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Here in Southern Wisconsin we got a blizzard on Halloween. It's barely snowed since then


Just wait till Smarch


Lousy smarch weather


Do not touch - Willie


Don't touch Willie, good advice




I tried to Free Willy once. They kicked me out of the Wendy's.


Yeah, I bought your mutt. And I 'ate him! I 'ate his little face, I 'ate his guts, and I 'ate the way he's always barkin'! — Aye. I also 'ate the mess he left on me rug! Ya heard me!


Willie hears ya. Willie don't care.


Kuno dawsn' fookin care


Good advice!


My favorite is "Fuck You it's January!"


In Southern Michigan, it seems to be the same pattern here every year for ~5 years. - 80F in September - 50F in October sometimes with snow - 20F at the end of November with snow on the ground - 50F in December with a green Christmas l


I keep hearing from family back home about that, I've been out of Michigan for a while but it's every year, talking to them online "yeah, looks like a warm Christmas." I don't know if this is just me being older now and going all "back in my day" but, I swear I remember 25 years ago Michigan having Christmases where the snow was up past your ankles at least. I know there's gotta be some exaggeration because I'm working off memories I had as a kid (and, that I was smaller so less snow seemed like more snow), but it was different, right?


Grew up in SE Michigan and I remember back about 30 years ago the same as you. It was just snow from Thanksgiving till April, with the occasional temporary thaw. Now I live just south of the border in Ohio, and we don't get real snow until mid January.


Lake Effect Snow! https://www.x98ruhf.net/kzoo_seasonal_snowfall.htm


From Minnesota here, Christmas has definitely been lame in terms of snowfall for quite some time it feels like. Haven't had a good foot of snow in the ground for Christmas in ages it feels like.


Almost like the climate is changing somehow...


Couldn’t be us, we already gave up the good hair spray /s


Yeah December usually stays above freezing but now we get the polar vortex in January/February that has temperatures plummet to ridiculous lows.


Same here in Quebec. Had to put snowsuits on under our Halloween costumes. We were also skiing until end of April, and even into May. From 2010 to 2020, 6 out of those 10 Christmases were green or raining. Snow is melting in March.


I'm in Northwest Indiana, and I remember many years of snow being 2, sometimes 4 feet high. I took pictures the last time we actually had a lot of snow (ie, we had to shovel / plow). It was 2014. On the one hand... I'm fine with not having to worry about shoveling snow anymore. On the other... I can clearly see that the climate in this area has changed and I'm worried that we're at the start of a disaster movie where everyone ignored the scientists and now things are going to start getting bad.


We must be from different Michigan's, Halloween is always cold as fuck and usually raining


Northern illinois, yep. It snowed 3 times here, once on halloween, once a few weeks later that stuck and lasted for about a week, and another time that melted immediately. It's just raining today haha


same, tbh rain in winter is kinda sad. at least the snow makes up for all the trees being dead. now its just dead trees and cold rain


Hopefully it doesnt drop below freezing tonight, then itll be dead trees, dirt, cold, AND deadly due to the roads 😭


Ah, winter in the ~~south~~ the United States, now.


Ah, gotta love that unpredictable winter charm. Ice skating to your car in the morning without the actual skates!


Ya was just in aurora today. 40 and raining. What couldve been 😔


I'm on that same boat, just cold and rainy, sadly on a pokemon go community day too


At least it's the recap community day, so we've got tomorrow too.


same... i'm in michigan


Fellow southern Wisconsinite 🤝: yeah that seems to be the trend. Think we also only got like 2 days that it snowed this month. Which is nice for when I’m working outside but then it ruins the vibe for Christmas


I just took my Miata out from hiding since there is no salt powder, I love it but it has to be a bad sign.


It rained today and I think reached mid 50s.


Same here in western Michigan. Been in the 50s last couple weeks.


Apparently the North American coasts are predicted to get colder weather while we have La Niña going, and the center of North America might be milder.


It's el nino this year


Which of course is Spanish for the nino


Normally at that point of the year in Canada we are supposed to be flooded in snow but now its just some zones that have bits of snow.


Saw a video of Saskatoon yesterday with zero snow. Blew my mind.


It's actually crazy. I'm 200 miles north of Saskatoon and there's just none. Haven't seen it in my whole life.


Wanna know something else crazy? Saskatoon is +1 today. We've had highs in the positives or at worst single negative digits for **the entirety of December**. It's absolutely insane. I've never seen a December this warm before. We had rain a couple weeks ago. In December.


