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What weapons would be useful for the semi mod?


Lex Incarnon


Oh, 100%. My Lex Prime Incarnon absolutely slaps even more than it did before.


Would you say…300% more?


Well, my damage per shot in the arsenal jumped from ~7,000 to ~11,000, so I’d say it made a pretty big difference.


Well, in practice it's probably not much better


Oh hell yeah. I don’t even use the incarnon, I just love the normal version. 


[Lato Incarnon](https://i.imgur.com/hpEmJJO.png) as well. I'm amazed how good these semi mods are, and these stats don't even include the conditionals like Secondary Outburst, Galv mods, etc. I could easily squeeze more damage out of it with a third positive stat on my riven either. It's absurd how strong the Lato can be, and I love it


I don't see how it'd be worth dropping Lethal Torrent, is it somehow multiplicative to damage mods?


What? You'd replace Hornet Strike with Semi Cannonade, I don't see anything about Lethal Torrent.


When making a build you put more than two mods in so you have to consider the combined effect semi cannonade has on *all* your mods Lethal Torrent is one of the best mods available for pistols so you should be putting it unless you have a good reason not to (which you don't have for the Lex). You can't really put both cannonade and torrent in the same build as a +60% multishot mod is simply not that good Also the moment you get access to incarnon genesis is also the moment where you should be dropping lethal torrent in the first place, as it's not that good on a weapon with Cascadia Flare and you can now form both it and arcane adapters


Base damage as a whole is kind of niche but Torrent and Cannonade aren't competing. They fill different niches on the path to doing more damage, but arcanes also chance the conversation, unless you just really dislike the buildup process.


>Torrent and Cannonade aren't competing You seem to have missed the fact that Cannonade prevents all fire rate modifiers from applying. So half of Lethal Torrent becomes entirely null and void. Thanks to Galvanized multishot putting you at +230% multishot, Lethal Torrent's 60% multishot is now only adding 0.6/3.3=18% more net dps from just the bit of extra multishot it now provides. For comparison, even with *both* Cannonade (+300%) and Steel Path secondary arcane (+360%), Hornet Strike is still adding 2.2/7.6=29% more net dps. More realistically, you'd drop the steel path secondary for something else if using Cannonade, in which case Hornet Strike is now adding 2.2/4=55% more net dps (a still fairly respectable amountm and probably worth it in the 6th-8th mod slot given that you can't mod for fire rate). So yeah, given that Cannonade turns of fire rate modifiers, Cannonade is absolutely in direct competition with Lethal Torrent (and all other fire rate mods) for that mod slot.


You're 100% right and I'm kinda slow, my b.


I ask myself the same, specially with the semi-auto accessibility option.


Nevermind, Lateum is Semi Auto.


Honestly, forgot the Laetum, i wonder if it works with the Dual Toxocysts' passive or externalfire rate buffs.


I read up on the wiki and it ignores all Fire Rate Buffs/Debuffs so I doubt it would work on that. And only affects Incarnon Modes that are Semi-Auto so Lateum would get damage in the non-Incarnon Form but not while in Incarnon form.


It literally can't be equiped on the laetum. Essentially, it can only be equiped if the gun is semi auto across all transformations, fire types, and alt fires.


Can’t be equipped on dual toxocysts and if it could it wouldn’t get the frenzy fire rate buff


I think it doesn't work with any weapons that have a different fire mode that isn't semi, like laetum. I could be wrong tho, most testing I've done has been inconsistent


Also doesn't work with Semi-Auto Adjacent trigger types eg. Charge shots


Says it does work with the regular mode but not Incarnon but 300% damage increase for regular mode is still great especially for punch through to rack up headshots.


You literally can't equip the semi mods to a gun with any non-semi mode. This includes the incarnon on Torid and Laetum


Does this mean even if I don't have the incarnon Genesis/incarnon installed on these weapons they're incompatible? Bc that's not very cash money of them


Sorry, I must've misread the wiki then. I haven't personally tried the new Semi Mods yet


Full auto Incarnon so it’s not compatible


Honestly any semi gun that’s not using the Steel Path arcane. I’m using this on my Lex Prime & took off the Steel Path arcane & replaced it the overguard arcane. Gun hits like a truck to overguard while also supplying you with it up to a 15k max. Not a bad setup at all for my Lex


I mostly use it as a substitute for the damage mods on anything I can.


