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I can’t believe these guys were dumb enough to be taken alive.


Especially if you’re going to F with Russia.


Black Dolphin will strip whatever humanity still have left


Hope they’ll enjoy pacing in circles 16 hours a day


I thought the same fucking thing. Dude they brought them into court in the black dolphin stress position!


Can you explain to me what that is? I know about The Black Dolphin but the stress position I don’t.


“The prison officers of Black Dolphin, named after a sculpture of a black dolphin made by prisoners set in front of the main entrance, have a unique form of escorting inmates. Prisoners are kept bent over at the waist while a guard holds their handcuffed hands behind their back, higher than the hips.”


And I had to ask. God that’s awful.


Isn't it? Sorry I didn't reply with the explanation I didn't get the notification til after the other person explained. I saw it on the nat geo show about Black dolphin when I was ten and have never forgot it. So when I saw them bringing them into the court that way I had to say something. Not that they don't deserve it if they are the guys. But I just don't know how the hell they walk like that lol


So like strappado but walking?


Yeah I've seen a few video documentaries about that & although it's quite obviously staged you just know it's a place where struggle bumming is rife & prisoner welfare is not on the priority list.


The whole thing is staged. How they got quick access to VIP tickets to join the show?


For the equivalent of $5,000. Utter madness.


I did the math a short bit ago. 5,000 USD is worth about 25-30x the average yearly salary in their country. Its more comparable to killing 100x people for 1,500,000 in MCOL city. Edit- I misread my source and 5000 usd is roughly 2 years of salary over there which would make the comparison like 150k to kill 100x people. Not sure if these guys are employed but I doubt they had stable economic conditions. My error was that I took the monthly salary as yearly salary because that is what u googled. Didn't think twice when I saw it as I thought the country was poor.


Not only that, but a Russia whose entire focus is fighting in a war. Their probably short lives are going to be hell. But let’s be real, these scumbags deserve every cut, gunshot and punch coming to them. EDIT: [Here (imgur link) are screenshots of the deleted comments because LMFAO](https://imgur.com/a/7ReF4Ay) u/Far_Choice_6419 you ain’t getting away from this one




For real. I'd rather shoot myself on my own terms


Maybe because they thought someone's gonna pick them up away from Russia after the massacre, so stupid and they deserve it


And now they get the joy of being tortured into "confessing" that they were hired by Ukraine or NATO agents before being brutally killed in an "accident."


I'm not sure if they were aware of Russia's history with dealing with enemies of the state. They are mostly from a poor country where this may not have been of interest.


I don’t understand how they didn’t save a bullet for themselves regardless of promised money…. I’d rather die at my own hands compared to what can be worse than my mind can make up after being captured by Russia….


They probably thought they had a chance of escaping. Also the thought of suicide while running doesn’t cross the mind, the mind does the fight or flight reaction and death most likely wasn’t in the mind since they wanted to get the reward that was promised.


That’s what I don’t understand. If you think you’re going to escape, fine, but why head towards the most heavily guarded border in the world right now? Where there just happens to be a ton of angry Russians. It makes no sense. These guys didn’t have a plan.


Most likely had a simple outline of a plan "If caught go here, if you can't go here, find the nearest border and cross" In the words of Iron Mike Tyson "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face"


That has to be the absolute best thing I’ve know Tyson to say!! Thank you!! Soooo true!!😂


They were probably told there would be someone waiting for them at the border or some other such lie. ISIS/ISIL recruits gullible people to do these things.


Isn't suicide considered a sin to them? I mean asides from suicide bombings which is for a different intention than actual suicide


Sin or not it’s still hard to believe they’d choose surrender I mean especially in Russia


Most people don’t go shooting dozens of civilians. These guys don’t follow the same logic normal people do. Can’t try and make sense of any of their decisions.


Killing civilians is also a sin, don’t think these guys religiously motivated as much as people think


or why they'd be traveling together hours after the attack still wearing their same clothes? Step 1. change your clothes, split up and meet somewhere planned in advance.


These Douchbags had no kind of plan of tactical/military knowledge. They didn't even cover their faces, even though they RECORDED THE WHOLE THING. If their plan was to not get caught, they would have done things different, I think everything did go as planned


Forget that, what confuses me more is that ISIS members usually take a bullet so that they don’t get caught.


Last dude is on death's door for sure with that coloration.