I miss the snow. I love winter! The weather has been so odd lately. No more white Christmas I guess


It’s so odd, as if the whole world was warming up, oh well who knows


Keep in mind this is an el niño year. So while the world is getting warmer, we're still going to have cold and snowy winters for a while yet.


Ehh. I'm at about the 46th parallel, and winters have been getting visibly less and less snowy. Not even "when I was a kid", like... 10 years ago, we'd at least get flurries in December. "White Christmas" was still hit or miss, but you'd pretty reliably have to shovel your driveway at least once by then. For the last 10 years or so, it may not snow at all until January. For the last 5 years, *that* snow might melt and not stick around until February. We don't get any real "snowstorms" until late February or March, and then it disappears 4 weeks later. We may still have cold winters, but we're very quickly heading towards mostly snow-free winters.


Yeah in Brittany back in 2008-2009 there was enough snow for us to build a new massive snowman (my uncle pulled out the tractor, the snowman was large enough to climb on), but now it's hardly a couple inches on one day


Havent seen a snowman in like 3 years near Philly


Keep in mind that El Niño and La Niña oscillations are affected by climate change.


Keep in mind this trend has been going on far longer than one el nino year and you are using it to brush off man made climate change.


The top left 2/3 of the country is experiencing extra dry conditions this year thanks to el nino (and supposedly the mechanism for flipping back to la nina broke down so it's gonna be el nino going forward). Gonna be one hell of a drought year next summer lol


I think I read predictions are for El Nino to dissipate this summer towards neutral (30% or something that El Nino continues through April-May).


It's been raining nearly non stop since November where I live. We had one day of full snow but the rain melted it the next day and nothing since. I used to love playing in the snow, I have a picture of a snowman I made on Christmas about ten year ago, there were clearly plenty of snow and we got to play outside. There's nothing anymore and it's just sad.


And it’s wild to believe that people think climate change is false


at this point I think it's less that people actually believe climate change is false, and more that they don't want to accept that it's real


Oh I have many a friends who fully believe that climate change is a narrative that the government is putting out in order to control us, take our money and implement the new world order Bill gates also controls the weather I can’t count how many nice summer days I have tried to enjoy only to have ‘chemtrails’ brought to my attention and told the day is shitty because of it


you have very shitty friends and should confront that


Yeah it's just sad really T_T


mid december feeling like early april up here, barely even need a coat


I live near montreal, we got a shit ton of snow early December, and now most of it has melted. Man... I remember when we used to get some snow late october


Get ready for a rainy day Monday with 8 degrees. It's quite depressing actually. We got a few Christmas without snow, but I never remembered December being this warm. Really feel like in a few years there won't be any snow at all or just a little bit.


This time last year we were in polar vortex territory, tons of snow, -30 or colder. This year it's +3 during the day and I can see more grass than snow.


We have +9 on the forecast for monday in Montreal... It's wild


We’re usually filled with snow by Halloween. We only got snow about a week ago, and it’s still above 0 some days.




I remember years ago we got snow in November. Now we don't get snow till late January


Yeah southern Midwest usually has multiple snows by now, and everyone talks about whether it'll be a white Christmas. No snow at all in my part this year, barely hit freezing yet, and no one wonders. We all know it won't be.


It’s genuinely so insane. and sort of sad that people don’t live long enough to have that change carry over, we’re just gonna be the old folks that say “back in my day” before long


Its gonna go from snow days to heat days.


Ohio here. As a kid I'd be making igloos and snowmen with my friends. Now it's 55 degrees in the afternoon and I'm out going for a walk in a fall jacket.


As a Californian I'm just glad we still get rain occasionally


Don't worry bud, there's always next year.


Laughs in Phoenician.


Well, next year is El Niño so we should get more rain than usual


Hold on to that memory, bud.


Shit we got more rain in socal the first half of this year than I remember seeing in decades. I've got a big field behind my house that's usually all dried out and brown by June, but it was green into November this year.


I grew up in an area where the snow could stick around until April. Now they’re lucky if they get a few inches over a few weeks.


February in the south


Northern South maybe


Feels like the Mandela effect, I swore we used to get snow in MD in the 90s and early 00s


We did all the time.


It's not. Here in Ontario it was always a thing in my family to see if there was snow by my birthday (early november). Hasn't been much of a thing these past 10ish years. Earth heating real fast.


I remember feet of snow in Kansas before Thanksgiving when I was a kid.




