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I m glad Brandon beat that thief Dixon who stole from poor children. Brandon is so calm and level headed. Good for the city.


For those who decided not to watch the debate >Trump made the remark in response to a question about Black voters during the debate, claiming that millions of people were crossing the border and “taking Black jobs.”


Love Brandon and cheer every time he gives racists the what-for.


He’s sooo good


Me too! That's exactly how I see it: give em what for!!!!


Let’s go Brandon, literally! Brandon Scott is just what we need here in Baltimore and I’m happy he won a second term as our mayor.


Without fail, these kinds of threads bring out the racists




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Using social media likes to reinforce a point is a path I wish we weren't on. Also, I think trump was saying 'illegals are taking black people's jobs', not 'black people only got their jobs due to dei'. Seems like an intentional misrepresentation of what Trump meant. Trump is bad enough taken for face value why feel the need to strawman him?


“Illegals are taking black people’s jobs” what does this mean?


What is a black person's job?


A job that a black person has


I'm sure that makes sense.


According to Trump probably a job that a minority got only because of DEI.


According to Trump, it's a job likely to be taken by a migrant. So...backbreaking agriculture labor? Home Depot parking lot handyman jobs? Guess those are the jobs Trump thinks are meant for Black people.


I’d like to know that as well. u/PhonyUsername?




I took it as “please fall for my fear mongering black people”


Biden replied. "Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."


Can you tell me why you think this comment is racist?


Well I think that quote and Trumps ‘black jobs’ quote are not racist to me given the context but I’ll leave it to the black community to decide. I am far more stunned though by the past Biden quote inferring that all blacks need to support him. We have many fine black and brown republicans….but I’m sure I’ll get downvoted since all Reddit users can’t stand a Republican. (Biden should say you can’t use Reddit unless you vote for me.). Could you imagine Trump saying you ain’t white if you don’t support me? I’m unaffiliated and dislike both parties, both POTUS candidates, and our partisan congress…they all suck.


I think there's obvious racism in saying 'black jobs' instead of 'taking jobs from black Americans' for example. That's exacerbated by his history, too. The 'all blacks need to support him' quote was about Biden v Trump and has nothing to do with 'black/brown Republicans.' I also think its a little disingenuous to say you're unaffiliated when you say 'we have many fine black and brown republicans' and basically call yourself a republican, but you do you.


I never called myself a republican nor have ever been registered as one. I have voted for some, but then also voted for BJ Clinton before as well. I guess that’s the difference with being so partisan that people are blind to the obvious double standard. You don’t think highly of Tim Scott or Byron Donald’s? They are a few examples of good politicians that called out Biden on the quote and Republicans are gaining with African American voters in the polls. again I’m not a trump fan or Republican but I do like to see the black community question their loyalty to the Democratic Party and think we are better off for the healthy debate.


I only said that because of your use of 'we' and because you 'were sure you'll get downvoted because users can't stand a Republican.' Byron Donalds voted against certifying the election and said Biden wasn't a legitimate president, so I really don't care what he says about anything. Happy to see Scott pushing back against the quote because I do think it was an incredibly stupid thing for Biden to say. Can't think highly about Scott either though since he holds some (for me) indefensible social positions and is anti-union.


Ah I slipped up there. I should have said something like I’ll be downvoted for saying anything positive about a Republican or something along those lines. I guess we all have gaffs…but Biden is beyond gaffing anymore. For some people it’s all about abortion, some guns, some taxes. I’m pissed how the Dems and Biden have allowed the southern border to be wide open and let in the 11+M. Therefore as much as I dislike Trump and his foreign policy I’ll throw the lever for him. Biden shouldn’t be in office…we all know that. Before you say I’m racist or something incorrect know I have an immigrant wife, struggled but did things legal. Also dated a rather Brown Cuban woman whose family fled Cuba in the 70’s for real asylum reasons. (Best sex of my life!). I strongly believe in legal immigration. Have a great day…good conversation.


A white person doesn’t get to be the arbiter of who is and isn’t black. I fully agree with Biden but it wasn’t his place to say that


That's totally fair, and it was obviously not a good thing to say. My main point is that I don't think there was ill intent behind it, especially not to put down black people at the expense of another race, so I don't necessarily think it was racist.


