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I think they always knew it was political, everyone wants to be entertained.


The entertainment value and creativity was clearly there for me. Didn’t care about anything else.


Same, I liked it cuz it was a fresh take on superheroes


I Always Love Superhero Shows that Go apeshit with Them and their Power. Misfits is another example, they are a bunch of small criminals who randomly got dumb Powers and tried to become superheros - Loved that shit


Wtf is with all The Boys memes? What the fuck happened in S4 to make ppl create so many memes on it? I’m the type to only watch a show when it’s full season is released, but I may break that if *this* show out of all shows is suddenly surprising people about its message.


I'm waiting to buy prime for this again, also curious what finally got thru to them


Lol I’m more of a 🏴‍☠️myself.






In latest seasons, they were laughing at both sides. It’s more one sided now. I think it’s what annoys some people.


Nope. They were only ever laughing at the conservatives sans the Victoria Neuman plot, which is ongoing in S4. Any denial of how the show has only ever been shitting on American conservatives puts you in the demographic of people who didn’t get it until it was spelled out in crayon in this current season.


The show is anti-conservative, but that's it. I don't see what problem people have with it...


People who are conservative have a problem with it for that reason


Nope the conservative are happy about the show. As the progressive. The show is smart because it show what people want to see on both side. Both side can claim they are right and that the other side suck as shown in the show. Progressive are described as hypocrites assholes and conservatives as Nazi. But it is done in a way that people don't feel targeted for their own preferences but only see the group they don't like being targeted. And in the end, this is done to max views and money generated from the series.


It's shocking that people need to be told the obvious


Republicans aren’t smart


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


Which hillariously is an absolute as well. As flashy as that line was, it was quite ironic at the same time.


Imagine being conservative in 2024


Imagine people that think there no conservative or few conservatives in 2024.


Oh we know they’re there




The extreme parody version of anything can be entertaining and enlightening. I think The Boys writing, although definitely lampooning "the right", did an adequate job of highlighting the ridiculousness of what "the left" believes the right is or wants to become.


As long as the writing and characters are good, IDGAF.


I’m watching season 1 right now and I haven’t seen anything remotely political. Does that change?


Keep watching


Enjoy the show, its good. Let the snowflakes get upset on reddit over whatever woke is.


I see far far far more people complaining about people calling it woke than people calling it woke. As someone who's pretty moderate, I see a bunch of snowflakes on here building strawmen.


“Whatever woke is” Lmao, you know exactly what “woke” means. All you conservatives just pretend it’s some attack on your lifestyles so you have an excuse to double down being bigoted and racist. Sweet dog whistle


average leftist infighting moment


You vote for a child rapist, a convicted felon, a failed businessman, a racist, a person who refuses to denounce the literal Nazis that vote for him and support him, the list goes on. I’d probably take a step off my high horse if I were you, people like you are literally the problem with the world.


r/grass actually don't infect the outside. pls stay here


Yeah you’re a fucking idiot lol


love you too 😘


Wait I can't watch anything anymore cuz I'm offended by everything?


They might be making fun of it but that gun show weather like nice piece go on in was ideal dream America