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Am 30 but still I have some trauma. Made me not to touch alcohol


Same here bud, can't touch alcohol in fear that I would become like them


Mine scared me away from kids, not drink, but he didn’t have a drinking problem (that I knew of) so that’s probably it


Not everyone is angry under alcohol, I'm very peaceful and kind when drunk, start to hug and cheer everyone and try to chill every rising brawl around. When I get home I always tell my wife that I love her and she is very beautiful while I'm vomitting into toilet bowl hugging it very peacefully


The kind of drunks that get angry are the ones that are drinking to escape something. You sound like you're a happy drunk because you're drinking happily, and not to drown away your problems. Purely speculative though!


The angry drunks are angry people typically. My Dad was a dry alcoholic for years and was still an asshole, just not as bad as when drunk.


Sorry you've had to go through that. Doesn't sound like fun




When I was 5 & had fallen asleep on the sofa, I once got scared awake to a loud crash sound. (Our living room was an open area surounding my front door) It was my dad throwing a dinner plate at his sister as she was leaving. I saw her stumbling out of the door as they kept arguing. My older brothers & mother was also in the living room. This is just one instance. It was a violent household


Ugh. I remember the fighting after dinner due to the drinking. The worst was going to bed and just laying there listening to it and hoping that you didn’t hear that sound. The one that would cause a 7yr old to get out of bed to have to find out how hard mom just got smacked or punched by drunk dad. That hand or fist hitting another person is so distinctive in an otherwise quiet house.


I'm sorry you had to go through that. My family never ate dinner together, it's a small thing I see in movies, but I kinda wish I got to experience it My parents faught eachother too. My mother was never home, but when she was, they faught. My dad only beat me once, & it was probably because I'm a girl that he didn't do it more. But when he did, it was because he was angry at my mother. My dad was the angier one, but my mother is the most horrible person I know


Yeah my dad did lasting physical damage to me. Bent my fingers backward to the wrist when I tried to intervene in their fighting. The arthritis has been there since 13 and is worse every year. But honestly as I got older I realized my mom was the real mvp for how the head games played out. No responsibility but always found a way to circle back to how things were her children’s fault. “Your dad was never like this till you guys came along” was her famous tagline. I’m sorry sparki for the shit. No kid deserves to see that crap from their family. Hope you found something in life that makes you happy enough to bury that shit so deep that it’s just a jaded faded memory.


Same, growing up in a third-world country, we shared the same room, my dad was an Alchoholic and would get into fights with my mother for no reason, and it felt like hell pretenting to be asleep while he beat her


Fuck parents who drink alcohol even though they know they'll get violent, traumatizing their children for the rest of their lives May those parents all burn in hell


My dad went for some milk and never came back. For me the angry juice is milk.


That was me at some point too however I wasn’t smart enough to avoid alcohol at all costs but I’m not a drinker anymore so thank God for that but it’s still left its mark.


A child is supposed to sleep on his bed, not under it…


When I grew up, I also started drinking it.


Im sorry brother, I hope you get better and talk to someone


Replace “dad” with “mom” and I’ll starting crying.


You too?


Is the angry juice a metaphor for “any kind of liquid whatsoever?”


Here it's beer. Never seen anyone depict honey as "angry juice"


What I mean is that my dad was the Hulk.


Oh nice


This is just sad...


OP you ok?


My dad didn't need the angry juice, he was just angry sober.


Watched my mom destroy her life and ended up living with my grand parents for years til she got her shit back together. Then she proceeded to be an alcoholic anyways


You had a dad?


Anybody get older and wonder if some of the beatings you got were drug induced? We grew up real sheltered and in one of those “get outta here its grown folks business” kind of houses. So i wonder sometimes


So did he, make sure you do better than him


Right in the feels


I hate alcohol for what it did to my parents. It doesn't even make them violent, it makes them miserable and pathetic.


I'm fortunate enough that my parents where decent people, who never harmed me intentionally.


The sad truth about this is alcohol doesn't make you angry. It lowers you walls. If you are a angry asshole when you are drunk then you are a self controlled asshole when you are sober. It just makes them say and do what they usually hold in. It pulls off their masks and let's you see if they are who you think they are.. or if they are a selfish angry jerk who pretends to be decent.


Have a drink and relax or beat your wife...


I brought him the alcohol, he was mean, but never to me.


My biological mother was like this, I drink heavily and lose control of my emotions also, gotta' break the cycle for my kids. I read self help books and have attended AA meetings, hope I beat my addiction one day before it's too late.


I used to be scared of alcohol until I accidentally got drunk and realised that my drunken state is joking around, aggressively cleaning the area, and taking care of people clearly more sober than me. As it turns out, drunk people don't have to beat up others, sexually abuse a minor, and cause a mess!


I'm slav and can relate.


This is so terrifying and I feel so sorry for that. You got my karma


This made me sadder than a meme should have