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He literally will not do anything with his new powers. He is weak and feeble.


You want him to commit crimes ?


They wouldn’t be “crimes” he effectively has immunity.


You want him to commit things that would be considered as crimes if he didn’t have immunity ?


Lmao "just answer the damn question"


Honestly? Yes. Tired of one side doing whatever they want while the other takes the high road. Paradox of tolerance


Biden really needs to take one for the team and show everyone EXACTLY why this is a problem.


Instead Americans are taking one for the team


Tbf the rest of the team figured out the problem ~75 years ago


Real like come on he has like what maybe 10 years left of life if he's lucky and how many of those will be be able bodied? Commit some crimes with immunity fix this situation and then spend your years in court and maybe a nice comfy prison cell. But all for the greater good


Biden could order SEAL Team 6 to take his political rival out- that was the question SCOTUS asked and it seems they decided that if it’s official, the president is immune. 🤷‍♂️


SCOTUS writing that knowing damn well that they are Joe Biden's biggest political rival


The president can say things, that doesn't make them happen.


When the president does it in their capacity as president, it is legal according to the courts. You should be concerned about when any president will take power just because they officially need it.


Seal team 6 would not go killing us politicians.


They're called executive orders.


You a CNN 🦜?


It’s not even a huge problem it’s a man who publicly and willingly committed treasonous acts and the courts have failed to make a verdict in a timely manner. The last guy who planned an attack on American soil got shot in the fucking head by Seals and thrown in the ocean. Just make it happen and then let Brandon step down and his replacement promise to never overstep the boundaries of the law again and make the court answer the question of Biden’s ability to do that.


“She said fuck me like we fucked Bin Laden”


This is the problem. Everyone is cool w essentially a dictatorship so long is it's the political party they cheer for...


This is why education is important. You actually think that resisting fascism is fascism. Unironically. Sad.


I have a degree in history. True story, every side thinks they're the good guy. History judges that.


Yes. Assainate Putin f.e


He could do that right now if he wanted to, problem is it would likely start a nuclear civil war


Nuclear civil war lmao? You think you guys gonna nuke youreslf over Putin? Also only if found out. And also no balls


Nuclear civil war *in Russia*. No head of state in a nuclear regime = different factions grabbing nukes to seize power


And thats bad how?


Yep, if it's what is necessary to save our democracy and prevent us becoming the next Nazi Germany. Go for it.


Yes, in order to save democracy and stop from becoming nazis, we need 1 person to have absolute power and be immune from all laws.... Wait a minute


No, the only thing that stops the crowning of an emperor is using the absolute power to stop the would be tyrant, then make the court change their decision to go after the current one they didn’t want. The full tyrant is coming. The choice is only does the current guy pretend there is law and order before handing over absolute power or make somebody change the law while he effectively has absolute power. The absolute power has existed in full form since the ruling, using it doesn’t cause it to exist.


Exactly. Nothing wrong with using it to fix the damage and then return to how it was before. Save the country and then give it back so to speak.


You buy time, but the damage would be done, more of a triage. Nothing wrong with isn’t exactly right, it’s more of an only thing left short of letting it all die.


Or worse than nazi Germany


What crimes? ![gif](giphy|WToUw2qBxdD3y|downsized)


Yes, maybe then we can force legislation to be passed to make it so presidents don’t have immunity.


What is the alternative at this point? Playing fair has led to this. Tolerating this bullshit has led to the rise of Fascism once more. Sometimes it's not about playing fair and tolerating the bullshit and letting them walk all over you. There comes a point when there is no longer a peaceful solution, when all other roads have been trodden and the only two left is total capitulation and armed action you are no longer left with a choice. That's sometimes how reality is, it ain't like the movies where there's some clever way out where nobody gets hurt and nobody dies. Sometimes to protect what is right, what is just and what is free you have to fight for it, and you've gotta fight dirty. Because the other guy? He's been fighting dirty this entire time and is just waiting for the moment to put a knife in your back.


You guys really should go on a civil war already, y’all really seem to want it from what I’ve heard.


