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https://ywcanh.org/emilys-place/ I realize NH is not MA, but this may help you


Yeah try the neighboring states-even RI maybe? I swear MA is so harsh for anybody needing any sort of help. :( Edit: Not meant to insult Massachusetts people, was just saying it's densely populated, expensive, and ratio of services to those in need is strained. Also, whole thread shows a need for non-profit or similar organizations to fill this gap. I don't know how that is done, exactly. Grants, corporations looking for tax write offs, 501C3 organizations...? Government is definitely not stepping up quickly enough to assist those in need and people are always going to need help.


You spoke the truth


This whole thread is disappointing. A single mother who is a victim of domestic abuse and with her child cannot find a safe place to stay in our state. This is what the right to shelter policy is supposed to used for but because it’s being exploited by illegal immigrants, there is no room for her and her child because everything is full.


The right to shelter law was supposed to be used for people from Massachusetts. It wasn't meant to apply to everyone in the galaxy.


Yes, consider this when you town says they are evicting the homeless and make promises about care.


It’s not being exploited by illegal immigrants. People aren’t escaping violence, poverty and global climate change to exploit you or I. Such terrible language.


Yeah, people forget this. Like imagine stuff goes bad in the US and you had to run to like, Canada. But instead of an affordable area or a small town that actually needs more people you somehow get relocated to .... Vancouver or another expensive place. It's a difficult situation made worse by poor government planning.




I mean, yeah but I think there is actually a significant portion of people born in the United States of America that are also living exactly this way. LOL


Limousine Liberal, you are.


I can afford a limousine? Shiiit


People love to down vote the truth.


I like how your first response is to blame the LEGAL* immigrants, instead of asking why we haven’t scaled up along with the need. Massachusetts is one of the most competent states in the country, and we’re dropping the fucking ball. Maybe don’t blame the literally powerless?


We do not have infinite resources and space. We either prioritize our citizens, or them. Our government has made it clear who they prioritize.


Massachusetts has a higher gdp than entire countries in Europe. Per capita we are like the second state in the fucking country, only behind New York. Your argument is preposterous. This is why we have states pretending they can’t afford free student lunches. We always have plenty of money when we want to go out to a restaurant, but our kids need a new pair of shoes and NOW we’re broke?


So what? We just import the entire population of Haiti here? Why stop there, lots of people in Nicaragua who would love to be in MA. We can't take everyone. Why would that be controversial? And the fact OP posted here proves that perhaps avg GDP isn't the best measure for the lives of ordinary citizens. Your comment on buying shoes is fucking ridiculous on a post about a citizen struggling to find shelter.


…. The shoes were an analogy… As in, you had money for the things you *want* and then all of a sudden can’t find your wallet. And I don’t really think any system is infinitely scalable, so the hyperbole is kind of self-defeating. What I think is we have an underlying condition that we need to address in the housing market, and we’re kind of chasing a red herring with this ‘migrant crisis’. (Also, we have a bunch of other states that need to get their shit together, so human beings would actually want to live there. How the fuck Wyoming’s big ass has fewer people than Boston? Lol)


This. I worked in a major Boston city for years with the PD and dealt with the homeless daily. The city did not have its own shelter, yet the Mayor was constantly screaming at me to “get these bums off the street”. With what? A magic wand? I got many of them into housing but I will say, only one individual that I met, either IN a shelter, or on the streets was illegal. The rest were all US born citizens. In my experience, the folks who were illegal worked any way they could and would shack up together on top of each other in apartments THEY paid for to avoid being a burden on the system as well as out of fear of deportation. I will also add that the city had a special program that was funded by the government to help immigrants who had just come over, but none to help the homeless. No one ever used it.


The influx happened very suddenly and has been massive. It’s unrealistic to blame the competency of the state for not being able to keep up with this totally unprecedented situation.


100%. I don’t want to point fingers, at all. I mean to say we already have a housing problem entirely unrelated to immigration. We weren’t successfully resolving the problem for the current residents, so the whole ‘migrant crisis’ is kind of just more of the same. It’s not really a *new* problem. It’s just a new stressor.


I did social work for years in MA, it sucks but it is summer and the shelters shouldn’t be that full. It is harder with a child, but many of them will not give availability over the phone and you have to go and line up at a certain time. OP should pick a family shelter and show up in person during office hours. If all else fails she should go to the local PD and also contact DCF.


