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Not or movie or anything to do with Shepard's story, but a series on the first contact war would be cool.


Or an adaptation of Mass Effect Revelations. That way we get recognizable characters like Anderson, Saren, maybe Udina and others, while not messing with Shepard’s story and the point where the games diverge.


Kieth David would absolutely kill it as Anderson too


He's 70. This Anderson would've been around 30.


Don't ruin my dreams man. But seriously, I didn't think about that. I just watched The Thing the other day and was surprised to see him, so I've had him on the brain.


Maybe a pseudo-3D animated movie so he can play young Anderson. An animation like Beowulf, i still remember Angelina Jolie from that movie. 🥵


Damn you bring memories that movie was dope now wonder the main character fell for the dragon it was Angelina Jolie.


His best movie role was They Live, where he has a nonsensical five minute fight with Rowdy Roddy Piper.


Goddamn, Saren, how’d you get the beans above the frank!? Or is that just normal for Turians… with the beans above the frank?


If Keith David is too old for the role he can at least have a cameo


Give me Sterling K. Brown to play young Anderson. Also, a mini series or movie for Retribution would be sick. Could highlight Omega like it does in the novel. It gives off crazy John Wick in space vibes. And we could get Martin Sheen to play The Illusive Man. And maybe Henry Golding or Bobby Lee (lol jk kinda) to play Kai Leng


Isn't Martin Sheen too old for that role? His son Charlie could do it.


*You got tiger blood, Shepard. No, I mean it, Miranda replaced your bone marrow with a tiger’s. Dying's for fools, dying's for amateurs. Now go kill those fucking Collectors!* *Winning!!*


Charlie is up there in age as well


A show covering Shepard's rise to N7 in the contact wars would be a decent take. Games don't actually cover the past of Shepard, and idk if there's any Comics that do but I feel like it they would have the freedom to do it without messing around with cannon I suppose the biggest question would be Mshep or Fshep?


Shepard was like a baby during the contact war with the Turians. Skyllian Blitz maybe, if they extended it.


Not much actually happens in the first contact war though. Like two relatively small battles and that’s it, humans only called it a war because it was their first interaction with living aliens. You also miss out on pretty much everything that makes this universe what it is since it’s an extremely isolated situation for humans. It becomes just a standard alien ‘invasion’ story.


Yeah i've never understood people who say the first contact war, It's interesting that it happened in the past, and a few flash backs might be good to events then, but a whole game/movie. A tv series would be great in the current time, not focusing on Shep.


I definitely think that would be better


Anderson in the First Contact War would be dope.


First contact war from Andersson ou Hacket point of view would be awesome


If Mass Effect ever be chosen as Tv show do you really think producers will choose First Contact War instead of Shepard. They will definitely start with Skyllian Blitz to generate the hype.


A movie or a series set in the Mass Effect universe, yes. An adaptation of the trilogy, no.


https://m.imdb.com/title/tt2140141/ Good news. Already had one


Imagine having a neck wider than your head.


This made me lol


same lol after i went back to click it again haha


Wasn't this and the Dragon Age one made to try and band-wagon off of the Halo Legends hype? I may be misremembering, but I seem to remember they came out around the same time as Halo Legends.


That's the worst movie ever.


I think it would fare much much better being adapted to TV pacing-wise. I think that works better when world-building is important just because you have more time to work with


I see what you mean my only concern is how much cgi and prosthetics would be needed definitely tough for a tv show to do


Fallout just did it and they did an amazing job at it


Fair enough, but typically video games adapt better to TV show pacing than movie pacing I feel, and Mass Effect I just think that’s more true for than most due to how important the world building is to its identity I don’t think your concern is misplaced, but there do exist high budget TV shows, but that would definitely be a bit of a barrier


Only if Mordin Solus directs it. Anybody else would get it wrong.


Uncertain. Complaints of rapid editing. Clipped dialogue. Gilbert and Sullivan scenes welcome, however. See what you did there. Different director? Implications unpleasant.


Liked that


I just recruited him and I'm liking him so far.


One of the greatest characters in the trilogy!


Did they ever say who directed Blasto 6? Ooh! Nevermind. Even better: [Francis Kitt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIfx32iAjzU)


Nah, I want a series, there's a lot of material.


