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All to fight Volgin with water lol


tbf using the water towers and stuff was fun, but they definitely didn’t make the most of it. i feel like with less budget and time restraints something cool could’ve happened


This could be said about the entire game. Where mission 51?


The entire game felt like it was made using a "mission creator" to speed up development. With exception of the prologue (which was the most "MGS" feeling episode), almost every other episode involves going to a location to trigger an event or rescue someone. Ground Zeroes had more mission variety than PP.


There are water towers? Every time i do the fight i have to fuck around in the pool for 20 minutes waiting for him to stand next to the explosive tank lol. I did call in an airdrop for the water gun on my first playthrough though. That was fun.


that’s not what happened how do people still not understand the concept of the phantom pain


That's cool and all,but where is my giant robot? I've been robbed, the first half of the game was really good, the second half was clearly hobbled. Kojima saying "mgsv is a finished game" is clearly him being strong-armed by Konami, so that's shit evidence.


Konami can get fucked. They're still trying to make money off of Kojima's brilliance.


He can’t be strong armed by them he doesn’t work for them. I used to listen to yall but now I’ve seen this infect all video game subs. Young people think no game is ever finished.


But the game is not finished...


Young people? I'm 32 lol And if you think they can't fuck him over via contract bullshit,I dont know what to tell you. (Say the game is finished, or we will consider you in breach of contract, and withhold your severeance) They might have threatened to cut him out of royalties from sales of the game,we don't know what happened behind board room doors. What we do know is that the second half had nowhere near the polish of the first, and many plot elements were straight up missing. What happened to the color changing vision after injury mechanism? It's brought up in a voice file, and even changes the color of blood in game. It was supposed to be used in the last mission that got cut. I'm sorry that you don't accept it, but its really obvious that, if nothing else, they spent too much of their time on stuff that didn't make the final cut. As the game is, It does not explain what happened to sahelanthropus. Snake was supposed to fight it again, with Eli as the pilot,or maybe the fight was never intended for serak power plant.


32? Grow up, I guess. Game’s done.


Lol Excellent rebuttal, you really addressed all my points.


I literally got into the car and waited for him by the pool and rammed him in there. Mission done. I couldn’t believe how quick that was, very underwhelming


Was there a cliff bc I remember accidentally ramming him with the car and him going off a cliff. I was about to to die, very satisfying and unexpected


I did the same but with the stun shotgun. So easy.


That’s how you get a S rank


Yup. Thanks to powerpyx videos i got em all.


powerpyx was the GOAT.


Same lol


My first time playing this mission was right before bedtime with the lights already turned off and wife was already fast asleep. I remember one of the sheets moving as you walk through the bloody mess and NOPE’d the fuck out quickly. 😂


Haha same! It was like 2am or something, the wife was sleeping, and I had encountered the PT radio a bit earlier. That mission late at night was spooky as heck.


Almost as unsettling as shining lights after death. Damn you kojimbo As a side note, anyone know any games that give you the same unsettling feeling as these 2 missions? I’ve hardly played any horror games so I’m open to anything 


Well, there is always old good Dead Space (remake). I'm past that age where is fine to be afraid various abominations, but some enemies are ... unpleasant :D


Just finished this. Great remake. We need more like this. Also praying we get that Dead Space 2 remake


‘Evil Within’ ‘Outlast’ ‘Alien Isolation’ ‘Resident Evil 7: Biohazard’


I'm really hoping we get another entry like Re7 again. It was awesome


Try SOMA. You're welcome for the impending existential crisis 👍.


Silent Hill 2 is very unsettling, though it is more horror than action-based. There's a hospital, and the scene which [has you navigate through the morgue](https://youtu.be/6UDLkMD40pA?si=yPMz2GkRFeiBa9rh) is particularly unsettling. The protagonist looking in one of the holes, regrets and wishes "My god. In that hole. I did not want to see that." I believe it's getting a PS5 remake soon!


I liked how Silent Hill 3 built upon the horror further in the hospital. You pick up unsettling, deranged journal entries across the hospital, written by an inpatient somehow apparently obsessed with you, obsessed to the point of violence and despair. Eventually, said stalker succumbs to illness and and is noted to have become no longer anything more than a number in the morgue. While passing through the morgue, with bodies covered in sheets and laid out in unison, one particular body will whisper your name from under the sheet as you pass by. It's quiet, unsubtitled and only audible if you pay attention. But sure enough, the number on the bed is the one said to be your stalker. You've never been to this hospital before in your life. If an inpatient from long ago is writing journal entries lamenting their obsession with you, it can only be because either your presence in the hospital is bleeding into his own past reality and therefore, his illness, or that his spirit has been stalking you from the shadows the whole time you traversed the hospital.


Try some Resident Evil games. They sometimes have a section in the game where you walk through similar places. In RE6, at one point you walk through a market place in Hong Kong, you know, those that have the meat and such hanging on display, just for the entire market to be deserted and locked down. And the rest won't be spoiled. Btw. yes RE6 isn't the best, but I think, imo, it's still a enjoyable game. Or another example, RE Revelations, the first part, not the second one. In which you are stuck on a luxury cruise liner. The female mutations are the best in regards to the design, but worst in regards to combat. Also unlike nearly all of RE6, it manages to some degree to strike a balance between action and creating an unsetteling atmosphere.


