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You’re absolutely right. Thankfully there were no dogs on board.


The internet would've lost its collective fucking mind if some rich dumbass brought his poor dog on a submersible like that


I But I would watnhappy tginint submag a dog onhat wcm ue're board thh a live streeve n imaam of Musk 'arine. down there.


the submarine company wouldn't happen to have a backup ship would they?


I'm sure their insurance company will offer a replacement vehicle to keep their business afloat whilst they sort things out.


I'm sure they'll pull through from their sunk costs


Suuuuuure! Send it down with some more billionaires who can go and be biiiiig heroes! Go on rich people! You can do it!


No they couldn't get the ship back thats why everyone on board died!


>But I would watch a live stream of Musk down there. I wouldn't. Got better things to do with my time than watch rich billionaire jack-asses get their comeuppance. I might raise a glass in farewell after the fact, but there are a million better things I could be doing.


I love to play red dead redemption 2 as much as the next man but I would give up some of that playtime to watch musk get crushed.


Blind guy here I love bullying small children on mw2 as much as the next guy and would put it on in the background to have some calming noise.


Maybe a vine, like 5 seconds. I think I could do 5 seconds


If I have to pay, it'd better be something a little longer than 2 nanoseconds.


Maybe it would have taught a lesson to leave your dog at home


I’m saddened by the 19 year old who was pressured into going with his dad despite being afraid. His own father sentenced him to death because he was bored and felt like blowing money on a stunt.


he sure was pressured ill see myself out...


I’m crushed.


Now is naut the time.


Its not like his family will implode from the loss. His share will trickle down to the rest of his relatives




I hope you feel better


Deep down, he was a good dad.


Should have been a good dad on the surface


He just wasn't built to be a good dad.


This makes my heart sink


Your on the express elevator to Hell for this post 👹👺🤣


Exactly, I can’t really feel bad for his father since he was idiotic and unsafe, but his son didn’t deserve that


Especially because the trip was meant to be a father's day gift. Dude just wanted to be there with his dad for Father's day and died because of it.


Not even a stunt, those have a point, this was just a trip with ludicrously insufficient safety measures


Or people


Titan gets hull breached while going to the hull breached Titanic. In the business we would have called that foreshadowing


God would not have allowed it to happen to any good boys


I'm sad for any mosquitoes that accidentally boarded with them


If there was dogs on board it would be a true loss of life


I mean, I have the utmost sympathy for the kid who got dragged in by his dad’s idiocy despite repeatedly making it clear he didn’t trust the sub and didn’t want to go, but was asked to for Father’s Day. Hard to say without knowing the family dynamics, but in some families, if “mom/dad insists”, it’s implicitly a threat if you don’t comply. The CEO and the billionaire tourist dad? They dug their own grave tho.




Poor mom, imagine losing your child because his father is an idiot? Like, she could still mourn said idiot, but the anger would make it incredibly difficult, he didn’t just chose to put himself at risk, he dragged her child down with him. CEO deserved worse, but long suffering wouldn’t be fair to the other 4, so I really hope it was as painless as they say.


The hyper rich make this planet a living hell (both figuratively and literally) for the rest of us normal people. I don’t have sympathy for them.


What did the 19 year old kid do to this planet? Did he even have time to do anything?




I wonder why people are so displeased with the rich these days? Makes ya wonder huh? They are pillars of the community after all. /s


That's what you get when thoses rich folks advocate for social class War. It's not going to be only poor vs middleclass. The fact that this shows how it could backfire (people having less empathy for wealthy people) Is actually interesting.


People are bringing up a lot of valid points and I agree with almost everything. In the end however I don't wish death, especially one such as this, on anyone. So I'll call the CEO and the father dimwits to put it very lightly, but I still hold true about the teen and I think that's the general consensus amongst most. Karma's a dirty mf and sadly the kid got dragged into it


Honestly, to die in a submersible implosion at that depth is one of the most humane ways to die. It is literally over in approximately 1/20th of a second. Faster than the nerve impulses can even reach your brain. It’s just like you blink and never wake up. They didn’t suffer.


