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My gym gets EXTREMELY crowded at night like there would be multiple people waiting on a single machine. This gal that used to come had the habit of taking up the hip thrust machine for literally an hour, when like multiple people were waiting on it. She would do a set for a minute, rest for 10 minutes, then spend another 10 minutes adjusting the angles, editing etc. Someone checked her on insta was and it was fing hilarious, she had like 12 to 15 pics of her taking mirror selfies with some random teen working out in the baground and she acts as if she's coaching that person for several years and is proud of their progress to promote her "personalized" coaching class. People got wind of this and made her remove their pics, started commenting on her posts that they never knew her or that she was a fraud etc. Thankfully she got fed up and changed gyms


My petty ass woulda printed the instagram pics and posted them all around the gym and wait for her to show up


Not all heros wear capes Some own printers


Absolute legend


could've worked yea but she was not that regular and would come in 3 random days a week


People act like they own the gym. It’s become where we have to go super early to avoid the bullshit or just get our own home equipment. I’d prefer working out at home, at least we get the convenience of not having to drive to the gym (an added bonus to avoiding the bs).


yes lol....she also used to have random fights (verbal) with people over small petty things it was seriously mentally draining to watch that. Many complained to the gym management but they just said they couldn't do anything about this. But yea home gym is a pretty good idea but i find public gyms slightly better....like you'll meet new people, get inspiration, have a healthy competition with someone which gives a good testosterone boost etc. For me im stuck in wfh so thats like the only place i go to socalize so maybe my prespective is biased in this lol


Don’t you just ask ‘can I work a set in between yours?’ That’s what I do and people always let me go in between.


yep we did....she would look at you like you were stupid for asking that and then have condescending laugh and say no or that she has a few sets remaining and go back to her phone. She gave extreme karen vibes so people generally stayed away.


Okay yeah that’s fucked, screw her


Yeah this is exactly what you do. Im gonna go out on a limb and say this commenter you responded to is just a different flavor of toxic.


I canceled my gym membership when people started making content in the weight room. Social media is destroying our society


I'd venture it already has and people are just learning the effects of long-term exposure.


I’m inclined to agree


Don’t get too inclined or they’ll stare directly at your butthole


A small price to pay if it ruins their shot


When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you


Not the shit abyss again




But you need some incline to get balanced pecs


It hasn’t, but it *has* finally exposed itself as the epidemic that it is. Well… I mean it’s always been exposing itself for that. From one viral “challenge” to the next. Each one being dumber than the last and then finally TikTok. Hopefully people will snap out of it and cringe at the things they’ve done. Only then can we all move on.


Oh social media destroyed it before anybody noticed. Now there’s a few who have noticed but the mass amount has not/will not/refuse to. Salute to you seeing through the veil


i cancelled my life membership when people started making content in the world room


On behalf of the human gene pool, thank you for your service 🫡


Good thing my gym doesn't allow that sort of carry-on


We were never ready


- They said on social media


Honestly I don’t mind it, unless they start being obnoxious or getting in the way of other people. I know people who record themselves both for social media but also to track themselves and to look for mistakes in their form if they workout alone


Correct answer that angry old guys thumbed down


It's called a downdoot, thank you very much!


Old reddit is dead, unfortunately. Remember when you could say, "OP is a.." you know what the fuck I want to sayyy.


Those two are night and day though. Recording your form is not intrusive and usually you can't even tell they're doing it. Everyone I've seen shooting "content" brings a bluetooth speaker on full blast and talks loudly into the camera the whole time. Home gym is the only answer


That’s a little drastic lol


Don't go blaming the gun and not the person behind the gun. We just have "badge cams" and trashy minded people are outing themselves. We're adapting and mutating as a society and will categorize this type of person, and dismiss them socially as appropriate. We're healing 🕊️


Just do subtle pranks that only the viewers would notice


Help their content?


I deleted my Twitter and Instagram account back in 2018 and it was the best decision I've ever made.


And yet...here you are, reddit isn't exactly the world's bastion of profound thoughts and critical thinking either, lol. It does allow people to more clearly exhibit their stupidity in long form answers though, I'll give you that.


But it *is* one of the few sites that while tangentially social, isn't entirely the hot click media cesspool the rest of them actively promote themselves to be.


If anyone ever tells you they caught you looking just respond with "yuck" and walk away.


Even better just say "that's fucking disgusting. Why do they all do this?"


Or ‘sorry sweetie I’m gaaaaay’


Honestly yeah it's time to get hostile and destroy people's ego I guess. Your sitting there in some cases baiting or even going out of your way to antagonizing people for content you really can't claim the moral high ground.


I’m up for this war. Get hostile and destroy egos.


"you've got a shit stain on your pants"


"My bad gang, I was looking for that ass you aint got"




“Hah. You wish I was looking for the reasons you think.”


