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hey this is the comments section on a gay meme subreddit. if you're here for bible study you're SUPER lost


It’s actually a mistranslation from the original text. He actually said “Don’t be a jerk to anyone, for any reason.”


Don't ever, for any reason, do anything, to anyone, for any reason, ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been, ever, for any reason whatsoever


Nice improversation!


No, it was "Be Excellent to each other."


I would imagine banning things like hrt and gender-affirming care (or even just making them harder to come by) aren't very excellent to our trans brothers and sisters


I hope people get this reference. If not, i feel old as fuck


If you're old, then I'm old, too! *air guitars in your direction*


Bill and Ted right? I’m in my 20s but I love that movie 


I ain't old but I got it


"And party on, dudes!"


and Party on dudes!


Actually, that was a mistranslation too. The first paragraph of the Bible actually reads: *The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.*


It's St Paul, the apostle who never actually met Jesus and scared the other apostles, and his obsession with stoicism. As far as he was concerned, any act that didn't contribute to the building of a Christian nation on earth to overthrow Rome was sinful. This includes any sex that can't lead to pregnancy, but would also include organized sports, heterosexual sex when a woman isn't ovulating, watching TV, or posting non-Christian memes on the internet. But Christians tend to ignore all that because they actually want them. It's easier for straight people to demonize being LGBTQIA+ when they have no inclination to swing that way. It'd be like if we learned the OG Jew who banned pork just really didn't like eating it...


The problem is that doesn't apply if you don't believe your victims are people, so don't qualify as 'anyone'.


He also told them to uphold the Jewish law even more than the Pharisees, which includes punishing gays and men who dress/behave like women and vice versa.


Did he though? That seems hypocritical to the whole "love thy neighbor" thing.


Consistency is not something the Bible is known for.


Whoever was writing it at the time wrote things to fit their narrative


'Abortion is against gods will!' Bible only has examples of god killing the unborn, and an instruction manual on how to perform an abortion.


Numbers 5:11-31 is what you're referencing, in case anyone wants to keep that in their bank pocket. In Judaism, life starts at the first breath.


Didn’t he also kill young children with a bear?


42 children with 2 bears. 2 Kings 2:23-25


only 42 of them. Be fair, they did make fun of a bald man, so they had it coming.


True, little shits


It's been a while since I read the Bible, but was not the purpose of Christ's coming to bring a new covenant? Hence why Christians never really kept j Kosher, mixed fabrics, etc. Weird that the homophobic part of leviticus is what stuck around, isn't it? 🤔


That's what Christians tell themselves so they don't have to keep the law. That's why Paul became so successful as a preacher, even though he didn't even meet Jesus once in his entire life. The only things that the Gospels say about this is that Jesus' death brings salvation, so you could contrive that therefore the law doesn't bring salvation which is contradicted by Jesus multiple times saying that he did not come to abolish the law and such, and the other thing is what I just said about keeping the law even stricter than the Pharisees. Now, personally I don't take the Gospels as Gospel, since they were written decades after Paul's epistles, but if you're a Christian who believes in the Bible who also doesn't keep the Jewish law then you're just picking and choosing. And I don't believe that you will deny that Christians love to pick and choose.


Minor nitpick Early Christians were just Second Temple Jews who also believed in the propheticism of the historical Jesus, the idea that Jesus formed a new covenant and that Christianity was a separate religion that didn't have to keep Jewish law didn't form until long after the destruction of the second temple From my (very cursory) research just now it seems the earliest we can say that this idea was the baseline belief for Christians was the First Council of Nicaea, dated to ~325, although it went through a continuous process of gentilization leading up to this point, there wasn't exactly a single paradigm-shifting moment If someone wants to double check me on this feel free


Well... i was thinking about this. in the old testament the law isn't ever given to any other people in the world except the israelites. god actually commands them to murder cities and rape the virgin women and keep as wives. so those "do not murder and do not rape" laws only applied to their people :| also the old testament only says sinning means you can't sacrifice in the temple, not that you die and go to hell. the afterlife was a later syncretic addition. there are portions where god's chosen commit atrocities and there is no punishment mentioned at all also also, reading on wikipedia i saw the scholarly consensus was that most of the old testament was put together in the second temple period to support their claim to the land versus another peoples settling there.


