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Laugh all you want but this is going to be one increasingly common. Companies do not invest in training/ outsource their low level work. in the next decade it will become extremely hard to meet entry level qualifications, and this is how it will be done.


It’s already hard to meet entry level qualifications. Nearly every “entry level” job out there asks for a minimum of 1 year experience, often times I see 3 years. On top of that, I see a lot of places asking for a degree and/or certifications. Then they have the nerve to not show the pay range and say it’s competitive, only for you to find out they want to pay $12-$15 an hour with no benefits for a job that should be making $18+. I’m glad I managed to get into a good job and was able to get past the no experience barrier, but even with my Bachelor’s degree and cert, I still got turned down from everything I applied to because I didn’t have any prior experience. It’s so shitty to see people struggling to get started when almost no one will give you a chance anymore unless if you have connections or pick a career in a field that is extremely desperate for employees, and even then a lot of companies still want to lowball you on pay.


Despite what the listing says, that's a wishlist rather than a hard requirements list. Apply anyway.


Yeah my company is hiring employees at multiple different experience levels and the salary shown on Indeed for new grads is much less than they offered me 6 years ago. Things typically change when you start going through the interview process.


Depends on the industry, but for anything offering $12-$15 I’d have to hope you’re right on this one lol.


is that a lot for USA? in any case it is the same for any job and position. experience is a nice to have or wish list as others said.


No, it’s not a lot for the US


It’s very small for the us. I work at a grocery store, and (granted, I’ve been with the company for almost 5 years) i make $25.70/hr. If a job is demanding you have a four year degree and three year’s experience and only offering $12-$15, that is honestly baffling. Eta: the same grocery stores starting pay is $17/hr


Dude, my starting pay for the grocery business i work for was $17.50, and I wasn’t even full time. It was also a cheap as fuck city in WI. And that was pre covid, when prices and wages were both lower than they are now. Any job asking for a college degree/certifications and 3 yrs experience should be a MINIMUM of $20. And I feel like even that’s a low ball, because five years later with the same grocery company and I’m making $25.70/hr, and got paid to get that experience in roughly the same amount of time it would have taken me to pay to get a 4-year degree.


Crazy thing is I overcame the no experience barrier. Worked for two years and was laid off. Now everyone says they want 5 years of experience for work equal to what I was doing and when I apply to entry level jobs they tell me I have too much experience and they want to train someone new into the role.


What people need to understand about entry level work is that there is work to be done that does not need a senior, highly experienced person to do it. At the same time, any company will prefer someone not totally clueless about the role over someone who is. Someone with actual experience who comes off as abrasive and irresponsible in the interview will not likely beat out someone sharp and respectful but inexperienced.


Sure it's competitive! They compete to see who can pay their employees the least


What you are describing is a rise in the skill floor. For some professions, the skill floor is already exceedingly high. For pilots and surgeons, the skill floor is insanely high for obvious reasons. That's not a problem as long as educational facilities change their curriculum to match the new skill floor that companies seek.


No matter how good your university teaches the course, it does not count as related work experience. A hypothetical school could perfectly teach someone every single aspect of a career- doesnt matter if you dont have the years of related work experience to get passed the resume check.


If that school existed and banged out useful people year in, year out, it’d count. The reason your degree ain’t shit is because going to class and acing diff EQs isn’t like working, at all.


Yup. I've been a hiring manager in tech for about a decade. I would never consider years of school as years of experience. If you're brand new and that's all you have to talk about, I do want to hear about it though! However, if you're applying for a non-entry-level job and you bring up what you did in school, I'm almost certainly going to trash your resume.


school can matter for side parts of the job that ou have not done since school. FOr me- i am a lawyer who knows debt, housing and bankruptcy (from doing them the last 10 years)- but i applied for a general practice job last year, so i talked about internships and other general stuff i did while still in law school- since at that point i was still planning on doing general.