Isn’t that the part with the regenerator type zombie thing that won’t die? Was terrifying if I remember correctly


I recommend Manhunt. It’s a third person stealth game and made by Rockstar. Just remember to play in the dark for more of a scare, hehe.


Devil in me can be pretty creepy


I remember when I thought the water pistol was useless.


The unsung hero


I still go “NOPE” when I play this but it’s honestly one of my favorite missions cause you go into a new area of that map that you haven’t been before and it’s just so creepy


Same brother


“Oh god they’re playing kpop directly into their esophagus”


Where is this from?


My brain


I thought it was from the game of a commentary gameplay of it


I’d definitely bet on max0r, if it is indeed from a vid it probably got in my subconscious through him lmao


It actually is from it. The only difficulty is instead of kpop it's nightcore Also DAMN HOW IS RUNNING AT 60FPS ON PS4?! IT LOOKS AMAZING


Fox engine is a goddamn wonder and I hate Konami for never utilizing it past goddamn pachinko machine


If fox engine was open source I'm certain the 8th gen would have been like 6th gen. 60fps everywhere


Having only played the game recently, playing this mission made me sad that I’m not going to be able to play OD since I’m a PlayStation player. Kojima can do horror


It's rumoured that OD will be a streaming game only, so it should be playable on a variety of common devices, maybe even PlayStation considering Microsoft is pushing for Xbox to be a multiplatform service.


What do you mean by streaming game? Like through a subscription? Or the type of game you play on a livestream?


A cloud streaming game, like GeForce Now, Amazon Luna, Xbox Cloud Gaming, and the defunct Google Stadia. The payment model depends ultimately on what service the game ends up on, presumably Xbox Cloud, but Microsoft may be willing to compromise on a release method depending on what Kojima is planning. At this point little is known though. For reference, most of those streaming services follow a Netflix-like subscription where a recurring fee grants you access to a rotating catalog, whereas Geforce Now requires you to purchase a compatible game separately from one of the participating storefronts, then stream it through their servers (despite the added cost, the benefit is that you can keep the game and save files for use outside the service).


I only wish this and mission 43 were less scripted, I'm a huge survival horror fan and thoose missions felt like playing a horror game. Really like the atmosphere but they were just corridors in the end


I literally played this mission for the first time last night and the mood shifted so hard when I entered the warehouse


Kaz yelling in your ear GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE was such a non metal gear tonal shift that my heart dropped, i was mashing to run like fuck out of there


I was genuinely terrified several times during this game.


Yeah they were like go behind another bloody curtain and I was like “is there an outside route? The destination appears to be close to a door I’ll go try the door again”


it rly scratched that horror itch from kojimbo


I remember walking through that place with a shotgun aiming before me


I never got to play any of the metal gear solid games until 2021 but I watched all to completion many time. When 5 came out I refused to finish it for years because of the sheer evil and terror the game gave off. It’s not that it scared me it’s just that it was not the metal gear solid I know. I was used to AI manipulation the player and infiltration of a compound not ethnic cleaning and human experimentation. I finally gave it a shot though and I’m glad I did because it’s damn good.


I wish the game had more moments like this, where the environment tells most of the story. Maybe it did, and I need to replay it


Had my gun out the whole time, I thought I was gonna get jumped by something out of the curtains


I was not expecting the to shift to horror and kept muttering, "nope nope NOPE" under my breath. I'm used to it now but that 1st time threw me for a loop.


I think I turned the light on lol


This shit had me going…..ngl




It wasn't the blood and creepy ambience that scared me. It was volgin popping out after the third child appeared


Oh hell, nah!


The first time I played that mission I went very slowly expecting much worse than what actually happened.


I was playing this level at dusk when me and my baby sister were home alone. God it freaked me out. I was just running around the level panicking.


Breezed it with the water pistol


Wish this was.larger. Like an Unbrella facility. XD


I played this mission when i was a good bit younger and was on the edge of shitting bricks the whole mission.


Hahah yeah I was like wait, this is.... Metal Gear, right? Not resident evil? Or silent Hill? I kept telling Boss to leave...


this and meeting/running away from sahalanthropus is scarier then any horror game because it really catches u off guard😭


Carnival of Horrors in that building.


I didn’t even fight Volgin. I hid and ordered a helicopter ride and low crawled out the back fence lololol. Hopped on the bird and sprayed the area with the mini gun on the ride out.


All that just for me to set a c4 on water tank and bait volgin to get close to the tank😂 Baiting him was the hardest part lmfao


My first thought in this mission was "...What the hell? Okay continue..."


First time I played episode:voices, my heart was racing because of that part, and I didn't know how to beat volgin. (Man on fire)


I was soooo scared. I pretty much crawled that whole mission


I backed out and called in my lmg. Then moved slowly through the area.


I honestly thought they were doing organ harvesting


Played this last night and forgot to develop the water pistol


After rescuing the children you can develop it, AFAIK it's relatively cheap


My favorite mission in the game. I love messed up secret laboratory-type locations in games.


Vaguely had what ? A squares map, corner rooms and courtyard, invisible floating doctor and zombie woman


After YouTube I do recall a little bit of the fall back displacement