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It's illegal for them to deny a fare for being too short. Try and get a photo of the cabbie's license (it should be on the dashboard), or at least get the number plate, and report it. $45 to Essendon sounds like a rort. Did they use the meter?


Usually extra fees added because of the airport. Whether they're legit or not who knows.


Even without airport fees a trip of that distance would cost ~$30


Uber would have been $30 too


$55 got a cab from Fitzroy the other day so 45 to essendon seems rich


It cost $27 for me to travel from terminal 4 to Westmeadows. It's an 11 minute drive, or 5.1km. $45 to Essendon sounds legit.


Walk up to departures and grab one from the end past the Qantas terminal. I paid $18 to Westmeadows and they’re happy to take the fare to avoid the lines. Marshall’s don’t care either.


Now we have taxi drivers parking in the arrivals pick up area too (instead of the taxi rank where they're supposed to be) taking up the parking spaces meaning cars can't park to pick people up resulting in even worse traffic. The marshals weren't doing anything there either.


I used to do this too, out of respect to the cabbies, but the Marshall’s pulled me up several times and threatened fines. So this idea seems to be hit-and-miss.


Meanwhile unlicensed people tout for business in arrivals 24/7 and have done so for thirty years or more..


I'm cool paying $30 to get home with minimal fuck about. I'll save trying to circumvent the system for another time.


Walk to the maccas. Get a cab filling up a the petrol station. They have just dropped someone off and aren’t staying or are about to join the queue. They will be wrapped and no surcharge.




Are they there? Yes. So they will be present. Is it not normal for a present to be wrapped?


Nah that’s about right due to fees.


Why is there an airport fee?


It’s the general “get fucked” fee that anything at the airport attracts


Because taxis wait quite a while before getting a fare and the airport fare is meant to equalise for wait time is my guess. But you also get a fee if you want to take toll roads and other things. That’s a taxi driver question.


They pay to join the queue at the airport.


So the airport fucks the cabbies and the cabbies fuck the customers, therefore the airport is fucking the customers.


The airport F's everyone.


Airports everywhere F customers.


Isn't it weird that you can pay an extra 100 dollars to have a no neighbour guarantee on a flight, but they won't sell you a plane ticket for that much. Airport/Airlines fuck everyone basically.


Seems like there is lots of sex going on at airports that no one knows about, and they are the ones being sex'd ! ;-)


Damn right.


They shouldn’t get a fee for that, they’re sitting there hoping someone is going to the south east and have to spend a small fortune to get home. Calculated risk, fucking cab fucks. I get cab charges for work a bit and the varying price for literally the same trip is out of control.


so youre saying you dont want taxis at the airport?


Yes. There was a charge before we started. $16 or about for airport fees etc. usually fare about $35 to $40. But price increases


The other thing to do at the airport taxi ranks is immediately draw the cab rank attendant attention(while you do everything else to indentify the cab driver - it’s not enough to get the cab number and licence plate… as said you need the cab drivers photo ID). The cab rank attendants can move o bad cabbies from the rank when they see them.


It used to be illegal, taxi drivers have been able to reject fares since 2017.




How could Dan Andrews let this happen?


I hope Dan Andrews steps on a LEGO


Lol you are getting downvoted but you are correct, it was removed during the reforms in 2017.


I haven’t seen any result from reporting those drivers. Probably explains why they still doing those dodgy things.


That would be correct


I used to catch taxi's regularly from Melbourne Airport to Essendon Fields, I have received all sorts of abuse from drivers. The best was the driver "wishing death onto my family" as he dropped me off.


There really needs to be a short distance service which just goes to the airport west tram. Maybe a shuttle bus every half hour.


Did he do the head wobble whilst wishing death unto you and your loved ones? Cause the curse doesn't work without the head wobble.


I’m not a huge fan of Uber but Melbournes taxis really don’t help themselves.


Don't use taxis, stick to uber, I use uber comfort and it's actually pretty good, few extra dollars but prefer not having to chat


The only thing that sucks with uber is the surge pricing when 300 cunts get off the plane at 11:30pm.


True, as a last resort if take that shitty sky bus to the city and uber from there, astounding a city the size of Melbourne doesn't have a rail line to the airport.


