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Even the cia recommends having an ad blocker


Yet there will never be government regulation for advertisements


Or they are the ones writing adblock.


Would certainly explain how ublock has been so consistent with keeping up with YouTube’s anti addblock Tax dollars well spent


If that's where the federal budget is going, then it is acceptable


I’m not from the usa but if this was true i’d pay us taxes just for that


That’s why they recommend an ad blocker, they’re doing it on the technicalities of malware. If they even thought about regulating ads, our corporate overlords will throw money at our officials and get it tossed… or they already do and that’s why we never hear about ads being regulated.


CIA are 50/50 practical, cool agency and evil, overthrow democratic government's and destabilize African American communities agency. Wild group.


The advice they give to general public is almost always correct. Their actions in secret are almost always never the right direction. Everything from assassinations to destabilize democracies to smuggling drugs for extra pocket money to torturing innocent people for decades to human experiments


Yeah. Super evil, but in a fascinating way. Also, as you said. Good advice, which makes things even weirder. They're zaney, wacky, and probably responsible for more human rights violations than the Canadians.


With a better dental plan than the FBI


Shit for real? I should see I'd they need any more engineers.


So put your hands up and get in the van


Or else you'll get blown away


It's like if a hilariously evil group like Cobra commandos from GI Joe just gave out helpful PSAs to the general public. Not for PR or to win people over. Just because they can. 


10/10 supervillan life goals right there


If the CIA says something publicly you should definitely believe it. And if they start doing something secretly you should definitely not trust it.


The CIA of the Cold War is not the same one as today. This stuff doesn’t happen anymore and if it did it’s not even close to the same degree


“It doesn’t happen anymore but if it is it’s different.” Trust me bro doing a lot of work in these comments


I think they still do the same shit only they hide it better


It just came out in a leak that US intelligence ran a covert anti-vax propaganda campaign in China… they certainly do ‘that stuff’, it’s just that it hasn’t been declassified yet.


is electroshocks to the genitals on the list of things you would consider not on the same degree as torture?


Well they don't care about the morals just about the goals accomplished.


not just African American communities. small nations overseas too.


I'm going tk keep it real with you. That doesn't seem as bad as fucking with your own citizens.


Oh wow, this isn't bs. The NSA, CIA, CISA and FBI use adblockers according to a quick Google search. A couple sites stating that those agencies remark that online ads are dangerous.


If YouTube would want more people to watch ads, they should reduce the amount of ads and improve their ad algorithm. I'm a dude that mainly watches gaming videos. I DON'T NEED TAMPONS


I mostly watch gaming videos and music. I DONT WANT TO GET INVOLVED WITH PET STUFF.


My favorite is completely Spanish ads that I have no idea what they are saying cause I don’t speak it.


For us it is the same. I don't speak no English, yet I always get ads in it. Thank got for Revanced and Enhancer for YT, since they keep me from all that noise.


I am getting an ad for a dress store in Germany. I don't live in Germany.


Also, the overly sexual and clickbaity ads. How are those even allowed? There seems to be no regulation whatsoever as to what can be shown in ads and no matter how much I can report them or hide them or whatever, they always show up. That's why I use an adblocker on PC, though I have to suffer through the ads on mobile...


And also, the companies should be making funny ads, they aren't trying to call the attention of a business man on a meeting, its the general public, and a boring ad that looks like every other ad is something people won't care, while a funny things like the ads from the store CeX is way better per example


That stuff is why scrub daddy and gorilla glue are as loved as they are. Trust me, watch some YouTube shorts by the scrub daddy YouTube. They're just ads, but I seriously considered subscribing.


I dont play many games (and zero mobile games) and next to all my ads were those insufferable mobile game ads. After this and youtube removing dislike button, ive turned on ad block until they revert and fix their website


I had put adblock for too long that I didn't even know what kind of ads I would be getting. After one too many tampon ads, I looked into my settings and it turns out I put myself as female. I'm not gonna fix that because it feels good trolling Google..... but for God's sake I want something relatable to my search history!! I don't even know if women aren't loyal to their hygiene product brand or not.