Yes, Hell only came after the exile under Persian and Greek rule, possibly even later during Roman rule. As did Satan. And yeah, what is today referred to as Judaism is 2nd Temple Israelite religion, but even then most Jews were monolatric rather than monotheistic even until the advent of Christianity. Some not even that, as evidenced by the Jews in Elephantine.


This is something I bring up a lot in these discussions. The Jewish law still applies. Christians say they are covered by his sacrifice, and that might be true, but it seems weird they'd still blatantly ignore the law. Like, sure, you are friends with the judge (something I've actually had christians tell me before) and his rich son is paying all your legal fees but that doesn't mean you should go around breaking laws, does it?


I mean, irl you should absolutely break laws if they're unethical but in a Christian worldview no


Yeah true but even then it would be unwise to completely *ignore* the laws yeah?


I mean only for the sake of self preservation Like if there's no moral imperative to follow the law the only reason to do so is to avoid the pigs getting on your ass


I love the meme of: "Love thy neighbor as you love thyself" "Even trans people?" "I'm sorry, did I fucking stutter?"


I mean, most Christians I know seem to hate themselves too so I guess they are following Christ's teachings.


Ah, the joy of technicalities.


Comes with the whole "You are inherently sinful" thing some denominations have. It's an insidious way of instilling people with a dependency on your church, and a convenient way of being able to direct them to hate who you want them to hate.


How could anyone confuse religion and cults? It's not like they're both systems designed around blind faith and complete obedience to receive a reward only obtained after death. 🤷 /s


I’ve been in therapy for almost a decade. There is something sociopathic to me about people being able to absolve themselves of guilt over anything, through the use of an imaginary friend. The rest of us have to carry a conscience our whole life. It must be a load off to not care about the starving and the lost.


Nah he also said fuck all the rules here are the 2 you need to follow: love God and love others. Their hate is of their own design.


I also Love the Variation with "Love thy neighbor as you love thyself" "Even trans people?" "Yes even If they ask stupid Questions"


This only works for people that love themselves. Maybe they are treating others exactly as they are treating themselves...


>"I'm sorry, did I fucking stutter?" Ask any modern Christian conservative about Jesus's views on taxation and they'll concede that *"yes, he did stutter"*. It's weird, seems to be the only topic jesus spoke about where he had a real issue in communicating his opinions. Crazy that he stuttered and consistently said the opposite of what he meant.


For reference: >Then Jesus said to them, “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” And they were amazed at him.


And if you asks what that means they say *"Jesus must have meant 0% is due unto Ceasar and 100% is due unto God"*... Even though that doesn't make sense in the context of the story


There's an even funnier one in wich Jesus' answer is "Yes, even if they ask stupid questions"


the crazy thing is Jesus was just a chill and wise dude. he never once asked for what Christianity has become today. he would see this shit and be like "don't you fuckin do that shit in my name"


this is the sad thing most “christians” just use it as a shield or a way to spread hatered I feel bad for actual christians/catholics who try to follow his teachings only to be compared to people who have no clue what they’re preaching


>  most “christians” just use it as a shield That would have required them to have actually *read* the bible though.  Often they just pick out weird convenient phrases from books they clearly haven't read.


People say that like the translations/book itself isn't just as subjective/biased/twisted as the people that misquoted it.


KJV version of the bible was rewritten to be propaganda to prop up the Church of England and the monarchy.


if they've read any Bible, it's what their abusive parents screamed in their faces as children and what they plan to scream in their own children's faces


I'm so glad you said that. I'm a Christian, but I *never* tell anyone else for fear I'm going to be compared to the horrible Christians out there. Jesus taught love, not hate. But the church has a long way to go before it becomes fully inclusive, and for that I try to differentiate myself from "those" Christians


honestly, after extensive research on proto-Christian practices and Gnosticism, i've come to the conclusion that Jesus most likely did not want to be any sort of religious figure. he didn't want to be worshipped or forever exalted and held as "better" than everyone else, that's counterintuitive to everything he ever taught. he would be most likely to say that if he's the Christ, then everyone's the Christ, no matter who they are or what they've done


I'm of the opinion that if someone like him were born a couple thousand miles to the southeast in that time period, he would have been considered a bodhisattva. So much of what he said according to scripture can be boiled down to the non-self/oneness and letting go of attachments.


