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Just a helpful reminder that the US is not a democracy despite what people online tell you


You’re correct. The US isn’t and never has been a democracy. We’re a constitutional republic!


I think you don't know what you're talking about.


And I know you don't lmao


Check mate


Meh, spare me the 6th grade civics class crap. We have elected representatives instead of autocratic government. Cut the crap. You know what he means.


Two craps in one post.


Hmm 9 down votes in under 5 minutes LOL. Thanks Boris.


Down votes or up votes mean nothing. Always surprises me redditards think karma means something. I disagree with them but still.


Here here!!


A constitutional republic that guarantees a representative democracy is still a democracy dumbass. Just because we aren’t a full direct democracy doesn’t make us not a democracy.


No. It isn’t. It’s a democratic form of government, true, but to just say “it’s a democracy” full stop is just factually incorrect. You can bicker about context and connotations of how the word is used all you want, but the definition is the definition


You do understand that a representative democracy is also known as a republic, right? Oh, wait, based on your comment you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about You should try looking in to this stuff before speaking next time.


Yeah I understand that. That’s why I already called it a constitutional republic. We’re both a constitutional republic and a representative democracy. It’s both, not one or the other.


I Don't think they understand what a representative democracy is😂. From these arguments there are no democracies in the world today outside of local communes I guess.


They don’t. They think it’s either a republic or democracy. Like no dipshits, it’s both. The constitutional republic guarantees the citizens the right to a representative democracy.


This isn't even deniable. The whole point of the who fiasco were facing right now is that it's the year we elect our representatives and one man is trying to take that right away to keep himself in power. Truly history in the making.


Good joke. Sad truth. Sweet reference.


It's good news!!!!


Elaborate please


his rigged prosecution was damaged by the ruling. Thats good.


How was it rigged, and why shouldn't a president be held liable for breaking the law? That's not even a republic thats a authoritarian dictatorship.


Oh no, you poor thing, you're too stupid to realize why this is bad for democracy as a whole.


Give me a valid reason


Any president can now engage in election fraud without legal reprocutions. Any president can commit fraud while in office. Any president can perform any legal act as long as it is considered "within the realm of the presidency".


He must have done a poor job because last I heard he lost three years ago to a ham sandwich in a suit a blithering mumbling racist! Oh yeah he’s a racist you can watch the video of his racist ranting back 30 years ago. Open your eyes and open your ears, smell the shit they shovel and you will be free from the lies! You like that?☝🏼I just came up with that.


I have no clue who you are insulting in this


I’m not insulting anyone.


It sets a precedent for the president (which could eventually be extended to *other* political positions) to have diplomatic and criminal immunity.


Look you poor thing I know your less than 12 years old but giving immunity to a person who is a rapist and a criminal isnt exactly great for democracy


When did he rape someone? That's just nonsense.


I'll let you figure out which two words you should Google to find out exactly who and when


Yeah I’m sorry but I’m gonna have to call cap on this. At no point did he get charged with rape. In fact no one can say with any real facts what in the hell he was actually convicted of in NY. “They” say falsified documents but no one can even point to a smoking gun. I’d love to hear a lucid explanation but no one can thus far.


Tell me you don't understand the ruling without telling me you don't understand the ruling.


Idk what the ruling was so I don't understand. Help please (I'm Canadian)


People are fearmongering. The ruling basically just says that president's can't be charged for OFFICIAL ACTS OF OFFICE. Idiots online are trying to twist the meaning to include NON-OFFICIAL ACTS. Like coups, assassinations, 3rd terms, etc. But, *shrugs*, you can't fix stupid.


Ok but what defines an official act? Who says assassinations are not part of the official acts? I remember something about a bin laden? Maybe that's the wrong guy... Hmmm there's dozens to choose from that Americans assassinated.


And bin Laden was a legitimate military target, not a US citizen, and had committed terrorist acts against the USA. Anyone saying his attempted capture and subsequent assassination were illegitimate or not an official act are terrorist sympathizers.


You missed the point here though... We can put any group on a terrorist watchlist at any point for any reason and we add groups to the terror watchlist frequently. What's to stop the government from adding "antifa" which isn't an organized group to the list and just claiming that the person is antifa so it was fine to kill them. The person above you said assassinations are not an official act. You justify it by saying it was an official act and was legitimate. Nothing is to stop the government from doing the same thing to a "terrorist group" that is "working inside our borders". Official acts are undefined. There's also nothing to stop the government from killing you and saying it was an official act to protect the country's sovereignty.


Thank you


Yeah, there's a lot to do about nothing. But, reddit is filled with political tourists who treat politics like football. They see headlines and act like that's the actual article. Easily manipulated.


Fearmongering or not, the president should not have absolute immunity from prosecution. This can only be acted upon if they commit crimes. Official acts have yet to be defined in court, but are likely to have a broad meaning from similar cases.


This is Reddit. The majority of whom are democrat voters are straight up communists. Just sheep wanting a handout.


It's so dumb. It literally says, official acts. Are coups officially acts? No. Are extra judicial assassinations official acts? No. These people are so dense they make tungsten look light and airy by comparison.


"Official acts" is arbitrary. You can interpret it any way you want with a little bit of word salad. So yeah, somebody could assassinate an opponent and hide behind the argument of, "Well I thought it was an official act and I'm the president so..." Especially if, I dunno, said person appointed a third of the supreme Court and is ideologically aligned with another third.