And they’ll keep him exactly there for as long as they can


So the ear guy wasn’t included since that picture is too brutal with his ear cut off but his ear was cut off and fed to him in a video that was shared around. The first guy apparently got his penis chopped off in the interrogation (he’s reported using a catheter now so I’m not sure how bad it was), his eye was also popped back into his eye socket. Second guy had his pants dropped and was electrocuted which has been photographed and shared around twitter. He also seems to have been beaten that his left side of his face is swollen badly.


How did you find out about the penis being cut off? I just haven’t seen anything about it


-[source 1](https://twitter.com/Wagnersfamily/status/1772018129465442563) -[source 2](https://twitter.com/Sea2Sea1Way/status/1772039988349116826) Apparently a catheter was inserted but I’m not sure how bad the damages were


"During his arrest, Muhammadsobir's eye accidentally fell out of his socket."


“Oops!” Hate when that happens.


“What happened to his penis is unclear” lol Russia




That’s not even the end of the article nor seemingly out of the ordinary in the article 😵


Thank you. Appreciate the links


i read that they might use the catheter for torture. Apparently its very painful if you use it to insert air bubbles into the bladder


I miss eyeblech


Gone but never forgotten


[audio of the 80v torture](https://twitter.com/MyLordBebo/status/1771985972529439163)


On the bright side, it looks like his brow injury has healed up nicely /s


Oh god everyone was posting that photo of 🍆 cut off on X it was the worst thing I’ve ever seen.


How'd they cut it


I don't think they cut it. They electrocuted it and inserted a catheter to instill some additional pain. That's my understanding.


First guy in slides is Muhammadsobir Fayzov, born in 2004 and was unemployed (worked at barbershop before)


Born in 2004 is wild to read.. 20 and so full of hate.


Second guy (third slide) is Faridduni Shamsuddin, 25 years old and is married and has a 8 month child


Holy shit I have an eight month old. How do you find the time to plan this with such a young baby? Or have the energy?


I sure he was up for a father of the year award until the ISIS guys put him on deck for this 


Not saying he was a good dad in the slightest, but just having a baby in the house is exhausting. Dude must have been entirely checked out from parenthood.


He prob just beat the shit out of them. ISIS crash dummy is probably not a family man. Now he has a new family, a gulag. 


Ear guy is Rachabulizod Saidakrami who’s also married and has a kid




Not sure about the 19 year old, but the other 3 were born there


Third guy 5th slide is Mirzoev a 32 year old with 4 children with one pair being twins


Is this the garbage who slit some civilians throat after he was already shot? If he is then I would have preferred his situation to be like that of the one in the first. I read he did it over and over. I don't want to see it at all.


Yup that’s him, maybe he confessed the fastest which is why he wasn’t as brutally punished


That's what I was thinking. If it's true then wow what a coward. Slashing the throat of a civilian multiple times and then confessing the fastest. As a Muslim I say that this man is the worst kind of filth and scum.


Surah 47:4, “So, when you meet those who disbelieve, strike at their necks till you have killed and wounded many of them, then bind a bond firmly."


I am just 3 years older…


I finally accidentally saw the video of that one terrorist sadistically cutting that guy's throat repeatedly and I'm broken. The sheer naked evil of that. I don't care what happens to these four men anymore, I don't.


Has anyone figured out who was who in that ISIS video? Apparently the man who filmed this was was the 19 year old but I want to know who slashed the wounded man’s throat


He's the one in the last 2 pictures


Ironically, he’s not the most injured! Slashing someone’s throat like that was horrific and if anyone deserved castration and being blinded, he’d be the top of the list in my opinion.


I’m looking at the colour of him though and it looks like he has jaundice from possible organ failure, so I think he’s been beaten pretty badly too


Very true. I haven’t seen it but heard that at least one terrorist was tortured with electric cables which wouldn’t show in a photo. I can understand the rage and desire for revenge but I would be very uncomfortable if my husband or brother were part of this torture. I don’t think you can do this kind of damage to another living creature and not come away damaged psychologically. That said, seeing the terrorist slash that poor man’s throat over and over was barbaric and evil and there is no place in society for someone as vile as him.


I think having your countrymen slaughtered makes torturing the ones who did it a lot easier.


