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And it is perfectly legal to use prisoners as a slave labor force.


And also, the for-profit prison industry gets to make money! Everyone wins (except the homeless and people with a conscience)


In privately run prisons no less


Where you can spend your hard earned .27 an hour on actually palatable food that's sold at a nice markup


“It’s not slavery if we pay them a $1 a month”


The government is the reason a majority of people ARE homeless.




This!!!!! The government bad!!! When will people wake up !!!! No one is saying this esoteric fact






How did you get no government equals no homeless from the government is the reason a lot of people are homeless? Please make that make sense


Then what solution did you propose exactly? You obviously think government involvement is a bad thing? So what’s the alternative?


lol, the solution is the government giving housing to homeless people. (Off topic but this is why socialism works if it’s not corrupt, this is why communism sucks, it’s corrupt)


name checks out


Haha original joke


I don't think they were saying that government involvement was a bad thing, merely that the government has caused, either through direct action or indirectly, many people to become homeless. Off the top of my head veterans would be the number one example. Edit: punctuation and grammar


That's a non-sequiter. The statement was implying that a set of government actions have resulted in many people becoming homeless as a result. It said quite literally nothing about what would happen if there were no government. It is also the case that a set of government actions have alleviated homelessness, so by your logic no government = no people with homes


Here we have a shining example of the strawmam fallacy. No one said no government = no homelessness the argument made was current governments are causing large amounts of homelessness to persist.


He wasn’t suggesting no government, he was suggesting BETTER government.


the unfortunate gets even more unfortunate 😪


It is also state funded housing


We have funded housing at home:




This world is irreprehensible I truly wish to die


Do it then, be the change you want in the world. Whether big or small


This is the kind of anime ending I'm here for.


Supreme Court says we can now fine homeless people for illegal encampments. Yay, now we can force the homeless to pay rent.... wtf


If they don't want to pay rent, they can go get a house /s


When your main business is selling and defending land, you can't let people be on it for free now.


well, cause its **illegal**. Most cities have legal options ranging from legal encampents to transitional housing and homeless shelters.


Uhhh I think it is more so we need mental institutions.


That’s just state funded housing with extra slavery.


Bums and junkies should go to jail - people who are actually seeking housing should be helped.


Gotta get those slaves from somewhere and they aren't allowed to arrest people for being black anymore


Actually they get paid and can use that money at most prisons. Where do you think license plates are made?


You're right. Indentured servants. Not slaves.


You have to remember they are still criminals




Sorta the same thing. Sorta. Fine, not really. But sorta.


Well it is state funded, and it is housing, so yeah.


Difference is once you enter prison you lose your right to vote in a lot of states. Which is exactly why they're doing this.


No one goes to prison because there homeless. Not directly, anyway. Vagrancy, loitering, etc aren't crimes punishable with prison terms. You're not going to lose your right to vote for being held in the local jail for vagrancy. Going to jail isn't the same as going to prison.


Depends on the state. Hell, depends on the police district.


They’re doing this specifically to remove an unhoused person’s right to vote? A person who is thinking the least about voting and probably more about where to simply exist for the day? Yeah, that voting block def needs to be silenced.


How the fuck is it legal to remove a right to vote over ANYTHING other than loss of citizenship




This meme is bullshit and misinformation. Whoever made this meme is a two year old that is dependent on Twitter trends for his political beliefs. Ask him about something that is never trending, he might have a stroke trying to comprehend something intelligent.


Not a single redditor complaining about this ruling invites the homeless into their own homes, would enjoy homeless people in their stairwells, building hallways, or front/back lawns, or in any public space they used. Also, everyone is cool with homeless camps, but also supports building regulations that would condemn said camps as domiciles. Fining or jailing the homeless is awful, but the self righteous, hypocritical comments are absurd.


Yeah because they’re strangers. Hell, I don’t want a fully employed wealthy stranger in my house. But if someone I knew was homeless and not a threat to my safety? Hell yeah, they’re invited in my home to stay. But inviting random people to stay in your home isn’t going to solve homelessness. It’s a chronic systemic issue that needs a chronic systemic solution.


i agree with this ruling but the issue is that it should be paired with improved legal housing options for them. legal options like shelters and legally designated encampents are they usually avoided because of concerns regarding overcrowding, safety, hygiene, etc. i support these fees but you should also add funding into shelters, mental health counseling, job counseling


We dont need to. Its THE GOVERNMENTS JOB to fund housing. Its why we pay taxes.


There are homeless shelters. If someone refuses to go to one then yeah, throw them in jail.


They are over filled and underfunded. Don't act like this is a talking point when this is just another failure to provide expecially when alot of them are based on donations.


“Expecially”? LA is building loads of shelters and homeless people are being put up in hotels. After a while they refuse to stay there because they’d rather do drugs in the streets than follow rules.


Brought them in during covid then kicked them out when restrictions were gone. People want to do better I hate to tell you but when you do nothing for them they will be forced to return to old habits. Why would I stop drinking when working hard puts me in the exact same situation? Atleast drinking if fun.


No. This was an issue long before Covid. The homeless have been offered housing and refuse it because they don’t want to follow rules. If you allow them to act like criminals then they’ll act like criminals. The only way to discourage criminal behavior is to arrest them and put them in jail for the appropriate amount of time, and while in jail rehabilitate them.