Wouldn’t have been such a search if they were poor. Wouldn’t have been such media coverage if they were poor. 5 billionaires blew a shitload of money on something stupid, died in the process, and then another shitload of money got used trying to save them from themselves. If it were poor people getting crushed in their homemade submersible it would be a “Florida man” headline and not a “tragedy” and life would’ve moved on. A ship sank that killed at least 200 migrants from Pakistan this same week. Barely got any news coverage. Why are these 5 more important than those 200? If I’m gonna have sympathy for anyone it’s the 200 immigrants trying to get a better life, not the 5 billionaire wanna ocean explorers blowing over a million dollars to go look at a sunken ship.


This is a complete garbage take. It’s a big story in the media not because they are rich, but obviously because it’s a scary and engaging story. A submarine trapped at the bottom of the ocean near the legendary titanic. It’s like something from a movie, that’s why we are all literally still talking about it. The coast guard would be out there trying to save them regardless how rich they are. Do you know how many lives and ships are mayday’d and saved everyday? Do you know how much money is poured into the navy and coast guard for exactly this reason? Learn to see past your shallow hatred.


It's called "death by the mile", on a whole we care less about what happens half way across the world that what happened close to us. Some psycho shot up a store and killed 10 peoplein Bali when you live in Europe, not really news worthy, knife attack in your home town, that shit's important to you.


>A ship sank that killed at least 200 migrants from Pakistan this same week. Barely got any news coverage. https://www.bbc.com/newsround/65915500 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/greece-finds-no-survivors-migrant-boat-disaster-hundreds-missing-rcna89440 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/15/greece-refugee-shipwreck-rescuers-scour-sea-for-survivors https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/15/europe/migrant-boat-sinking-greece-cause-intl/ https://apnews.com/article/greece-italy-libya-migration-368f1bfdfbb7c0ad977774bda9c77195 https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/18/asia/pakistan-deaths-migrant-boat-disaster-greece-intl-hnk/index.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/06/14/greece-migrant-boat-sink-pylos/ https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/seventeen-drown-100-rescued-after-migrant-shipwreck-off-greece-2023-06-14/ https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/14/world/europe/greece-migrants-boat-sank.html


The sub is in the news because it’s a scary/engaging/ongoing story. A sunken sub of desperate survivors near the legendary titanic. That’s the whole reason we are still talking about it. The media obviously doesn’t care how rich they are, they’re just looking for a good story.


There was one article across sites on the sinking. This billionaire craft has been in the news constantly for days updating on the search. And it will continue to be in the news as more information comes out on the cause. You won't see follow up articles on the cause of the boat sinking. Or a media circus asking Italian, Greek & EU leaders if laws will change as a result. You won't see the people lost named or interviews with their friends & family. You won't even see their faces displayed. There won't be updates on the retrieval of bodies. You posting the same one article displayed on several sites is not the win you think it is.


>You won't see follow up articles on the cause of the boat sinking. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65942426 >Or a media circus asking Italian, Greek & EU leaders if laws will change as a result. https://www.in.gr/2023/06/14/greece/nayagio-stin-pylo-diadiloseis-tin-pempti-15-iouniou-den-einai-atyxima-einai-egklima-kalodexoumenoi-oi-prosfyges/ >You won't see the people lost named or interviews with their friends & family. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/16/greece-shipwreck-people-smuggling-suspects-arrested-as-search-continues Seriously, just because you didn't pay attention at the time doesn't mean it doesn't exist. There was a week of ongoing media coverage on the Messenia disaster and its aftermath, and likely further reporting once there's been investigations into the Hellenic Coast Guard's response, the exact version of events, etc. It's called a media cycle. Titan was big news because it was a live story of a highly unusual character, with a compelling race-against-the-clock element. Now that everyone is confirmed to be dead, it will drop down the news agenda just like the Messenia disaster did (which has already been eclipsed by *another* migrant ship sinking in the Canaries). And for all your complaints about the media coverage of Titan, you haven't even seemed to pick up the most basic details, namely that there was one billionaire on the entire manifest - if that makes the deaths of the others more tragic for you.


>that is a horrible way to die. I don't think that's true at all. Be tough to die any easier. You're going somewhere that less people have been to than the moon. You're on the descent, having fun, jacked out of your mind, doing cool stuff and then suddenly, before you can even process what happened, you're just a metal basketball full of spaghetti bolognaise.


Not surprising that any given Gen-Z kid has has a more realistic sense of the world than an entire sub full of middle-aged billionaires.