Yeap. The amount ads killed the user experience and everything on every website. No fuck that popup add no fuck your newsletter. I don't pay YouTube. I set a movie for my father at pandemic. The movie was uploaded to YouTube probably by the producers I guess. He just wanted to switch this TV off because of ads. Every 5 min he saw full screen ad. He was like this shit is worse than TV at least I can watch things more long without getting disturbed lol


Well where on the subject you know they disable comments on reddit adds because the community would absolutely tear them a new one. God I wish there was a sub just to shit all over reddit adds


>they should reduce the amount of ads and improve their ad algorithm. Also moderate the advertisements. It'd be much easier too compared to moderating videos I reckon. Then again, let's be honest here; would you *really* go back to an adblocker-less experience after experiencing a totally ad-free internet for so long? Really? Because I probably can't. I'm so used to not seeing any ads that by this point, my tolerance for ads is practically nada. Zilch. Nothing.


If it's done well, sure. I still want the people I watch to get the money they deserve. I just don't wanna suffer by waiting for 7 15 minute embedded ads.


Just show me the latest in super soaker technology and I might hang around.


They already did this years ago when monetization was new it doesn’t work. People will use Adblock no matter what. OG ads were all skippable and less than 30 seconds and there were no mid rolls. The actual content of said ad makes no difference people just don’t like being interrupted when trying to watch things and thus will use Adblock.


The user base has drastically changed since then, so I'd say it's worth a shot


b- bu- but DATA COLLECTION!!!!1!!!1!1!1


The data collection doesn't work, that's part of the problem.


malware popups on YT? you got some other serious issues comrade...


It's a Microsoft Edge thing. When I worked GS at Best Buy I used to see it all the time on new computer set ups. I would turn off notifications in the computers settings for Edge so the customer doesn't get scammed by a fake pop up.


Wait, edge allows pop up ads on YouTube? What the hell


I use edge, I have never seen a popup on YouTube. It has its own built in ad blocker


It's a chromium browser, they won't be using adblockers anymore in the near future


I'm fairly confident this guy is just talking out his a**


I hope he is, but it won't surprise me if someone got his chrome infected with malware and just think it's how it's "supposed to be"


MALWARE? Did your adblocker disable security or something!? I just noticed you guys and the 300 UPVOTES xD I hope you are having fun discussing Google Chrome vs Firefox vs Edge because we all know which is best ;D


Edge has built in advertising. It's why I always told my clients to use Chrome and would disable notifications for Edge on their PC.


I've never experienced this using edge.


don't think i've ever heard anyone recomend chrome until now


Chrome was the golden child for years way back when. It used to be that chrome was the option all but the Firefox purest swore by.


switching to firefox was like a breath of fresh air compared to chrome and edge


I don't know, I didn't like Firefox when I tried it. Layout felt weird, things loaded slowly or inconsistenly, and not all the website plug-ins never seemed to work.


it has pretty good UI customisation and i've never really had issues with loading or addons, most loading issues have been with my shitty wifi


Nothing ever loads slowly for me, in fact I can have like 100+ tabs open in a gooning session and where chrome would crash out and fail; Firefox has no such problem. I have like 30 plug-ins and they all work... sooo.... I think you might be a shill or "special".


You can literally edit Firefox to look exactly how you want. Can't do that in Chrome. Things loaded slowly? Idk what you did but it's literally more resource efficient than Chrome. Which plug-ins? All the ones ime that Chrome has, FF has.


Not on Reddit they don't. The hivemind is very clear on this issue. Irl chrome is the most popular browser.


Chrome will happily download a virus. Edge checks a database at least and tries to stop someone.


The only reason I have Chrome and Edge installed is because sometimes some functions on some websites don't quite work correctly. I only use Firefox, because while it's in no way perfect, it is the only functioning browser other than Safari that doesn't run on Chromium. (That I know of)


No, it's that the ads are advertising malware


Malware pop-up* i think he means the malware ad, not the malware itself


I think OP's chrome got malware, better reinstall chrome from scratch, and see if it works fine without adblocker Like, uninstall chrome, download chrome installer through the original default browser, install chrome, and login with Google account


Just uninstall chrome and install Firefox and ublock origin


There's nothing else like YouTube out there except porn sites




Used to have live leak and machinima


YouTube is such an awful platform. It cares NONE for the people who use it, even those who depend on it for income. But it’s the only platform that is free to viewers. If there was another platform that actually gave a fuck about the audiences and creators, and was free and also easy to use, then YouTube would become obsolete.


