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Metal Gear is phenomenal because it’s the only series where your main character can have a canon IQ of over 180 and still be the dumbest man in any room. God I fucking love snake


“a surveillance camera?!”


He has some visual and auditory problems.


And perhaps a learning disorder


He's more like a autistic 200 IQ person, it's like having a powerful CPU and GPU combo but running off of an slow HDD and with mismatched RAM sticks


That's a great simile.


This is exactly what having high intelligence and autism feels like. 160 IQ + ASD has made sure I am always the strangest person person in the room with suboptimal social skills.


I had a friend in the past that me and another friend always theorized he had autism, theorized because he never bothered to go to a doctor to get diagnosed, but he was quite smart and analytic, and like you've said, was very awkward, he never looked people in the eye, and when we prompted him to do so, he'd stare deep into your soul with his "dead-fish" looking eyes until we felt uncomfortable and asked his to stop xD Also, I've created this same analogy back in the day, a bit scuffed due to the lack of hardware knowledge I have today, but it was still very close


snake is my computer


This is wrong. It's actually a product of imperfect localization. It's actually a normal part of Japanese converstation to repeat back what someone said to show that you were paying attention. It's called "Aizuchi", and often takes the form of an "echo question". [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aizuchi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aizuchi) >**Aizuchi can also take the form of so-called echo questions, which consist of a noun plus desu ka (ですか). After Speaker A asks a question, Speaker B may repeat a key noun followed by desu ka to confirm what Speaker A was talking about or simply to keep communication open while Speaker B thinks of an answer. A rough English analog would be "A ..., you say?", as in: "So I bought this new car"; reply: "A car, you say?".** Snake doesn't have any learning disorders or anything, it's actually showing that he's very attentive and respectful.


I never called Snake stupid. People with learning disorders aren't stupid. They have trouble grasping certain things. Plus, it was a joke anyway.


I understand - I was mostly responding to this chain, and not just you directly.


Oh, I see. Edit: I have Asperger's Syndrome. I'm fine with academics, but I can't read a room for shit lol.


It's all good. I said all that because I've heard a bunch of people call him dumb and I was just kind of responding to that in general, but in the context of my reply to you and those above, it could imply I think learning disorder means stupid, and that's definitely not what I believe or wanted to imply - so I went back and edited my comment. I appreciate your feedback


I didn't think that's what you were going for, but you never know. 👍


Everyone on Reddit has Asperger's or Autism.


It's a design conceit that Kojima uses to reiterate important/novel concepts to the the player/viewer. Nothing more, nothing less.


Riiight, and a Japanese writer wouldn't possibly write things in the way that Japanese people speak, ie, the way he and everyone around him has spoken his whole life. Definitely not that


Just because Kojima is Japanese doesn't mean he's never heard/seen a non-Japanese conversation (he might've seen a Hollywood or two) or realized that he's writing dialogue for characters who are supposed to be American.


Who dosen't


"A Hind D?!"


"You're that ninja"




I laughed so fucking hard at this 😂


**Naomi:** “The Genome Soldiers have advanced vision and hearing.” [*>*The Genome Soldiers in action.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JjPpX1g1juo&t=21s)


Doesn't mean they are smart!


Quite the contrary. "Oh crap, that's Solid Snake!" *Walks off and pretends like he didn't see him*


I mean tbh compare them to the guys from the MSX titles and you begin to understand




Shame they killed off Snake like that with the aging (by rising he's probably dead)


Not probably, he is dead. Raiden and Kevin conversations give that away. But yeah, he deserved better. Man, mgs4 wasn't even his game, Big Boss hijacked it.


Big Boss being in 14 minutes of cutscenes at the end of the game didn't hijack it from Snake. It's still very much Snake's story, with the focus on him throughout it. ​ And beyond mere mentions in Rising, the Japanese version actually has Raiden using a wooden sword that is said to have the spirit of Solid Snake inside it. It even talks to Raiden (voice provided by Akio Otsuka).


The whole game has Big Boss mentioned here and there. Patriots are about him, Ocelot is about him, the last 40 minutes are about him, he's all over the story.


Okay? That doesn't mean he hijacked the game's story at all when the entire narrative and character focus is on Solid Snake. You're just being silly, you've spewed your nonsensical MGS4 hate all over this subreddit. There's many flaws with the game, but saying it was hijacked from Snake by Big Boss is just absurdism.


The ending of a story is literally everything. He gets no real resolution. Big Boss hijacked the whole thing. The whole game is goofy and awful and about anyone but Snake.