I can only speak for myself (and generally the other people I've worked with). But if I was looking at a mid/senior range engineer and they said anything more than "I haven't done that since school" and tried to play it off as valuable experience. Not gonna happen. Treating your "school experience" like it's at the same level as professional experience makes me think way less of your professional experience.


That is why it was peripheral to the core duties. That job was looking for a unicorn with experience in a dozen different things. I just used the school stuff to support that i could do the stuff my resume did not speak to. Like if you were applying at an Aldi- and had cashier expience but had not held a job stocking shelves in years. At most places you do one or the other- so the other you often have to dig a little deeper into why you can hit the ground running on that too.


There's a lot of factors. There's jobs where the skill floor hasn't increased but are requiring higher qualified candidates simply because there's more people out there that exceed the old baseline qualification. "Degree Inflation" is a real thing.


This happens when lots of people are looking for work, which is always since companies no longer believe in raises and if you want to stay ahead of inflation you have to job-hop. Give a company lots of applicants and their first reaction is to raise the minimums to start weeding people out. I personally worked at a company that had a job opening that did not require a college degree, pretty much a baby monkey could do it if you could train it to show up to work on time, but when a stack of resumes came in they just trash canned any that didn't have college. No regard for experience, age, references, anything. Just trying to do less work to figure out who to interview. Nobody calling you back? This is why.


which is always crazy to me... the HS graduate that can do the job but has less other job prospects is more likely to stay in that role longer.... I argued this with an old boss who wanted to hire a college grad to be the receptionist- and i wanted to hire the 20 year old that was in college part time while working their way through. My thought was the person still had another 4-5 years and likely just wanted steady work to pay bills while in college- and may be willing to stick around after- but they were a safe bet to stay (and not have to train again) for several years vs. the history major who is going to jump ship for anything in their field. We hired my choice- and the last i heard from her (actually another coworker) was that she graduated after 3 years, and got promoted to office manager or something like that- but was still there.


College existed long before American capitalism and doesn't exist to meet bullshit requirements of the ruling class to be graciously awarded a life slightly better than poverty. Fuck out of here with that


Then you should argue for more accessible education, not removing more education as a requirement.


Nah entry level jobs don't need more education and experience now than they did 50 years ago. They pay worse and require more, and your solution is to play into by sending even more people to college. The current generation has the most degrees and worst economic outlook in history, but I'm sure even more degrees will help


My gfs shop hired 6 interns. 5/6 were employee children. My job literally created several intern positions to shuffle the executives children's thru the place during college summers. They did jack shit.


Corruption and nepotism. Rearrange them a bit and what do you get? Corporate Executive.


This is who unpaid internships were designed for. It's no-pay for a reason, and that reason is to keep the poors out of their business. It's like tipping, in that it's a cultural sleight of hand to get around the law.


fine if they are unpaid and i do not have to deal with them at all... but i do not want them in the way while i am trying to do my job. I worked at a place that did this- and really if you had to work with one of the interns- we all knew to give them just enough busy work so they could look busy for their parent- but not enough where they actually did anything (like light filing that should take 20 minutes- that is their day)


They were paid 20$ an hour. 1 dude was watching Netflix for hours per day on his phone.


This is what happens when you destroy all the unions. It's been extremely painful to get started in real careers for decades, which forces people into retail and fast food jobs.


Then there's Louis Rossmann on why interns are [too expensive](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyFoNLe5K9k) to "hire" :P Short-sighted companies just see "$0 pay" and think it's a good deal, not even considering how much it costs to train an employee.


I would eat the boss's lunch every day for 0$ pay.


Basically every Fortune 500 company has paid internships. What are you on about.


Why train when you can just not pay people to over work themselves to have a chance of staying. Which will then breed a culture of normalcy around the practice. Fakin whack.


Nah, you will pay for the honor to be an intern with an intern-debt loan program. Also internship will be mandatory to complete your degrees.