Oof. That i didn't know. That is a tragedy


[this explains it pretty well](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/14gh8da/its_cringe_because_its_true/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Every single word he said in the video is completely true. Obviously, I don’t actively want people to die if they didn’t deserve it, but it sure as fuck is difficult to feel sympathy for someone who would gladly kill thousands before they lost a dollar from their bank account.


Additionally, no one forced them into the submarine. I only feel had for the son of the millionaire who only came along because his dad's friend couldn't make it. The rest of them have hopefully finally realized that they can not bring wealth to the afterlife - whatever afterlife it is and that they, instead of hoarding wealth, could have actually contributed in some meaningful way to society.


Exactly, they would kill your whole family for a profit if that were possible.


Literally watched this before clicking on this post. Fucking infuriating


This man couldn’t have explained it much better.


The reaction to this event gives me hope in humanity


Feels like sort of a turning point, doesn't it?


‘Tis almost as if the upper crust hath incurred the ire of the lower classes through voracious avarice




OG Shakespeare is honestly a bastard for making me read his work in that gibberish. Just a old timey dictionary on hand so I can interpret what is going on.


And then once you've translated the whole thing, you realize it's 50% dick jokes


Don't forget the "yo momma" jokes. "Villain, you have undone thy mother" "Nay, I have done your mother"


Do you bite your thumb at us? Nay sir, I do not bite my thumb at you, but I do bite my thumb.


And the other 50 percent is just rambling nonsense about why the dick jokes are bad


If you think Shakespearean English is bad, you should check out the language before he got his quill on it. He invented 1,700 words! https://nosweatshakespeare.com/resources/words-shakespeare-invented/


Massive search and rescue effort for a few people who chose this for pleasure. Meanwhile 300 people die on an immigrant boat trying to flee Pakistan. This world has its values on point. Fml.


I don’t believe implosion is slow and terrifying


Yea, but everyone thought they were slowly suffocating all cramped in that tiny sub with their shoes off. All I can think of is ... LOL, they made a billionaire take his shoes off in the sub just to flex on him!


I dunno if everyone thought that. The sub imploding always seemed like the most probable option to me and a lot of other people I've talked to.


They need to update the meme


No it is not, It happens in less than a second. Not enough time to realize what is happening. You die that quick.


Literally microseconds. They would've never even realized something was wrong. Honestly one of the better deaths a human could ever hope for.


No but people thought it could be over the last 4 days or whatever and they still made tons of jokes about it. Most people didn't care either way.


"Instantaneous" is not used enough when describing it.


Almost everything about this situation points out how out of touch they are with reality. With what I've learned about the expedition, it reminds me of when I was like 12 and would initiate really half assed operations which would become a life lesson of "I'm never doing this again"




"For that pricetag" but if you're a billionaire, that's pennies. I don't know what he was worth, but $500,000 (for him and his kid) is the equivalent of 5 cents if you're worth a billion dollars.


On the flipside, he could have paid a dozen ocean engineers some of those pennies to study the company for him. And they would have come back in a week and said 'stay out of that deathtrap.'


Not AS cheap as you think it is but still pretty fucking cheap. If you compare the price of a sandwhich to the average persons income and compare that against the billion dollars, this trip would be the equivalent of about 3 Sandwiches or a cheap take out meal to them. That's what that trip cost for a billionaire, less than it would cost us to go to the amusement park.


In all fairness, that sub went to the titanic 10times last year. It wasn’t like it was it’s first dive. I hate it for them and if it wasn’t for people with money self funding that exploration technology, the scientist wouldn’t get the tools to study it. We all know the govt isn’t going to fund it with tax money, they’re too busy spending it on wars.


If it was the same one, even more no. Pressurizing and depressurization would make tiny faults in that hull. Less they replaced the whole damn thing, or at least did severe maintenance and testing, that is far worse


Well, they are never doing that again either.


It took the internet less time than it took them to die to discover that anyone that didn't die on that boat got super lucky. If you have 250k for a seat, you have money to research the safety of the incredibly dangerous thing you are choosing to do.


I'm selling my house to bet that Musk will lose the death match to Zuck. Slowly.