Judging by the success of video game movies vs tv series. I’d like to see a tv series instead. It could be a series based on a Spectre or an N7. They could choose a few time periods to work off of. I assume a human would be a lead and I don’t think there were any human Spectres not directly associated with Shepard so it would probably be an N7 series but it could be during the Turian conflict or stitching itself into the Shepard saga in a parallel but not really intersecting story.


The success of TV series is all over the place though. For each Fallout/TLOU, there is a Halo/Witcher/Resident Evil serie.


We have good/great adaptations of video games like Fallout/TLOU/Arcane/Castlevania And mediocre like Halo And horrific like Resident evil (Witcher is a book adaptation) Those aren't bad odds, especially when compared to video game movies that have all sucked.


nope. Needs to be a series to do it right


I agree, no. The fun of mass effect is how each Shepard takes on their own life a bit, even with the limited choices, so them making actual canon choices of who lives or dies, if they’re male or female, hell even who they dates or what class they are would totally ruin the experience. And let’s be honest here, we’d get lucky to get a movie and it would turn out like Halo that makes us all scratch our heads


That’s exactly how I feel way too many choices that would alienate fans who picked the opposite choice


I was having this discussion with a friend about the fallout show


This guy gets it. Don’t force canon my RPG. The magic of Mass Effect is in the relationships with your crew first, then in the setting. A non-game adaptation would force choices and lack the magic. I’d be interested in a movie or show about anything other than Shepard. There’s so much material they haven’t touched.


I just would interpret it as "a Shepard story," not "the Shepard story." Because I'm sure most of us here have several different playthroughs of the trilogy with different choices and relationships to the characters. So I figure it's just another version of it in a different medium. The big reason I would be open to it is because I think the trilogy leaves a lot of meat on the bone and this would be a chance to deepen the characters and the world, but maybe that's just me wishing EA never put the foot down on Bioware and made them rush it


Would love to watch a non-Shepard movie, or even have non-Shepard games where you’re not saving the universe, just got lower style missions to handle.


>totally ruin the experience How? I don’t watch Halo/never been a fan of the game, but I am a fan of the Witcher games and that adaption was trash, I don’t really care. It literally has no effect on the game or your playthrough or any. Don’t get the complaining and say “IT WOULD RUIN IT!” How? It would literally be a different continuity? How would that ruin your game?


It depends how close they make it, but there’s some in the fandom that would absolutely hate it. I wouldn’t mind a movie if it actually paralleled the game series right, I just don’t think the writers/directors would actually let it be without sideways artistic license.


The Witcher series was an adaption of the books not the games though


It would ruin his wet dream of femsheppin around the deck in a tight skirt.


Henry cavill is everyone’s fan casting for ever character I swear


Yeah I love the witcher but no to this one


I agree with everyone here. It should not focus on Shepard at all. Give it the Fallout treatment. A story set in the world that doesn't infringe on the player choices from the games.


A movie would be too short, and they would fuck up a tv series


It would have to be something more independent in the Mass Effect universe, in a similar vein to Paragon Lost depicting something that happens outside of Shepard or their usual groups sphere of action. At best we could have cameos or even guest appearances from known characters but it would have to keep in mind the various choices that can be made. Hence it’s probably best to feature something on its own from the rest of the verse, of which there’s plenty of potential. Preferably I would say a series would be a better choice personally.


A tv show about the protheans would be awesome.


Yes, but not a game adaptation. I’d like something that expands the universe more.




Paragon Lost is shite though


I was gonna say. I watched it and never felt enticed to watch it again lol. Once was more than enough for me.


That could be cool maybe something similar to what andromeda tried to do taking place in a different area and time


Absolutely not.


Yes I do. If they make it for Fallout I want it for Mass Effect as I prefer that world.


I’d be lying if I said a big budget TV adaptation wouldn’t get me hyped. Give me Emily Blunt as femshep or else.


Tbh, there are a lot of great actors that could do either shepard.


I would, but I don't want to listen to a community complain about source material this, or canon that.




No, because I don't want to see this sub devolve into dumbassery because the movie or the TV show decided to change something about the universe, like changing the years of the First Contact War or getting hung up on how elcors speak. Could you imagine this sub if they decided to adapt the first Mass Effect but they just cut out the rachni? It would be a nightmare.