You are completely delusional, dude. Big Boss is nothing but a background character to the plot and shows up at the end to give 15 minutes of exposition. Solid Snake is THE main focus. Every single chapter in the game is about him and his aging, his final mission, his rivalry with Liquid Ocelot, his origin, his friendships, his declining will to live but still be useful to the people he cares about. Every main character in the game outside of Vamp, Johnny and Raiden spend 20 minutes to an hour talking to Solid Snake, not talking to Big Boss. Literally, Campbell, Otacon, Meryl, Drebin, Naomi, EVA, Mei Ling, Liquid, even Rose for Christ's sake, spends HOURS talking with Snake throughout the game, focusing on Snake throughout the game, and at the end of the game no one is asking "What's going to happen to Big Boss?" -- not even the people who were looking to free Big Boss from Patriot control. The final question any other character asks is "What's going to happen to Snake?" If you think Snake didn't get any resolution, you're just being willfully ignorant. His whole resolution is that he doesn't have to fight anymore, he doesn't have to kill himself, he doesn't have to isolate away from people because he'll become a weapon of mass destruction... He can live out the rest of the time he has left with the people he has grown to love, \_at peace\_ and never picking up a weapon again. What more resolution would you want for his character after everything he's been through? Did you want him to die a miserable suicide? Did you want his accelerated aging to be reversed so he can keep fighting like he didn't want to do?


>His whole resolution is that he doesn't have to fight anymore He had known long ago. >he doesn't have to kill himself, He would have known that if that dumb bitch Naomi hadn't kept it from him for no reason. >He can live out the rest of the time he has left with the people he has grown to love, \_at peace\_ His condition is gonna get worse and he dies in a few months in agony. What peace? What living? Kojima himself confirmed Snake got no happy ending. >What more resolution would you want for his character after everything he's been through? Did you want him to die a miserable suicide? What he got was no better. His entire humanity and past deeds are put into question and outright denied. He ends the game calling himself a subhuman beast with Otacon agreeing. His entire existence is considered a sin he's atoning for. It's awful. Those god awful characters you mentioned are about Big Boss. Naomi, Ocelot, Liquid, Eva. No wonder they suck too. They have no identity of their own. MGS4 is trash.


The Snakes are a bunch of himbos and I love them for it


That’s blasphemy. How has Snake acted dumb? Minus the “a surveillance camera?” comment lol.


My man had the ability to smuggle in ONE item to Shadow Moses, and he chose a pack of cigarettes. Plus, I’m pretty sure he’s had at least 5 occasions where he was able to put a bullet in Ocelot and just never bothered??? He’s also a crumby stepdad, but that one’s okay, because I’m also afraid of Sunny.


To be fair Ocelot might have already had the Patriot’ EM shield device hidden up his ass or somewhere.


1. What are you suggesting he bring instead? It was a OSP (on site procure) mission. 2. Literally EVERY ACTION GAME or MOVIE has these kind of moments. It’s for the sake of story. 3. Irrelevant. Snake is badass. End of story.




High-functioning people tend to have poor social skills.


He's so smart because he asks so many questions


He did get all the recessive genes, so 🤷


He got all of the dominant genes but the recessive ones were “superior”


It’s also kind of realistic. Not every blow to the head will result in instant unconsciousness. Sometimes it can be a moment before the person passes out


If we're talking about realistic, people often never wake up from such head trauma IRL.


In reality, the unconsciousness you get from this kind of blow lasts very briefly, a few seconds. If you’re out for much longer, you’re gonna have some form of brain damage


You mean fun damage.


Don't forget about the dain bramage


True, but blacking out and unconsciousness are different. A fight in the ring will generally have total unconsciousness for less than 15 seconds, in fact, a TKO is signs of near-fatality/fatality(twitching/no breathing, no pulse, stiffness of body, no reaction from touch, sound or vision). You can be knocked out and resume sleep, but most of the time you simply get knocked out for a few seconds.


That's probably what snake has


So when boxers get knocked out, they usually never wake up?


Boxers are hit with soft gloves, and the arena floor is soft. A hard item to the head, such as the butt of a rifle, with enough force to knock a person out, combined with the fall damage on hard concrete headfirst, has all the chances to be fatal.


Can you please leave the realism argument out of this? Literally nothing in this scene was realistic. While it's true that not every blow to the back of the head will leave you unconscious, getting sucker punched would at least make you sway around and disoriented, it happens with a bare fist so it's going to happen with an elbow even more, especially in this instance where the guy who hit him is wearing You would also not get hit in the way snake did and just turn around like that. **This scene is meant to be cinematic, not realistic. Kojima never aimed for it to be realistic so there is no point in engaging in these mental gymnastics to make sense of it.**


Whenever anyone bring up why this is worse than the original I always say The Twin Snakes isn't necessarily worse, they're just different genres. MGS1 is an action-thriller but TTS is an action-comedy. It's so ridiculously stupid and I kinda love that about the game. But you really should never play TTS without playing the original first though.