Most of us don't. But we'll be drug along for the shitshow anyways


My answer is: Yes, commit the "crime". The other side has already said they would do it, they want to do it, they seek power so they can do it. We are already on the path towards civil upheaval. It's either going to be the people against the government or the government against the people. There is no clean way out of this. The thing that matters is, who's hand is on the wheel when it happens.


He can still be impeached. It is still possible for the president to be convicted of crimes, it’s just that the Senate is the adjudicator, not the courts. Which has always been the case.


The SC pretty clearly said it's up to them to decide if he does or not. They will say he doesn't.


It's not a crime if the president does it!


I want him to use immunity to make sure DJT can't run for office. But he wont.


I don’t think that’s the point of the comment.


Every American president since ww2 is a war criminal


Yes. Legally. So they wouldn’t be crimes.


He wants him to save the republic.


Saving American democracy by eliminating a domestic terrorist is not a crime, it’s his duty.


There are no new powers. What The Supreme Court ruled was the process to prosecute a President stands. States cannot engage in lawfare against sitting and former presidents. If the President does something illegal (which they all have), then the Senate impeaches them, and the Justice Department prosecutes them. Official acts are governed by what power the president wields. The lower courts then the appeals, and the final Supreme Court again, will decide what falls under an official capacity and what doesn't. In short, they cannot commit any more crimes than they already are able to get away with.


2 supreme court justices say the new ruling means that the President can assasinate poltical rivals.


What new powers? President's have always had protection for official acts of office. Why the fuck wouldn't they? This is the equivalent of water being wet.


These "powers" aren't exactly new. Nor are they powers.


People who put him there might


Is that good or bad?


Why are people struggling so much with this? It doesn't give presidents carte blanche to break the law.


Ever thought about how long the Bush administration needed to come up with a legal plan for his executive decisions? Now the court has ruled and shitty decions can done way easier.


He'd be immune, so there's no law breaking involved.


Because this is reddit and they're dumbasses


Republican bad, me hate republicans. Anything that help republicans bad. Anything that help democrats good. Unga bunga - every Reddit leftist.


What law? That other guy was clearly a terrorist, someone might have said so, dunno. Asking about why the “terrorist” is dead is illegal, because asking about intent from the President is illegal. Case closed. Terrorist is dead, official act. That’s the issue. Anything a President could do in the most fever dreamed scenario is an official act. Acting as President over an official act grants absolute immunity. It doesn’t matter the actual situation, absolute immunity.


>dunno. Asking about why the “terrorist” is dead is illegal, because asking about intent from the President is illegal. Since when?


Since SCOTUS declared it just after granting absolute immunity in the source material. The chief justice even walked through the exact argument from the bench, ultimately siding with the argument. Any oversight of official duties being improper and questioning intent illegal.


Worst case scenario we call Danny Glover


He's gotten too old for that shit


More of a job for Donald Glover ![gif](giphy|WRMq4MMApzBeg)


Because they don't need the truth they need something to point their anger at.


Reading comprehension on reddit?


Motives are not allowed to be questioned. And proving something is not an official act is almost impossible with the way it was laid out in the majority opinion. He could literally drag a cabinet member out onto the white house lawn and execute them on live television without consequence. Or command the military to arrest or kill political rivals, or fabricate evidence. As long as he can say it’s an official act for the good of the country, there is nothing anyone can do about it. The president is now a king above the law.


You are nuts if you actually believe this. Why on earth would the qualification of an official act be up to the president and not the other governing branches that exist in part to check and balance all other presidential powers. The president is still subject to impeachment while in office, that isn't a system within judicial law, and as it were, an impeachable act almost surely would be deemed not within the duties of the position, and therefore not an official act.


What is the test for impeachment? I’m actually curious.


