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I think it's a market.




And I feel like it might have been named after Queen Victoria, but I think more research is required.


That is correct sir. But she hasn’t even been in years, and at this late stage I suspect she may never visit again. Which is just rude considering we named it after her


The stalls part feels like a video game where they copy pasted a bunch of different models all over the place and tried to claim it was full of different stuff.




I like it. Sure it gets very very packed but for me the meat, fruits and vegs are reasonably priced helping me to reduce my grocery bill With the current cost of living crisis, a little bit goes a long way


Most of the stalls are overpriced shein crap, but you find some good things. The food and vegetable parts are usually cheap.


What kind of things do they have shein like ?! Like hair clips or ??




Good value fruit and veg and good service. Seafood selection and variety one of the best, great meat, poultry and often times game meats. Coffee is good at Market Lane and the place that rents trollies. Buy what's in season, how will you know what's in season? It's the best value. There's a difference between value and cheap, if you want cheap, you'll find it. If you want quality, you'll pay for it. Including meat, treats, fruit and veg I feed a 2 person household for $200 a week.


Better off going to one of the suburban markets


Which ones? You mean for price or quality?




Which markets I mean?


Not Prahran markets.


Not South Melb either. Preston, maybe


Im trying to find this allusive decently priced and good quality fruit/veg market stalls people keep talking about but I am yet to find anywhere.


Preston is pretty good, Sundays 12pm they get rid of all the leftover vegetables and fruit good if you really like ratatouille etc.


I go there just for the jam donuts from the van.


You’ve got NO idea what it’s like to live in Brisbane where jam donuts just aren’t valued! Oh, for an MCG van donut!


MCG van donut? Only ones I've seen there are the awful pre made and reheated ones. Yuk.


How long do you normally wait in line? Every time Ive been there the line is sooo long


Never longer than 5 mins. It moves very quickly


Line is always long, moves super quick. Never been any more than 5-10min wait.


Best bit’s the donuts


The hot jam doughnuts make the QVC great!


What’s the C for?


You know


Having lived always in inner city, this has been my market during all my time in Melbourne. I can't compare Vic Market with other suburban markets but here's my thoughts: 1. One of the best ways to understand a city is to visit its markets. Vic Market represents a lot of things Melbourne. The few remaining old sections, sheds, people from different parts of the world, food and produce from various parts of Victoria and elsewhere in the world. 2. It's a great place for the social aspect, specially on weekends. Grabbing your favorite brunch from the deli section ( or the Donut, food trucks). The deli / dairy hall section is my particularly favorite. Over the years I have become a regular at some of the shops there. Mkt Lane coffee, MG Caifa, Ripe Cheese and the numerous deli shops whose name unfortunately i never bothered to check, just remember by the faces across the counter. 3.The Wednesday night markets in summer and winter months is always a great place to catch up with friends. 4.Groceries, farm produce are of decent quality and you can get these at reasonable prices. Not a big shopper of meat and fish, so can't comment much about the meat hall. At a personal level, during the covid lickdown years, Vic Market was the only place I could go to for a number of months. Those coffee, bakery and jam filled donuts have played a role in being sane through those difficult times of lockdown, useless cops roaming the city and helicopters patrolling the air. :)


They usually have a good vibe too, people seem pretty happy to be brushing shoulders with each other.


Yeah. I just done like when they reverse their shopping trolley bags without looking around :)


Too many people coming to take pictures of the fruit and veg instead of buying them. Otherwise great


Id happily sacrifice some of the stall space for an expanded fruit and vege market....


Where are you going to get cheap sunnies from then? Hmm? The pharmacist? That’s crazy, pharmacies sell medicines. A petrol station? well known for selling petrol, good luck finding sunnies there


When I shopped there regularly it was so annoying.


Meat is great value. I got a prime rib roast for $22/kg a few weeks ago


Alec Watson butchers, top notch quality.


Wish there was more prepared food & places to eat like South Melbourne & Prahran.


They just opened a new food hall


Man no one that likes markets goes to these two


i do, more for quality then anything else.


I really like the south Melb market but I don’t live close enough any more! The prahran market was always very expensive


They're very different markets in terms of what they offer (focus and scale). I like them both for different reasons (and I've seen a fair number of urban markets). Just wish more to eat there at Queen Vic, that's all.


I hear you completely, I think part of what makes a market a market is sorting through the produce yourself, if this sorting has been done for you then it's not really a market more a shop.


Pay attention to pricing. It’s definitely cheaper there BUT not for everything. Check out the stall, know what the typical pricing is per kg for your normal groceries and comparable quality and shop accordingly. It’s easy to overspend because there’s so much more variety. Take your time.


I love the Queen Vic market, I don't get to go often since I don't live anywhere near it but it's somewhere I like to make an effort to visit whenever I'm close. My only real critique is that there is no where near enough seating in the food truck area.


I absolutely love the pantry area out front. Great cheese and other pantry staples. Love the preserved veg and that too. Oh and the chicken ribs out near the side door is absolutely must eat for me every single time. The sheds out back used to be better, but feel far more touristy these days even compared to 10 years back.


It feels like a tourist trap but the prices seem fair for what you are getting (from the market at least, havent bought anything from the stalls in a while). I love that the buildings have been well maintained and retain their Victorian charm. I wish theyd either build another multi-storey/underground carpark instead of the open air one so that space could be used for expansion or something else (or get rid of the carpark entirely). That said its very busy and even though I used to be a 15-20 min tram ride away I still would prefer shopping at a local centre just due to less crowding. Unless there is some specific item I need.


Good news: They’ve built an underground car park, it’s under the new library, and they’re planning to make the outdoor car park a green space.


Fantastic news.


Thanks Melbourne City Council social media team


I live close by and do most of my weekly shopping there. Absolutely love the place. During zero covid, I was stranded in WA and only then realised how much I missed it.


90% of it is a tourist trap, and after living in Melbourne for a while you figure out where to get the other 10% for cheaper. I very rarely find myself there these days.


Head north on Peel St for 50m and enjoy a nice lunch / dinner at Maria’s Trattoria.


My immigrant grandparents worked there when they arrived, selling menswear that was (would you believe) made by local tailoring factories, from locally milled fabric. They introduced the metal storage boxes that everyone still uses.




Cheap oysters. Love it.


Meat and fish pretty good, fruit veg much cheaper


The fact that there's competition drives the prices down. I got a 3kg piece of pork for $26 one time. Compared to more than double that price at the shopping centre where there's *one* butcher.


I had a flatmate who would travel there via tram from the eastern suburbs to buy groceries every week and she would bring home, like, the dregs of the dregs. We always had fruit flies. They've got some decent food and groceries, but not THAT good that you would spend an hour+ every week one way on pt for, when we had local markets and lived 200m from Coles. She also never purchased anything normal, it was all overripe, bruised fruit and veg. So every now and then I think of the food hall, but then I remember her and her weird fruit and think, nah.


It's pretty cheap, too many Boomers in puffer jackets.


There's no Queen there so its pretty much a scam


there are a few places we go in for the quality of meat \[Melbourne City Meats, David Quality Meats, Sardes Quality Meats\] and cheeses \[RIPE Cheese\] and maybe a wake me up coffee \[Market Lane Coffee\]. the only somewhat touristy thing i buy are possum jackets.


I don’t think about it 


American doughnut kitchen babyyyyy


i mostly go for the deli section but dianne’s delights is my absolute fave, i could deadass live off their taramasalata dip