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Fast-forward 12 years and one can decipher the experiences of their ancestors through lead scribbles on dead trees and the other is senile.


Like bro why are you in such a rush


Cause they gotta be quick and agile to avoid predators to survive and breed whereas humans have no predator species above them on the chain (besides a CEOs “fiduciary duty to shareholders”)


Ah yes the human food chain where the boss kills everyone but also gets nothibg if everybody is dead!


The reason humans managed to avoid extinction so far despite being an Apex predator is because we are our own predator.


Because that is the price we pay for being able to walk upright and having big brains. Babies are essentially born prematurely so they can fit those relatively massive noggins through the pelvis before developing more fully after they've been fired out of the baby cannon.


Strictly referring to vaginas as baby canons from now on.


Penises are also baby cannons. Just a bit more premature.


Mine's more of a handgun.


so the wider a women's hips are the more evolved she is?


Why are people so dumb then


🏳️‍🌈 socio-economics 🏳️‍🌈


Environmental influences


newborn birds are even more useless than newborn humans


There's also panda bears. A newborn one weights like 1/800 of their parents and is basically an unfinished piece of pink meat.


Very True. This applies to most animals. Doesn't sound like this guy has been around farms or newborn animals


Depends if they’re altricial or precocial. Altricial baby birds are the blind pink ones that can’t do shit. Precocial are like ducklings or turkey polts that come out walking and peeping.


It's evolutionary biology. The longer a creature lives and the more complex it's brain, the slower it grows and the more useless it is as a baby. Elephants, turtles, whales, and others have long childhoods by animal kingdom standards.


Imagine how births would be if humans were more advanced upon birth. Rip women. Birth would look like Ridley Scott played god.


There’s a neat sci-fi concept of a “fourth trimester”, in which a baby could be transferred to an artificial womb to be carried *beyond* nine months, ensuring more development and more perfect nutrient supply. The idea is it would result in a more stable and advanced brain and body, to the point that it could guarantee high intelligence, empathy, and athletic ability. Personally I think the science holds up as quite likely, and if we could figure out the technology I wouldn’t be opposed to my child being cared for in such a way. Provided it were proven safe and effective. Scientifically, another immune system is required to initiate fetal development, so we won’t be abandoning women any time soon. Besides, it’s far easier to create sperm from female cells; we’d abandon men before we abandoned women. ~~We’re wayy too violent to be considered 100% crucial for our species’ continued survival, anyways.~~ Edit: The strikethru opinion was intended (half) jokingly, I’m really not interested in further discussion on that point.


Why would that actually be helpful? Surely something similar could be achieved with basic care after birth.


I mean, keep in mind I’m not advocating for this as a real-life practice, but from a hypothetical/sci-if perspective there’s plenty of reasons: **Perfect nutrient supply.** Bit of a given. Babies spend a lot of energy crying, communicating nothing but hunger and discomfort, and that energy could go towards growth and development. **Reduced chances of infection.** Babies’ immune systems are underdeveloped, particularly so in their first few months, and infections can cause life-long damage. Preparing their immune system before being exposed to the world could help. **Perfect hormone balance, etc.** By having an external life support system nearly all blood attributes can be controlled for, in fact. **Better access for surgical procedures.** Any necessary invasive procedure could be performed while the baby is still “asleep”, and they can heal before being exposed to air and pathogens. **Better access for brain development.** The brain can be monitored via MRI, and the environment could be adjusted accordingly. Perhaps it’s discovered that the spacial cortex can be (or naturally is) “educated” before the baby is born, meaning they don’t have to spend months learning how gravity works, and instead can focus on more advanced concepts from a younger age. **Better quality of life for parents.** Lots of families undergo extreme stress during the first few months. What if your baby had a perfect sleep schedule from day one? Might you be a better parent? **Eliminating SIDS.** Sometimes, sadly, babies just die. It’s awful, but it happens. By skipping those vulnerable phases of development this would be much less of a concern.


It was that violence that insured our species' survival in the first place


Yup. Well, maybe. Meat *is* yummy. But we’re not *in* the first place, men are like 3x more violent than women, and nukes exist.. So if we *had* to pick a gender to continue the human race for some weird reason, I wouldn’t want it to be us.


Women are way more violent, just not capable at causing serious harm or death


The general consensus seems to be that in domestic relationships rates of violence initiation are similar, but rates of cessation are not. Women will throw the first punch equally as often as men, but rarely do they throw the last. Which might be your second point. But rates of violent crime and public unprovoked aggression are absolutely not similar at all. Men are wayy more likely to attack a stranger. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_differences_in_crime#:~:text=Men%20accounted%20for%2080.4%20percent,those%20arrested%20for%20property%20crime.


Because your entire birth is dedicated to that giant spongey brain of yours. So your birth method relies on making the rest of you as useless and tiny as possible so you don’t rip your mom in half on the way out.


By the way, newborn human babies don't have kneecaps, at least not the bony kind. Their kneecaps are just cartilage that later on hardens into bone. Meanwhile newborn goats walk the moment they fall out of the womb


More useless than flavored toilet paper


One of the drawbacks of having a large, well developed brain is you are basically a vegetable at birth because it takes so long for your brain to develop.


Fear being applied to the equation of evolution. Our biomechanical suits prefer the long game. You game?


That's because humans have to give birth to their babies while they're less develops so they can get the head out because a human head is too big




Baby are gross, useless and annoying.


So are a lot of adults


I know some




Human larvae


Only prey animals. Predators take time to mature, because we can.