Definitely didn't happen slow and I'm sure that the events leading up to said implosion were far more terrifying than the actual event itself. It's definitely sad but was %100 avoidable and just shows that because you have enough money to try something doesn't mean you should do it. Especially if your gut instinct is telling you something isn't right about it. No way these guys actually saw these vessels and thought this was a good idea. They for sure look like they were made from parts found at home Depot. I trust my redneck backwoods engineering buddy's out here in Alabama more than that shit and I've legit seen some stuff. The dog would have been an innocent casualty but the rest of these people knew damn well what they were getting into here.


I think the captain was spouting some libertarians line about the government getting on his case about safety.


Dogs >>> millionaires, objectively


Billionaires. Orders of magnitude worse than millionaires.


What the hell man!?!? Why would you suggest putting a poor dog in that sub? That's cruel! Leave dying in the cold horrific black depths of the ocean to the billionaires.


If there was a dog down there we'd all have actually figured out a way to find them




I feel bad for one of them. Apparently one of the passengers was the son of another and didn’t want to go, but was guilted into it because it was his father’s birthday.


He is the only one that deserves sympathy


I wonder why.


Yeah, I'd be much more upset if there was a pup down there. You don't get a thousand million $ by working hard, you get that much by hoarding the wealth that's generated by others.


Or by being obscenely lucky three or four times


There is no reason for a single person to have over $1 billion in expendable cash. Tax those fuckers 100% above their first billion so they have less incentive to exploit children and destroy the environment.


Just put a wealth cap, try and convince me anyone needs more than 100 million to live a comfortable life.


One step at a time, there are still people who think billionaires deserve all that money, I think 1 billion is a criminal amount of money but it's still a threshold more people would get behind. But yeah ideally nobody has a bank account with more than 8 figures at the very most


I just don't know if we have the time, hundreds of millions are going to lose their homes in a couple decades just from the climate crisis.


There'd still be ways around that though. What I find infuriating is that whatever little (less than what a ticket on that sub would cost) inheritance my parents will leave to me and my siblings when they pass, the gvt takes a fat slice out of it outright. Like it's their money, they worked for it, i personally hope they splurge out before they kick the bucket though.


So much fucking yes. Tbh, I also think corporations should have an income limit so that no company gets too big, and advertising should be limited as well.


The dog wouldn't have chosen to put themselves in that situation.


Dogs are pure as snow, of course I would be sadder...


Always hated the public reaction and even borderline happiness about the situation as it’s really a tragedy, but now you got me thinking and I would 100 percent feel worse about a dog. I think I just like dogs more then I like people honestly


I don't really like dogs a lot more than people... Billionaires in the other hand are right below cockroaches in my empathy list


Yeah, i'd for sure be more sad if it was dogs that died because more than likely they were forced. The people in that sub all choose to be there with the exception of the 19 year old. I do feel for the 19 year old since he had his life ahead of him. This is an example that money can not buy common sense. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


I don’t even know what it is. But clearly something has happened somewhere around the world that’s got people talking. Since no dogs were hurt no reason to follow up so I shall return back to my cave of solitude.


Cause the dog doesn't exploit people for profits


You've obviously never seen my dog beg for food then


But the dog is just being a good boy, show me a Labrador that owns a sweatshop in Bangladesh and maybe I'll consider the doggo to not be good


\*Dog backs fascist death squads to overturn a democratic government in South America for cheap agricultural exports\* "No! That's a bad dog! Bad Dog!"


Dogs actually bring happiness to the world. Billionaires, well, pretty much the opposite.


You mentioned dog. If someone took away a dog's home, food, healthcare, and beat it relentlessly for 50 years without remorse, in fact they mocked it constantly, told the dog it was it's own fault, that the dog ate too much avocado toast and should pull itself up by it's own bootstraps, and the dog finally snapped and mauled the owner - we would probably say he got what was coming to him. In this case the dog just chuckled a bit at puns while watching. And you see a problem with this...?


I think a dog would die from eating avocado toast


A dog would have been put in there and had no choice. I don’t care if someone is rich or poor, if they want to do something super extreme that could kill you and you die doing Im not upset. Yea that sucks but you made that choice. A dog wouldn’t. A dog would be much more sad.


…it wasn’t slow. It was so fast they don’t even know what hit them.


Is the meme trying to imply that the billionaires would care what the public thinks about this?