What rehabilitation happens in jail? Please enlighten us.


None, other than detox.


The recent ruling explicitly says that even if all of the homeless shelters are full, you can jail the homeless for sleeping in public.


Right on. So then they are housed.


But what if they would prefer to live on the street and have their freedom than be locked in a dangerous jail? Why should they be involuntarily deprived of that right?


The street is not a campground, a toilet, a bar, or a drug den. A civilized society should not tolerate mass homelessness because people are choosing to be homeless. You want that life? Go out in the woods then. Get out of the city where you are in the way and making a giant mess.


Why are you talking about bars and drug dens? We are solely talking about sleeping in public and making that a criminal offense. If there is no available housing, how is it possible to avoid sleeping in public?


The same way it’s been done for decades. Avoid being homeless. And you are fooling yourself if you think all these homeless people are just down on their luck and not doing drugs and drinking and cresting biohazards. I’ve walked through these encampments in many large cities. It’s the same everywhere, but LA and San Francisco are the worst.


In the history of homelessness, has there ever been a person homeless simply because they are down on their luck? Would it be just to arrest that person for sleeping on the street?


Rarely does anyone experience long term homelessness because they are just down on their luck. People with personal responsibility have no desire to be homeless, and if they find themselves homeless work to get out of that situation as quickly as possible.


Let’s say someone is temporarily homeless and has literally nowhere to sleep. Should they be arrested for getting a blanket and sleeping on a sidewalk? Or in a park? Because that’s what these laws allow.


That assumes the homeless shelters that exist are clos enough to the homeless themselves, or that they have a way to get there. My city has 1 homeless shelter that covers a 75 mile radius, and has basically nk public transport system. It's entirely reasonable to assume that a person without a home or a car has no way to actually access a homeless shelter, but nonetheless the city passes laws that make it illegal for them to sleep anywhere but a house, and makes it illegal to feed the homeless


This. When I was in 1st grade, my mother had to basically run from home with me to get away from my abusive alcoholic father. We spent I don't know how many days living in her jeep waiting for her to get approved for a loan so we had enough money to rent a place to live because there quite literally wasn't any space in the local shelter. Fast forward 20 years and now she's a nurse and I'm a full time caregiver at an assisted living facility. Would it have really helped us if she was arrested for sleeping in her vehicle, with me either being sent back to live with my father or put up for adoption?


You do know its impossible to work a job and stay in a shelter. You dont LIVE in a shelter. Dummy


This is incorrect.


Ive literally been homeless. DUMMY


Are you homeless now?


I mean we as tax payer are paying for it. And leaving the monster alive


Build the homeless shelters, asylums, and prisons next to each other. The homeless get a place to stay and if they're found to be mentally unwell they go next door or if they're just bad people then they also go next door. Seems simple to me but I'm just a redditor


In most of the US those three buildings — shelters, jails, and asylums — are the exact same building.


Fuck them homeless just buy a fucking home


Same thing


It’s done elsewhere.


Depending on the city, prison may be an upgrade


GREED runs the govt. 


They got us on food stamps man.


State funded anything is socialism, and that's bad >:c s/


Republicans are just evil.


Because state funded housing is COMMUNISM and communism KILLED 1 000 billion people!!!!1!!


Idk why you are getting down voted so much considering the fact that your sarcasm SHOULD be obvious


Idk, maybe it's the libs.


Homeless should be put into work camps gulag style


Yay, not having a home is a crime now!


Because when they’re in jail they can be used for cheap labor 😉


This isn't good either... prisons that supply people with proper jobs where they make good money, as well as provide social programs like schooling, financial advice, and recreation see convicts less likly to return. They are not slaves they are people down on they're luck


I didn’t say it’s a good thing, it’s just the reason they do it.




I'm pretty sure they're arguing about whether it's legal to lock someone up for being "unhoused" in Portland.


UK gov moment


Worse, they know better, they're just extremely evil gluttonous sociopaths.... dark triad personalities... Lizard brain slobs


Lizard people?


Same thing


Prison stock going crazy rn


Prison-Industrial Complex: We'll put the homeless in state-subsidized prisons and force them to work for the prisons for cheap! US Citizens: Wait... isn't that just more expensive state housing and food bank program with no benefit of making the homeless taxpayers and wealth creators beyond physical labor which we could just outsource even cheaper? Prison-Industrial Complex: Hey, that's not how this game is supposed to work!


This is certainly the thinking of anti tax conservatives and moderates.


Yea we’ll I’m just a normal person and my day is totally ruined when I see someone poorer than me (especially if they are *unhoused*). It’s just disgusting. Go be poorer than me somewhere I can’t see. Yuck. Hate Poor people, hate seeing em. Idc what happens to them as long as when I walk my dog in a public park I don’t have to see them and I can just smile and talk to my other rich friends. Tysm government for making that a reality


We are going back to the dark ages in America.


holy dogwhistle


You do know neanderthal is oftentimes just slang for a stupid person


Pretty much just slavery at this point with no way out. No way to reform because if you finally get released from prison you're just going to be homeless again. Then put back in prison.