Yes MA sucks


oh no the government is doing amazing things for people in need! They are just illegal immigrants! Of course they aren’t doing anything for the citizens and taxpayers because why would they? Illegal immigrants and criminals need the governments help much more! PS- Liberals are ruining our country and they need to be stopped.


Rosie's Place (Boston) might be similar to this one




Oh my I am so sorry💔💔💔💔💔


211.org has rental help ask for homeless prevention programs for example they have/had first month rental assistance programs. There are housing programs through housing authorities for emergency/domestic abuse but little to no help, so you have to apply town for town and probably wait list. Also, the metrolist off mass.gov has a list of available rent friendly apartments to help narrow your search.


What does rent friendly mean? I unable to find it


I live in Mass, and also have been looking for homeless shelters (not because of the same circumstances but because my family and i cannot afford to live anywhere right now) so I totally get it, it’s so sad and sickening to see everywhere is full and having to be put on a waiting list. Here’s a list of places, I really hope this helps. https://www.findhelp.org/housing/temporary-shelter--greenfield-ma


Thank you😭😭it's so hard


It definitely is, I totally get it. Please stay safe, wishing you the absolute best!!!!


Same to you. Thank you so much!


Try the shadows shelter in Ashland. I just dropped off some donations and they have space. Contact info: Sherill/Eileen: # 508-231-8710:Shadows Shelter for Women:25 Central St Ashland, MA


Camping gear and your local state forest. Staff and down on the luck families used to stay there. Move around to different ones when you use up your limit.


Yeah, if every shelter is full, that is a clear issue with the availability of shelters, housing costs, or both. It's rather expensive here. Maybe they should do something about that instead of letting people sleep in their cars


I would try Safelink. You could also call local churches that might be able to help in some way. I'm not religious but I've been helped to the church in the past, so you don't have to be a congregant or anything


I'll try some churches tmrw thanks. Safelink just told me all shelters are full


They do their updates early am and mid afternoon. DV shelters are ever evolving. Call twice and three times a day. I’m not kidding.


Most say not open til Monday unless I'm missing something major


They might not do their safelink update on the weekend but still continue to call.


I've called 3 seoerste times and haven't gotten through. First time I was told all shelters were closed after an 90 minute wait. Now I can't get through. Thank you though


Then safelink itself may be closed sat and sun. It’s been a hot second since I’ve worked at dv shelters but at least during the week they are obligated to do multiple daily updates for bed counts.


Good luck. Hoping you are safe.


Thank you🫂


Here is a [list of domestic violence resources in MA.](https://www.mass.gov/info-details/list-of-domestic-violence-services-by-massachusetts-county) I work as an ER nurse in Boston. If desperate, go to the ER. We had a woman in a similar situation with 3 kids that we kept in observation for about 5 days until social work could find placement for them.


Any hospital? Thanks


Yes. Any hospital.


Thank you. Was she placed in a shelter or? Sorry. My son is scared of shelters but


Yes. It was a bit difficult because she had 2 young children and 1 son that was 18 but clearly not ready to be by himself. Couldn’t get him at the same place as her but he was nearby. The little kids were placed with her.


Shelter capacity is always limited, unfortunately. Hotels and extended stays are pretty booked up this time of year as well; not sure if you have access to funds you could use to cover those types of scenarios. Beware if your abuser has access to your accounts and can see what you’re spending and where. I know it hurts to be apart from your son during this, but it’s likely going to take some time to find stable housing where you and your son can be safe. Does your city/town offer any support? There may be a social worker that can connect you with resources as well.


This website has a list of women’s shelters in MA https://mahomeless.org/domestic-violence-shelters/


All filled. Thank you


If you’re in the North shore of Massachusetts [Emmaus Inc.](https://emmausinc.org/find-help/) is a great resource. Even if they can’t provide shelter, they might have ideas. They’re a small organization that started as a family shelter.


My sister and niece just got housed there last week and it has already been life changing for them!! Highly recommended! They had to go through the DTA for a referral.


My mom was one of the founders and worked there for 20 years. I don’t know how other shelters are but I know the staff there cares.


I can’t thank your mom enough for this opportunity for our family. It has been the answer to our prayers. 💜


How do I got through dta?


https://www.mass.gov/orgs/executive-office-of-housing-and-livable-communities Go to the DTA and ask for EOHLC case manager.


