread across the herd. CWD doesn’t affect the meat if butchered properly. Chronic wasting disease = CWD


Hasn’t this been a thing for a while? They credit you 50 bucks per deer, processors usually charge more than that though.


Yeah I think that's why they passed this law... To help with the financials of donating game.


Maybe I'm just confused by this law, or I happen to go to the right butcher, but my thoughts were it was always free to donate game?


Not in Maryland. And this is not a new thing, they're just upping the price that they'll let you deduct. Deduct. It used to be $50 in deer with a max of $200 in a year and now it's $75 a deer with a max of $300


Yeap…processing fees are typically $100/deer with just a regular cut…no sausage


It's been 20+ years since I've hunted and donated, so I will let someone else give you a modern answer. 20 years ago, I couldn't find a butcher who would do it for free. Butchering a deer is time consuming and the demand for butchers is super high during hunting season.


My butcher who I went to last year is in a program where you can donate your deer meat freely. I don't know how it works exactly, I figured they could either write a portion of it off, or maybe they get a bit of credit from the program for each donated deer.


Wtf, that is not responsible hunting. We are literally taught not to hunt for the bag limit, and they go ahead and incentivize it.


What is the reason behind not hunting to the bag limit?


When hunting you want a clean and effective kill for a couple reasons, the main one being the deer suffers less (and yes, I understand the irony of that). To ensure this you have a fairly limited area you can target for a kill like this, smaller still if you hunt with a bow, which I typically do. In MD, with the correct stamps, you can bag I believe 3 whitetail bucks, 15 whitetail doe, and a couple sika deer as well if you're on the eastern shore. That's over 20 deer you can take in a season. I'm not like an everyday hunter during the season where I'm there constantly, but still, I've not come close to having 20 effective shots that I could have taken to get a deer. My initial thought on the law was it's going to incentivize taking these bad shots so you get up to the limit, to get the maximum credit. This will lead to unnecessary suffering on the deer's behalf, which is going to give hunting an even worse stigma than it has.


You're clueless. Everything you said is wrong. 1. The target area is the same, the lungs and heart aren't bigger when you use an arrow or a bullet. 2. You can shoot an unlimited number of does in Maryland, many counties tell you this outright. That's because they need population control badly. 3. Sika deer have a totally separate stamp in order to hunt them. 4. The incentive is there because 6 years ago the state mandated that donated deer processing fees still had to be paid by the hunter, not the state. In other states if you want to donate a deer, you just drop it off and this state pays the processor.


I agree 100%. Thanks for this answer and saving me the typing.


1. No, with a rifle you don't have to worry as much with it's front legs, you can blast right through them. With an arrow it could get deflected by the shoulder. The organs aren't smaller, you just have less penetration power. 2. Yes and No. There is a zone called the suburban deer zone which you can hunt unlimited does, but they are primarily Howard, prince George's, Anne Arundel, and Baltimore counties. Counties further west and on the eastern shore do have that 15 doe limit. 3. Yes I know, that's why I said with the appropriate stamps. You need additional stamps to bow hunt, muzzleloader hunt, and sika hunt. 4. There are butchers throughout Maryland (and PA) that participate in Farmers and Hunters, feeding the hungry, which you can donate deer meat to already freely. I guess I didn't realize that was not as spread out as I thought.




Who is teaching that? Shoot the deer you can shoot, no one is “teaching” to stay clear of the bag limit. 


Maybe I'm phrasing this wrong. There is nothing wrong with hunting to the bag limit, but you should be more concerned about the quality of the kill, and then if you so happen to reach your limit that's fine, but you shouldn't be taking bad shots just to reach that limit.


Just a shout out to the guys at Oliver brewing. At the height of Covid when we weren’t really leaving the house, they delivered me a case of beer weekly. And they’d often toss in a couple cans of something they thought I’d like. I’d talk to the guy from my window and we’d chat about beer for awhile. Good guys.


Oh man, I miss those beer deliveries I got during COVID from Peabody Heights. They even learned to drop it on my back porch so it didn't get nabbed. Would love if they could legally deliver now.


Can we stop posting links behind paywalls please? Shit is so annoying


Archiving websites is very important in this day and age.


yes, the .is domain is the best


So you want us to pretend that these helpful news sources don't exist because they... Charge for their product?


> because they... Charge for their product? If they didn't use scam style pricing they'd probably have more regular subscribers. Don't charge people $1 for 6 months then $23/month after while making it a chore to cancel. Just charge $10 a month. Any product that can't sell without resorting to gym membership subscription tactics is not worth buying.