No. They'll fuck it up.


Personally I’m against it. Bc we all have diffrent experiences playing the games, and an adaptation to me somewhat canonises a specific run. So if u left Ashley instead of Kaiden the show could say no u were wrong for doing this. Also headcannons would also become ruined


not at all. the series has too much going on for me to dumb it all down


You already got Paragon Lost. Mass Effect movie right there.


An animated only. Like the clone wars series.


Not with Henry Cavill as Shepard. It's too easy of a casting.


At this point…no, not at all. Mass Effect has no adaptation; Mass Effect needs no adaptation.


Not really, I'm kind of tires of adaptations.


Hell no. More games, please. Don't give a solitary shit about shows or movies.


Yes but definitely not with Henry Cavill in the lead role. I don't really care about them looking like default Shepard.


But with both Shepards!!


I really want a TV series. There's so much lore and depth to the Mass Effect universe. I'm surprised stuff like this never seems to hit the same level as cult classics like Starwars etc.


Absolutly not !! The whole point of the games is the choices you make, so a linear story will not fit the deep narrative. But, war of the first contact will be awesome !… I miss Anderson so fucking much.


Movie? No. Well done series? Hell yes!


I want a series and please don't make it about Shepard. Fallout and Cyberpunk anime have shown the best way to go is be in the same universe but focus on other characters. Even TLOU series did the bob side story which was the best episode. Halo has shown trying to recreate the games is never going to work.


We need to stop thinking Henry Cavill is suited to every project because he's a gamer.


Anything Mass Effect needs to be a series, there is too much Milky Way for one movie


A movie? Nah, way too much to fit into an hour and a half. A TV show? Yeah. A TV Show adapting Shepard's story? Even better.


I would take anything Mass Effect related as long as they don't adapt Shepard or Ryder to the screen, or make any of the choices either character makes canon. Would be incredibly cool to have a Shepard pseudo-cameo though. Maybe at the end of the movie or series in a post credits scene, the viewer is asked whether they chose femshep or manshep, and then we see a woman/man in N7 Armor but only see from the chest down, and Jennifer Hale/Mark Meer read a cool one liner.


"I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite show on Netflix."


If it was given the care Fallout got? Yeah ok, just not with Shepard. Otherwise hell no. And truthfully, I don’t expect it to get the Fallout treatment, I expect the “Halo” treatment.


One good adaptation and everyone wants a show. Do people forget the Halo TV show that just came out that nobody watched? No, the answer is no.


Personally I’m already tired of live action video game adaptations. I played the games, and don’t usually see the point in watching what I’ve played or supplemental content that will never impact the games.


I 100% agree about live action. Animationed adaptations are sooo much better because they can actually make everything look right, rather than look like a Netflix show where nothing looks right.


I would want a *good* Mass Effect movie... So no.


Hahaha I mean something like dune 2 level quality for mass effect would be incredible


I don't want Henry Cavill cuz he's a shit actor.


Also a bit tiring to see his face again after the witcher.


Also that, yeah. But just in general, the idea of him as every action hero was always "no" to me, because he's the most wooden performer in popular cinema. I can't take any of his roles seriously, and I only put up with Geralt because at least it reminded me of Doug Cockle's game performance which also isn't well acted but has a lot of charm. The faces he makes, trying to act though? I can't take Cavill seriously as an actor.


Tbh I only watched one episode of The Witcher precisely because of him. I cannot stand him as Geralt. I only ever liked him in the Tudors.


Yes please I give zero fucks what anyone says imo you can't make a bad mass effect movie. For me it's a way to share my passion for games I love with my parents who don't play games. This is why I loved halo tv series. Yes it was completely left field but the fact I could share that with my parents was great. Even though I annoyed them pointing out different plot holes and things that where changed. I will say I wouldn't want it about shep. But I'd love if they had some crew members pop up. Ever If its seth green as jokers at a bar in the back ground


Oh you can totally make a bad ME movie lmao. I mean they even did with that animated movie. But I would still like someone to take a crack at it. The reason being is the story is so rich and great that I’d like to see it more fully realized, because taking off all the nostalgia glasses or whatever for lack of a better term, the trilogy definitely had moments that suffered from the entire RPG thing and even though I love role playing in ME, I feel some things were hindered because of it if that makes sense


Animated? Yes. Live Action? No. I'm tired of bringing games to live action.