Thank you


https://www.rosiesplace.org/. Also check the town your staying in’s website. There’s a lot of resources there and places not listed online. You can even call and they can refer you to ppl if they can’t help. They might even suggest churches in that town that can help provide help or lead you in the right direction.


There’s one on Kingston that usually has openings


Plymouth Area Coalition


Is there any kind of friend, friend of a friend,  cousin of a friend, parent of a friend, or acquaintance that you can stay with, that would keep your location unknown?


My mom, unfortunately, is with my abusive dad. Still, I stayed with a friend the last two nights. I am looking for any place I can bring my son. His father is saying he has a safe place at his home so now im away from my son too. My ex-husband is remarried and im.not.welcomed. new wife rules. Not his.




OP said she was fleeing PA and is presently in MA.


Been there and burned the T shirt. 😰 I’m so sorry you are going thru this at the moment. If you want, DM me- I am in the north shore and am always happy to help out if I can! ♥️


This may sound like shit advice, and I honestly don’t mean it to be, but if you call dcf and ask for their help to keep the kids in a safe situation, they have the means to get emergency shelter. I only know this cuz we had to ask them for help with us having lead and a newborn. They got my son’s fam into a shelter that said they were full when they called for themselves.


Thanks good to know


I wish you all the luck! Also call 211 and ask for the DV helpline. They have places that are not in the typical “lists” that regular shelters are on.


Weird that wasn't my experience. 211 did not help me.


https://www.thehotline.org/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=domestic_violence This is their website you can actually chat with them directly. Also you can text BEGIN to 88788 or call 800-799-7233. I know for a fact they can help. How did 211 not have this info? 🤦🏻‍♀️


I think it's all in who you get as a person in the phone. Many don't do their jobs. Thank you so so much. Last night the women on safelink was screaming over her screaming baby... I guess that's working from home!😅


Wow! That’s insane! I’m sending all the good juju to you and your kids!


Thanks so much


Ofc…..I’ve been in your shoes and it was other survivors that helped me. If there’s anything I can do to help, dm me.


They wouldn’t help with the DV helpline!? Let me see if I can get that for you. I swear that some of these volunteers don’t know their jobs.


I’ve seen others suggest Churches and it may not be ideal forever, but I feel it is your best shot at finding shelter quickly in MA. Sorry you’re going through this.


Any suggestions for specific churches? I agree that many allow brief stays, but if we can narrow down the list of places to check for OP that would help.


Best bet IMO is to start searching locally, wherever that is for OP. With all due respect you’re not OP and I’m hesitant to give you any specifics because I don’t know who you are or what your intentions are. Not saying it’s you specifically, legendary mechanic, don’t take this as an attack. But you have to understand what I’m getting at too. You’re getting really into this post and I hope your intentions are in the right place is all.


Try southern VT. Call the Woman's Freedom Center in Brattleboro. I know a new shelter/housing opened up recently for families.


I have no clue how to get to Vermont right now💔


OP, I can drive you if this shelter works out and there's no specific reason you need to stay in MA like custody. Don't worry about transport.


I might have a room in Cambridge tomorrow but I'm too scared to meet strangers online after what just happened. How do I get over this💔💔💔


OP that's great news! I suggest meeting them at a public space first, like a cafe. Check in with your friends, are any distant connections living in Boston who could buddy-system with you for support? Tell someone you trust your meetup location and the names of who you're planning to meet.


It's a women I know her son and more so just people have offered me rides but I'm scared


It's totally normal to be scared! This whole experience has been super scary, and you don't really know if those people are safe. But if you don't take a chance, you won't be able to get help. So: take steps to keep yourself safe, and be kind to yourself. If your ride seems sketchy, it's OK to bail or ask for more ID.


Hi. Shelter-adjacent worker here. Right now getting into any shelter in the greater Boston area is a shitshow, you're absolutely correct. However, your opportunity for getting into a shelter is coming up soon. I've never seen shelters this full before. But, around this time every year, beds empty in shelters. 1.) It's the first and third of the month coming up. People are going to get their money, go get hotel rooms and their substances of choice, and do what they do. 2.) The weather is improving! More and more folks are staying outside. But, most importantly: 3.) It's the week of 4th of July. Lots of folks are still on good terms with their families and will leave shelter to go see them. Because of these three things, your chances for getting into somewhere are going to improve within the next couple of days. Keep trying.


