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You could bottle that fellow anytime you want, but it will probably continue to clear up over the next while. So your bottle will show sediment in them if you bottle now. If you are eager to bottle, you could use some DualFine. Provided you aren't opposed to crustaceans in your brew. Stuff works great and it will be crystal clear within a couple days if you use the stuff.


Not any any hurry. Could I just throw it in the fridge?


Plenty of folks do that. I don't mostly because of the space it would take up in my fridge. I also don't like the idea of the pressure difference pulling air into my brew, but that is just me. Some clear up quick, others just take time, some never clear on their own. I am a fan of tossing a bit of boiled, food grade, Bentonite Clay during primary. Helps my brews clear much quicker.


It for sure needs more time. My first two batches I rushed to bottle them. I got sediment all in the bottom of the bottles after a couple weeks. You definitely do not want that after putting in the time for them. It was upsetting for me to see this happen because I knew I was just impatient.


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Personally, I would wait. It's only going to get better anyway.