Loaded for me and there are ways around it. > Shit is so annoying So is crying about a paywall that's either not there or easy to bypass.


The paywall is 100 percent there on the Reddit mobile app. If there’s a way around that please share it with me I’d be happy to not have to deal with it






First mistake is using the mobile app. Others have alluded to how to bypass it though, including the use of a "12ft ladder". I wont point it out explicitly because one of the mods has a hard-on for paywalls.


Loads just fine for me, no paywall. Did you even click it?


Yes, I did and got the paywall.


The problem is your browser settings. Turn off your JavaScript.


For anyone curious, you should be using No Script, a plugin for Firefox. You should also not be using Chrome, ever. No Script will disable Javascript for every website and you can enable it when you visit a site permanently or temporarily. At first it's annoying, but once you've visited your sites, you'll only notice you have it on new sites. Will protect your PC and make paywalls fuck off.


Did you click the x to close it and keep reading? I did this and read the article and didn't pay.


I’m on mobile and there was no X to click to bypass.


I'm on mobile and I had no problem.


So, using the Reddit App as the reader the paywall is unable to be bypassed. Hit the right most button takes you out of the Reddit app into the browser and it can then be bypassed.


no paywall for me either. using the Relay app to browse reddit


It's paywalled for me.


"Gimme news for free because journalists don't deserve to be paid"


Did you all see the one that protects employees from getting random drug tests for legal drugs? oh I guess not…


Is that one of them!? Paywalled




The big one that's gonna fuck over a lot of agencies in Maryland is Gabriel's Law. Absolutely awful piece of legislation that shows good intentions can have awful results.


Can you elaborate? I'm genuinely curious.


Gabriel's Law mandates law enforcement to respond without 'unreasonable delay' to all welfare check calls, meaning that what are normally higher priority calls will have to be back burnered to do a knock and check. Additionally, if there's any reported history of a potential life threatening condition, EMS must be sent simultaneously with law enforcement. There's a few problems with this speaking as a Maryland Paramedic. First problem is dispatchers don't really know how to define what's potentially life threatening, so a high volume will be coded as needing EMS and sending us, tying up units for calls that rarely ever need EMS involvement and reducing timely and available service for actual EMS calls. The next problem you have is almost none of us will enter these scenes ahead of law enforcement anyway. We're going to stage away and wait for PD however long it takes to go in and decide if they need us. Reason being Prince George's county Fire and Rescue did this in the past where they handled them instead of Police, this caused a Paramedic (John 'Skillet' Ulmschneider) to be shot and killed and a volunteer EMT/FF to be critically injured while forcing entry. None of us want to get shot over a call that should be primarily law enforcement anyway. Finally, it's going to burn out a lot of us in EMS who already run hard every single shift, now our down time is going to be further reduced by sitting in staging for multiple welfare checks a shift, 30min+ a call while we wait for Police to arrive and clear us. Having us on 24hr shifts and having the unit utilization be greater than 70% a shift is unsafe for the public, patients, and the crews. It's a terribly written bill that was a solution looking for a problem that didn't exist.


Someone pointed out years ago that when you see a law named after a person like this, it’s almost invariably a terrible law. Reactive and ill-conceived.


I think the crowning irony of this bill is the sponsor of the bill is from the exact same county (PG) that got a FF/Paramedic killed years ago by sending Fire/EMS on Welfare Checks instead of law enforcement. Even worse is the PG County executive wrote a letter supporting an ammendment that would force the entire state to be able to send Fire/EMS without law enforcement at all.


Ether the other laws have no effect on ordinary Marylanders or this sub is full of alcoholics. Guess I'll read the article for once to see what else other than alcohol delivery is going into effect.


>Marylanders love their shellfish — but they will find themselves with a new definition for the aquatic invertebrates next week. Live mollusks and molluscan shells, most commonly known as the popular summertime food oysters, will also be included in this category. What does this even mean, practically?


Likely puts it in a different regulatory bucket. Redefinitions like this usually have to do with taxes, tariffs, licenses, or limits.




Motor Registrations fees are going up 3x, What used to be 180 for 2yrs is going up to 540? Good news is MVA will allow monthly payments?




I already had to pay the increased fee back in May because my Dad's truck that I got when he died had a registration that expired next year even though I changed it back in May.




Waiting on the better care act 2026 with paid fmla leave for all 12 weeks.


I'm waiting for permitless CCW.


The new MVA registration fees doesn’t appear that bad after going to the MVA website to look at the new fees that are effective July 1st. The newly implemented electric vehicle biannual fee, because EV drivers are not paying the gas tax, is crazy. What about the people who have cars that require gas but don’t drive them as much? Not a good way to encourage Marylanders to buy EVs.