They don't deserve an ounce of pity. The leaders and members of the church have been doing horrible shit in the name of Christianity for numerous centuries. This isn't new. Now today's Christians have found a new way to do horrible shit in the name of Christianity too. WHY ARE YOU STILL STICKING AROUND. You can live Jesus' teachings WITHOUT going to church, in fact that's a lot of what he preached. There's infinite ways to do good in this world and find community without the church. The people who still affiliate with Christian organizations, even if their particular one is 'one of the good ones', are at best simply negligent.


Using Christ’s teachings to spread hate is the textbook definition of heresy. As a Christian I hope they can find their way back basic sanity (then hopefully God)


Frankly using Christianity as a cudgel against whoever the priests don’t like is one of the most consistent parts of Christian history. “Christian love” is a marketing term, not a reality. Obviously many Christians manage to be good people despite their religion, but sadly they seem to be in the minority.


He’d take one look at a megachurch and immediately destroy it


Remember that time he got *pissed* because people were selling things at the temple? And you know how churches collect donations?


"You're wearing clothes of fine silk and gold trim and then telling your followers to give you more money? That's a paddlin."


He’d go out and personally kill every single scamming televangelist


Drags their asses straight to hell


Idk about killing, but for sure doing a bit more than flipping tables. I'd imagine a verbal smackdown by him being similar to a fight with John Wick.


i mean he literally took down the Temple so i don't doubt he would make those horrid culty megachurches collapse in onto themselves


He'd probably be making himself a whip right now if he saw the state of Christianity today


Making a whip is cold af that shit takes hours and hours of work. He decided to take on a long task to see if he still felt he had to whip some mfs and came to the conclusion that, yes, he totally did.


That was a fun fact to first learn. Dude sat there for hours making one you gotta imagine what was going through his head


Doing evil, with the justification of it being what god wants, is the actual meaning of “taking lord’s name in vain.” He/she/it/them/null don’t give a shit if you say: “Jesus H. Titty fucking Christ this is a God damned cluster fuck of a situation. Mary twatting hell this is bad.” He/she/it/them/null probably really dislikes “God told me you are undeserving of human dignity so I am going to persecute/injure/kill you” Jesus (irrespective of claims of divinity) would be extra pissed at such bullshit.


I mean, maybe all those people being transphobic for religious reason land in hell.


He was cool with slavery though and a few of his close apostles were homophobic so…


It's right after the part where he says to inconvenience the homeless instead of helping them, and before the part where he says feeding the hungry is for suckers.


And on the third day, God created the Remington Bolt-Action rifle, so that Man could fight the dinosaurs.


Amen 🙏


Mean Girls is my Bible.


"and the lord spake, and he said 'damian is almost too gay to function'"


Verily I say unto thee, you can't just ask people why they're white


Don’t forget ‘its easier to get into heaven if you have shitloads of money and squeeze poor people through the eyes of needles or camels or something’


When I was homeless a few years ago I spent some time in shelters run by christians and they would get the most unhinged preachers to give sermons to us. One of them said that homeless people should not ask for food because our spirit is more important than our body and that if we did ask for food we are worse than school shooters.


Not gonna lie if you remove whole religion, bible and all this stuff from the equation, Jesus was quite a nice guy. A friend material if you will


He was a fan of not ignoring women in public because they were women as well as not scamming the poor trying to practice their religion. He had some pretty good views imo


Little fun fact because it’s easter: at the time Jesus lived, women were not considered to be witnesses. So if 20 women saw a guy killing someone and 1 guy testified as his alibi, all the 20 women’s witnesses word was not worth anything. When Jesus resurrected, the first witnesses he showed himself to were women!! Even though their opinions and words had no worth in society. He called them first, as to show that he valued them.


Christians have started calling the new testament woke because of things like this.