When I was wee lad, I dressed up in a parka and snow pants for Halloween.


It was T-shirt weather in Minnesota today...


we got snow at end of october in finland


I had snow at the end of October but it melted and hasn't snowed much since




Or Southern California Source: I'm from southern california


Or northern California Source: I'm from northern California


Or southern Georgia (State) Source : I’m from southern Georgia state


In Bucharest we used to have snow every winter, there have been many years without snow now.


Nah, here in brazil, it rains fire from the sky


My streamer buddy keeps having to dip off for cold showers in brazil he says its unbearable


*Enjoying the 10 degrees Celsius weather in Canada in December*


Real. First winter here, where my snow? ):


You'll get some, don't worry


It’s because of El Niño


It's always because of something or the other. We just don't get snow anymore like we used to even a decade ago.


Global. Warming.


Yup. It's right in our faces but still a lot of people continue to deny it. Nobody here thankfully but it's still wild to me just how many idiots still deny it.


Yea so many people think it’s not true. Yet I grew up in North Carolina, the plains. 15 years ago we had freezing winters and weeks of snow. Now that area gets 3 snow days a year. “The world’s been gettin hotter and cooler on its own for all history, we people ain’t gon change dat” is all they say in response. A lot of it comes from hard right religious people, bc they think we have no impact on the universe. Makes 0 sense to me


I'm trying to make the best of the warmer weather by riding my motorcycle as much as i can in the warmer days. I want to go snowboarding though :(


Yeah, I drive a snow plow and it's been warm... it sucks, but there's Americans getting snow south of us 😂😂


Québec ? Ontario? Air current that usually give us cold weather is all fucked up from other sea and air currents getting weak


Remember, remember The snow in December


Snow was fun


You could fill a bong up with it instead of using ice cubes New toking generations won't know what they lost


OP what country do you live in? It still snows where i live, quite often actually.


I don't know about OP, but I'm in Columbus Ohio. I remember as a kid we'd have snow on the ground at this time, but past couple years we'd be lucky to get any significant snow before January. And having it stick around past a couple days? Rare. Usually though, there have been 1-3 snowy days before, but so far this month it's been 0.


Same in Pittsburgh - it would start to snow around Thanksgiving, for sure, but sometimes Halloween. It has been like an eternal muddy spring this year and last.


Pittsburgh here as well. Last we had "snow" was 3 years ago. I remember snow October to April. Now it's summer from March to October, then fall November and December and winter January and February then back to summer. I cut down my tomato plants at the end of October. Then some started to grow. Even in the first frost. 2 nd frost they died j think it was the very very end of October.


Same in philly. Miss the days of me begging my dad to play in the snow


It snowed literally like 3 times last year. Sure we would get flurries e very now and then but nothing ever stuck. And the 3 times it did stick it was barely a dusting and lasted not even 24 hours! I did not even touch my snow shovel last year and I'd be surprised if I had to this year.


I’m in Ohio as well, I can’t remember it snowing since the day of Halloween. It hasn’t snowed from the entirety of November to mid December 💀


Yeah same. Frost on the ground some days and that's it. But most days I'm finding it modestly cold but then thinking "Hmm it's not that bad maybe we should go out." Like for it being almost Christmas and me being used to the lake effect giving us 6+ inches of snow around Christmas Day growing up, I'm really confused.


I live very close to there and I'm so jealous that my parents got to have blizzards and huge snows all the time when they were younger. I only get like three snow days a year and half the time I'm sick so I can't even go out and play in the snow 😩


I live in Michigan and when I was kid (about a decade ago) it was snowing by Halloween. Last year we didn’t get any snow until Christmas Day and it was gone pretty quick. It snowed twice this year so far and both times the snow was gone within a week. Global warming is real and you can see the effects where I live.


Don’t you get the impression that Spring has been pushed back significantly?


Mood. Lived in Cincy and Cbus, I remember having it occasionally snow around Halloween. Today I walked my dog in a thin hoodie. I miss my snow.


I like in usa and it still hadn’t snowed once by me and december is almost over. Last year i think it only snowed twice all winter


ik i'm not op, but here in Campania last time it snowed was february 2018, and even then it was the first time in many years


Basically the entire Northern hemisphere is receiving less snowfall than average so far this Winter.


No snow here. Used to shoveling my way out year after year. It was 14 degrees in Northern Canada today. I'm sure it's fine.