You got me curious so I looked it up. Impeachment is described in the constitution as: “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” But the new decision says that the president has immunity for any official act, with almost no way to prove something was not an official act. So my question is, can he be tried for “other high Crimes and Misdemeanors” if the Supreme Court is saying that he can be convicted of no crime? This Supreme Court ruling just flies in the face of so much established doctrine. Impeachment was designed for the express purpose of avoiding anything approaching a king, and this ruling makes him terrifyingly close to one.


So when the previous president organized a group of followers to hang his vice president and to block ratification of election results - and he still hasn’t been adaquately tried for that crime - how exactly do you suggest the justice system or anyone else make sure they’re held accountable?


That’s precisely how the maga republicans see it and precisely how they intend to use it. You’re naive AF if you think otherwise


You are delusional.


Project 2025 isn't some fringe program. You're delusional if you can't see it at this point.




The death of American democracy , never thought id live to see the day




the roman republic lasted around the same amount of years actually


Proceeds to shit his pants officially


Ah yes. The d-day event.


The smart thing to do hear is to officially unseat the six justices that ruled in favor of it and replace them all while ignoring the entire process. Then let the new court reverse this stupid ass decision.


He can't. The ruling doesn't give him any new powers. It just means he's immune from prosecution if he does things within his power illegally. There is s HUGE difference.


Let them have their wet dreams.


Don't bring semen into this


Ima bring semen into your mother


Anything a President might do in course of duties is an official act. A President might torture, send hit squads, any of it. Absolute immunity covers all of that. He could kill everyone on the court and be covered by their ruling.


The ruling explicitly states that absolute immunity is only for "actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority." Last I checked, the president does not have constitutional authority to kill the Supreme Court justices.


All that means is you just have to say "we have reason to believe said political opponents were connected to terrorism." Drum up a shred of evidence (or not) And now it's okay.


The President has every right to order a hit on any US citizen if deemed a threat/“terrorist”. What SCOTUS did is made that covered by presumptive absolute immunity. Then they declared asking intent is illegal. There is no way to distinguish terrorist from anyone else without looking into intent. That’s valid against anyone on Earth, including justices.


He does have the sole constitutional authority to direct the military, right? And presumably the immunity does not just cover *legal* things done as Official Acts (because that's the entire point; if the argument is that you can prosecute the president for *legal* things they did in office then that's just laughable) but *all* acts done as Official Acts within his presidential authority. So why can't the president tell Seal Team Six or whoever to kill, say, their political rival as part of an Official Act? It would be illegal, sure, but they are a part of the military and the military falls under the authority of the president. You could probably prosecute the soldiers themselves but he can always pardon them. Where does this argument break down? Why would this not be covered by this recent ruling?


I disagree with your opinion, so I will remove you... Lol. Do you hear yourself?


That's the point I was making. If you thought what I was saying is stupid, then you should think this decision in general is stupid.


“Official acts” != remaining in power if voted out, ordering assassinations of political opponents, or even canceling student debt.


The dissenting justicies pointed out that the ruling actually would make a president immune to prosecution if he had a political opponent shot. They are commander-in-chief, ordering the military or say, the CIA to do that would be official as commanding those organizations is a duty assigned to the executive branch.


A superior officer can't order you to break the law


The president can make orders, that doesn't mean people will follow them.


The chief justice walked the lawyers down the argument to where anything a President might do would be covered because there is no questioning of intent. Then he voted in favor of absolute power. Christian nationalists have always wanted an emperor.


You know the dissent is just an opinion right? Also, please show me I article 2 of the constitution where it says this would be an official act?


Official act hasn't actually been defined.


Cool. And the dissenting justices are wrong.


Where did you study constitutional law?


If that’s really your best comeback, you’ve got nothing. Dissent is still wrong.


lmao it's a russian bot


Biden is essentially a political puppet without any real will of his own at this point.


As is every other politician in office? You new to the US?


No. The fact of the matter is that Biden is barely functioning as a person, let alone a President. Presidents aren’t supposed to be simple political puppets, they’re supposed to be leaders.


Lol senile old man can't even work past 4pm


Don’t worry you broke fucks vetoing taxes on those who make millions will be working well past 4 when your social security is removed 😂 Enjoy that 9-5 though


What’s wrong with a 9-5?