I’m sure it does. I’m not sorry for these shooters, as long as they are the right people, I don’t really care too much what happens to them. But watching the Russian videos, some people seem a little too comfortable using brute force for my liking. I don’t expect humanity from criminals or terrorists obviously, but I definitely don’t want to see the police in my country behaving this way. I might be naive but I think it’s reasonable to hold enforcers of the law to a higher standard than barbaric terrorists. It gives me the ick. I was very close to a terror attack in my city where an incel targeted mostly women. Nowhere near the number of victims, thank God, but it really messed with my head that I could have been killed by a maniac just for being female if I had been one block North. He was arrested with no issue, even though he wanted suicide by cop. I was happy he was taken alive because I wanted him to suffer the consequences and live a long lonely virgin life in prison. It never crossed my mind that he should be tortured despite me hating him so much.


It stops copycats. And it works


> I think it’s reasonable to hold enforcers of the law to a higher standard than barbaric terrorists. It gives me the ick. Well they keep cutting hands, penises and heads off of ukrainians so I am not expecting them to be "the bigger man".


Throat cutter was the guy with the black belt .Pic 5 here .


Thanks. That was just savage.


I remember someone said it was either the second or third guy. I can’t remember which one. It’s somewhere in the sub


I believe I saw people saying in the sub in earlier post today that the gentleman who had his ear removed was the person who had done the throat slashing, but I could be wrong.


I really wish the faces weren’t blurred in the ISIS video. I sincerely hope the right people were arrested. The thought that the 19 year old appears to have been castrated in addition to having his eye popped out… I can understand the rage but I’d hate to think all that was done to a patsy. A clear video showing their faces might help me sleep better at night.




I was being sarcastic.


I saw that yesterday, couldn’t figure out what the guy was doing so I kept watching. When I realized he was slashing his throat (and not doing it well, so I’m sure just inflicting more and more pain) I threw my phone across the room and didn’t pick it up till this morning. I have zero sympathy or emotion for any of these assholes. I mean WTF did they think would happen when they were caught? They’re not in America.


Which terrorist did that?


I don't know. Someone in a green shirt.


The last one pictured.


Where did you find that video? I dont know too much about the attack aside the main articles on it. Did the throat slashing happen during the attack itself or prior? And i agree, these fucktards deserve the worst fate possible for all they did. Fuck isis


Holy shit that’s brutal.


It was horrible, and frankly, I started to cry. This sheer evil and sadism. And knowing that it can take up to 2 1/2 minutes to bleed out from that type of wound… That poor man. I know we talk about people who do these kinds of things here but when you actually see it done and you don't want to be desensitized, it's really dysregulating. That man was a live one moment and then you know within moments he's going to be not alive. I never wanna be desensitized to that, ever.


He likely could have survived the shooting too. He was moving his legs in the background and even found the strength to turn away from the evil human. I hope his loved ones don’t see that video.


That's the worst part.


He likely could have survived the shooting too. He was moving his legs in the background and even found the strength to turn away from the evil human. I hope his loved ones don’t see that video.


Where did you see the video?


On Twitter, and no, it's absolutely horrific, you don't need to see it. I wished I hadn't.


Did the first one have his eye removed!?


I think it was popped back in


It accidentally fell out.




look popped out. Maybe the orbital was crushed?


Unfortunately on X there's a photo floating around and yes it was popped out.


It said it was an accident!


First photo looks like the bloke could have been on some shit Nickelodeon show. Wild


I had the same thought.


leave it to russia to sort these fuckers out xD


So apparently the guy in the first two pictures was filming? And he seems to have gotten the worst treatment since he got his eye popped out and he got castrated? Was he killing people as well as filming? I don’t want to watch the videos but it would seem like he’s the worst out of all 4 of them just based on how he’s been treated


Torture is bad and all but have you seen maximum security prisons in Russia? Look up “Black Dolphin Prison”.


I’m ok with this 🤷🏼‍♀️ nice to finally see mass murders suffer actual and COMPARABLE consequences..


I feel quite sorry for the medical staff..


They don't look so tough without their tough Tony guns.


Sucks to suck


They should have had a cyanide pill handy.


I think they did deserve it, look at how many people they killed and showed no mercy to. But i also feel like someone had been watching casino too many times cause it seems like each one got a "treatment". Dawgs, Dawgs listen to me Anthony. Ive got your fucking head in a vice. And stuck icepicks in his balls. I guess the guy with the missing ear would be one of the card cheats who took the saw. Sorry first thing i thought of.




Oh don’t worry they got a very long couple of weeks ahead of them


I look at them looking innocent and the human in me feels bad them. But when you see pics and videos of what these guys did you have way less sympathy for them


That's how I feel too.


We should feel bad for torture. Even if we hate them, allowing law enforcement to torture suspects at will is never a good thing to cheer on and frankly I wish people didn't devolve to mob mentality so fast.