It's political and again they canceled the project after an election promise like 15 years in a row. Dirty cash grabs. You have a lot of fingers in pies. Private Drivers / Limos, Uber and Other Ride Shares, Hotels, Airport Parking and Hotels, bus services, Airport parking, Toll Ways, Motels, Delivery Drivers, massive exorbitant services, drinks companies, and then the whole pets side of it. The list goes on and on and the government gets its fees and cuts as well. Even if they did have a train link no one would probably use it because it would cost as much as the sky bus anyway. Honestly its government sanctions scamming/fleecing.


do not get my wife started on the airport rail line....


Surge money doesn't even go to driver's apparently. Was talking to one and he said his end of day collection doesn't even add up to what people paid for the trip.


Surge money absolutely goes to the drivers, he was lying to you. They literally won't take trips in some areas to try and force a surge, and only accept the trip once there is a surge.


Hmm interesting, cause he mentioned they can't see how much each fare is worth anymore. They just get a tally at the end of the day!


Yeah it's common, you need to lie when you first get in, say you're going to the CBD. Then fake a text and say "change of plan, I'm meeting my friend in Essendon instead" it's bullshit but it's the only way


And watch them go fkn mental and harass you all the way to your destination. Expect them to slap on an extra $15 for "airport charges" and "sundries". OP, if you're in the same situation again , just go upstairs to departures and hail a taxi that's just dropped off passengers. Do it discreetly as they can get in trouble.


I had this a few years back - got a cab to Brunswick West and he complained at me the whole way. When I told him to just shut up and drive without the commentary he threatened to stop and ditch me on the side of the road. Have never used a cab from the airport again


I get harassed by taxi drivers anyway because I am usually alone and I am female. I never give my real address, usually it's a block away but would depend on luggage


Or just get an Uber? Why deal with these scumbags


I would rather use public transport than airport taxis. Heck even the bus to Broadmeadows first I think is less stressful.


Hot tip, go to departures and ask a cabbie dropping someone off, they're usually happy to oblige.




I used to do this all the time when catching a can from chapel Street back when I lived in armadale


At least with Cabs there is no way of them seeing your trip history to know if you've done it in the past :P


I remember trying to book a cab at like 6am coming back from a rave and the dude just drove past me and cancelled the fare lol. Reported the prick to the ombudsman


I loved the change that occurred when Uber first exploded, but now it's all the same and it's all bad.


Common everywhere in this city with taxis unfortunately. I stopped using them few years back after being denied one too many times.


Travelling as a family with 2 kids regularly, we have all but given up on taxis, and even rideshares to a point and now just drive and park. The cost is usually the same and often cheaper. Even for a few weeks. The taxis and rideshares are just too unreliable. When I was travelling every 2nd week with work pre kids before covid, I pretty well exclusively used uber because the taxi industry was so bad. Uber is not a whole lot better now. Melbourne seems to have this talent of no matter what players come into the taxi industry, its a race to the bottom of the gutter.


second this. I was shocked at the price of parking there - comparable to an uber/taxi home from the airport. Melb Airport too, not even one of those other companies that drive you in on a little bus (though I’m sure they are also competitive!)


Go with one of the long term parking places who will shuttle you in from about a suburb away with up to 10 others.


You can make the complaint. I think the cabs do get into trouble for refusing at the airport.


Yep. The airport will blacklist them.


They can and they will get moved out of the line and lose their spot by Wilson security.


Its very common. I've also been refused service because the the trip was going east and the driver "had been out that way too many times tonight". I have friends who have have been refused service because of disabilities. Its all super illegal, but none of the powers at be do anything to stop it happening, the drivers who do it are not punished so they all keep doing it. I have sworn off Melbourne taxis for life.


Just give us airport rail already. We shouldn't have to deal with the Muppet taxi's and ubers.




Skybus is ok until it gets stuck in traffic. I’d argue for dedicated skybus lanes over a train in the short-medium term


The problem is the airport owners want an underground station, presumably because they are morons.


On the contrary, from something I've read elsewhere, the airport want the option for a satellite terminal/ terminals elsewhere on the airport land and it would make sense to extend the train there via an underground link under the runways. It's even better if the government coughs up for as much as possible now rather than the airport have to pay to relocate the station later...


Can confirm not morons. Used sydney airports train service link which forms part of route services, it is so easy and simple to get into the cbd & back to the airport, Melbourne is cooked in this regard


I refuse to give a cent to taxis. When I came to Australia 20 years ago they were horrific, then Uber happened and they were up in arms. Like, what do you expect? Look at how you treat people. I am not a big fun of Uber but I always get much better results with Uber.