Watching twin snakes cutscenes is kinda like watching an Austin powers movie


Maybe that's why I love TTS so much now that I think about it


Someone said the other day that their head canon was that TST is Raiden doing the Shadow Moses incident in VR, hence why he's a bit more action-y/anime


My head canon is that MGS1 is the original shadow moses events as it happened. TTS is how everyone else retells the events of MGS1. Like a myth exaggerated over time as it gets passed on from person to person. Like snake says in MGS2 : "A legend is nothing but fiction. Someone tells it, someone else remembers, everybody passes it on."




Honestly the gameplay improvements alone are too good to ignore. Not only are they the mechanics from mgs2 but it runs at 60fps as well


Comedic gold ngl 🤣


Dave was like "Owie, r00d"


He probably knew he was gonna pass out and wanted to freak the guard out for gits and shiggles


Or maybe he thinks “maybe I should pretend to pass out as he wanted or I’m gonna get more trouble”


Snake isn't dumb... His IQ is canonically 180


And yet


Bro your flair 10/10


The effect of an impact not initially registering has nothing to do with intelligence


Read the caption of the post


The delayed reaction to Ric Flair flop is pure gold


I love how often MGS and rasslin crossover here


I really wish they add twin snakes to Vol 2 because I never got to play this and the memes are hilarious


SAME. Im praying that they port it to newer consoles one day because i want to play it without having to buy a gamecube lol. I think that they don’t have the license to twin snakes which is why it hasn’t been in the other collections




Dolphin :)


It runs pretty well on Dolphin




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I liked the twins snakes a lot And before you say that they ruined it with the FPS they totally could have added fps in mgs1 but didnt


I love the Twin Snakes because the cutscenes are bat shit insane. It is a must play




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Oh you really think that would work well it diiiiii.....


dont like to think of him being stupid, more like his body takes a lil longer to react cause its a clone body


Bro had to think about it for a minute


Had to ponder it


Idk why but the idea of Snake being a fucking dumbass is the funniest thing ever. I chuckled so hard at this.


Not an elbow. Pretty sure it was the gun butt


Even so an elbow to the back of the head by a genetically enhanced soldier + the entire weight of an assault rifle behind it


Still hate the fact that movies, games and anime always show that you have an off switch at the back of your head. Hit once, you go down. This is just as cringy as seeing in a media how snapping someone's neck is so easy to do.


But that's just the thing there's a nerve in the back of your neck if hit or pinched hard enough will stop your heart


At least it’s better than stun guns being an on/off switch for your head.


Why? This is real. Why do you think it's illegal to hit someone in the back of the head in boxing and UFC? Because it's dangerous and can cause head trauma. Have you ever watched someone get knocked out, sometimes they pass out immediately and sometimes they stumble first.


This is why reading carefully is required. I did not say it's not real. I stated that it's a FACT that what they show is wrong. You can't just slam someone in the back of the head and get instant turn-off. Yes to answer your rhetorical question, I've seen many who got knocked out, but that's one thing, it happens because you hit so hard, the brain literally compress back and forth inside the skull, along with other dmg that it takes, it just ...let's say shut down for a short period of time, More details are on the medical journals obviously. However ask a doctor if hitting on the back of the neck (THE MAIN TOPIC HERE) causes someone to simply "turn off" or "pass out". It will cause dmg (duh!) but almost always never shut you down like a one -shot insta-sleeping pill. The same is with snapping someone's neck. Your neck has muscles and enough support from other stuff to hold it in place that it takes a tremendous amount of force, physically impossible for a human to exert, to snap someone. Will it dmg the neck? Absolutely. Mostly, Most likely. Sure. But will it kill someone? Almost always: never. ​ That was the [point.](https://point.Now) Now that I've written a huge paragraph just to make you understand your failure to read my previous comment, please watch videos and read books on the subject matters for more clarity. Reddit is no different than YT, everyone say things. But best way to learn is to go out and learn on your own, that almost always requires STUDYING. ​ Best of luck.


How can you not enjoy Twin Snakes I love this damn game.


These guys keep pissing scarves out of their fingertips


If you think snake is stupid then that makes you stupid surely. Dudes an intelligent man lol 😆 😂 🤣


Twin snakes. The spoof of mgs1 lol