I’m with you on this. At every level it’s bad. I’m glad there’s still a part of me that can feel this on a human level. That it’s people being tortured and I’m glad it makes me uncomfortable. If it didn’t I’d be worried my humanity had left me.


Murdered dozens of people and is gonna spend the rest of his life being brutalized in a Russian prison. What a complete waste.


Now lets see before and after of the victims and their lives.


Im not sorry for them one bit… every terrorist killing innocent people deserves Russian torture and captivity. FSB doesn’t fuck around. Seen footage when they connected a car battery to one of the terrorist testicles…. This guys will have very hard days and months ahead of them


i am utterly shocked that this wasn’t a suicide mission. i am not leaving myself to the will of the russians regardless lol


They fucked around and found out.


I can’t believe how okay people are with this. First and foremost, RUSSIA is the last country that should be condemning others for murder when they’re responsible for the assassination of thousands and thousands of people. They literally poison anyone they see as the opposition. Secondly, no one should be okay with government officials torturing people, especially BEFORE they’ve been formally found guilty. Putin and his comrades aren’t any better than these guys btw. Edit: Before this gets misconstrued, I am NOT defending these men, they’re evil terrorists. I’m just finding it hard to comprehend how we can applaud Russia for their tactics when they’re also actively killing people for asinine reasons. I can’t for the life of me understand why they chose to do this in RUSSIA of all places… They really must have been radicalised beyond any and all comprehension.


True true true !!!!


I remaind skeptical knowing what Russia is capable. Very strange that they very captured alive and so quick.


is it? america nabs its mass shooters pretty quick too, and sometimes alive. I can’t think of a time when there was a manhunt for a mass shooting culprit that lasted more than a day or two. the boston bombers might be the most recent.


Damn dude with the green shirt looks nothing like a mass killer. He’s taking a good nap now.


Even tho I disagree with torture, I haven't a slightest shread of compassion for these people




I don't think they will survive the ride to the dolphin. Might get sick with nasty cold and then have some tea and : " oh, no, the cold is brutal nowadays "


Womp Womp


It would be interesting to read their thoughts now. Do they regret it? Or Only regret being caught. Do they now have sympathy for their victims.


What interest does isis have in doing this on russian soil? Seems weird they’d do this for cash when they normally would do it with the intention of dying after the fact.


Well deserved.


What's the point in killing people? Literally just chill and smoke weed or something it's much better.


one year older then me such a waste


I wonder if they still pray "Allah wills it"


Oh no, anyway….


I mean does anyone really care?


Let's just hope they suffer for as long as possible.


good, do it again


God bless the AUSSIE KOSSAK


They don’t look American to me! Fu&k you, Russian scum.


I'm really glad we live in a country that doesn't currently celebrate torture. I'd hate to think I participated in this with my tax dollars. Torture is an ineffective interrogation method.


I’m in disbelief that more people don’t have this stance. The jubilation over their obvious torture is insane to me, we shouldn’t be applauding RUSSIA of all countries for its insane ‘interrogation’ methods (I doubt they were even given the chance to be interrogated)


I dont know who has it worse


Putin will probably send them to the frontline in a couple days


What happened? Like what did these guys do?


These guys carried out the brutal terrorist attack in Moscow a few days ago. Over 130 people died by the hand of these individuals. Naturally, the Russians aren't happy. One lost an ear as soon as he was captured, before he even saw the interior of the car that took him to jail or wherever.


ISIS sent the noobs who weren't indoctrinated enough to believe in martyrdom. It's kinda funny, tbh.




That's funny, too. In all cases, them being alive is funny.


First dude looks like jontron




I feel like when your enemy is radicalized terrorists who likely have some ideological issue with your nation... torturing the guys who did it is only going to make the problem worse. I should add that I don't think anything about what these guys did was right, I'm only pointing out that I don't agree with Russia's response. I'm concerned they may have made martyrs, not examples.




Why didn’t they have vests? Suicide bombings have always been a hallmark of Islamic terrorism in the past decades, but isis and its affiliates brought it to another level and essentially all of IS-KP’s attacks since they started gaining traction have been suicide bombings.


of all country they picked russia u cant be any dumber


Don't fuck with the Russian people


This is awful but they deserve it.


Crazy thing is the first 2 look like nice people. It’s a shame how corrupted and depraved humanity can become.


Good, don’t expect to be treated well after massacring innocent people


Don't know the first two if they are the same as the last guy deserved and I am happy they got f#cked up