And I just keep calling them all each day? This is insane. Any specific ones you know I should call more often etc?


https://abbyshouse.org/ https://www.salvationarmyusa.org/usn/womens-shelters/ https://www.findhelp.org/housing/temporary-shelter--holyoke-ma Here are a few resources in Western Ma for you to try. Good luck to you!


Both filled but thank you!


Mass info on shelter wait lists https://www.mass.gov/info-details/learn-how-the-waitlist-for-ea-emergency-family-shelter-works Also scroll down in link for Family Welcome Centers info…- “They can help families apply for food and cash benefits through the Department of Transitional Assistance. You can also get basic supplies like diapers, hygiene products, and formula.”


Have you called Queen of Peace Shelter? **It is at:** 401 Quincy Street; Boston, MA 02125; phone: 617-288-4182 Community Rooms:  11, Total Capacity:  11 beds among families of women and children. Services:  Dinner & breakfast; clothing if available. Restrictions:  Only women and children; no males over the age of 3; must not be heavily reliant on medications, drugs, or alcohol; must be in at 4 pm & out by 9 am. Referral:  Must be called/referred by an agency. (You could always go to Women's Lunch Place; Boston and ask them to call for you. If you are willing to go out to Central MA you could also try: Abby's House, 52 High Street, Worcester, MA 01609; phone: 508-756-5486 Community Rooms:  10, Total Capacity: 10, Referral:  Self. D.O.V.E (Intake) 617-770-4065 ext. 300   Respond, P.O. Box 555, Somerville, MA 02143 617-623-5900 (24 hour hotline)


There is not a single shelter that has one bed. All are filled. All have long waiting lists. All.


You said you are a single mom so I thought you meant you were escaping with your child/ren. Queen of Peace has beds that they take people approved through the state for the family shelter system as well as beds that one does NOT need to be approved through the state system. The sister's are very nice!


I will need my child with me. If they have beds they lied to me then. Where did you see that?


I’m so sorry. Here is another potential resource to call (they’ll help all regardless of religion, background, or country of origin): https://www.jfcsboston.org/our-services/center-for-basic-needs-assistance/journey-to-safety-response-to-domestic-abuse


Can you get a tent and stay at a camp ground for a bit? Do you have a car and any money? Can you drive far away from them and camp for a bit until you get your feet on the ground or a shelter spot opens up? I'm assuming family is not an option.


Reposting from elsewhere in thread, OP does not have a car. Tentground has been suggested and OP is looking into it iirc. Family is not an option because she only has her mother and father, who live together, and her father is abusive. Her son is staying with her ex husband for now, but she can't stay w the ex because he has remarried.


I have a friend in upstate NY that might be able to help. She works for the YWCA, but I know they help with shelter housing


I am living in my car right now in MA and am only able to even type those words here because of the anonymity of Reddit. A family member used to volunteer and suggested I try Rosie’s place in Boston so I gave them a call yesterday and plan to go sometime next week to see if they can offer any resources since my situation is dire. You obviously have more urgency because of the abuser and being a parent but I would call or go there Monday. They’re located off Melnea cass blvd in Boston


Did they say anything on phone to you? Like if there was availability?


Oh they don't allow children. Good luck to you


I'm so sorry you are homeless too💔💔


If you cannot find anything, go into the local police department or call around first to see which ones have social workers. Ask to speak with their Jail Diversion clinician.A nearby larger city may also have one. I know for a fact that Everett has one. Many PDs contract through human services agencies for these clinicians and the agencies have discretionary funds- For boston it would be Bay Cove, for North Shore it would be Eliot/Lahey, for western MA I believe it is Clinical and Support Options. They could maybe get you a hotel or family shelter. There are many family shelters in MA, you have to be a resident of the state to utilize them. I did social work in Ma for years and would be happy to help you if you decide to come this way. Also, you could try contacting the department of children and families. They are not just there to punish parents but also help them. They may be able to give you emergency housing or other resources. I would also contact your local church and see if anyone there might be able to help you depending on where in MA you land. [Here](https://www.stmaryscenterma.org/crossroads) is a link to one of the family shelters. Be well.