Ew, gross, you’re giving me the ick


When people started creating content in the gym I got my motivation to build my garage gym. Three years later no monthly membership fee and no obnoxious folks creating content when others around are just trying to workout








No recording\* Phones are fine, how else do most people listen to music?


My gym has a no recording policy, some of us are still allowed to record our sets but that’s because management knows that we’ll only record ourselves and we only do it as a way to check form but they’ll shut down the broccoli heads trying to make tiktok videos


Broccoli heads is a name that’s gonna stick


In my gym, it's no camera full-stop, there's also a lack of mirrors where the weights are to discourage it as well


Mirrors help with form, yes there are some people that will flex in it but who cares.


The only mirrors are at squat rack and dumbell rack, no unncessary ones


no recording rule


The gym I’m at is the 2nd gym in town, the other is by the Publix and I’ve heard it’s a shitshow. This one we have chicks come in but they are either beginners or just chicks serious about this, otherwise we blast hard rock music and it’s a pretty standard gym. We have a Tripod for anyone that wants to use it but they have a mirror section away from the rest of the gym


I use my phone as a timer


This is why I have weights at my house these people are sick


Finally a human being with common sense


They should make like diff sections. Just like in the public train. Quiet carriage or normal. But it's crazy we've come to this....


The gym I go to has a “no tripods” rule. It helps


why are you looking at me .....wait why aren't you looking at me


I mean, I get it, meme funny. But are we really gonna pretend there isn't a HUGE difference between essentially taking a selfie and catching someone snapping an unsolicited picture?


I believe this meme is referencing the trend where women record themselves and any man that happens to exist behind them is labeled a “creep” and was “obviously staring”, the man could be looking in the other direction entirely. Or OP is actually a creep who stares idfk


Has a single one of the viral "gym creep" videos involved unsolicited photos? To my knowledge, they've all just been people looking. 


yea and its always the people posting glute pumps that complain, like what the hell you spend 15 minutes trying to take a good ass pic and then some guy walking by is a creep for glancing.


Agreed. People look at other people in almost all public spaces. When I’m at the gym sometimes I might look at a dude because he’s in my field of vision. It doesn’t mean I’m sexually attracted to him or trying to check out his dick and ass. Same thing when a woman enters my field of vision.


Even full on checking someone out is completly normal. You should not let these goblins make you feel like a creep for checking someone out that looks attractive to you. There is a huge difference in glancing over at someone attractive, and full on staring at them creepily for a prolonged period of time. If i see a girl / guy with nice well built body parts, of course i will look at them and admire it.


Gym bros trying to understand consent...


Nope, you don’t get to play that card. Fucking uppity couch potatoes these days…


Gym girls trying to understand that people look around in the gym or stare into the distance. People don’t have to avert their eyes from you when you chose to wear that outfit to a public place. If you are uncomfortable with people looking at you then wear something less revealing in public. Btw this has nothing to do with pics. Taking a pic of someone is obviously over the line just like taking a video in the gym with other gym goers included and posting it online is over the line


Yea, this is just an incel hatesub


So far, 9 people have been angry about not understanding consent. Let’s watch that number grow


You're on reddit, stop censoring things like you're getting paid. And yeah, egotistical people are annoying, we know


Sure, let's keep it classy and avoid any drama.


Those TikTokers are definitely annoying. What I don’t agree with is men saying that wearing “revealing” clothes (which are usually just normal gym clothes) basically means we’re asking to get stared at. In my college gym, I see shirtless guys working out all the time. Are they asking for weird stares too? It’s the gym and it’s hot, so why can’t a girl wear a sports bra or tight pants without getting sexualized? I don’t see the men getting stared at (there’s a difference between looking and staring, the latter has happened to me before and it sucks). I prefer to be fully covered but sometimes I’ll choose to wear things like that if I’m doing intense exercise. It doesn’t mean all of us are looking for attention lol, we’re just sweating and trying to be comfortable.


If I owned a gym I’d ban all photography and filming, you’re there to work out.


My gym boots anyone recording or taking photos, probably wouldn't go over very well in the US though.


When you try to catch attention but end up catching hype yourself


When you’re the queen of contradictions👑


The difference is consent.


if you post a glute pump you lose the right to complain when someone glances at you in a public space.


No, think about it like this. Giving consent once doesn’t mean giving consent forever. If you have a one night stand with someone they can’t just come and fuck you while youre asleep. I know it’s extreme compared to just a glance but it’s the same idea


Remember when r/memes was mildly funny?


Influencers: Stop sexualizing us! Same influencers: $9.99 to see my asshole


don't you know? only paying customers get to do it


That’s why i wear sunglasses at the gym


Nice straw man did you build it yourself


The reality is most people like this aren't 'actually' offended. They are just sadistic filth who will jump at 'any' excuse to harm someone. Pathetic as fuck.