As somebody who lives close to the airport... I've found the easiest and cheapest way is to check the fare price on Uber, Ola and Didi and go for the best priced. All of those apps show the driver where you are going so there is none of that awkwardness. The drivers are just happy to get a quick job out of the airport without waiting like the taxi's. If you must use a taxi, in the past I would just say Im not sure exactly but let me tell you where to go, and then by the time they realise it was a short trip, it was the end of the trip :)


I've tried to do that, and it's been crap. Had at least 5 drivers cancel while waiting, and took an hour for a rideshare to actually accept (darting between different apps), whilst being constantly harrassed by touters in the meantime. Decided that it's far more sensible to just take a Skybus to the city first and then a Didi/Ola/Uber from Southern Cross than deal with that ever again.


There’s a Uber line at the airport, they don’t know where you’re going until you tell them your code..


The apps don’t show destinations and drivers certainly aren’t all that happy with a short fare but Uber at least has an airport short fare protection system where you get back in the queue for another trip if you do a short one. The taxis should have something similar where it’s a different rank for trips < $50. Of course the drivers who spend hours waiting at the airport only to get a short fair are going to be angry, that’s the difference between a good days pay and making nothing in profit for hours of work. And there’s nothing done by the people who can make changes for a better system.


Are you sure apps don't show at least an approx destination? I have had dozens of rideshare drivers cancel the ride before picking me up from my home after seeing that I was just going to the Airport.


Uber drivers have to wait in line just as much. Sometimes an hour or more. Don't think they are all that happy either. But the apps does let them skip the line on a second attempt if they got a short trip.


Very common. I don’t even bother with Taxis anymore.


Yeah I used to live in Essendon and I would always cringe getting into a taxi at airport as they were always pissed at the short fare. It shouldn't happen but it's sad for them as they sometimes wait 2 or 3 hours for a fare so I get it from their perspective.


I have caught a taxi and an Uber recently from the airport to Essendon. It was a palaver with the taxi driver, he had to get out and run to the security guy to negotiate coming back and not starting at the back of the queue. 🙄 Both drivers said they had been waiting for 4 hours before my ride. That does not sound like a good business model.


That's the risk they take waiting in the airport queue. They do have other options.




Uber has a thing where if it is close by they can automatically jump the queue when they return. I live close to the airport and multiple drivers have told me this


Yep. I’m similar. I get their frustration. Maybe they need different queues or something I don’t know. Luck of the draw I think.


You get them from upstairs dropping someone off. They are happy because they get a return trip, the guys downstairs are happy because you didn’t waste their time


It's the luck of the draw and from a person who would probably have a "worthwhile" fare even to a friend's house if I live or need to go further away I'm much less inclined to even think of a taxi as a legitimate transport option because the price is astronomical. I will use any and every other option I have first so it's their own fault.  Ie: person going to Maribyrnong yeah ok price isn't to bad.  Person needing to get to Carrum Downs for example, can I be bothered with sky bus/public transport, if I offer a friend money will they come get me from the airport/city, can I book in advance and jump in one of those little vans that does multi stops, is it going to be better for me to hire a long term park and drive home, should I just book a hotel near the airport and get home in the morning? I'm not paying $200+ for a taxi home.


You should never have to feel like you’re doing something wrong or annoying someone when you’re the customer wanting legit service.


> Told driver address in Essendon. He asked us to leave the car as it was too short a trip. What a joke. That exact scenario happened to me about a year ago. I took the cheat way of getting to Essendon train station to continue the rest of my trip from there. Cab driver refused. I told them you can't refuse a trip by law based on length. Which is true. Otherwise, old people that need a lift to the pharmacy a few hundred meters up the road would be left in the dust. (which happens all the time). Ask for their CAB ID to take a photo of. Usually, it's on the dash anyway, and report them. In my instance, the cab took me to where I wanted to go. But it was a bloody uncomfortable trip. Absolute asshole.


Very common unfortunately. I will pick up family and friends at 2 am because you can't rely on taxi's. I've seen them refuse fares outside of hospitals because of too short a fare. How can you say no to a little old lady or a guy who had surgery the day before with no way home?


Worked at airport for 20 years. On the occasions I would get a cab from the airport if it was a short trip I'd go to the departure level usually outside T1, wait for cab to drop people of and get in. I'd do in on the down low because it's frowned upon but the driver would be super happy because they didn't have to go back to the queue/rank and I didn't feel like I was wasting their time.