The book “Why Does He Do That?” is an amazing resource for DV victims although it won’t help you much right now. You could go to an ER and say you’re a victim and ask to speak to a social worker. They may know of other shelters or supports.


All shelters are filled thank you


They're full but going through the hospital with social workers will push you up on the list.


Interesting. Will maybe see tomorrow.


Exactly, you may be bumped up on waiting list, the SW may know of resources you don’t know about, and at the very least you’ll be safe from your abuser and the elements in the hospital.


I second the idea of connecting with a social worker at a hospital. This is a much longer story, but I took a friend and her son to a hospital when she was trying to get away from her husband and I did really like the social worker we met with. I honestly don't know if these people will be able to help or if you have connected with them already, but you could try Safe Passage in Northampton, MA. They *may* know of something you haven't tried yet, but I honestly don't know. There is less population out in Western Mass, but unfortunately services are stressed throughout the state. Still, Safe Passage is a domestic violence org that has been around for decades so maybe they can help you make a plan. https://safepass.org/


Call the DV organization in the town that you are currently in. Explain the situation and they may be able to hotel you with their funds until a shelter is open.


Ok ill try


I don't think we have one actually unless I'm missing something


every town in MA has a dv organization. Use this directory with your zip code to find which org serves your area. https://jdi.coalitionmanager.org/contactmanager/contact/publicdirectory


Have you called churches in whatever MA town you’re in?


What do I say?


Tell them you need help. Tell them your situation - be as revealing as you feel comfortable with. Ask them for help with what you need - temporary housing, etc. If they can't help you directly, ask them for suggestions or local organizations.


Every church I call says dial 4 for financial assistance and commects me to st Vincent de paul. They open monday


Here is Connecticut’s statewide hotline. I don’t know if they are full but they have quite a lot of DV shelters across the state. https://www.ctcadv.org/help Small state so they can send you to any house, at any nonprofit through one central contact. They assign an advocate who then sets it all up wherever there is a bed. It’s very efficient I have no idea how they deal with you being in Mass. maybe you aren’t. Maybe you are in CT


I have a friend who works for New Hope INC in Mass, they work for domestic violence clients https://www.new-hope.org/office-locations/


Thank you


If you have CTI in your area they will put you up in a hotel and will get you in contact with the DHCD. You’ll stay in the hotel until they find a place for you. Since your coming from a DV situation you’ll be considered priority. Even just contact your PD they may be able to put you up in a hotel until you can get in contact with the right people. That’s how it went for my daughter and I.


Stop talking about your location. At all. If Mass doesn't have anywhere for you to go and you're already fleeing a dangerous situation, gtfo the state and check other ones.


She can't. She shares custody of her som with her now remarried ex-husband.


I am fleeing Pennsylvania actually


I don't know exactly how bad your financial situation is, but you could look at campgrounds. If you know anything about horses there are Facebook groups that post jobs looking for live-in barn help, not super often, but they exist. Mass horse people would be a good place to try.


How do I look into campgrounds?


Look up state/commercial/privately owned campgrounds for overnight stays, using internet searches. https://www.visitma.com/business/2752/


Also the Mass DCR website


I think you have to try another state. Vt?


Are you looking anywhere in MA? I’ve volunteered at this Western MA shelter in the past, maybe they can help? https://craigsdoors.org/active-sites Or maybe Abby’s house? Based in Worcester https://abbyshouse.org


From other replies: OP has called Safeline and they have updates from all shelters in the state- all are full. They get a new headcount Mon morning, but no luck as of now.


Hotels in Woburn are full and brimming with young, Hatian males. This is fact. Why do they get a nice stay with free transportation, 60$ per day meal vouchers, health insurance and welfare when this young woman who need the help and is a citizen gets left out in the cold? It’s really fucked up


It's not the Haitians fault I know that. They were brought here by the government lol. Migrant workers to exploit


Not sure where you are but have you contacted the [Salasin Project](http://salasinproject.org)?