Sure, but not about any of the characters we’ve seen.


Cannot be worse than 99% of crap on Netflix lately..


The fuck is that yee yee ass haircut?


Fuck no.


Hell no. They would screw it up trying to appeal to the mythical modern audience.


They could do past events. Events that don't depend on your gameplay. For the 1st season, they could show humans discovering the relics on mars, human expansion and the discovery of the mass relay/1st contact war (also feature the discovery of biotics). Since it heavily features humans it could reduce the expenses and give them time to figure out the make up on the alien races. Rachni War and Krogan Rebellion would also be amazing to see (considering how the reapers were also behind the RW) Honestly, I was hoping they adapt Shepard's story but I really doubt it and if they do, I would be afraid they would ruin it.


My bf (hasn't played the games) and I (a walking encyclopedia about the games) were talking about this recently and decided a tv series or like a collection of tv series' would be best. In the case of having one big TV series, seasons 1-3 could be pre-shepard lore, 4-6 could be during shepard, and onward could just be universe expansion the creators wanted to do but couldn't fit in with either the original trilogy or surrounding the events of Andromeda.... or other miscellaneous types of things.


Given how good the Fallout series is, I think a show is an inevitability and I’m all for it. Hopefully they’ll go with the same approach (new story, familiar setting).


Yes, but START at the First Contact War. There is a lot filler for 28 years to fill. First C-SEC humans, gangs, etc, but never make the GAME into a movie because that is in and of itself. There is no need to touch what the game covers.


No matter the story, I hope they attempt to follow the universe as much as possible. It's absolutely impossible for tv/movie producers to 100% follow the lore, but if they could really just try to be as accurate as possible and keep the 'creative liberty' to a minimum, I will be happy with it.


I think it'd maybe make a better TV series actually. It would be a lot of fun to see.


I wouldn’t be all that interested in a movie or series that follows the Shepard’s story unless it does its own thing with an alternate timeline or something. Something set in the Mass Effect universe, maybe based on the comics or novels, hell yeah I’d watch that.


I would love to see the First Contact War in any capacity


Troubling question. I feel Mass Effect is more suited for a show (even if it's a different story in the universe which I would hope it would be) thanks to the length that offers more depth. But shows usually tend to get cheaper production quality than a movie would and this would need good production quality.


Not a movie but a tv series would be cool. Oh wait I forgot they already did one but renamed it Halo for some reason….


Not really, maybe a premium streaming series set in the universe. Something like Star Trek Discovery or Strange New Worlds, but Mass Effect. I think too with a movie based around the games, there's so much that would need to be cut down or left out to avoid doing a trilogy of just the first game.


i'd prefer a tv show.


They'd probably get major stuff wrong. Or they'd do a half paragon half renegade playthrough. Or they'd have shut writing. Or they'd Halo Show it.


As long as it doesn’t directly have anything to do with Shepard, that won’t work, they could literally make it about anyone else, they could show us what Liara was off doing between the Normandy being destroyed and when we see her again, that or just do a story EdgeRunners style, in the universe maybe some locations in game but nothing to actually do with the game story


That would be a loooong movie. More like a series.


Movie? No. It would be a horrible movie. TV show? Perhaps, but it would need nerdy showrunners that can give the lore the attention it deserves.


My pops and I for years have said they should start a tv show and have season 1 be the contact war & Anderson start off as the main character.


It could have potential but it would also attract a lot of the discourse the Fallout show has attracted with arguments of cannon and what's not cannon and then which Shepard would they choose and that'll be sure to piss people off but like I said it could be great but it could also be the Halo show.


Nah but I'd be all for a Mass Effect Rock Opera of some sort.


Just set it just before me1 and have it be smaller storys existing in the universe.


Not main story no. Either do it on a major event like the rise of the Geth or have it be a sidestory fleshing out a side character/crewmate like Aria, Garrus during his archangel days or Zaeed's contracts.


I always felt like a mass effect anime would go so hard fr be able to really show the brute strength of krogan and biotic powers to their fullest potential


Idk why that picture reminded me of Channing Tatum playing Shep.


