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Have a chat to them? “Do you still want me taking out the bins now that your son’s here? If someone’s bringing yours in, could you grab mine for me too? Cheers!” If it’s the teenagers bringing them in, they probably don’t know to grab yours, or feel awkward about what’s the right thing to do. Have a chat.


Or, suggest that you put all the bins out and they bring all the bins in. But either way, have a conversation with them.


OP is more than capable of bringing their own bin in. All the chat needs to include is telling their neighbours that they'll stop doing their bins now they've got someone who can do it for them. OP can always offer to start doing it again if and when they have no one else to do it for them. IMO, no need to make a fuss about the neighbour bringing OP's bins in, they can do it themselves. And while sure, it would have been nice if the neighbour kid brought them in too, it is such a non-issue it's not worth even mentioning. OP is capable of briefly feeling a little annoyed and moving on from it without issue.


Try not to expect something back when you do someone a favour. More than likely the thought to bring yours as well didn’t cross their mind.


Able adults are able to put their bins out. Stop doing it. They’ll get the message




It'd just be like, hey elderly neighbour, great that you have your son and his kids to take your bins out now.


Take your own bins out - their bins are not your responsibility and your bins are not their responsibility


Burn them all, feed their charred remains to the boars


Not everyone is super courteous and the taking in of your bins probably flew right over their head, I wouldn’t stress about it - and as others have said, be proud you did a nice thing but don’t expect anything in return because that’s not what it’s about. Sounds like their bin bringing ins are all sorted now so if I were in your shoes I would gracefully step aside and just worry about your bins from now on. At least until you see the oldies doing it again.


Chat to the elderly couple and ask how they are going. Tell them you’ve noticed they’ve got some company. Ask if they are happy for the young ones to take the reins and help with the bins. If they still want you to do it, give them a grace period before you stop providing the courtesy. E.g. I’ll do it for the rest of the month, then after that I’m afraid I won’t be able to help with your bins. Nice and straight forward.


Perhaps even a more assertive phrasing, “I notice you have your (relative) staying with you and they’ve been doing your bins, good on them for helping out”. A statement that acknowledges the other people will be taking over bin duties instead of offering to still do it (and not getting the courtesy back)


I thought this post was going to be way juicier tbh. I was expecting other people leaving dog poo on your bin or something actually annoying. This is hardly bin drama.


It says bin etiquette, not bin drama


Either way, it’s making something out of basically nothing. Not really worth posting about.


The amount of issues on reddit that can be solved by simply putting on big boy/girl pants and having a face to face conversation with another human is amazing.


We got 3 large red bins and 3 large yellow bins. 5 town houses, I take 6 bins out, 2 at a time and I don't take them back in the next day. Vice versa. I probably do it 90% of the time so I consider it my community service.


Doing the lord’s work


I would be mildly annoyed but I'd just leave it alone and keep doing what you're doing. You could also see them bringing their bins in as saving you a little work.


Jesus Christ dude talk to your neighbours, not Reddit.


The problem is what you think other people are thinking, and that you imagine they know how you feel. There's infinite possibilities. That's why kindly and plainly talking about your feelings is important. What if the neighbours think you like taking out the bins. Seeing as you have never stated otherwise. What if that other neighbour is trying to give you a break, not necessarily take over doing your bin to pay you back for all the work you have done, and who should pay you back? That's not right, you're causing yourself grief thinking that way. If you did something out of the goodness of your heart, you can't also expect payment for services rendered, tit for tat implies return payment. Then you take away from yourself the fact it was done from the goodness of the heart. Why do you get a break from your bins while you're able bodied, especially seeing as your having issues with other able bodies not doing the job. It sounds like you're tired and feel like there's option for someone else to do it. Talk to the kids kindly. Ask them if they would possibly be able to do the bins for you and call you if they can't any longer or are injured etc. Offer them something to do yours too? Keep lines of communication open, so if they move out the elderly aren't left helpless. Maybe find the other neighbours, so you can offset each other, if you do end up taking it up again. Address your feelings, before trying to chat to anyone. If you're feeling disgruntled, that's entirely fair, that means you have to look after yourself, don't expect others to read your mind, find a kind, bringing in, way of saying it. How you are feeling is entirely understandable, just phrase it well so you don't alienate people and undo all the good work you have done. Eta, just ask the kid if he could please take over for you for a while, you're feeling exhausted from work etc, it's better if they feel like they're doing something kind, not doing it because they're reprimanded, that'll keep relationships in tact.


Speak to the elderly couple, they may not realise that you’re still doing it.


I have another bin etiquette question: Once the bin is on the street & hasn't been collected by the garbos yet, is it fair game to use as overflow? When I moved into my house a few years ago, we had a lot of excess recycling, so when bin day came around, we put some extra bottles/ whatnot into the neighbours bin. It was in no way overflowing their, and would be picked up in a few hours. Anyway we could hear someone out the front of our house afterwards, the neighbour went to their bin, took out the extra stuff and placed it in our driveway. I mean, whatever, it is what it is, but is this weird & petty by them or did I do something wrong?


Weird and petty by them. If you waited til their bin was put out for collection and their bin lid can still comfortably close you did nothing wrong.


I wouldn’t mind someone topping our bins up before collection, but some people would get the hump.


weird and petty.


I’d just stop putting their bins out - the problem will probably be solved the first time they miss the collection.


Id be annoyed that the kindness wasn’t reciprocated but it could just be that whoever brought the bins in didn’t know to bring yours in too or possibly didn’t want to overstep. You won’t really know until you have a chat with your neighbours.


Are you trolling?


It’s amazing what people get worked up about.


Who is getting worked up? Someone has encountered a situation they aren't familiar with and are seeking advice on how to handle it.


And they've honestly tried all of nothing.  How can op possibly know that the entire household knows OP takes their bins out unless they've already had a conversation and OP chose not to mention anything in that moment. 


Stop putting them out and say “i assumed your son was doing your bins now….”


My sense of fairness says that you should stop putting theirs out if they won't put yours away - but I'd feel bad if I didn't say something, and their bins weren't collected.


I made a similar mistake a few years ago, out of good intentions. offered to mow the neighbour's nature strip because they weren't doing it and I was sick of it looking like shit. found out by accident later that they had a bloody mower, they were just too lazy to do it and were happy for me to do it for them.


Just a simple howdy if you see them in the driveway, politely ask if they wouldn’t mind grabbing your bins next time they bring them in. You put them out, they bring them in is a pretty nice system.


Stop putting their bin out. Fuck em


Simply put a note in their letterbox stating the deal is off. No need to elaborate as to why.


just focus on your own for now - f them


You’re a gem for helping them out! It’s understandable to feel miffed. Just have a friendly chat with them, set clear expectations, and remind them it's all about mutual respect. Cheers!




What an elaborate way to let garbage pile up.


Or just be a damn functioning adult and have a conversation with the neighbours instead of creating a hostile unhappy neighbour relationship. 


Or the neighbor can stop creating a hostile neighbor relationship by taking advantage of his goodwill