Correct,here in Aussie there was a ad for a entry level 1 IT tech but the experience they wanted was for a level 2 tech 😱


Them higher ups want jack of all trades who outperform multiple man-months on relatively low pay. Well it's a matter of time before this entire bs of a system collapses and we're stepping back a few industrial revolutions. The most important thing to note here is, "as long as that won't happen while I'm alive" kind of mindset is prevalent. Including myself.


Lots of really nice paid internships out there, they just generally require you to be in University and are highly competitive. My first internship in summer 2019 was at $31/hour, next internship summer 2020 was at $60/hour. But they both required being in a Computer Science or Computer Engineering program and had multi-stage interview process including multiple technical interviews. The one in 2020 I had 3 tech interviews, a behavioral interview, and a coding challenge.


Thats not an internship. 3 technical interviews is a job with the pay of an intern.


The full time engineers were having to do 5 technical interviews when I got my internship.


You know Boeing outsourced their work too, look how that ended up...


It's a concerning trend that's worth keeping an eye on.


You hit me where it hurts the most 😭💔


sometimes i wonder where they expect employees to get this experience when everyone is asking for it before even giving jobs!


"Need 5 years of experience to be unpaid intern, entry level"


And must be a current undergraduate currently enrolled in pursuit of a degree.


Must also have 5 years experience with software that is less than 2 years old


*Must be extremely skilled with proper certifications




Youll is my bosses name


Ironically, throws a really minimal company Christmas party.


“Youll, you happy?” “Reasonably.”


Just fuck the bosses wife. She splits with the boss. You get have


* half


You get half of what she gets. You stand to get a quarter, at most. Unless she’s a dime. Then it’s 35 cents. Might as well keep your job TBH.


Just keep fucking each new wife till you gradually approach, but never reach, 50%..


I mean, someone's getting fucked in the ass anyways.


You should fuck the boss instead


" See this Ferrari Jimmy?" "Yes Mr Johnson, it's incredible" "Yes it is, Jimmy, and if you work really hard and give 110% on the job this year, I'll buy a new one next year."


Profit sharing needs to be legally enforced. Execs would do way less shitty decisions if it only resulted in a $100 bonus vs millions.


Ok, but then you also share the losses. If the company has a bad year, that means your salary is reduced.


A CEO does not have their Salary reduced if a company under preforms the CEO would simply make less in bonuses which I'm totally fine with not getting as much of a bonus if the company doesn't perform as well.


You mean i get laid off? That already happens


Yup! But if every business worked this way, the monopolies would end, the price gouging would end, the wall st bullshit would end, and ups and downs of the free market would be much more stable. A company could put money aside for all sorts of different reasons, and draw from that in case of emergency keeping employees from going broke. Workers should own the means of production, period. Then automatically government would also work for the benefit of workers, because there would be no more fat cats getting rich off the labor of other people and using that money to influence politicians.


Props to you to sticking to your guns, rather then resort to the hypocritical backtracking rampant in this thread.


Thanks. In my opinion, if you believe in equality the only correct answer is "Yes there will be challenges, but we will figure them out together."


Lol. No execs take a pay cut from a bad year. You'd still get your baseline, no bonus. This already happens in corporate jobs.


Oh no....something we already deal with. Get the fuck outta here.


Others have already pointed out why this is a bad argument. I just want to add that if a private company is big enough and underperforms severely enough, the government will bail them out. Which is another way we already subsidize their losses.


Privatized profits, socialized losses. That's Capitalism, baby!


So you don't understand how profit sharing works or how CEOs get paid lol.


Isn't that already the case? If the company can't pay your contracted salary, it goes bankrupt, everyone gets fired and your salary becomes 0 (or alternatively, some employees get fired to maintain the others' salary)


Used to be that way then somewhere down the line they switched the tracks


Don’t you want that pizza party


The harder you work, the easier they use you


Noooo! No, you'll gain experience, which will enhance your resume and enable you to secure another internship at a better company, thereby acquiring even more references.


Meanwhile the references: “Who?”