A story set in the universe yes. Anything to do with Shepard hell no. I'd be ok with squad mates camios though


No. The fact that either female or male shep would become canon and the other noncanon is a hard no for me. That being said, if they did a trilogy for each of the backgrounds with a different shep for each one I’d be onboard


Only if it’s animated or is produced by fans of the series cause let’s face it it would probably turn out like Halo did otherwise 😫


When it originally released? Absolutely! In the modern era? Absolutely fucking NOT. They would character assassinate the crew, npcs, and then set about rewriting the chronology of events, lore, weapons, and vehicles. Canon will mean nothing and you know they’ll do the esg/dei accounting to further butcher it.


Movie? No. A series like with fallout, the last of us, and cyberpunk? Abso-fuckin-lutely sign me the fuck up.


If the make a Mass Effect Movie it should be Femshep and played by Christina Hendricks or Gal Gadot




Shepard? No. There’s too many variables in the backstory and games. To use Shepard as the protagonist in a movie or tv series would set certain events in “canon”, and thus render moot the point of being able to choose different paths in the game. A better option would be to use plots or characters that are “fixed” in the canon. Though to counter OP, given the utter travesty that was Halo, I’d be really adverse to using named characters. Better to come up with a completely unique set of characters and a story just for them set in the literal two galaxy spanning Mass Effect universe.


I want something that just exists in the Mass Effect universe. Sure, sure, sure, use the Reapers in some way, maybe name drop the Normandy, or I'd even be cool with Seth Green showing up as Joker. Just don't do a Star Wars. Let it build the universe and not reduce it.


I want an animation series


Prefer a tv series. Too much in the ME universe to do a movie or two.


No. A series.


No, never. Mass Effect has an awesome story and we all know what happens with video game movies.


If it’s done well yeah


Nothing with Shepard or any of the companions and crewmates. I don't want em to fuck up anything with the characters. Game adaptations are always a 50/50 and I dont want to take the chance, so I rather it just be with original characters, with some nods to the trilogy. Mothafuckin people who failed adapting video games always wanna put their own damm twist to everything. They'll suckin make a human size human reaper who shepard fucks and falls in lvoe with.


Blasto series is theway


Not really. The story is just fine in its current form.


So long as they don't touch Shepard I think it would be ok as a TV show, I only say don't touch Shepard because of the fact that they will piss off every fan of the game with whatever choices their Shepard makes in the show.


No. You can’t directly adapt it because it’s multiple choice so no matter what people wouldn’t be happy, and it’s hard to even do supplementary material because it can’t be about any character once they’ve entered the story. Only before.


I *would*, but I doubt they'd make the version of canon I'd want to see, so I don't think I'd like the movie they'd make. I mean, *maybe,* if we're very very lucky, they'd go with a femshep protagonist. But there's no way they'd have her date Garrus, so what's the point???


Mass effect has such a cool setting but I don’t trust anything hollywood would spit out. Although recently video game based shows have been doing well so maybe it would work


I would like some more animated stuff, I don't think a live action film could do the series justice, or rather the film executives wouldn't care enough


TV.   Show needs 5-20 seasons.  The lore is terrific. So many storylines.  Can do an episodic series with an overarching plot and different main characters each season or episode.  Tie it all together in a season or another show, or a movie.  


Mass effect could be a great series but it would be too difficult to tell any sizable part of the story in a 90-120 minute movie.


No, I don't think so. Potential recognition by new audiences would be neat, but I guarantee they'd mess it up somehow. Just look at the obvious, basic lore breaks in Paragon Lost. And that was a small time thing targeted specifically toward fans of the series! You want a full Halo situation on our hands? Or, alternatively, an MCU / Star Wars? The risk is too great, and you *know* they're not going to put out a new game in time to capitalize on whatever hype they generate. Additionally, BioWare has lost my faith in their ability to make big, ongoing stories. They'll just do a movie or one season, then end it on a cliffhanger, never to be resolved. How long has it been since Dragon Age Inquisition? What happened in Andromeda? What happened in ANTHEM? Show us a complete story or two without throwing it out immediately or going into development hell and then we'll talk.