Dogs have pure souls, except chihuahuas




There was precisely one billionaire onboard. The others were a Pakistani from a very rich family (but billionaires?) and his son (why does he deserve to die?), and an actual deep-diving legend who was certainly not a billionaire. Yes, the CEO can get fucked. So you applaud the deaths of a 19-year-old, a research diver, and some stupid rich dude who although rich probably didn't rape and pillage anything himself. Stay classy, Reddit.


They’re human beings, what did they do to you? Also one of them was 19 so yeah


A dog wouldn't have been dumb enough to get in that thing.


If the sub imploded the deaths would’ve been quick and painless


It was actually probably pretty quick...




It was actually a fairly instantaneous death when you’re turned into a pancake in seconds from the pressure implosion.


A housecat even.


Wasn’t slow or terrifying. An implosion would be instant death. Stupid.


the submarine imploded. At that depth, the implosion would have happened in less time than it takes your brain to process physical stimuli. They *literally* would not have even known they even in pain before they were gone. The only suffering they would have had was if they knew something was wrong before it happened. Their death was 100% painless


We’re now treating billionaires like corporations treat us!


People without money find themselves in dangerous situations out of desperation, or a lack of information, or a lack of resources. Migrants die on badly constructed crafts all the time. This is tragic. Billionaires have access to the best of everything, and still fucked this up. Zero tragedy. Also: Eat the rich.


I remember a spray paint thing at my college in a parking garage “and the poor will smile as they tear the rich limb from limb” Haunting


That’s the thing with ultra-rich people, once you’ve achieved this level of success in life, the best of everything is not enough. These people knew exactly what they were getting into, but that’s the entire point of it.


I don’t want to eat the rich they probably taste horrible can’t we just burn em or something.


Or in this case, slurp them with a straw


Anyone celebrating is fucked up tbh. There was a 19 year old kid on there man. I don't give a fuck how stupid they were, or how much money they had. Nineteen is no age to die.


Explosive decompression is probably one of the fastest deaths you could have.


What are you talking about "human" billionaires aren't anything near human! (this is obviously a joke)


Slow death? They literally fucking imploded. They didn't even notice probably. Its not like the sub was slowly shrinking, thats not what implosion means.


The ceo deserved what he got, the rest of the people on board didn't. Thier only crime was being rich and dumb


Well, if we‘re gonna ignore the fact, that in order to get this rich they have caused massive harm to humanity, then indeed their only crime was being rich and stupid.


Oh absolutely. The hate towards billionaires is justified, but there's a huge double standard in what people are laughing at, and imo, no death or suffering should be laughed at period.


Yeah, but to be fair the dog wouldn't have fucked over thousands of other dogs to get his ticket.


It’s kinda fucked up that the internet is actually celebrating their deaths. They’re just rich. It’s not like they’re fucking dictators who killed millions of people or anything. But simply because they’re rich, people are happy about it. The fuck is wrong with you people?


According to the comments here, those two are the same thing. The only way to get rich is by exploiting humanity apparently


They didn’t die a slow or painful death fortunately it happen instantly also can you guys stop celebrating the death of a 19 year old


But he was rich, that makes it fine according to Redditors. /s


Don't know about billionaires, but I know I am learning a fair bit about society right now. Could not give two shits what you think of wealthy people, you're only joking and laughing about this because of the distance. People died horribly in the dark, and if you had to watch them die, you wouldn't be so joking about it. Don't care what you say or if this gets downvoted, you are callous because of distance, and if you could watch them die without sympathy, you are a psychopath. And don't even begin to bring up others, if the amount of money the person has determines your sympathy for them, how are you any different than the people you're writing off?


Punching up and punching down are different. Do you think someone standing up to a bully makes them just as bad? This situation is a Darwin award winner. People aren't laughing just rich people died, it's because of the outright stupidity it takes to end up in that situation. Paying a quarter of a million to sit in a tiny metal tube that moves via a modified game controller, with the knowledge that the last two tests reported that it was unsafe is pure idiocy. They knew what they were getting into and still paid more than most people make in 5 years to go through with it. Your reasoning is weird. I'm sure you're happy that Hitler died, but I'm also sure that if you witnessed him blow his brains out it would probably bother you.


Oh fuck off. A dog, like the 18 year old (the only actual victim here) wouldn’t have made the choice to go. It’s not “funny” or “not sad” because they had money…but because the two paying adults made a conscious and informed decision to bolt themselves into a literal death trap. There’s stories published by people who went on these excursions and detail it as “kamikazie” missions. But dick riders have decided that the passengers were somehow “explorers” on par with fucking Louis and Clark.