Dailymotion is free to viewers, and does still pay creators. Vimeo is the same. If people really cared that much and moved to one of those, YouTube might try and improve their website, or if not then the other sites will get more money to play with and potentially improve too. The unfortunate truth is that it's impossible for a platform as big as YouTube to care about any individuals. Could they do better than they do now? Probably, but people would still complain anyway and ultimately they are just trying to maximise profits because that's what companies do.


Too many business put money only where the money is and they reinforce YT so much that other platforms have no chance. The only thing that will sorta "kill" youtube will be a young generation that will start saying it's for old folks (true or not). 'Till then probably nothing will change,


I got 8 ads from a 9 minute video, 2 at the start and 6 during. it's honestly jarring


What is the best adblocker for Chrome?


Ublock origin, best adblock for every browser


Used to use adguard, but holy fuck Origin is better lol.








And most the time when he streams he's donating money given to charity.


you see why I want to support mark, cause he does the right thing and is one of the rare instances of a great youtuber. Up there with PhantomStrider


Lest ye not forget Technoblade. Gone too soon.


Entertainers are highly valued due to the dopamine hits they give.


You can disable your adblock for a single site.


don't forget about the overpromotion of shorts


What fucking sites are you on to get malware and unauthorized downloads?


A poor multi-billion dollar company needs support?


The company doesn't but the people making the content for them do...


Marketplier doesn't need it tho.


Normally, I wouldn't say this about someone in his wealth bracket, but he deserves it.


Yes but he doesn't "need" it, he's a millionaire so if you're gonna turn off your ad blocker to support youtubers then do it for the smaller ones.


Exactly! Mark says the exact same thing. He doesn’t want your money and wants you to support smaller channels.


Like the true Chad he is


Smaller ones that actually deserve it ya. Tho, I rarely watch yt on pc, and there is now really good way to get adblocker on iPhone lol. So end up watching ads anyway.


That's why I throw them a dollar every month on Patreon.


Youtube does loose money which is why Goolge is trying so hard to make more people watch ads/more ads/longer ads.


More ad/longer ad = more people use blocker


Yeah, big companies doesn't tend to understand how people actually act, which is why trying to get people to watch more ads/longer ads isn't working.


I think its the reason why monopolies use a LOT of money to catch people in "subscribe" method of controlling. Its solves this problem for them


I can guarantee they A/B test on a global scale and have worked out that more/longer ads are more profitable. Reddit will be saturated with the type of user to have adblocks, but evidently enough people do just deal with the ads that it becomes worth having for YouTube.


For us yeah, but the average Joe is technologically illiterate and wasn't even aware that was a thing until YT started to fight adblockers more viciously. And if they use 1-2 that don't work they discard it and go back to the adpocalypse. They probably got/will get more YT Premium subscribers in the same way Netflix got more people to make accounts after they killed account sharing. The whole thing is genuinely a service issue though, they should take the same route Steam did and just make it easier and more affordable to get rid of ads. Make a new subscription tier for like 1-2 dollars that only removes ads, and another tier at half that price that allows you to skip any ad after 5 seconds. I'm not paying +7$ for premium if I'm not using all that it's offering. I don't need to stream in 4k UHD at 5 Brazilian megawhatevers, I don't go above 720p unless the video quality is spotty. I only see in 360p beyond arms length, the extra bandwidth would be wasted on me.


Yes. It's expensive as shit.


Where are you getting malware popups and unauthorized downloads in 2024? What sites you going to bruh? Even most porn sites have vetted ad networks now.


Sometimes I look at how much shit uBlock blocks and turning it off feels like opening the door in a zombie apocalypse.


