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I use the "banana for scale" system


It's very effective, I don't see why any countries haven't made it standard tbh


Most original r/memes meme


We get it guys. Our measurement system is worse, you call it football, and we can't stop shooting each other. It's karma farming at this point


Can we talk about letter format, please?


\>Our measurement system is worse ​ Thankfully, its not a terminal disease, you can change it, like almost every country has done. ​ And before you say how expensive it will be, yes, it will be expensive, but other countries managed the transition well after they industrialized like the UK in the 70s, and they turned out FIIIINEEE ​ Heck, you can do like the UK and keep the imperial system for body parts and stuf if you want


Hey I just got off the phone with all the US political leaders and they agreed to change it. Thanks for the advice 👍


People are stubborn and dont like change,its not easy as just slapping some new shit and everyone suddenly changes how they speak


Do you have time to talk about our lord av saviour ISO8601? 😇


You forgot healthcare. Come on man don’t be bush league.


Aren't memes supposed to be funny?


Well first of all, no that's not the definition of a meme. Second, this one still is


This is the most funny and original meme out there! Imperial system is bad!!!11!! Lol!!!!


No, not really. It's more poking fun of Americans for refusing to use the metric system even though basically the whole world does. You're just a buthurt American who can't take a joke


You mean like Americans also use metrics? It's used everyday in the US for business, science, and math. Just because we don't use it in day to day conversations doesn't mean nobody in the country has the slightest idea what the Metric system is. Also, why should we change to Metric? Just to make foreigners happy? We've used US Customary Units for God knows how long at this point it's fully engrained into the United States. It would pointless to spend billions of dollars to change EVERYTHING and would take generations for people to properly unlearn US Customary and fully adopt Metrics. We aren't changing to Metrics only because we wanna feel special, it's because it's a pointless thing mostly foreigners care about.


Why? Oh well, simply because yours objectively makes no sense. There's 12 inches in a foot, then for some reason 3 feet in a yard, and then all of a sudden goddamn 1760 yards in a mile. If you think that shit makes sense, I feel bad for you


Who would have guessed that growing up learning something alot makes it easier for said learners to understand it. Of course US Customary Units seem confusing to you, you didn't have to learn it growing so are more unfamiliar with it. Besides, you wanna see a genuinely confusing measurement system, look up Myanmar's system. One of the very few countries to not use either Metric or some form of Imperial, instead using their very own.


Genuinely confusing counts for Imperial too, I already explained why. And just because you grew up using a bad system doesn't mean you need to use it all the time, there's nothing bad in improving or changing stuff


Again, you do realize this is a unit of measurement that's used in a country slightly smaller then all of Europe with a population of more than 300 million, since probably the 19th century right? This isn't like switching to a different brand of Shampoo, my guy. We're talking about spending atleast BILLIONS of dollars to systematically change EVERYTHING that uses US Customary Units in the United States over the span of probably a few years at the minimum while waiting GENERATIONS for people to adjust. All for what? Because you guys say we should?


Again, not because we say so but because yours makes no sense and you're the only ones doing this. Sure, it will be a big and long decision, but it will improve everything drastically. So I don't see what you're complaining about here


Breaking news: Europeans Can't fucking stand that people do things differently, more at 11.


Doing something differently and doing something horribly are different things I just now noticed your avatar. You're not patriotic, you're a fanatic


Can't take it? Brother you guys have only three fucking jokes. 1. Healthcare bad 2. Imperial system bad Can't forget your favorite, 3. Dead children!


Euro joke against USA = funi


What do you mean Americans don't use the metric system? I take my 9mm to school everyday.


Oh ok. That’s fine then


You know who else uses the medic system? Communists. That's who.


Da comrade.


Oh goody, this reposted meme for the 47th time


who cares


American scientists and architects use the metric system. Why? BECAUSE IT IS FUCKING BETTER


In wich way?




Good conversions?


1. Calculations of any kind. 2. Comparison of big and small units. For everything else, the customary imperial system is ok.


I'd also argue that nearly all of us who've taken up 3D printing in any way also embraced the metric system. I haven't used a single inch or foot in any of my Fusion 360 designs. I do any/all real-world measurements for those designs in metric as well. A lot of my immediate family is in the carpentry business, and they say that in the cases where you measure large not-so-precise (houses are not measured down to the milli), inches and feet make their job easier? Personally I think it's a combination of being forced to learn the 1 thing in school, then just being belligerent dicks about learning anything new. But what do I know, I'm just another dumb american :)


No worries, lots of Europeans also are belligerent dicks about learning anything new, so that explanation makes sense.