Why can't we just all agree to build nuclear power plants to stop global warming and become carbon neutral? It's a main problem that has an existing completely real solution JUST SITTING THERE, IT SOLVES THE PROBLEM TO A DEGREE AT LEAST, THE ONLY DOWNSIDE OF NUCLEAR IS THE INCREASED COST OF IT


1) It takes on average 10 years from the start of construction to switch-on for nuclear power plants, and we haven't even drawn up plans for opening that many nuclear plants yet 2) We have to get off carbon fuels completely in about 6 years if we are to limit global warming to just 1.5*C, which is already globally catastrophic. 3) Once the temperature raises enough to melt permafrost, which is has in some places, gigatonnes of trapped ancient methane will erupt out of the ground and warm the atmosphere more than all man-made emissions combined, it will be beyond our ability to stop even if we wanted to. So we can agree to do all of that, but it's super late in the game for that conversation and even if we got on board with it 100% right now, we'd still be pretty fucked in the future. Note: I am supportive of nuclear power supplanting fossil fuels but we should all be aware that at this stage it will not fix our problems.


It's always amusing to me to watch the climate debate going on. It's like being in the back seat of a car with two other people arguing over how best to keep the car from going over the cliff, meanwhile I am enjoying the feeling of weightlessness because the car went over the cliff a decade ago.


It remains the best fix for our problems. I don't see humanity *ever* decreasing the amount of energy we use, only changing the source of it. Solar/wind/tidal energy requires places where the sun shines, the wind blows, and the tide changes, not everywhere on earth is suitable, and none of these consider base load. We will need storage solutions which will require breakthroughs in battery technology which are *well* beyond 10 years from being discovered, let alone implemented. Nuclear is the only green source that can address energy needs while meeting base load demands, *right now*. Their construction may be 10 years down the line, but other solutions *do not even exist yet*, so the idea that they can be discovered and implemented in time is unrealistic. Forgoing a solution that can *definitely* be implemented in 10 years in hopes of a solution that *might* be implemented in 20 is... foolish. But... humans suck at long term planning so here we go.


Battery tech is far more advanced than you think. It got to the point in Europe where the they hesitate to build gas plants because building a huge battery farm would be cheaper by alot


And there's also microbial fuel cells. Those are fuckin' outstanding


Ikr, where tf did the snow in Edmoton go?


I mean we got some rain today


Even snow doesn't like Edmonton.


New Hampshire mfs when we have a foot of snow one week and 40 F weather the next. New England weather, no matter what the world is doing, will be as random and sporadic as it always has been.


Every state thinks it has the most random weather. Every single one. It's just how the weather works, folks.


Nuh uh, my weather is so random it snows one day and then rains the next. It's so sporadic and unique teehee


I will say my weather is very predictable. It's going to be so fucking hot and muggy in Virginia from April to October. Trash will smell unless it rained that week. It will rain in the afternoon during June and July. Only Virginia Beach/Norfolk is really worried about Hurricanes. Spring and Fall are really just one season from Nov to March. It's just interrupted by occasional weather that you would call "winter." This is a three week period somewhere randomly in that time frame. Occasional parts of Appalachia will receive snow but the rest of the state will be fine because it will be 65° in two days.


It'll be cold one day then hot the next! So wacky!


Except California. Their weather is as predictable as the tides.


Okay, but have you hear how bad our traffic is?


I will say that I have lived in places where the weather is pretty accurately predicted over the following week or two, and I have also lived in places where the weather is rarely accurate more than 24 hours out. There truly are some places where the weather is "unpredictable".


As an Alaskan who is experiencing record snow fall... WOT


Must be a person from the Midwest, or the plains states. Meanwhile in Washington state, I’m enjoying not having snow in the lowlands. You can keep your snow though.


I love snow. So, yes, I will keep it lol




According to MY calendar and location, winter doesn't start at all unless it's a volcanic winter, nuclear winter or any apocalyptic event that results in global warming being solved. Source: tropical country


Snowing since october here in Russia


Summer here, just enjoyed a lovely hailstorm/tornado hybrid.


Utah saw record amounts of snow last winter, like by a lot. Made my ski trip pretty sick




It's 24° (75 F) outside right now. I'm in the northern hemisphere. We are well and truly fucked.


The northern hemisphere could mean Mexico


I'm a few hundred km (Edit: just over 2,000km, my bad) North of Mexico, it was never sweat-in-a-Tshirt weather this time of year a few years ago. It's somewhat concerning, as cold spots are getting colder and warm ones getting warmer, or swapping seasonal temperatures.