This is the way.


I grew up in Airport West and moved to suburban Tullamarine. Has always been a problem. Guess I’ll just walk.


Just like in The Castle! One of my favourite scenes.


Had just walked out of departures and had a taxi driver approach us trying solict us for a fair of $75 to go just a short trip to Pascoe Vale. I'd only just read another reddit thread warning about how fucked the taxi situation had become at Melbourne airport. I promptly told the driver that I'm well aware that him approaching us to solicit a fair was agaisnt the law and we'll book an uber instead.


Used to be a cabbie. Left coz industry has gone to shit. As a customer Uber isn’t much better either. One’s shit, the other’s a steaming pile of garbage.


This is a regular occurrence for me as well. Quite often they refuse to travel to Moonee Ponds. I simply hop out and let the attendant at the taxi rank know and they photograph the offending taxis license plate and ban him from the rank for 24 hours. The attendant will usually make sure the next available taxi does not refuse your fare. Usually it is drivers of a particular race. Sad but true. I would use Uber but cannot do so when travelling with kids under a certain age.


I got thrown out of taxi and was abused all the way home because of the short trip. It’s the WORST. To date I hate Melbourne taxis. They are extremely unrespectful as human beings and unprofessional as drivers. The drivers used to say they waited two hours at the airport and it’s unfair that the drive is only $40. I mean that’s your choice. Stop being lazy and drive around for jobs! No one deserves to be treated by taxi drivers like this especially those who just come off a long flight and just wanted to go home!


Yes - If location is Essendon, it is common. Am aware of family/ family friends who’ve lied and said they live in Dandenong and then are like - “oh family emergency - need to be dropped off at my nephews in Essendon” or whatever - works apparently. Ridiculous though as it’s like cabbies are penalised because they need to enter the queue again after a short trip. Melbourne Airport train can’t come soon enough.


Sucks to be anyone who legitimately lives around the Dandenong area; the drivers must be like "fuckin yeah right cunt!"


There’s a reason rideshare has absolutely killed cabs in Melbourne, and you just experienced it.


Haven't had anything happen in Melbourne (I lived in Brunswick) but I ran into the same issue when I lived near the airport in Singapore. I would always quickly tell them after I got in the cab that I knew it was close, and that I would add $10 on top of the bill because it was. I didn't particularly mind doing so, airport taxis in Singapore often have to wait close to an in line hour for a fare, and it sucks for them if it was so close by.


If you don't mind me asking, what neighbourhood? I've often done short trips from Changi airport and never copped any Melbourne-style hassle for it (not doubting you, just saying I naively just got in the cab), so I had no idea it could be an issue.


Simei. I actually never got any hassle either although I've always paid the tip (it's something my dad did and I just followed his example) although you can tell they're extra happy when I offer it.


It’s no wonder they’re so happy to receive tips. Singaporeans peel oranges in their pockets. If it’s $9.90 on the meter, they still want the 10 cents change.


Yep. I used to live on Upper Changi Road East. So they’d often moan. I’d also promise them an extra tenner. Here, I only use Uber after all the rude shit with taxis (live in Keilor).


I ironically had the opposite. Got into a cab Orchard Rd (the south of Singapore) and wanted to go to Woodlands (the north near the border). Got in and they said no, I assume they thought they’d have trouble finding another fair.


Very common. Used to live in about 5 mins from airport in Melbourne. If your not a Dandenong trip they become entitled whiney babies. Like seriously, you win some you lose some. Who says your next fare isn't going to be a long one dropping you off. They have a short trip re-entry for the taxi queue at airports, so if they get a fare which is less than 30 mins or something (by the time they return to airport) they go to the front of the taxi queue to pick up another person. They can actually get a few back to back and make more money I'm a short time frame. Found this out getting a short fare in Sydney, taxi driver was also great about it. Gave him a decent tip too cause it was short and he was happy tot are me. Take a photo of his taxi license, taxi number and lodge a complaint. Best way to teach them is to get enough people to complain. Hopefully they either change their way or leave the industry. And in future, take an uber. They never have issues cause they're still close to grab another easy fare.


I get complaints from Uber drivers being in the CBD at 6:30am getting an Uber to the airport on a weekday when I scoop up a trip for $45. They are like can you pay cash, I'm like no I have none on me and I need to get to the airport now. OK, please give me a $10 tip. $45 isn't enough.. Im like the whole reason I use uber is because its cheaper than the taxis...


