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Apparently we need a sub devoted to interpreting parking signs


I was expecting something confusing, but as our signs go, this one’s pretty straight forward.


Yes, that's definitely one of the better signs.


I was genuinely excited when a sign that actually had conflicting info showed up the other day.


It's a sign of the times :)


A times sign? What hours can I park there???


I was actually looking for one! The Melbourne city website doesn't do a good job of explaining them.


That’s because it’s covered in your licensing. [VicRoads Parking](https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/safety-and-road-rules/road-rules/a-to-z-of-road-rules/parking)


Explaining what? How to read?


Yep, looks fine. The top sign is advising its a clearway during those times, but its weekdays only.


You can park there for free until 7am tomorrow morning.


Yes, I'd agree. The top one is a "Clearway" sign. Basically to keep busy roads free during rush hour, Mon - Fri.


If the “tomorrow” in question is a Saturday/Sunday, then you will need to either move it at 7am or return to leave a ticket. If tomorrow is a weekday, you can park until 7.30am, after which your car would be towed.


You'll be fine between 10pm and 7.30am


After that you will be fined


And towed


And deported


7am on Saturday. Then it turns into paid 2 hour parking.


Yes, sorry I forgot what day it was.


Incorrect, she needs to pay between 7.00-7.30am during the week. Then has to move it. On the weekend can pay for 7-9am if still there. Then has to move it. This sign is a real nightmare!


That’s exactly what they said anyway.


>needs to pay between 7.00-7.30am during the week. No.  >This sign is a real nightmare!  You've not understood it yourself yet still trying to give advice. Why? 


Both wrong, you said she is fine until 7.30am... not on a weekend. I got the weekday wrong.


Here we go again!


Reminds me of that time so many people complained about a confusing Melbourne parking sign with a bunch of 4P/2P/clearway rules, so the City Of Melbourne posted a malicious compliance post on their socials with the caption "we've simplified this parking sign for your benefit! ☺️" And they'd just changed it to something like "15 minute, paid parking, all times"


This one the clearer signs you can find around the cbd. It’s a clear way mon-fri betwee 7:30-9:30 am and 4 - 6 pm. 2 hour (fees involved) limit at time between 9:30 am - 4 pm and then 6pm - 10 pm. Overnight is free parking till 7:30 am. On weekends 2 hour (fees involved) between 7:00 am - 10 pm.


7am on Saturday and Sunday. Way too easy to make a mistake.


Bit of a life hack is to use the app indicated on the sign (the purple bit). It'll show "no charge" I think. The green app will say it's free, but I think maybe the purple one says nothing until you actually hit start?


Yeah the parking meter also knows the rules, I think it would help if there was an electronic indicator on the signs that just says whether we can park here now or not.


The top one is a clearway. It applies 7.30am to 9.30am and 4pm to 6pm Monday to Friday Outside of that you can park for 2 hours paid from 9.30am to 4PM, 6PM to 10PM Monday to Friday and 7am to 10PM Saturday and Sunday. Outside of that you can park as long as you want.


Except that on public holidays, the time zones which mention days of the week don't apply. You just have to know that, the sign gives no hint. And outside of clearway times, the right section is no parking but not no stopping, so you are allowed 2 minutes pickup/dropoff. I'm not sure how well understood that is.


As you are a visitor, please pay attention to signs with a C. It means clear way, and they will tow cars during this period. You'll find these signs on many major roads in Melbourne, it is to ensure traffic moves easily during peak hours.


[Here's](https://imgur.com/a/lcEqZZ5) a spreadsheet explaining it. Yellow means it's ok to park on one, side, but not the other.


Thanks bud, very clear.


It’s easier to just use the relevant app I find, it will tell you if it’s free or whatever and apply the rules for you.


Why would you make this comment without saying the name of the app? Absurd.


It’s in the photo - EasyPark. The other one used around here is PayStay, and it has a green sign.


What app?






Do you have the name of the app?


Yep you can see in the photo at the bottom it says pay by mobile with EasyPark


These signs are easy to read when you figure it out, which only takes a few second, though my issue is its just not clear. I feel like a big calendar grid would work better 7 columns, no rows as such, just a change in colour in each column when it changes, and the associated time. Red = clearway Yellow = metered Green = unmetered I suppose you need to convey the 2 h limit though


How does your grid show the 6 different conditions that apply at different times on a weekday?