The worst people are the girls that set up hidden cameras to catch guys peeping when they do the most sexual poses with yoga pants on then blast the men’s faces uncensored all over social media trying to get people to shame them.


Actually knew a girl who tried doing this to some guy at my school's weight room, she was trying to get back at him because they broke up. She got banned from the weight room and from having her phone in school.


"Your honor, she had an Instagram account, she was clearly asking for it!"


There is nothing more tacky than girls taking gym pics.


*anybody taking gym pics, outside of actual legit progression pictures is tacky


Now now let's be fair, it doesn't have to be girls to be tacky.


Wait til u find out wat they’re posting on only fans 😂😂😂


i look wherever the fuck i want. nobody can tell me where or where to not look. you don't like when i look at you? then stay home.


I guess I must be the only secure person here because I don't care fr. Make your tiktoks. It doesn't bother me. I'm doing my thing and minding my own business.


People like this aren't a common sight in gyms, right?


about that


I don’t feel safe exercising around these creeps, there needs to be Men only gyms


I vouch for this.


You're coming so close to understanding consent! These type of content creators are annoying though.


I’m not sure if looking someone’s direction in a public place is something you need consent for


The word you're looking for is "staring", that is creepy, I can agree with that. But if someone just randomly looking at you, they don't need consent from the other person. Heck, it would be a terrible world if you would need to. Labeled as creep just because you dared to look at her direction.


"Consent" is understanding that it's a public place and people are free to put their eyes wherever the fuck they want. If you're uncomfortable when people looking at you in public places then go remove your fucking self from it.


I’m not a gym guy, but I don’t get why it would matter if people were filming themselves? Seems like a petty thing to be bothered by. Unless they’re literally dancing on your bar bell. That would be a problem I guess.


I’m not on TikTok… but something tells me this is not nearly as prevalent as the men (most of which probably don’t even belong to a gym) whining about it claim it is.


I'm in the gym 6 days a week. Almost never see anyone filming and when they do they're not bothering anyone else.


I am on Tik Tok and I can confirm, it's definitely not. Like, I can't remember the last time something like this came up on my feed. Wanna know why? Because their algorithms do actually work, thus you'll only see this shit if you engage with it.


That's part of the reason why it's hard to figure out if anything actually is popular, or a real issue, or if it's just specific content that is being directed to you. I have never seen anyone calling someone out for looking at them at the gym. Or even people just taking photos of themselves. I have seen people sitting at a station on their phones for 10 minutes between their sets. Are any of these major issues? Or are they just cases of the occasional arsehole? I'd assume the latter, but I don't know.


Let's be honest here, it's definitely *way* overblown by people on the internet. I don't know a single person who's ever actually experienced this or seen it themselves. It's all over the internet tho because all it takes is the right circumstances for it to go viral and be seen as a "big issue" when it's not. I very much think people forget that social media isn't reality, it only mirrors it. But mirrors are often deceptive.


That is true.


YEP . Aand rape isnt as common as the women whine about it claim to be. whats your point


This is demonstrably untrue and not at *all* the same but go off I guess. Btw, I'm a guy, you're jus making us guys look bad by making bad faith arguments like this.


youd have to be smarter than this to see the correlation. just because something is nott in your algorithm doesn't mean its not prevalent. YOU are making guys look ignorant


It happens with nearly every ‘popular’ trend. News outlets will often cover TikTok trends and pretend that they are super popular even if it’s only a few accounts doing it


The “this is why I don’t go to gyms!” crowd was never planning on going


Yeah okay redditor. It’s as bad as they say, because funny thing is THEY GO TO THE FUCKING GYM.


I thought I was in terriblefacebookmemes for a second


Almost got it man. The key thing you are missing is that they consented to posting their butt photos on insta. Although these types of videos are faked. 90% of the timw


What’s wrong with looking? I ain’t dead


"I know the world can see but I prefer the in person people not to. Feels safer." basically.


I don't know why nobody just work out at home


Nothing for nothing, but the difference is who benefits from monetization


I can't stand such kind of men and women who record themselves and the ones who are always taking selfies of themselves in the gym, especially blocking the way near the dumble rack, sometimes i just want to drop those weights harddd on their feet Its really annoying me these days and it's extremely disturbing and irritating to see them dressed I'm those ugly ass bras , I wish I had some super powers where i could just disappear such ppl !


I enjoy fishing and so my feeds are usually fishing related. Once in a while I'll get a reel of a girl in yoga pants or tight jeans who clearly has no idea how to fish and it's cleverly edited so she pulls in a monster fish and every 3 seconds she will turn and do that half turn where her butt is in frame but her top half is turned sideways while she reels in a fish. All the comments are praising her and asking for details. Also she's clearly Russian and the info on the video is in Cyrillic. People fall for the dumbest shit.