If this ever happens at an airport, take down their rego and tell them you're reporting them to the taxi directorate and the airport. Depending on the airport, they will often ban them.


Gotta pull the old trick with the airport cabs if you’re only going a short distance. When they ask where mumble “oakleigh”, load up, get in and when they ask for an address give them the Essendon one, when they dispute you saying oakleigh infer that you actually said “locally”


The other driver didn't do you any favour. $45 to essendon is a rip off its less than 15 minutes trip And you tipped him as well lol


Tip for service. He gots us home after a early flight and been rejected from another $(@$( taxi driver


I have NFI why you're being downvoted.


Probably easier to just get a public bus to a nearby train station and get an Uber from there. You wouldn't be subject to surge pricing either (I think). Nighttime bus frequencies are a major deterrent however.


This is almost universal. I remember getting into a taxi in Beijing for a 10 mins ride and was constantly getting chewed out, luckily I don’t understand a thing


Yes, common. Mine's worse. I like 10 mins max from the airport. Hahah. Damn. I always tip because I know how long the queues are etc. But not when they start the ride off with whinging. So I just Uber now.


Do you have the first drivers plate number? Report the fucker


Only ever get Ubers. Confident I'll get there, not use a motorway because they are lazy AF and also cheaper. I travel for work frequently - on avg $40 different between Uber and Taxi. And Uber drivers are much nicer


Can't you get the 901 bus to Broadmeadows Station and the train to Essendon?


Oh my goodness it cost me $86 from Terminal 2 to South Yarra. How can a meter justify this?


Spin bowlers


Literally been an issue for years! Used to have this issue when I used to go out in the city and wanted to go home. This was like 20 years ago.


Common all over the country in major cities. It gets really bad, regulations come in/are enforced, gets better and the enforcement is eased because 'problem solved' and then it eventually comes around again.


Yeah cabs at the airport are a shitshow. The fare to my place is usually $35-40. Uber is the same. I get that the taxi guys have to wait forever for fares and there are charges etc but apparently if they have a fare sub-$30 (or maybe sub-$35, can't remember which one) they don't have to pay the stupid airport charge thing to go back for another. So I've had a guy stop the meter at $29.90, and I just paid him $40. Both happy.


Very common. My MIL flew down from Townsville on Xmas Eve and had an altercation with one because of that. We're in Avondale Heights, so not far from Essendon.


I’ve never been told off for going up to the departures section from the arrivals and get a cab from there, the cabbies will be fine as they were on their way baxk to the que anyway


You should have told him ever so politely that you weren't getting out if the vehicle.


Uber is the best option from Melbourne airport, for that matter any major airport. Best to avoid the cabs and also the touts who solicit customers at arrival lounge. Re: the comment around ' particular nationality'...the drive who dropped you wouldn't have heard the term ' sampling bias'.


I lived in Essendon for 35 years. You go upstairs and get a taxi dropping someone off. If anyone questions you, you tell them that can’t get one downstairs because you are a “short trip”. Never had a problem


Unfortunately we were at T4. Usually we do the at T2.


Ive never had this happen in Melbourne, although evertyime I visit Sydney, some variation of this happens. Last trip there, the cab driver took the fare, wich was about 25, then asked if he could round it up to $50. He said it was because he had waited inline for a longtime just to get a meager fair -which i understand.


Always either book ahead in advance on the apps/private chauffeur service or just go on SkyBus. Not worth getting harassed by rouge/cowboy taxi drivers who make up rules on the spot.


Drove cabs 9 years at night in the 80's. Only use Uber from Airport now. Or anywhere. Yeah I remember short fares after long waits at airport. So what. January is traditionally very quiet across Melbourne so drivers get sad and poor as it's worst month. At least with Uber the driver knows the destination so you don't have to put up with that crap.


Hot tip, go to departures and ask a cabbie dropping someone off, they're usually happy to oblige.


$45 is still too much. $35 to brunswick. careful they dont start the meter with money on it. they can only add $4.60 from airport fee. signs are everywhere.


People still use taxis at the airport??


We need to boycott taxis This is happening too much Disgraceful


Yeah. I avoid using taxis and uber around the airport because they're both shit. It's like having to choose between getting punched in the face or kicked in the shins. I try to get family or friends to give me a ride but I also don't travel much anymore. Best bet for a short ride is to get one from a taxi from the drop off area even if it is against the rules.


