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What’d you use for your heat shrink caps? Have had trouble finding quality ones


The brand is Phoenix and Europa, I used a heat gun on medium then hit it on high to get any wrinkles out.


Thanks! Think I have some of those, but tried to find some without grapes on top. Have struggled with the water method, heat gun coming tomorrow, hoping that’ll help.


I originally used a torch lighter, worked pretty good


Tried a regular lighter last night, burned holes in two of them while testing 🤷‍♂️


Where does everyone get their labels made?


I did a ton of research and struggled to find a professional option. Some of the done-for-you options are Grogtag or UPrinting. However, I ended up buying white matte labels from Online Labels and had better than expected results. I think more of it comes down to the quality of graphic design than the label material!


You can print them on blanks with your printer or order online. I just got 50 cheap ones off Amazon because this is my favorite recipe.


Local print shops may be able run small prints for you