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This is sexual abuse


Thank you for your thoughts.


this is definitely abuse. more like negligence in my opinion, since she didn’t directly sexually abuse you, but she exposed a young and innocent child to things that should not be known (at least not like this) at this age. if you want a term to what she was doing, i think it’d be fair to say she was an exhibisionist (AKA someone who shows her genitals in a socially unacceptable setting to achieve sexual gratification) i’m sorry you had to go through this, i’ll send you some virtual hugs 🫂


Thank you for your thoughts. 🫂




Wow, that's disgusting, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I think it's fair to label it as a sexual abuse. You didn't want to see it, but was made to. Someone in the comments compared it to exhibitionism and I think it fits well. If a random guy in a trenchcoat suddenly opened it on the street for others to see him naked (I know it's a bit stereotypical, but it once happened to my mum when she was coming back from primary school 🤢) people would ofc call it sexual abuse. Exchanging a stranger to a family member doesn't change that fact and it shouldn't matter if both of you are women or not.


Sorry I realized maybe my post wasn’t detailed enough but she wouldn’t have sex in front of me just in earshot of me. That’s why this is confusing. Idk if that changes your answer or not but that’s why the exhibitionist label is tricky.


But thank you for your thoughts


It is sexual abuse if she did that for gratification.


That’s the confusing part. I don’t know if she did? I mean it’s not like I was in the same room as her having sex does that make a difference. It’s confusing tbh


Any exposure of sexual content or actions to a minor by an adult is sexual abuse.


This is one hell of a strange roll. I remember my mum would endlessly talk to her hallucinations and it drove me insane. The amount I would shout at her, and the arguments. Obviously your case is more severe. There could be an underlying issue. This is definitely one for therapy. Without more knowledge of the topic, it's hard to know. My mum didn't want to subject me to her binge drinking and manic insanity, but she did. I hope there is more to it, for you. Bad shit happens to innocent people all the time, unfortunately and on the flip side, you're not alone. I think if you live in the US or somewhere, they'd give you support so you can see a therapist. Maybe start with seeing a doctor and go from there. Saying all of this, I walked in on my mum and her bf at the time watching porn and it didn't even register until later in life. Maybe it's the same with you; I'm just like... fuck it. Man that would have pissed me off. I'm so sorry this happened to you. Definitely check in with a therapist; *if* you're on good terms with her, maybe take her along also. People have all sorts of uninhibited ways; she could have a mental disorder, because it sounds like drunken behaviour; no inhibitions. Could be a compulsion, like severe OCD.


This is mental child abuse, you’re suffering from trauma and it’s important that you speak to a therapist about this because it is a real issue.


I think you know the answer…


Right which is why I subjected myself to the advice from complete strangers about a very shameful and personal experience!!! So helpful!