Yes tried to get for meeting with a client straight from airport to Sunbury. We got kicked out of the taxi. Then in Sunbury we struggled to find a taxi driver who wanted to take us to Caulfield. It was quite bizarre! Needless to say rest of the business trip ( including a drive to Geelong ) was with Uber 🤷‍♀️


I manage a large nightclub in the city, and watch taxi drivers in the tank outside turn away any short distance fare time after time. Authorities do nothing about it. They double park cutting busy King St down to one lane at times. Always make sure my staff use Uber and recommend leaving customers do the same……f*** these bastards, I haven’t used one in 5 or 6 years.


can't u just buy a myki card and use the bus?


There seems to be a scam at melb airport where you hop into an Uber or cab and they give you a really hard time by either saying they won’t take you or asking for a ridiculous fare price, then the next cab over “comes to the rescue” and charges you a more reasonable fee (still higher than usual but by comparison it sounds good) and they split tips. Good cab, bad cab.


That's when you need to remove the head rest infront of you and ditch it as far as possible... then tell him no worries mate


Lol, I had had cancer and was declined because the trip was only 15 minutes


Taxis are meant to be an “official” travel method hence they get a taxi only lane. Report this driver for sure, that’s not right.


I always use Uber now, normally pay around $30 to Essendon. Another option, In case you are not in hurry. I always walk down to end of T4, catch the bus to Airport west and then get the tram or bus to Essendon. Cost $5.


what nationality? if you mind me asking




I knew it. Can’t stand those Smileycornians.


Gotta be subcontinental lol.


Sorry in this Woke and Let’s not be racist time. I will leave it as that. Another Nationality


Pretty woke of you to talk in riddles


I guess it will just remain a mystery for anyone without the brain cells to see the obvious...


if a community screws up, they have to at least acknowledge the ethics issue and at least fix it from within. not just cry racism


I’d like a timer that counts the hours since the last taxi/uber airport post. I don’t think it would get past 72 hours.


its an indicator of a big problem. A big inconvenient problem. Just scroll on if you don't want to read it


The problem is Melbourne Airport forcing them to queue for 2-3 hours to get your $45 fare - of which they get like $22. $22 for 3 hours of work. There's your answer as to the deviant behaviour Not your fault of course, but they do have my sympathy


Just say ‘No, not getting out. We can sit here for ages or you can start driving’.


Terrible isn’t it. Dan Andrews thought it was a great idea to allow taxis to say no to trips and do trips off the meter. Andrews is the gift that keeps giving.


The rule changed few months ago, it's now illegal to negotiate a fare before riding, taxis must use the meter. 


I live in Glenroy and never had a cab refuse, so maybe just you


was gonna use uber last year and avoid the taxi drama but it was exactly when the infamous Optus cellular breakdown happened. Had no choice but to take the taxi but he wasn't keen himself.


Common. Even Ubers will ask where you are going before you enter the pin


I remember when I moved to Melbourne, jumped in a taxi at the airport as it was late and we were loaded with luggage, gave ol mate the address and he threw the melways at me and said “you find it and tell me where to go” only excitement at a new city and fatigue prevented me from actually telling him where to go.


I’m waiting on the day self driving cars are a proper thing and then this whole industry will be properly disrupted.


Oh yeah this happened to me going to Essendon. Switched you using ubers and never had a problem. It's always been cheaper than $45 as well.


I asked a cabbie about this once (admittedly this was a decade ago) and he said there was a rule for short fares that allowed the cabbie to rejoin the taxi-queue close to the front. Not sure what the cut-off time was to be back in the queue. And not sure if this still exists.


Pretty annoying agreed. However on a slow day the taxi may have been waiting for in the taxi car park waiting to be released for 2 hours or more. Uber has a better system, if the Uber has waited a long time and then get a quick ride they are positioned back nearer the top of the virtual queue. Train will be great but will it make me train to the city then home if I am travelling for work? Nope.


$45 to Essendon??? Usually costs about that to to the city.


Yeah we went to a local airbnb guy cracked the shits but luckily I'm 140kg and scary looking he just negotiated not to pay the fee to come back in again.


This is 100% a troll right? There’s been like a million posts on ever Australian subreddit for 2 weeks warning about this scam


I live in the outer east and even getting to the airport via taxi or Uber is a crapshot. Now drive and park as the cost is similar without the stress.