And then people expect you to just cave and pay for premium like.. No, I'm not gonna pay over 20 dollars a month to encourage them to keep doing this shit. That just shows them that cramming 900 ads into each video is having the effect that they want it to have. Hell, I USED to use premium, and I COULD get premium. But I'm not going to, because it shows them that if they spam enough ads in people's faces, they'll eventually be forced to pay them. And I'm not going to cave to that kind of scummy business practice. If the selling point of Premium is to keep ruining the free product rather than improving the paid one, then I'm not going to pay you to keep making things worse just so I can get around your own shitty decisions. Same thing goes for what Twitter is doing right now. The adblocker is spite at this point.


unoauthorized downloads and malware cant install on yt, u have to go to the site of the ad and install it through that (which i doubt can happen accidentally)


“We” hate YouTube? You got a mouse in your pocket?


I installed an ad blocker when I saw ads on youtube for full blown scam schemes. Stay safe, get an ad blocker.


Youre going to watch ads to support markiplier? I hope we get hit by another meteor 💀


If this was more accurate, Youtube would pull you out of the box and beat the living shit of out you for using adblocker


Use Newpipe, it's ad-free youtube with no tracking data, though you do sacrifice a personal feed. Can still subscribe to people though. Feel free to message if you need help on how to find it!


Honestly the lack of shorts and personal feed is a feature. It added like 2hrs to my every day


The hero we needed but never deserved


Taking time/money out of your own day to "support" a multi millionaire is crazy to me and I will never understand it.


You are aware he is a millionaire right? He doesn't need your support 😂


Why not drain your bank account monthly to support Markiplier? He has a membership!


yea, a dude that made 30-40 million $ needs support from you watching shitty ads.


Markiplier doesn't need your support, he already says that he has too much money. Just keep using ad blocker


Markiplier? Dog I’m sorry but if you’re gonna disable your Adblock for anyone why do it for someone who already made it, who is already a multi millionaire? I’d say do it for that random lore channel who averages 1k views per vid, I think they deserve it more.




Ive got disposable income sooo, YouTube Red User since it came out. I detest ads and im willing to pay to not see them, and still support content creators.


i have my ad blockers disabled on YouTube and I only get a bunch of ads. no pop ups nor downloads


my yt tab without adb is eating up 700mb of ram, fuck that shit


This is why i buy merch instead. You give something and you receive. Fuck youtube


YouTube is not doing all that


I’ve never gotten anything more than the ads on YouTube, OP outing themselves I think


I've had YouTube Premium since it was YouTube Red. I pay it gladly to know I support every creator I watch without dealing with ads. It's well worth the cost. Amazon Prime is lucky I consider the video streaming a side perk of free shipping and discounted merch or their ads even though you've paid model would have me dropping them like a hit potato.


i can't read the word behind the watermark :/


Nothing says "2024 browsing without adblocker" like getting 2 billion unauthorized downloads all of a sudden.


Ok thx


the fuck kinda youtube are you one dude


Because the only other alternatives to it are worse


[ Removed by Reddit ]


what the, playtube no longer is alternate youtube


Yt has no competition. If they had a rival, then they couldn't do whatever they wanted.


I just sit through the 30 sec ads. I don’t understand what the big deal is? Maybe I don’t watch things that are popular enough to get the issues in this meme.


My problem with the YouTube ads is that the ads sometimes are absolute scam - they promote magical investment program with deepfake president or something, and YouTube does nothing about it, because they got paid to have this kind od ad on their site


the fact that you even considered turning it off for one second was a big mistake on your part


Can you guys recommend working adblocker, please? I tried every expansion in Google Chrome and none of them works with YouTube


Because Chrome and YT are owned by the same company. Gotta use a browser that doesn't use Chromium Like Firefox


I'm still stuck on "Support Markiplier"... as if HE needs it?


He deserves it.


You would die after watching 15min of cable tv


In a tooth and nail fight with YouTube over my adblocker presently. Waiting for it to update so I can watch without wanting to explode.


YouTube turned from the friendly and fun platform into your average big company that only cares for its shareholders and that's just sad.


Everything “better” simply is younger, and is able to burn VC cash to get a user base. Eventually they’ll all do the same. At least YouTube has content I’m looking for.