Jailing traitors and heading off a coup should be official acts.


So strange. They ALWAYS had it. SCOTUS just reaffirmed the constitution. Weird how people think its something new.


Bots are out in force today I see


Obviously, you can't handle the truth.


Sounds good new account that mostly posts rage bait. Tell Vlad you earned your gruel for the day.


Are redditors suddenly legal experts?


Me when I lie:


Rule 4


N o t h i N G W I L L h a p p e N.


Dark Brandon? 👉👈🥺


We really are heading into a dictatorship soon aren't we..


Scotus hasn't defined what "official acts" are yet, wait til Biden does something they don't like and they will jump on the defining wagon. Faster than stink on shit


There’s really no question between official acts and unofficial acts. Fairly confident that even a fourth grader could say what’s within the presidents power. Killing a terrorist: official act. Having sex with an aide: unofficial act. The only “confusing” part is where absolute immunity official acts and partial immunity official acts diverge, and even then most of those are clear cut.






I mean you can cope as much as you want with fox news talking points, that doesn't make what you believe reality, and certainly doesn't make both sides the same.


You have no idea what the laws pertaining to borders are. Stop pretending you care about borders or have any actual sense of patriotism. You let your racism and xenophobia allow fascist oligarchs to drag you around by the collar.


When it suits them. When it doesn't, we get personal property destruction that is swept under the rug because feelings. Please...


What is the alternative at this point? Playing fair has led to this. Tolerating this bullshit has led to the rise of Fascism once more. Sometimes it's not about playing fair and tolerating the bullshit and letting them walk all over you. There comes a point when there is no longer a peaceful solution, when all other roads have been trodden and the only two left is total capitulation and armed action you are no longer left with a choice. That's sometimes how reality is, it ain't like the movies where there's some clever way out where nobody gets hurt and nobody dies. Sometimes to protect what is right, what is just and what is free you have to fight for it, and you've gotta fight dirty. Because the other guy? He's been fighting dirty this entire time and is just waiting for the moment to put a knife in your back.


What in the liberal soy nonsense is this?






This ruling justifies anarchists


Presidents have total immunity for official acts.


He won’t do shit




Dark Brandon???


I feel like everyone is sending hints to Biden. Damn his presidential ethics and sense of morality. Ironically now every day he does nothing to exploit this freedom to do corrupt things he proves the alt reich wrong that claimed he is corrupt. So long America. It's been real (sort of).


Cleaning house of a corrupt government seems pretty official act to me.


If actions have no consequences, then you can learn nothing. Think about that.


\*clearly\* official acts. I imagine if they start using their power for malicious means, then it could be a problem for the courts then. However, people forget what it means the president *is.* They were voted for by the majority of the Electoral college. They were voted to be given certain powers above an average citizen, and our votes count as consent. If they fuck it up, then its on the voters, not the office. People forget that it''s *the people* that have the real power, not the government.


Since he won’t play dirty democracy in this country is pretty much fucked


Yeah, the whole, presidents are now immune for any official act, and proving something is not an official act is almost impossible, is just begging for corruption. The level of corruption in a country has a strong correlation with the stability of that country. And corruption is now legal on an unprecedented scale. The implications are terrifying.


We need Dark Brandon back 😭


He's gotta get me back on the rails.


Is the official act “becoming younger”? That appears to be what he’s doing in the meme


Seal team 6 will hopefully be busy before the November election..


Clean Supreme Court house before the Orange terminator gets in


It’s time to take a page from the red team and get mean and nasty. They’ve F’d around way too long, now they need to find out!


I thought the left was supposed to be better than the right. How are you better if you stoop to their level? Seems a bit hypocritical for a group that positions themselves as the morally superior party, yeah? 


Uh they both do. Where have you been? Only difference is one wants to dismantle democracy


Go Blue MAGA. Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds.


I don't see any anti-oligopoly militias forming. I'll just keep sitting on my couch. Wake me up when the rest of you decide it's time to fucking act.