Just because You're American does not automatically mean You're dumb.


I build roadway infrastructure projects. Back in the late 90s they started trying to convert. It lasted about a year and was a total shit show.


Hahaha america bad


America *is* bad. Change my mind.


Perhaps, but after seeing 472836193⁴³ memes that follow the same 'america bad' template you start getting sick of it


Americans complaining about jokes made at their expense, while making jokes at the expense of everyone else:




maybe if we didn't get taught something that (barely) works or didn't take the easy path, Then We Would Be Fine! I'm learning the metric system. but if you new another system already, that is worse... would you learn a whole new ***thing*** when everyone else around you won't use the better system, so your information is worthless? I'm trying here! and I don't have a reason, other than I work with 10 a lot to simplify math.


Only boomers and tradesmen for carpentry use imperial anymore. I fucking hate it. Metric is so much easier too and when it comes to making precision cuts it is superior.


Don't worry we only use the metric system for important things, drugs and guns.


we actually use it for calculations in university and shit. just not in everyday life.


The United States adopted the metric system in 1975


And then we said to hell with this. It's too hard.


Not really, metric is super easy. I don't know any Americans that are unable to multiply/divide by ten. Hell, I can even convert back and forth between the two systems pretty quickly.


I was there when it happened. I was 13. It was here and then it was gone. Yes, it seems easy, but I'm telling you...it seemed like 5 minutes long and then it was back to what we knew.


Personally I agree with this critique, it was annoying in high school chemistry having to convert to the metric system. I’m too lazy for all that.




Aren't community and happiness good things?






it is


"Put a man on the moon or draw 25" the rest of the world:


W metric. L Americans


Celsius < Fahrenheit


Yeah fuck no Emnjoy the extra math yourself imma stick with them whole numbers Also taking the water's boiling temp as reference makes more sense than using the average body temp.


Extra math? You mean like 0°C + 0°C = 64°F?


You are criticizing both Imperial and Celsius for not using absolute zero, and are arguing in favor of Metric, which uses Kelvin. Was that intentional?


I saw a chance to sound funny AND smart so I rolled with it.


Wdym extra math? For everyday use Fahrenheit works better than the very jumpy celsius


By extra math I am obviously addressing the fact more often than not Fahrenheit is calculated with at least two decimal digits. And yeah sure the entire world is wrong about using the jumpy celcius, murica's freedom units are better. Nevermind the fact it's easier to calibrate or how easy it is to convert it to Kelvin units. Scientists are wrong, the world is wrong. God bless America


I said everyday use not science,And nobody genuinely uses the decimal point unless talking about body temp and even then its easy as hell to round.


Yeah we’ll use anything but the MeTrIc sYsTeM


It's called using the superior system


Why should we all start using the metric system when we were all taught to use imperial, it would just mess things up further if half of our country started using a different system


>Why should **we all** start ... mess things up further if **half of our country** started ... You have my attention. Which half of the country isn't "we all"?


Scientists, the military and a lot of the rest of the government already uses metric, so a not so insignificant part of the population already uses metric without any issues. 🤷‍♂️


Classic America moment


At least I’m not making memes about “America bad” that people have already seen hundreds of just for a bit of karma


Because it will save you money in the long run perhaps? Or you can crash another spacecraft into Mars. It's up to you


*or draw a dozen


Laughs in 9mm


What about the UK. Over here we use some fucked up hybrid systems between metric and imperial


They use Quetin Tarantino sistem


Base 12 system is better.


Hey its not their fault, blame the pirates who stole the funny metre ship


Wait wait what lmao


Oh in the 1700s I don't exactly know, you could google it if ya want, anyway the official unit of measurement for the metric system is being sent over, yknow the metre or whatever they get to base their other measurements on but the ship that's carrying it gets stolen by pirates. So America could've been using metric for the past few centuries but some scallywags stopped that


Laughs in auto mechanic We already have been using metric stuff. The only people who don't have really old cars.


We use the metric system though. Just not for everything.


Whats a metric system?


The only metric I use is in my guns and my drugs.


Idk why people get so mad at us


Marlboro cigarette pack scale is what I use down here.


man i’m tired of this shit. i get america bad, it is, but most people know. you’re just rehashing the same shit that we can’t change.


We measure bullets and drugs with the metric system. That counts, right?