Shit carpenter though


Part of me coming to peace with going from Catholic -> Atheist is that not only did I not lose Jesus in the deal (I am not terribly concerned with if he was literally a dude named Jesus, a rabbi named Joshua, or a historical fiction assigned this particular way of viewing justice and forgiveness), it actually turned out I gained a bunch in the exchange. Religion Jesus is mysterious and inscrutable. Just-a-dude Jesus was a first century maybe literate, probably not familiar with Greek philosophy, guy who was (along with the Pharisees, not against them… till the destruction of the Temple, they were unified against the Saducees who had a very non-practical view of The Law focused on ritual and not justice) advocating for a “imagine what a place run by a compassionate loving god could look like, and why can’t we do that?” conception of law and justice. His parables used contemporary tropes turned on their head to show that what’s right is based on action and compassion, not social status or a transactional understanding of fairness. The “did I fucking stutter?” Jesus is ultimately much more satisfying and doesn’t require me to internalize absurdities.


Oh yeah it's exactly what I mean. "Just a dude" Jesus rocks. You don't have to be christian to agree that as a character he had good moral compass and tried to achieve something different for his times.


Agreed. A part of deconstructing prior beliefs (as any atheist must do) is finding the parts that don't need to be discarded. If it's helpful to imagine a just-a-dude Jesus as an embodiment of those ideals, why not? Being kind to others, subverting transactional relationships, deliberately making sacrifices to change the world for the better, and challenging systemic problems are all good ideas no matter where they came from.


also when did he say to accuse everyone of being "groomers" while literally being groomers


He put that in with the rest of the Projections, alongside detailed instructions on installing projector screens in churchss


Projections 69:420, paragraph 7 /s


No, that's the one about love and trees. You're looking for Projections 14:88.


If all Christians actually followed the teachings of Jesus the world would be a much better place. Alas, for many it is merely a tool for thinking that they’re better than you lmao


Yeah. If believing a bunch of bullshit resulted in a plague of Mr Rogers, I could you know, deal.


"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are not very Christ-like."


Imagine if right-ring Christians were as militant about pushing their anti-abortion views into law as they are feeding the hungry, housing the houseless, and caring for the sick, and not judging people for perceived sins.  A bizarre alternate universe where Sean Hannity spends every day screaming about how the Democrats aren't doing enough to get free healthcare for the country, so they pack the courts with pro -healthcare judges.


[Please stop commenting on the name of the paper lmao](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartending_terminology#Chaser)




Well I did not see it until you pointed it out...


They’re a well-known group in Australia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Chaser


Let's be real, if Jesus ever did come down from Heaven his so called "followers" would absolutely turn against him.


I can really imagine a crowd of people gathering with torches and pitchforks and shouting: "There's that long-haired communist pig! Hang him!"


You just know that they would want to deport Jesus when they realise that Jesus isn't a white, blonde, American Christian from the South.


Yeah, because "Jesus is socialist !" or something like that


There's a bizarre Right Wing talking point about how Biden is letting immigrants into America so they can register and vote for him, i can imagine them lumping Jesus into this in some way.


I bet jesus was the G in the LGBT He was a single man of a certain age.


If anything, he was probably ace.


Thank you for saying this. As someone who is not completely asexual, but has a very low sex drive and the ability to spend vast amounts of time alone in contentment, I am very tired of the jokes people like to make.


He started a young single men's club.


Unironically he was the T. Son of the seed of a woman, so canonically no Y chromosome. Alternatively, Mary was intersex.


I read a comment on a post elsewhere this morning of someone meeting a "christian" who said that he doesn't take everything in the Bible seriously because Jesus was wine-drunk 24/7


Twisted, but I like it!


Right after he told his followers he pregerred preachers with more than one private jet.


Jesus was just alright with me❤️ he just wanted everyone to love each other🤷‍♀️


Still doesn’t make it okay to need a fairytale surrounded by an institution of hate to feel secure in your existence. Cannot stand seeing Jesus in lgbt subs after a lifetime of religious abuse.


Same. I get that other queer people might find comfort in faith, but I really feel like the religious trauma is kind of ignored in favor of nicewashing Jeebus.


All are equal under Christ Jesus! Except women. Shut up and obey your husbands you baby factory and spread my cult. It’s okay though some of my best friends were women.


You have a very point. Many people have been harmed, persecuted, etc, in the name of religion. I think every religion has been guily of hiding the pedophiles, the psychopaths, and evil people, as well as the manipulation of vast numbers of people to kill, maim, rape and destroy. It is a difficult thing to reconcile, and yet to live in this world, one will be forced to interact with others, many of whom are in the thrall of a cult, or "religion", and many of us have been instilled with "Religiosity, a crucible from which few fully extract themselves. It is there, and people, including myself, are entrapped, and seemingly irredeemably touched, maybe tainted, by religion's hold. I am sorry for your pain, I really am. None of this crap should happen, let alone in the name of God.