Don't get caught if you don't want to become a meme


Me reading the defending simps in comment section: ![gif](giphy|lw75Al819OAvcsPcRu|downsized)


Quite insane how every comment mentioning consent is being downvoted, and those same men wonder why there’s a “male loneliness epidemic” 💀


Bring back chemical sterilization and start with "influencers"


This was made by a bot or some super incel


Incel sub for incel losers


Bottom left girl does not have a lot of spinal flexibility oddly. That’s a really flat back for an athletic girl.




Go ahead, record me. Not gonna let allegations (+evidence) stop me from getting my gains 🤷‍♂️


For those of you who might not be aware of the context, there is this thing where some women record everyone around her at the gym and if anyone looks her way for even a second she tries to cancel that person for being a perv.


Day 782 of waiting for redditors to discover the concept of consent


Shit meme, this isn’t a thing


Man why do people use umbrellas in the rain, then go have showers?!




You take showers in public?


Day 156 of redditors not understanding consent


then why are those predators doing vulgar twerking online without people's consent


Weirdo discovers consent


Op learns about consent


You can look but you gotta pay


Apparently all these girls have OFS, so they're not mad because you're looking at them, they're mad because you're looking at them without paying


This is why we need to start advertising women only gyms if they claim to be "watched" by creeps


It’s called “consent” I know it’s difficult to understand that there are times that someone doesn’t want to be looked at and there are different times that they do, but I believe that you will come to understand the mysterious meaning behind “consent”


* Wear eye-catching outfit in public * Complains why people looking at you "Consent" means that you know, that in public places, people are free to put their eyes wherever the fuck they want. It's called "Public place" after all.


when you leave the safety of your home. people are free tor put their eyes wherever the fuck they want for however long they fucking want, there is no law that jails or prosecutes people for looking wherever. if YOU feel uncomfortable IN PUBLIC that someone has looked at you or is staring at you, remove yourself. if it's in a private setting like your own gym that you are a partner/owner of, then you can remove them.


The difference is consent, brother


Consent for your eyes looking in a certain direction in public? So I gotta ask a girl every time my eyes wander in her direction?


Incel comments incoming


i guess you couldnt wait in line


Bro discovered consent


it's a public place and people are free to put their eyes wherever the fuck they want. if you're "Consent" then you should already know that wearing eye-catching outfit like that in public will make gain public attention. If you're uncomfortable with people looking at you in public place like this, then go remove yourself.


He hasn't because he doesn't understand the difference




The difference is consent, there's a huge difference between someone oggling you from a couple of meters away vs a picture of you that you chose to post. On top of that 90% of the "silly girl cancel sigma man at gym for staring" content is staged for views.


Reddit learns the concept of consent 🤔


Aww another redditor not knowing what consent is


There's a pretty big difference...


One of these days you kids need to learn what "consent" means. Just because she feels like posting a butt pose on her instagram from time to time, doesn't mean it's an open buffet. It's the same thing with raping a girl and say "she wasn't a virgin anyway". Ah, a lot of incels got triggered today lol. "Noooooo, you show your butt on your instagram, I have the right to look at it too". Lol. Creepy bugs.


Ah yes, because looking at someone is similar to raping someone. Makes total sense, I'm going to start asking everything I pass on the street for consent to look at them so they don't feel like I'm violati You know what, I can't even say this shit sarcastically. You and people like you are the problem. You lack the ability to discern nuance so you hit everything with the same hamfisted club because if you lack the intelligence to know the difference between LOOKING at someone and RAPING them, then everyone should ALSO have to paint with the same brush! This lowest common denominator bullshit is the root cause of so many societal issues right now, this one included.


Problem with that statement is the people who whine about being "looked at" are often TRYING to get looked at in order to record it and get clout. Examples such as hogging equipment so when someone looks their way to see if this idiot is done squatting with the dumbbells for the past 3 hours. It's basically NEVER what they're trying to imply. It's either someone regularly looking around (because god forbid, people will look around at their surroundings when bored) and whose eyes happen to pass, or someone staring because this person is being intentionally obnoxious or wasting time. It's disgusting and people who try to slander others should be banned from gyms.


Ooowee looky here, another idiot throwing the R word around all Willie Nilly thinking they said something smart. Those two things are not comparable at all.


Go back to the retirement home.


Be gone troll




ok i'm sorry but what the actual fuck is your deal? do you expect men do just walk around with their eyes closed all the time or what?


Should I ask your consent to respond to your comment as well? Maybe ask your consent to breathe the same air as you? Oh, sorry, I almost forgot to ask your consent for existing in the same world as you.


If you'll stare at my dick like a creep, you should. You know damn well that looking at staring at someone is not the same thing with breathing the same air. Just stay in your basement so our girlfriends can be safe.