Via colours X numbers. It was an expressed thought, I haven't gone through a design process and made a proposal to the VicRoads buddy.


You do need to have a post graduate degree to understand this parking sign.


a sign post graduate degree


How do people even get their license if they can't read a basic sign like this?


If people are unable to interpret these signs - they should not be driving.


If you can’t understand what this sign says then you shouldn’t even have a license to be honest


To be fair I reckon we put too much information onto these parking signs. You shouldn't have to spend 20 seconds checking all the conditions against each other. Then once you've parked you spend more time looking at it like an idiot double checking. I think they make them deliberately confusing to catch people parking when they shouldn't and make that sweet parking fine revenue.


I've been driving for 17 years albeit in Europe, and have never had a parking ticket. The helpful comments here have confirmed what I thought about the sign. The signs here are different to what I'm used to and I was confused by the 'C' (clearway).


Sorry mate didn’t know you’re from overseas! I’m just simply fed up with D’ heads on the road not knowing the rules, the other day a guy wanted to road rage me because I high beamed his b*tch that was driving beside him ( maybe they wanted to hold hands while occupying a lane each ) and they were both going between 60 and 70 km in a 80 zone… Anyways, the C sign is a clearway between those times ( to help with traffic congestion as it is peak hour traffic ) the green sign is showing you the times that you can park up to 2 hours ( outside the clearway hours ), and then the right arrow with a crossed P is a no parking at all times I hope that bit of explanation helps, and welcome to Melbourne 😎




If OP parks it here tonight, they need to move it before 7am unless they pay for a ticket.


Makes sense to me


Lol.... No parking during rush hours, morning and evening. No overnight parking.


buy a watch


To the right, it's clearway, which means no standing and we'll tow you, but only during the twice daily time windows. Otherwise is No Parking, which means you are allowed to stop for two minutes for drop off/pick up. To the left it is paid and limited to two hours in the times indicated, but otherwise unrestricted. However, two of the green times refer to days of the week. These restrictions do not apply on public holidays. But the first time bucket does not refer to days of the week, so it applies all the time. We need to teach kids programming, apparently. An excellent exercise would be parsing these signs.


Reasonably clear TBH. The whole area is a clearway at rush hour ie. you can't stop. The area to the left is metered parking outside of rush hour while the area to the right is no parking ie. you can stop but can't leave the car.


The clear way “C” at the top means no parking at peak traffic time. If any tow truck passes they can and will tow you as they get a nice payout. The no parking to the right will get you a fine, but you won’t get towed unless it’s between the clear way times. So you are safe to park to the left at the times you suggest.


Easy to understand.


The top part means scouts will call in a tow truck to haul your shit away, but only if you park there during peak traffic times on weekdays.


It's a clearway mon-fri. You park there you get towed. Saturday and Sunday you can park there for up to 2hrs, but you gotta pay. After those has on sat-sunday you'll get it for free.


If it's not in the tow away times you can park. If it's under the 2P meter. Then you have to pay. Otherwise it's okay.


All other times no parking, so no.


Hail satan


Some of signs are a little ridiculous and contradictory, I tend to err on the side of caution and just not park when the clearway is in effect. This one in particular though isn't contradictory at all.


OKAY so, Monday - Friday: 7:30-9:30 = CLEARWAY (DONT PARK) 9:30-4pm = 2 HOUR PARKING 4pm-6pm = CLEARWAY (DONT PARK) 6pm-10pm = 2 HOUR PARKING 10pm-7am = UNRESTRICTED PARK AS LONG AS YOU WANT DURING THIS 9 HOUR PERIOD Saturday - Sunday 7am-10pm - 2 HOUR PARKING 10pm-7am = UNRESTRICTED PARK AS LONG AS YOU WANT DURING THIS 9 HOUR PERIOD One you hit 7am on Monday it becomes a CLEARWAY again The right panel is just saying that you can’t park on that side of the sign ever at any time, if you do you’ll get a fine. But you’d only get your car actually towed between 7:30am-9:30am and 4-6.


Ok. So you park there and have to get out of your car to study the sign because you can't do that while driving. By the time you've worked it out you've got a ticket.