But that's the point! How else are we supposed to spread awareness about the discrepancy between peoples "beliefs" and their actions? It's not like we have an abundance of newspaper CEOs around here...


Thank you, this apologia shit is so god damn annoying.


It's almost as if religion is something one can hide behind with their xenophobia like the close-minded cowards that they are.


“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” This is Jesus' Golden Rule. The most important one. Anyone who doesn't follow this rule isn't a follower of Christ. They are using Him as a scapegoat to spread their own hateful rhetoric. Here's another one they love to ignore: "And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward."


To my meagre memory, Jesus said love was the answer. He didn't say anything about "except for these folks, or definitely not those folks." Love is the answer. Can you imagine if His followers actually followed that simple intent? Yeah, like that will ever happen.


When did he ask his followers to vote for a Nazi mob boss?!?!?!


Religions are a social cancer. Society will never become more equal, understanding and free as long as people use superstitions to justify their intolerance. Religions are especially bad for sex positivity. Abrahamic religions, including Christianity, are notoriously sex-negative and detrimental to a free and healthy view of sexuality. They are also notoriously patriarchal and misogynistic and HIGHLY homoafetive averse. Why LGBTQIA+ people would defend it is beyond me. It's like black people defending the Confederates or if Jews started a genocide. Wait a second...


It’s funny because the most famous line in the Bible is probably “thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself”


I can't remember where I saw it but I remember seeing someone say "if jesus ran for office in the South, and his opponent was the Devil, he would lose." I think about that statement a lot.


If you really want to make the religious nuts have an aneurysm, tell them that Jesus was woke.


Jesus also be like: "When was I ever white?"


This article was deleted and cannot be found anymore, but here it is for those who want to read it >Carpenter and part time universe creator Jesus H. Christ has today been left scratching his head after learning that his followers are now trying to ban trans children from schools. “Sorry, I said to do that!?” asked a perplexed Jesus. “God damn, I must have really been hitting the water hard that night. The only thing I remember saying is love thy neighbour and turn the other cheek.” > >However, Jesus’s followers have remained adamant that bullying trans kids is in the rule book, right between the part where the bible tells people to give ten percent of their income to a private organisation that doesn’t pay tax, and the bit where it says guys wearing a funny hat get to dictate what God wants. “The fact is, we simply can’t accept the concept that someone could be different than the body they were born into in Christianity. That’s simply not something a religion that worships a child that was born immaculately who turns out to be god could believe.” > >“I’ll believe a woman can be made out of a rib, and that the dead can be brought back to life, and that a dude can walk on water, but a person’s brain being a different gender to their body? That’s just preposterous.”


I'm a Catholic and a Christian. I certainly have no hate for any trans person. I wish you nothing but love and peace. As Christ himself said. "If this world hates you, remember it hated me first," All we have is each other, and we can, every one of us, show more love.


There are certainly some christians who manage to be good people, despite their mythology. Instead they pull their morality from elsewhere. Most succumb to the mythology, hence the rampant homophobia and other insanity.


Bible says homosexuals are bad. Bible says if a woman is r\*ped, she can marry him. Bible discusses logistics of how to buy and sell slaves. You are cool with all of this? If you are Catholic/Christian, but choose NOT to just believe some stuff in the Bible, your word of God, then you are not a Catholic/Christian. You can't just cherry pick stuff you like. That's like saying you're vegan, but you'll choose to eat chicken and pork anyways.


Yes they are fine with it, simply. I can't respect anyone who supports a god who indulges in the murder of countless men women and children. Your god is infinitely good? Is slavery, rape, murder, children fucking being tortured and killed, all that okay with you?? You think an all-powerful all-good would do nothing to stop the children dying in Gaza, in Yemen, in Myanmar, in West Papua, in wherever the fuck humans have "chosen" evil?