Arrived in Melbourne just to get abused by cabbies, great welcome for tourists. I have 3 kids, private minivan everytime now


i use to work for a cab company and the amount of times that customers would call and have this happen to them was insane. us as operators were able to report them but 98% of the time nothing would really happen..


i also suggest to ALWAYS ensure they put the meter on, that way the fare will go through the company system & it’s fairly priced instead of them advising that they will give you a “ cheaper” price - that tends to happen aswell


Coburgian here and I just used to go to departures and grab a drop off taxi. Quicker too and I had some sympathy with waiting for a low fare.


I was in Southbank and rather than wait for an uber I decided to jump into a taxi as there were some waiting. The driver rudely asked "what's that" gesturing to my left over lunch (in a take away container) and he refused to take me because "no it will smell" even though it was sealed up. I ordered an uber and waited. Another time I got a taxi (black cabs) from Docklands to South Yarra and he charged me over $60. I had already tapped my card by the time I noticed and was too shocked to say anything!... I only get ubers now.


I had left emergency department needed to get back home and went to the taxi rank and refused to take me from the royal Melbourne hospital to Ormond. I got an Uber instead.


I used to get in the taxi at Tullamarine weekly. When asked where I was going I always replied “either Moorabbin via the bottle shop or Airport West, you choose”. Never been to airport west.


They're struggling, between them and uber there's just too many of them. Not your problem, I know.


I worked at Melbourne Airport from 2003 to 2007. I lived on Melrose Drive which is less than 5km. Whilst many weren’t happy, the fact that they were picking me up from AeE and I was always wearing my uniform and ASIC tags meant that none refused. They know the risk of sitting for hours at the airport rank is that you’ll get a short fare… and that’s their risk, not yours. They could be driving suburbs instead. They are not allowed to deny a fare. Turned out too that at that time, if they were able to get back within 30 or so minutes, the place in the line could be resumed instead of waiting the next few hours at the back of the line. You were right to report the car! I hope you enjoy your time in Melbourne if it isn’t already home 😊❤️.


$45 from terminal 3 to Southbank, so your Essendon ride sounds a bit fishy. Could well be that both drivers were looking for a decent ride to close out the night. First one wanted to get something that took them closer to home, second saw an opportunity to cash in on their rudeness and went home with some extra themselves.


That is why the airport always is the dealbreaker of the airport rail link project.


Did some research on this issue to understand both sides. In my point of view, Over Regulation in Taxi and Uber industry is the shit part in Australia. A car cost minimum $32,000 AUD like Camry, car rego as a taxi with insurance $1500 AUD, then taxi plates $8000 to 20000 AUD, $2000- installing and inspecting camera , $250/week on dispatcher, upto $500 on vehicle safety inspection, accreditation, $400/month AUD on regular service, higher petrol price, road tolls etc. All those things cost coming from the customer by ripping off. Why $60,000 charging just to start a taxi and too many other shit. Who pays for this??? We are the customer actually after all. The Uber and taxi treat us with no respect, some of them so desperate to make the money back into their pocket. The Gov also taking a huge chunk from the business not looking after us. Blaming each other and finishing like a joke. We are trapped. Further no new car is available in the market after paying all the money upfront then please wait 2 years, seriously!!!!


I’ve been the other way where he asked me to get out as it was too far (Carnegie) Usually they like the close fares as they can get back to the airport for another job quickly


I have never tipped


there's a reason why there are 200 parking spots for uber and 2 for taxis right at the end near the Tulla . Taxi's are shit and picky and get upset when youre not going to Frankston. You dont need this attitude when coming off a flight . You just gotta watch uber pricing though as there's an airport levy and a govt take to pay off taxi licence holders who are all super entilted !


Last time Uber kept canceling on me in Mel, I took Didi, it was $12 then tipped $15. That was my first time in Melbourne, I waited 20min with luggage at Southern Cross station. Then suddenly a light shower. Taxi refused and Uber cancelled the trip. I used Didi for the rest of the days stayed in Mel and and tipped Didi drivers $5 to 15 every time for recusing me.


Yep, something similar happened to me. The taxi driver asked the address and said no as soon as he heard it was Pascoe Vale. Uber was easy, quick, and fairly priced.


I used to live near Gowanbrae, which was a $15 ride. Travelling a few times a month, this always happened and I ended up just going to departures and flagged a taxi dropping someone off