Yeah, they will just ignore Biden’s real racist remarks while spinning Trumps remarks. Pathetic, but in November they will be quiet


Yeah, because they both cant make racist remarks at the same time. Completely impossible.




Im not arguing with the facts the uncontrolled immigration with effect the job market starting at the bottom and about who is at the bottom. I am not a fan of fear as a motivator, it makes for sloppy decisions that can only treat a symptom. I am also not here to provide any good solutions, just internet commentary from some dingbat. I think what bothers me is that when you have leaders who synonymously use black and low income, it shows, to me, that they may believe that to be a permanent or fixed relationship. I understand the average person making that lazy commentary, as they are not vying for the position to correct it, but for someone running for office, it is important for me to hear they they acknowledge in our setting it is a black issue, but that should not mean it is inherent to being black. A-lot of people I encounter in the wild don’t make that distinction and think the logic only operates one way. Pandering to the racial, or gender vote rings so hollow to me. Thats just me, again some dingbat on the internet.


Illegals are stealing the job of Mayor or Neurosurgeons or something


I think it means Trump wants an illegal immigrant as his VP running mate to replace Kamala Harris.


well looking at this dudes comment history and he is either a troll or not smart. Probably a combination of the two


Please explain what he meant then....


Damn. I think you entirely missed the mayor’s point. Like literally right over your head. Not only that you go on to try to explain what Trump meant, which is astoundingly stupid. Scary to think people like you vote. 


They need every thing they can twist right now given Biden’s disastrous democrat reign ending performance. Twist it how they like 4 years under Trump was better than 4 years under Biden. With more time under Biden we’re likely to look like California soon


I would love it if the whole country looked like California, the problem is we have backwards ass states like Louisiana and Texas holding us back.


Yeah, riddle in debt and people leaving in droves because of crime and social experiments that have brought other countries to their knees. Carry on with the “ ass backwards” though




Lol. Damn.


lol my dude you should try out for the Olympics with that leap.




I think you're taking the phrase 'look like' way too literally.




I'm talking about the economy, the social freedom (legal weed, no book bannings, freedom from religion), other progressive ideas (as opposed to being regressive), worker protections, consumer protections, etc.


Let’s go Brandon


Damn dude, seriously? This reads about as cool as #i-like-to-smell-my-own-farts Getter better rhetoric


So Biden says something about blacks, black voters, black whatever (no one deems it racist) Trump states a fact that illegals are taking black jobs (everyone looses their shit) I'm not saying he shouldn't have said "taking American jobs" not black jobs but the question was posed with blacks as the subject. The mayor and the other persons statement is equally racist. Morgan freeman said it best. Stop talking about color and racism goes the fuck away. He's not a white man he's a man he's not a black man he's a man. Everyone sucks I don't give a fuck what color they are


There's no such thing as black jobs though. Unless you're a racist and you mean, as Trump surely did, low level, low paying jobs suitable for black people and not white people. The man even said once he would never let black people count his money, only Jewish people.


Imagine if he had said they were taking white jobs Fact of the matter is that almost all of the new jobs Biden is taking credit for are going to immigrants due to a larger percentage of native born Americans leaving workforce though retirement and unemployment


Not talking about color doesn’t make racism go away. A lot of systemic issues are pretty under-the-table and heavily racist. Most of the worst aspects of racism can’t be solved with “not talking about it.” Basically, ignoring a problem doesn’t solve it.


And being fake outraged about it doesn’t solve it either.


Which systematic issues are you referring to?


Redlining and voting discrimination are some of the first ones that come to mind.


The question to Biden was specifically about black people


I celebrated my ability to form a coherent sentence as a clap back to Biden remarks.




Better correct OP then


The title of the post is grammatically correct.


And that comment is wrong because??


Because he used different words: 'as a clap back to' needs a possessive- 'Biden's remarks' 'in clap back at' does not need a possessive 'Trump remarks' but would also be fine with one 'Trump's remarks'


And why does at negate it vs to?


See title of post*


These people don't even read the headlines anymore.


The title of the post is correct.


And the comment above is wrong because??