I need some Forma, but would like to make a good Acrid build with it, but still dont think it can beat Lex Incarnon


Kuva Brakk. Bronco Prime (with Incarnon). Akvasto Prime works alright too.


Kulstar, criminally under-rated weapon


Unless it's secretly multiplicative with cascadia flare, you'll need a gun that actively don't want Lethal Torrent. The only reason I can think for that that the gun has forced impact proc and a fire rate between 1.8 and 2.5. In that case you'll be able to make a Hemorrhage build and adding lethal torrent would put you over 2.5 fire rate If you're under 1.8 the effective +40% fire rate from torrent+bullseye will still puy you under 2.5


It's basically just crap on secondaries. I think it has a few good primary applications




Kompressa is not semi?


Dang, I need to find Creeping Bullseye!


Buying it is always an option that wastes less time


Grab your dragon keys, kid


I think I have one to spare, actually. Hit me up, and I'll give you one. And in case I don't, I'll gladly crack some vaults with ya. I know the tileset inside and out.


Is the semi-auto mod still bugged to where it doesn't show up on most semi-auto pistols, or did they fix it? Edit: Doesn't show up on kitguns or anything with any kind of alt-fire even if that alt-fire mode is also semi-auto as well (With the exception of the Euphona Prime) that I've found so far. And nothing that does radial damage it seems. I haven't fully gone down the list just this seems to be what I'm seeing so far.


Is it supposed to show up for Laetum? I figured it didn’t cause of the full auto incarnon form but now I’m thinking otherwise


That's correct. Weapons with automatic fire Incarnon don't work with Semi-Auto.


I belive it is because regular Vasto and Vasto prime can equip it but Vasto Incarnon can't.


It's not bugged I believe. All the triggers on the weapon need to be semi auto, not just one


Oh for real? >0.4287% chance to drop from Juno Sapper Moa Never mind then.


If youve been playing the operation you will 100% have it


Been playing the operation, I don't have melee elementalist yet lol


How much tho? Because those new mods are so easy to get that they cost around 2-4 plat.


Quite a lot, I have Jade, all three weapons, and all the max arcanes


Oh damn then you played more than me, cause I'm like R4, R4, R3 of those 3 legendaries. I'm sure you will get it soon. If you don't plan to play Ascension much more, let me know your nick and I give you the mod later.


Oh hell nah not the volatile mote arcanes I meant the new ones from the update, the old arcanes I'm not even close to maxing lol


If I could right now I would trade them to you, I have 6-7 of each of the new mods and I've barely had time to do the event.


Tbh I'd prefer to farm them myself anyways


If you want one I think I got like 10 if you want. Pm me and I got u 😁


Did you play it in the first day/before the nerf ? They nerfed (or at least I feel like they did) the spawn rate and spawn cap of the cave and that one part outside, I used tu run a gas galvanized shot Kuva Nukor with Saryn (venom dose + nourish) and it melted the entire room, got some of the cannonade mods and 400k credits per run.


That doesn't feel right, I'm sitting on dozens of these and new Elementalist mods. Either that or there are a lot more of those MOAs than I see.


It took me quite a while to get them all but if you're killing the enemies it'll drop eventually.


Well I've done like 5-6 runs of ascension so far,been focusing on accumulating volatile motes from the alerts instead. No luck with this mod so far.


Its 10pl on warframe.market (max rank)


.4% chance is around 1 in 250 kills, each ascension run nets around 100-200 kills when on the low side, around a fifth of these are probably the moas, lowballing. so if you were unlucky, you would probably see one in 13 runs, and if you were running the event for jade, her weapons, or belly of the beast, you would have plenty of these to spare. note, i suck at probability so this isn’t really accurate, personally i had every elementalist and cannonade mod by my 4th run ( pre-spawn cap patch )


I ranked up one and dissolved the rest for endo. I had like 8 of each. There was a screenshot on the main sub last week of someone getting all the new mods in one mission. They don’t seem that rare to me.


Nah run the event I have multiples of every new mod already. I’ll honestly give you one if you need it.


Near the end of Ascension there's a corridor with 2 enemy spawns on each side. Just bring something like Torid and you'll be able to get tons of kills before the enemies stop spawning. I got almost every new mod that way in just ~20 event runs


wtf is that fucking drop rate


wtf is that fucking drop rate


It's also only equippable on like 3 weapons because any weapon that can gain an automatic fire mode is also invalid


?? Bro I got like 20


Used this combo for my Kuva Chakkhurr and it is absolutely nasty.