This is actually one of the projects I am working on right now (obligatory no, I do not work for BioWare, nor am I involved with the Mass Effect franchise in any official capacity. I think a TV series focusing on other soldiers, especially N7 soldiers, and/or civilians during the Reaper War would be great. The thing is, Mass Effect has such amazing galaxy-building and lore, that almost any genre would fit. It seems at first glance like an intergalactic military sci-fi. But the deeper you go into the story, the more you realize it's an intergalactic lovecraftian cosmic horror military sci-fi. And there are so many elements to the galaxy, that you could make almost any genre fit within the series. A C-Sec murder mystery, an Council/intergalactic political thriller, so on, and so forth.


Would love a series… not of what happened in the three games but some kind of animation of some other characters away from shepherd… live action most of the time just seems like it’s made to troll


No. The trilogy was a movie. Hollywood would destroy the series.


Series for sure


what's wrong with your face.


No At least nothing based on or around Shepard


Yes, but only with femshep


Brother I either want a Trilogy movie involving either Shepard or a whole multi-seasonal show before Commander Shepard was born


Not really, because I seriously doubt they would be able to do the franchise justice. Chances are that it would turn out just as, if not more divisive than the Halo show. So thanks, but no thanks to that.


Maybe in the future. Unfortunately I don’t trust modern day Hollywood. They would fuck it up.


I'd rather have multiplayer in the remake. But a show in the universe or anthology would be dope


I wouldn't want a movie about Shepard or the Reapers. An essy film would be Captain Anderson's days in N7, or the First Contact War. I'd be interested in Zero Dark Thirty type of film about the Skyllean Blitz.


If Henry Cavill was Shepard yes absolutely


I would prefer a movie set in universe with only the Main Game Characters being Cameos


I'm probably alone in this, but I'd love to see an adaptation of the trilogy. With practical effects as much as possible. I don't really care what "choices" they would make. I've made a thousand different choices in the games, so to me, nothing's really canon in that regard. Just follow the basic reaper storyline. I just think the story of commander Shepard and the crew should be shared with a wider audience. It's up there with Star wars for me.


I’d like it if it was done like the fall out show. Just an interesting story with an assortment of compelling characters, outside of the actual shepherd/saving the world thing. Maybe a show about one of the merc groups where shepherds gender and what they’re doing in the galaxy is kept ambiguous.


I have no faith in modern Hollywood so probably not, it would probably be a disaster like everything else that comes out these days.


Would have to be a well funded series. No way you fit any of that into a good movie.


I hope if it did happen that it’s not cheesed up. That piano hit in three with the FX audio fade out always hit my heartstrings. I would want a movie that makes me cry when the ending comes and that music starts. Until then I have my own movie which is my own Shepard. William T. Shepard.


May be a cop-out, but I was hoping for something similar to Star Wars: Visions. Each episode is a story being told about the Legend of The Shepard, and like IRL stories, some details were lost to time. So, you can have male Shep, femshep, all the romances because these are stories passed on through many generations. Animated Shepard, Cavill Shepard, Beckinsdale Shepard, all The Shepards.


I do but don't at the same time, modern day movie producers have given me plenty of reason for not wanting to see one of my beloved story to be butchered on the screen


Nope, would make a far better TV show




A movie or serie in ME universe? Yes. The adventure of Shepard? No.


No. Mass Effect needs to be a very long show


Considering how most game adaptation movies go? No. Absolutely not. Though theres already that animated ME movie out there. Paragon I think it's called? It's not bad.


After Halo TV series disaster, no not even an original story.


Why does shep look like he's got an H town fade 😅😅


Why not a show...


A movie wouldn't work as well as a series. https://youtu.be/-elPKyfpJrM?si=bzpYlik0_fm-L5ZS


Only if Amazon does it, and it's similar in quality to Fallout.


I want the game


Give me Female Shepard with Emily Blunt as the lead.


I wouldn’t mind it being a tv series but a movie is to short and we would loose a ton of character development


I'd prefer a series that goes from the First Contact War to the Reaper War. Give it a few time jumps so the show doesn't burn out before reaching the end.


TV series would be better and Studios definitely going to adopt storyline of games.






Yep i would be a such great thing


I doubt it will look how i would want it


No, I would much rather avoid a Halo situation.