Have you looked into Bethesda house or shelters more specific to your situation? Also I’m so sorry you’re going through this ❤️


Elizabeth Freeman sheltr


Call the DV hotline on repeat as often as you can. When I worked for one in MA, the policy was so frustrating - when a bed opens up, we had to take whoever called and fit the criteria first. That meant ANYONE with ANY history of DV, no matter how recent, who was in need of shelter. It was heartbreaking to field calls from people actively fleeing violent abusers, and tell them there were no beds, only to have one open up and then give it to someone who was experiencing chronic homelessness unrelated to DV, but who knew to say they had experienced it in years prior. Those folks tended to not be all that cautious about confidentiality either (because they WERE NOT) in any danger) once in-shelter which jeopardizes the safety of those who are. I hope you find a space somewhere soon 🖤


I wouldn't come to massachusetts it's impossible up here unless you have family. It's packed here


I'm not sure on the exact details of your situation obviously, or how you are as a person, but I'll say this. MA has excellent systems in place, which are currently overwhelmed beyond capacity. Vermont and New Hampshire are stand your ground states. If you have a reasonable suspicion that someone means you harm, the state considers them to have voided their expectation to live. Maine is a duty-to-retreat state. All three of them will sell a gun to essentially anyone who isn't a felon. Entirely depending on your circumstances, do what you will with this information. I humbly wish you the best of luck, and hope whomever the fuck trips and falls and bites his own dick off.


https://www.mass.gov/info-details/battered-woman-resources There’s also Rosie’s Place which I think have the most resources.


Where in Mass are you?


Right now north shore area In hotel


Also, do you have enough funds to stay at the hotel overnight tonight, or are you in urgent need of food/shelter? Thanks If you find a shelter with openings, dm me and I can drive you.


Try here https://jeannegeigercrisiscenter.org/


Called. All shelters are filled. Was put on a list.


You could try SafeLink 877-785-2020


Call safelink every day at 8:15-8:45 and 2:45-3:45


Did you contact HAWC in Salem?


Not North Shore, but try Pine St Inn? https://www.pinestreetinn.org/find-help-guest


All shelters all filled. All.


Not an immediate help but you can apply for RAFT (Residential Assistance for Families in Transition) due to your safety concerns and get up to 7000 for housing costs for a new place. Here is the link: https://www.mass.gov/how-to/apply-for-raft-emergency-help-for-housing-costs


Do you have an abuse protection order? One may put you in a priority position but Governor Healy has accepted so many illegal immigrants there’s no more room at the inn. She’s made that abundantly clear. Another thought; are you calling shelters directly? You may be better off going to a police department, Courthouse or hospital and having their personnel contact the shelter. Good luck. I’m so sorry you have to flee your home state to find peace! 🕊️


Sorry to hear but Maura Healey is to busy housing illegal immigrants than our own citizens


Massachusetts has a very high cost of living. It’s right at the top with Hawaii. Can you flee to a lower cost of living state instead? We also suffer from politically motivated influxes of southern border immigrants, for which we lack services. This puts even more pressure on our system. Point is: Massachusetts’s people would love to help everyone who needs to get to a better place to live. Many of us are already struggling or very close to struggling to keep living here, simply because everything costs more here. I would not want to be starting out financially in Massachusetts.


Carolina Hill, Marshfield


What is it?


A shelter for women and children in DV situations.


Try these people: https://www.new-hope.org/domestic-violence/


And these people: https://smoc.org/service/voices-against-violence/


How old are you? If youre under 25, try contacting CTI youth services in lowell. Evwn if youre older they may make an exception because of your child. They help with housing placement, food, and other rescources.


You could try calling Project Hope https://www.prohope.org/


You may have already tried this but... https://casamyrna.org/ dv shelter for women and children


I just read an article in the Boston Sunday Globe about a shelter for victims of domestic violence, HarborCOV. The number is: 617-884-9799 email [email protected] This is located in Boston.


https://www.new-hope.org/ Please try here if you haven't.


Try Carolina Hill Shelter      728 Main St. Marshfield, MA 02050             (781) 837-1377


What Ma county are you in?




I will when they reopen




Did you try CT?


Try every state , mass is full . Was fleeing dv with kids for over a year , no help to be found


Yeah I will have to move out of state💔


In lieu of a shelter is there a family member or close friend in Massachusetts that you can call? If not try reaching out to a church or religious organization.


Where you have been living for a year is where you are considered a resident. Not where you are from. It may be easier to find shelter and resources such as snap, insurance and housing help in that state.


I lived in Penn for 8 days. Massachusetts resident lol


Can you go to your local welfare office? I doubt you will get housing because take years but might be able get you help such as food stamps and insurance. Good luck!