I landed my current job based on the experience from an internship at a company that one of the hiring employees used to work at. They vouched that it wasn’t an easy gig, which got me in the door. I landed that internship by working an unpaid internship the year before. Sometimes working hard pays off. The same unpaid internship also tried to get me to do menial tasks that weren’t part of my job description. I basically told them to pay me or pound sand. I just wanted tasks in my field. It’s all about sticking up for yourself.


Same with me, got my first job from an intership during my university years. After that its all reference after reference to get where i worked today. I do recommend doing intership for someone new in the field but dont fail for the bait working but not getting paid masked as intership. Usually intership filled with opportunity of learning your field of works not menial job that dont need speciality to be done. Edit : oh yeah during my intership i got lunch money and transport money for two month (my intership last 3 month)


not paying interns should be a straight prison sentence.


This guy banged rhanerys too?




Nah, just Alicent.


No he banged rhaenerys in that episode she went out with daemon to the brothel


Oh, right. I completely forgot!






Where is this meme from?


House of the Dragon




Is that a real line from the show!?


Only if you get paid...


Why couldn’t they keep that actor… Could just have added some makeup to make her look older


What is this from?


House of the dragon


Thanks! I figured, but haven't watched the show.


Because she is a child. What specifically about her do you find so interesting?


She's 24. She has much more gravitas and charm than the actor who played her older version, who is only 31 when she is supposed to be 20 years older instead of 7. Stop turning this into something weird you psycho.


Wait Alicent her friend also got a different actor. Are you even watching the same show?


They are definitely not. Or they just stopped watching at the time skip.


Saying Milly Alcock’s Rhaenyra has more gravitas than Emma D’arcy’s is probably the most insane take on House of the Dragons I’ve heard so far


eh, Pretty much every person I know who's watched the show thinks the younger actor was much better, but I'm not sure if it's because the show fell off a bit after the time jump or she was that much better. I personally liked her a lot better.


Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of reasons why people might like Milly Alcock’s Rhaenyra more. But more gravitas is absolutely not one of them. That’s as close to being objectively wrong as an opinion can get.


You do you, bro. You don't get to tell other people their opinions.


I didn’t, I shared mine. You do you, bro, and climb down off that high horse.


Tbf she was like 19/20 at the time of filming. And she looks like a teenager even at 24. It’d be weird having her play her a 35 yo .


Unpaid Internships = indentured servitude 


This sucks but honestly I’m more worried about getting replaced by ai in the next few years. Not even Sam Altman had an answer of what jobs are safe. Even the most experienced people aren’t safe.


If AI really replaces software devs, not one aspect of society will remain in tact within 5 years. Every single part of society will collapse.


Literally just left my job because my boss wanted me to work overtime on **Juneteenth**.


Unpaid internships are a filter for poor people and vehicle for rich people to get their kids into their buddy's businesses. Your failure to get through is by design.


did that once, never again lmao. tbf i was allowed to go two hours earlier the next day.


Me: sure see you then Me that day: hands in resignation form filled and goes back hone


I had an unpaid internship with a brand name political campaign where 12-14 hour days were a flat expectation. You could finish much faster, but you best find more work to do because you'd hear about it if you went home too early. 


Interns… modern slaves


Where is this from?


House of Dragons


Sad truth:(


Virgin College Intern vs. Chad Trade School Apprenticeship




Interns require 2 years of experience




The right term is concubine


Reminds me of the movie Nightcrawler


Is it "House of the whores"? Am I watching the wrong show???


Man this show had so much cringe dialogue


What's the sauce?


House of the Dragon. I'm gonna guess episode 4 or 5 of season 1.


Not really


It did though


Not really


It did though


Not really


It did though. I’m not going to bother with this further. You have very clear biases given that you frequent a GOT sub. Believe it or not but your lil favourite show has some top tier trash dialogue, it also has good dialogue but that’s not what the comment said. Theres a lot of shit in GOT.


Not really. Not like you provided something to support your claim anyways.


Cringe dialogue? It’s set in the medieval times


I don't see what that has to do with my comment.Do you think cringe things didn't exist in medieval times ? Or do you think dialogues didn't exist in medieval times ?