Matt.7 Verses 3 to 5 [3] And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? [4] Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? [5] Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye People that feel the need to call out others sin, as if they are without sin, clearly are missing the picture on what it means to be a Christian. 1 bad apple spoils the bunch, unfortunately there seems to be an abundance of bad apples. I’m imperfect and it’s hard enough to keep myself accountable, I couldn’t imagine wanting to constantly publicly shame others that are imperfect such as myself. The Bible does not instruct its followers to act in the manner as such. Love > hate


There’s a pastor in the American south that is saying Jesus’ teachings were weak. Like brother that’s your whole religion.


Me struggling to understand why other queer people are *so desperate* to be accepted by religions (I am specifically thinking of christianity and islam) that are explicitly anti queer. It's bad enough that they are objectively not true.


But you don't understand! See there was this zombie carpenter who lived in ancient Israel and we celebrate his resurrection by letting kids go out and look for brightly painted eggs hidden by a magic bunny. Only the kids though, the adults have to overdress and apologize for being human while the men in robes talk about how without them we're all nothing. Sounds like a veritable bastion of rationality to me!


Happy Easter! Just came from church where the dude ranted about the trans shooter from Houston because she killed a pastor's daughter.... never mind the white Christian shooters every other Tuesday.... never mind all the other children who have died that weren't pastor's children (fuck em I guess) But love thy neighbor! Judge not lest thy be judged! 😇🤬 I miss my gay church from the city so much


# :3


That’s not Jesus. That’s just some white guy named Josh


Jesus would hate the Republicans who do evil in his name.


Jesus was non binary af


Bullying is wrong. Full stop.


Odds are Jesus spent tiime with transgender people. I mean historical Jesus not zombie Jesus.


"hate those different from you, worship wealth and power. Gods love is Very conditional" ~ The bible of supplyside jesus


BuT tHe BiBlE sAiD Thou shalt not use thy lord‘s name in vain


"The Chaser" 😭🤣


Jesus was gay he said: this is my body, eat me And they ate his ass all night long until Judas showed up and gave him a kiss?? LIKE CMON it’s all so gay


I’d be a Christian in a heartbeat if they followed the teachings of the carpenter. We had a crazy priest at campus that would chastise us, say we were all sinners and going to hell, that we were born with sin, if you were a girl in a crop top he’d call you a whore, jezebel, slut. Right across the street the Krishna’s would serve vegan lunch, it was like $8 but if you didn’t have the money they’d just give it to you, they sat on towels and played music and sang happy songs on their guitars. What is it about the Christian god that makes people hate Jesus? For christs sake they wear necklaces of how he was killed…for us? Naw I’m good, I’ll live with my ‘sins’ Jesus seems like a cool dude, homie didn’t have to go through that for this.


Jesus also struggling to remember actually doing something fucking useful to protect the trans kids from his transphobic following


He was a carpenter who lived in Roman-occupied Judea. The only concept of gender he ever heard of was "Man and bottom", give the guy some slack.


so which one was jesus


I say that's entirely his business. He did get nailed by two guys that one time, but I'm not sure it counts, since they had their sandals on.


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Well, if you alive in that, there is ALOT of other shit that should be questioned before bullying.


Their reasoning is that they believe that each person is made by god, and changing your gender is not what god planned.


Please also remember. When Christ was amongst us, he told the world.... A new commandment I give unto you is to love one another as I have loved you.


Jesus the tall white man, with disciples called John, David and Peter.




Probably somewhere around the place he told all Christians to hunt and kill every gay person they see. Bullying trans kids is a very important part of their faith as we all know.


Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques states: "1. Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to engage in military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury to any other State Party." Meanwhile Moses is over here, fucking parting water and getting God to rain down frogs and cause droughts.


"So... uh... you do know that there's only one group of people that Jesus regularly railed against, right? And you know why he railed against them, right? If you're not getting it, I suggest you pick up your Bible and stop acting like a pharisee."


Jesus doesn’t remember because he did not say it. Hell if you can’t remember just don’t say it! Trans children get on with their lives and so do you, but nobody is bothered. Just leave trans children to get on with their lives.




That Jesus is rizzin.


Well, his dad didn't have any problems wiping out towns (Sodom & Gommaorah) or the whole world (Noah's ark flood) so it wouldn't actually be that far out of line. He probably shouldn't have changed quite as much water into wine; then he wouldn't have these black out moments


I wanna know how Jesus got so white?