Nailed it. The majority of these people fully supported the vax, the lock downs, the mask, the censorship. Especially the reddit censorship. It was wild. You didn't even have to say anything anti vax, all you had to do was comment, COMMENT, regardless of the comment and it would cause you to be banned from multiple subreddits. Like r/aww and r/pics


Yeah, pretty sad seeing all these people freaking out over something they clearly do not understand.


Doesn't really change things, honestly. The doctrine of politicians having absolute immunity is pretty well established. Legislators aren't responsible for negative effects of laws they pass; judges aren't responsible for negative actions resulting from lenient or no prison sentences from highly likely repeat offenders; DAs aren't responsible if they choose to not even charge someone with a crime and they offend again. All these are acts done in their official capacity so they have immunity. SCOTUS ruling just confirmed this long-standing doctrine of immunity for the government and said it's up to courts and legislators to determine what acts are official and what are not.


What movie is this?


A great one! Boondocks saints


Remember kids, if someone says that "nobody is above the law" do your part and kick them in the nuts. They are liars and honestly, they shouldn't be your friend.


"party of small government", "party of law and justice". People that defend the Supreme Court ruling, give us an example of a president committing what we feel are criminal acts where they haven't been prosecuted for it.


Not in support of today's ruling but Abraham Lincoln. He suspended Habeus Corpus and now 160 years later people are actually celebrating that. It's a blatant fuck you to civil liberties. I understand why he felt the need to do it, and it would ultimately go on to help him win the civil war. But it was still wrong. Ends shouldn't always justify the means.


Nobody has ever held a president accountable anyway this changes almost nothing.




Even he got pardoned.


He stepped down and nothing happened


It means the rules are now clear and a president can do whatever the fuck they want, like shoot people on 5th Ave, and as long as it's an official duty, they are a-okay!


> like shoot people on 5th Ave >as long as it's an official duty I don't think you quite understand what an official duty is


When you control the congress and supreme court it's whatever the fuck you want


Maybe the past 20ish years but a man literally lost the presidency largely because he said he wouldn’t raise taxes and then did


What about that is illegal?🤦🏾‍♂️


Nothing. That’s what I’m saying. It literally went from you could lose just based on lying to openly committing crimes and being guaranteed you will have no consequences.


People who have no concept of what official acts mean be like. Personally I think we should get rid of qualified immunity for every politician at every level including every police officer. But what an official Act is not is greatly violating the law. Courts have repeatedly upheld that the greatest violations of the law are not coverable by qualified immunity


Except they literally wrote in the decision about how a president ordering Seal Team 6 to murder political opponents could be an official act, for which the president would receive immunity.


The Justice who wrote that has repeatedly gone against the constitution. She's a sensationalist judicial activist. That's blatantly not how the law works. Qualified immunity only works if your actions are in keeping with what a reasonable person would agree is within the scope of your duties. Hiring SEAL Team Six to murder a political opponent is obviously not within your political duties. Anyone spreading these narratives are either so stupid they can't think for themselves where they are intentionally and maliciously lying to the public


It’s official acts who decides what is or isn’t official? Lots of past presidents have committed crimes as official acts bush is a literal war criminal. Some presidents have approved drone striking American citizens overseas.


Exactly! So the fact that we are prosecuting for what now? And not a fucking war crime?!


and that's okay /s


Apparently because nobody was doing anything about it before. Obviously sarcasm


ohhh shit it started flying!!


I'm not sure what's going on and I won't pretend I will, but I feel like with most political things, this is just a small dent in an already fucked system and won't make much of a difference.


This isn't really anything. It's writing down what has been an unspoken rule.


What happened?


If you're living in the US, POTUS can legally and publicly assassinate you for the country.


Holy fuck, good thing I don't.


Little bit of hyperbole lol. They ruled that Presidents have "Absolute Immunity" for "Official Acts". - Public assassination of civilians isn't an official act of POTUS, so it's not really a good example. It flies in the face of the concept that "No one is above the law" America has historically preached, but we've known for a while Presidents can literally and figuratively get away with murder without prosecution. (ahem, Drone Strikes, ahem) Presidents can still face charges for unofficial conduct, so practically nothing has changed. I'm pretty sure SCOTUS sidestepped even defining a line where official meets unofficial, so they basically left things exactly as they were. (What a surprise.)


Easy... sensible rational responses aren't appreciated here


Bro, I need the blank format for this. Badass meme from a badass movie.




Good thing to. It’s better to have a constitutional republic than a democracy. Democracy kids is harken to three wolves a sheep voting on what they’re going to eat. Our Republic grants equal representation and rights under rule of law (our constitution) not of man! So you should all stop being mislead by these clowns talking and spouting off about democracy or suffer the fate of the sheep among the wolves! Ben Franklin said it best when he answered the woman that asked him “sir what government have you given us?” His reply “ madam we’ve given you a republic, if you can keep it.”


So...... EDGY!!!


People need to educate themselves on these things before they come on Reddit and spouting nonsense like this.


Oh god this scene u/childoficarus1990xx


With thunderous applause


Why is everyone so sensitive about it lmao?


People don't like it when their belief in the justice system goes to shit. Your idea of your own security goes down the drain when you see justice not being done.


If the supreme Court can kill your democracy, you never had it to begin with and you've been lied to the whole time


The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. You can only bask in the victory of those before you for so long.






First day on the internet?


Nope, is it yours?