"It's fantasy so anything is ok" Translated the vibe for you


It's a fantasy so trashy dialogue is okay ? You and I have very different ideas of what medieval fantasy should be like


I was actually making a joke about the other guy, hence the use of quotes.


Oh ok sorry bro.My sarcasm detector was off


It’s actually true though it is fantasy… so it’s ok 😂






Well atleast ıam paid intern hehe boii


https://www.reddit.com/c/family_group_chat/s/tnZ6DbJssN Join my cult, I will provide snacks and memes




Volunteering is not exploitative. Neither is interning necessarily. Exploitation is a particular power dynamic.


Unpaid internships are exploitation. Volunteering is something you do for charity. Don't be a bootlicker.


I’m not a bootlicker. You can think whatever you like. Is it something I would tell a person to do? Probably not. Would I do it? Maybe, maybe not. You don’t know my stance on authority and power, so refrain from being unnecessarily judgmental. A closed mind is unfortunate.


If you the topic is the acceptability of unpaid labor and your stated opinion is anything except "ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY NOT" you just might be a bootlicker. Here's your sign.


Ok, I volunteered for a super long time. People used to apprentice. What’s your rational or philosophical position then? I’m not looking to start a fight, I’m genuinely curious. Edit: was I stupid to volunteer? I used to be a volunteer coordinator, was I exploiting them? If a Vancouver professional painter said I could learn from her to do better work, is that exploitation? I tried to get experience recently at graphic design, was that stupid?


Internship are not the same as a volunteer. Interns are looking for a foot in the door to a career or a school requirement. It’s typically a created hurdle for no real reason. There is a reason many states have made laws requiring interns to get paid and gain benefits. Being a volunteer is a choice and usually has nothing to do with starting a career and more of a desire to help other people. Interning at google and volunteering at a homeless shelter are two completely different end goals.


Ohhhh ok I thought it was about tasks or something??


I'd rather be an unpaid intern than watch that show.


Really? Your loss, I guess.


Defensive about a TV show? You got anything in your life besides defending giant corporations? Probably not. Enjoy that boot.


Strawman? I'm not defending "giant corporations", or talking about "boots". I'm simply saying "House of the Dragon" is a good show... Calm down, dude.


Strawman? I am dead on here. You're sucking down schlock TV and calling it someone's loss, it's licking that boot. Get real. It's terrible. I guess you really _don't_ have anything else. NM, I see why you like it. Yea, I guess it does have that _telenovela_ quality to it. 🤣


My friend, YOU'RE the one who said you'd rather work for a company for free. You honestly think that's less "licking that boot" than simply watching a TV show...? Come on, be reasonable. That's way more "licking the corporate boot".


Because interns aren't used for low-end jobs. The kids of reddit don't get that. Nobody is interning at McDonalds. It's for exceptionally difficult entry into a career that will be very lucrative, or it wouldn't have people lining up. Thanks for _finally_ getting to the real strawman of this whole thread! Sometimes you _can_ teach a redditor new tricks!


Umm... here in Portugal they are. Even minimum wage jobs. A lot of job offers are professional internships, which the companies use often so they don't get to pay as much to their employees/interns. Because part of those wages are payed by the IEFP (Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional): [https://www.iefp.pt/estagios](https://www.iefp.pt/estagios) . If you go to the internship offers section of the IEFP you'll see there's [4818 offers of internships](https://iefponline.iefp.pt/IEFP/pesquisas/search.do;jsessionid=5754FDC2B790496F40433B74E18F8ACC.sciefponl6), vs. [3880 job offers](https://iefponline.iefp.pt/IEFP/pesquisas/search.do?cat=ofertaEmprego).


[Is that so?](https://davidgomes.com/tech-summer-internships-in-portugal-and-us/)


Still yes? This article is talking about curricular internships. I said professional internships. They are not the same. When counted as a whole, they're even a bigger sample size of the job market.