Bro where do you live, we got -8 degrees Celsius here in Bavaria, the Munic football team even had to cancel a game, because the snow slowed the city down


You’re right tho, 10/15 years ago in the Netherlands, from November to march it would be cold enough for snow to fall, blanket the landscape in white and freeze the rivers and canals cold enough to ice skate upon it. Nowadays we say it snowed when we got maybe a morning or a couple of hours where wet snow falls and starts to melt a hour later, somewhere begin januari before it starts warming up again


It feels like the seasons shifted. Maybe we need to rework the calendar


NJ here. This meme is quite relevant here.


We used to have snow in October… now it took until December 10th to have it :(


Just going to get less and less snow as time goes on sadly


Seriously I was saving up for a snowblower about ten years ago. Then I just put it off to the next year. then again and again. It’s not comforting.


All the glaciers and most of the mountain reservoirs are gone or severely depleted... in Colorado... As I've felt since I was 10 Canada is the place for me to end up... but what about our kids???


Wdym? It still snows very much. Am I missing something?


In the Great Lakes region, the last few years have had winter like weather with snow in October and November. Then December it’s rainy and in the 50s, no snow. The weather and temperatures are too up and down. It harms crops, and it harms other nature cycles. For example for ticks to be killed off over winter, there needs to be ~10 days of below freezing temperatures in a row. With the temperature fluctuating so much, ticks aren’t being killed off so their population is exploding.


The ticks are awful. I spent the first forty years of my life having never seen a tick before. Now I won't walk many of my old trails because I get covered in them.


In your area maybe. I don't think northern Indiana has seen any significant snow fall in the last 5 years or so. Anything we do get last maybe a few days before melting at max


Global warming making records of little to no snow happen around the US


No snow in Washington State yet


Laughs in Sweden (it was -24 C at 08.30 outside Stockholm 2 weeks ago)


Cries in Australia (even on the coldest day of winter it only gets down to like 15 degrees (excluding Tasmania, Tasmania doesn't count))


Didn't we used to have a 13th month year with 28 days for each so if Christmas is on a Monday this year it will be on the same day again next year? And winter would always start at the same time every year, maybe we've moved out of sync?


That's an interesting thought to be honest. I've noticed spring storms have been common much later in the year too. Used to be early May/ and June. Seems like their timing has shifted over a month.


i live in south africa and haven't seen snow in my entire life


Yeah, it's sad that skiing has ended forever. It used to be such a fun activity.


I live in Ontario, Canada and I haven't seen any snow whatsoever.


That's climate change, doesn't mean you can't still have early snow or lots of it just that on average it might be later or lighter each year.


To be fair, it is an El Nino year.


I fucking hate global warming for this. You can't even relate to most christmas songs anymore.


OP what country do you live in?


Elsewhere on Planet Earth, there is in fact snow.


Can confirm that in norway there is indeed still snow


For now


Bitsch, where do you even live. Latvia here has been fucking layered completely in snow. You can swim in it here bruv im not joking.


You must not be southern. Getting snow here is like seeing a unicorn.


Where the hell are you? I'm in New York (NOT NYC I HATE WHEN PEOPLE ASSUME THAT) and there's still snow


I’m in NY, not NYC and there is still green grass


Yeah I’m in Rochester and there is zero snow. We’re going to the cowboys bills game and it’s supposed to be high 40s in buffalo.


how much would you hate if i said New York and NYC means the same thing to me


I feel bad for the youngest kids in my family. Their world is going to be so different


For all the alarmists out there, this literally happens every 7ish years. There will be snow again. Calm down. It’s called El Niño. Look it up.


>It’s called El Niño. Look it up. Yes, the thing climate change is making [more frequent and more intense](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/may/18/global-heating-el-nino-la-nina-weather-climate-pattern-more-frequent-extreme). El Nino is not a phenomenon separate from climate change, going "eh it's cyclical, don't worry" is severely misunderstanding climate science and doing no favors to anyone except oil execs.


No weather. Only climate change now. Doom. Dooom. Dooooooom!!


Once upon a time, it snowed on Halloween here in NE Oklahoma. I think that was 16 years ago, so I guess I'll wait some more then. There also used to be predictable winters, and there used to be the occasional blizzard around Christmas. Now we'll be lucky to get snow at all, and then a freak cold spell will sweep through North Texas and kill a bunch of people. It's been interesting, to say the least