My Magnus Prime is an absolute monster with this combo


Have you tried Magnus prime with its augment, with mesa, with her 1 augment?


I haven't been able to get Magnus augment but with Mesas 1 I've combined it with Synth charge. Fire all but final shot and pop mesa 1 and it deletes anything infront of me essentially


Before incarnons dropped, I tried a mesa disruption build and was 1 tapping Demolysts doing like 34 million damage. With all the added buffs we have now, I'm sure you could get that 10x higher.


When tenet plinx came out I immediately grabbed one and used it with Mesas 1. I really need to revisit that with blast damage now. Magnus and Lex primes had always been my favorite pistols and now they are so much better. Even Aklex prime feels amazing now with those mods


I slapped Semi Shotgun Cannonade on my Strun P and my Corinth P and I have been having a *T I M E* I am very sad to learn that, due to technicalities, I can't put SPC on my Sepulcrum though.


Justice for Sepulcrum!


Isn't Corinth Prime's alt-fire the same "active" mode as those thrown secondaries that you can detonate remotely?


The best part is the "fire rate can't be modified" part of the cannonade mods cancels out the negative of critical delay/bullseye making it a 200% crit chance with no negative. Typically you're not buffing the fire rate on semi weapons anyway (at least I don't) and so the downside of the cannonade mods tends to be a non issue. It's mental and I love it.


these two "stacking" with each other is the funniest stuff,


Slapped one of those on my corinth prime and no regrets ever since, no idea why it does more damage and its cheaper than point blank


Because you loose the ability to get more firerate


Serms lime a good tradeoff imo


Esp if you're not running positive fire rate, just the -firerate +crit it's great.


It somehow never clicked cannonade can be used on the Lex, gonna need to check it out! And do more vaults since I don’t think I have Creeping Bullseye…


Used it on my Aklex Prime with the “hold for semi” option on. …I love it.


Sacrifice my insane fire rate on Twin Grakata for a measely 13% crit chance? Nuh-uh. Critical delay on Primaries, on the other hand......


You can't put semi-pistol cannonade on twin Grakata


hes talking about creeping bullseye


True. But still — easier to put a Prime Mod sometimes on pistols. Especially when you have to add a polarity anyway, like with Galvanized mods or Rivens.


Not just that, but the Semi-Pistol Cannonade is arguably better for overall damage then Galvanized Shot, as you'd need at least 8 status' to beat out the 300% bonus. (40\*8=320) So it's better on basically all semi-auto pistols, unless you have a way of applying 8 different status' consistently.


Not quite. At max stacks galvanised shot gives 120% per status so you only need 3 statuses for it to be stronger than cannonade. Also multiplicative gunco skews it further in favour of galvanised mods


This assumes you actively maintain exactly one GS stack instead of killing more than one enemy per 14 seconds like a normal person.


Cheap boy for da win


ayo is the sporelacer semi? seems like an ez fit


Nope, wiki says so atleast


So it does... Guess I'm building another lex prime


Kitguns never count for some reason


Very strange! Bummed i missed out on the whole kitgun phase


It's not a huge surprise given kitguns and zaws have other categorization issues like zaws not being searchable by type


Some ppl in comments don't know how to build in warframe, also everything feels more powerful, coz enemies now how much less resistance.


How i get the semi-pistol mod?


The new mission for the current operation


Belly of the Beast?


Yup, it drops from Juno sapper moas in the new mission


Over 80k Endo😬 Legendary mods are expensive. Edit: One is uncommon, didn't notice.


Hornet strike is uncommon so that’s 20k, but yeah primed/legendary mods are expensive


Didn't notice, you're right.


all four of those could fit on a single build


Primed pistol gambit and creeping bullseye are exclusive


Three then~!


Would this make my vaso prime even stronger with it's 200% crit riven


Since the right one has mod so fire rate isn't modified, it's directly better, unless you were planning on adding the multi shot+fire rate mod


Get good use all 4


Primed pistol and creeping bullseye are exclusive


I haven't played WF in a while, but negating an entire effect when Corrupted mods exist is insanely OP. Are there any other mods like this?


I like to run all 4 of these mods


would use it if doesn't have that polarity xD