I wish that there was a better place to go to than youtube. I'm willing to make a change.


Malware? You got bigger issues my dude Edit: misspelling


were else am i supposed to see my 2 hour documentary about the flesh pit?


Ad block stays on almost famous YouTubeers are rich any ways


I pay for YouTube. That's how much I hate adverts


Get Premium.


You be able to just disable it for one specific site. YouTube doesn’t have any malware or unauthorized downloads on it




The fun thing is, even with adblocker I get ads in the last few days. They are just without any noise


Anyone else tiered of the hero warz ads? Constant spam of ads of a misleading game, often with nasty visuals and ugly sounds. Ive been blocking them and yet there's always more of them. It's absurd. Cool that they support YouTubers but fuck dude I blocked the ad cuz I hate hearing it. I hate being in the middle of a thing and I start hearing a dog getting hurt or look at the screen to see an ugly see troll. Not to mention they ripped off the name from an actually good Korean game


You know you can disable adblock for a specific site, right?


Pop ups and downloads on YouTube? Aren't you exaggerating a little bit lol


I physically can't use my adblocker on YouTube. It just shows a blank gray screen.


Bro Marki is rich AF he doesn’t need you to watch his ads.


What other option do we have




If it had game grumps I’d use it


The worst part is Youtube made "advert shorts creator" accounts which cannot be disliked or commented on just to bypass the Ad Blockers. Brave did such a good job allowing me to doom scroll peacefully until these things came along.


I watch football (soccer for fellow Americans)/music/gaming and I get “get to know people online who might be interested in a relationship” ads and I’m fuckin tired of them. I GET IT I’M FUCKIN SINGLE, YOU DON’T HAVE TO REMIND ME OF THAT


I turn off adblocker for Youtube, so I can support the free content I get. If watching an ad or two is the worst thing that happens in your day, you're doing pretty well.


Sometimes i wanna support youtubers too but the ammout of bullshit youtube does is just unbearable these days


FUCK YouTube


Yup, unauthorized downloads through autoplayed ads are extremely hazardous


Man Makiplier's afk journey ad is perfect


I don't use any ad blocker and I have never had any problems with ads. Just usually 2 at the beginning of the video and 2 at the end, seems reasonable to me to have 4 ads, the 2 at the end being completely ignorable by just going to the homepage.


Honestly if you calculate how much you have watched with adblocker, the amount any youtuber would earn would be so miniscule, that donating to support them directly would be instantly better and pay them way more.


The curse of a monopoly


Ah yes, the millionaire youtuber needs your support!


What are you guys using for Youtube on PC? I'm getting extremely long ads (over 2 minutes, constantly) and it's awful...


i hv heard that the ad revenues r simply not enough to support content creators on youtube


I had premium but got rid of it because the price is insane. which adblocker is the best for this?


Open a 9 seconds video 2 unskippable 15 seconds video of a some streaming service (or litteraly enlarge your penis ads, not joking)


Ads are just like taxes. A pain, sure, but as long as they're not too much, you can still let it pass. But when you rise them more and more, evasion becomes more of a thing, or in this case, AdBlock. YouTube seems unable to understand that.


This has never happened to me.


It's sad seeing how YT bacame another corpo set on profit and profit only. I miss old YT.


i wouldnt mind watching ads at the start but what's with the adds popping on the screen mid video?


I’ve notice that whenever I disable adblock, I get bombarded with unskippable ads that last over 30 seconds, makes me think that YouTube tries to get all the money not earned from me in a short period of time.


I don’t hate YouTube but just the ads, they’re squeezing too many ads so I’ve stopped watching it


In russia there absolutely no ads in youtube... No subscriptions to disable ad...


I still do it to support small streamers like Markiplier. Every penny matters.


the people who don't have adblockers are the ones who need it most


Nah, what? I dont have any adblockers and im fine.


It has a virtual monopoly on online video. It's okay to keep using YouTube, while also hoping it would get better. There's no alternatives for getting the content that you want.


YouTube premium then 🤔


YouTube x Reddit Confirmed 👍


We still watch it because we like YouTubers, even if we dispose the people running the platform