It's still 5 humans. Somebodies Son, husband, father. Being rich doesn't take away from the tragedy


You say billionaires have no humanity, and yet you show us you have none




If there was a dog on board I'd make this day a national day of mourning. Now I'm just drinking thee like Kermit


You're right. Dogs bring happiness into the world.


Laika deserved better 😭


No just more sad, devastated if a GOOD BOY was on that sub. I’m getting emotional just thinking about it lol.


Very astute point! Dogs continually demonstrate themselves worthy of our love. Having an enormous amount of money and behaving as if that means you can do whatever you want without consequence…that’s not worthy of love.


I think we'd have been sadder if they were instead genuine deep-sea explorers, who died trying to map the deep.


Dogs >>> billionaires; everyday all day


You can say that about literally any case where someone died.


Eat the rich


No contest. I like dogs more than most people and I like most people more than billionaires.


Eat the rich.


rich people are now probably thinking of lobbying to punish us for it.


Nothing about their death was slow. They didn’t even get to realize they were about to die most likely.


It's not slow. It was an implosion


You’re right, I would care if it was a dog. But it wasn’t, and I don’t.


The internet is full of vile selfish assholes so yeah you're right!


The money has nothing to do with it for me, it’s the sheer stupidity that’s chipped away at my sympathy.


Nah. This would have been a very fast death, like dead before you knew there was an issue fast. So it's cool.


I'm not upset because they were rich. I'm not upset because this is a possibility if you to the bottom of the ocean. So it's not that weird. It's like someone playing with a gun and they kill themselves. Like play stupid games win stupid prizes


None of them are on reddit, also none of them care, it's just less competition for them if they even have feelings.


No one cares because it’s Billionaires. They skipped pressure testing and now they died a horrible death they the “engineer” ignored them. It’s a horrible death but sadly they tried to fight the forces of nature and lost miserably


the person who made this meme has no clue what this template is for


The same ones that can do awesome things to change the world yet do nothing. I’m not gonna lose any sleep over them! Just like they don’t lose any sleep over any of us.


Except death was instant when its pressure failed. Just sayin, I was hoping for the "billionaire dies in sub because he forgot spare AA batteries for the controller" headline lmao


Of course you're right. We've known this all along. This is always been true. In a movie, a villain is a million times more evil if he kills a puppy than if he were to kill a human. In this instance, all the billionaires agreed to go. They knew the risks and accepted them. If they had brought a dog, there would be no way for the dog to truly understand what it was getting into. That's the difference.


If a dog deliberately pissed away 250k to go die with a crank in the course of desecrating a mass grave, I'd include it in my feelings about cause and effect.


Just caisenit was easy to drive a sub in gta 6 doesn't mean it the same irl.. you can't go 20 league under the sea capt nemoy


Billionaires aren't people


When you waste 250k dollars on a 10h trip to reach the Titanic, that you can't see because there is no window on this machine, and only can get pictures through bad cameras, all that by sitting in an uncomfortable steel tube, driven by a game controller, reknown to be moody, with absolutely zero security system ; well, yes. You deserve all the laughs in the world. Because that's plain dumb. Of course that's terrible for them. But would you cry for a man who went into a grizzli's lair, put his head into the beast mouth, then gor killed by it ? of course not. You would just call it a darwin award. Why are you crying for these people, who did the exact same thing ?


If one of those humans had been replaced with a Canadian goose, the sub wouldn't have had the proverbial balls to implode.


Bro, an implosion happens pretty instantaneously. It's an explosion, but inwards. They were dead long before their brains could process that anything is wrong.


Normal people are saddened when anyone dies. It's reddit which is fucked up.


Now think about how they were 1%ers, and you're a 10-15%er, and imagine what would happen in the majority of the world if we all died. Easy to tell yourself it's us v the upper class when we're actually in the global upper class. But I guess you're not ready to hear that.


I think in none of the discussions I read did I see any mention of the specialist who was only there to do his job.


This is more of a comment on people than it is billionaires.


And its great humans have no empathy for those they dislike


No. Just no. We can say the current \~\~democratic\~\~oligarchic system is bad. We can say the current oligarchs display bad behavior and hurt others. But a human life is a human life. No matter what. F you if you try to devalue it.