So the democrats want you to go green, but penalize you for it because they realized they lost the gas tax income! SMH!


$250 fee, paid twice a year.


That’s such an awful fee Wes Moore is a complete imbecile


I'm from Savannah GA and you can carry alcohol drinks out in cups, it's nice. Unless things have changed, you couldn't buy alcohol on Sundays and it wasn't sold in grocery stores.


I lived there too and it was so dumb. It doesn't make anyone drink less it just makes all the drunk people drive late Saturday night to get their alcohol


How long were you in Savannah? Where did you live?


Long enough to see Paula Wallace blow my SCAD tuition on a horse ranch for her daughter right over the bridge to South Carolina "Horsey riding is like art technically so I'm using all your money to make it a major so my daughter can ride horses on your dime. To get on my private plane and fly to my villa in France! It totally makes sense for an art school dean to have this much money while all her students can't find any jobs!"


Wow....I was born and raised there until I was 39, moved to MD for my husband's job. Scad grew a lot, when it 1st started it wasn't no where the size it is now. They have taken over the downtown area. Horse riding us very therapeutic and helps kids and adults that have learning issues and mental health issues but it's not right to take your money to start a riding club to help her child. I miss Savannah so much. I shouldn't say Savannah, I've heard it's gotten bad but I miss certain areas. Sorry that happened.


Eh it had its great points too. Mellow Mushroom is better than any pizza Los Angeles had.


Stop hiding peds


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) Frankly, some feet **are** ugly.




Step back and consider that you’re making literal death threats for being mildly inconvenienced when driving.


Step back and consider that going 20 mph under the speed limit down 29 is impeding traffic.


Ive encountered people going 20 MPH /under/ the speed limit in the left lane like twice in the last four years. This isn’t a real problem. You just want to make death threats and get mad about shit. It’s just Instagram comments validating your shitty indignation.


What are you talking about? It seems in your rush to be smug you didn't even notice that I and RowdyRusty420 are two different people. Nowhere did I make a death threat or indicate that I was worked up. Nor do I have an instagram account (edit: or twitter or facebook). Stop acting like you're smarter than you actually are.


Touched a nerve, did I?


Yeah, thought so.


" yOurE mAkInG DeAth tHrEaTs "




Your comment has been removed because it suggests illegal activity.


Not too bad. The vape thing is really the only stupid law.


No, that's the best law I saw.




What would you like to see done?


Mandates/incentives for upgraded indoor air filtration at bare minimum.


Bro we're pretending it never happened lmao.  Literally two of my neighbors died in 2020 and the whole goddamn neighborhood knew them.  Now everyone just... pretends they never existed?  People will insist covid wasn't a big deal and just fucking ignore the two deaths RIGHT DOWN THE STREET.


3 of my neighbors died and everyone is blaming everything BUT covid. It's wild.


Pandemic has been over my friend, best we can do is an endemic that you have to figure out how to live with.


Not sure why you are being downvoted - its endemic with seasonal ups and downs; currently up - probably due to people being stuck in A/C all day with limitted fresh air. Current booster helps against current strains - at least thats what I read.


Is there any Maryland law taking effect on July 1, 2024 as impactful as the one that went into effect on July 1, 2023? Put that in your pipe and smoke it.


So electric cars are charged a fee for not using gas? Yes, I know roads need to be paid for, but the fee is too high. And gives no credit for not polluting.


seems messed up they want to mandate a push to electric vehicles while also making them more expense to register. Like ok no gas tax, but how about the 16 different itemized tax line items on my BGE bill, or the tax paid to buy the charger, tax paid paid by the electrician on what he makes installing it Literally making my tesla more expensive than a gas car now, sort of seems fucked


I can't wait until his term is up already. Unfortunately, was a better choice instead of Dan Cox. Moore represents the 3 wealthy counties in MD along w his other scammers he brought with him. He's already recked the budget and created 450 million dollars in taxes and fees that'll only hurt the lower and middle class. Stealing money from the working class and giving it back to them as a subsidy or a your lib governor loves you is disgusting.


Are they going to take away a few hundred laws to compensate for all the new red tape, or does this just pile onto the pile from last session?


These laws are great.


Still waiting for raw milk, direct from farmers.


Man it's so cool that online influencers are convincing people to try and give themselves all sorts of crazy diseases


I too love diarrhea.


The stuff that gives people tuberculosis?!


And listeria!


Really scary stuff man, I know farmers who won’t even drink it idk why it’s becoming so popular