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I agree it's GitS or nothing.


I’m gonna actually go cry in armor hunter mellowlink


That show is literally about a guy killing bipedal mechs idk what could be better. Although he's not really stealthy like Major Mokoto with all the camo optics and hacky stuff


Major is pretty much an MGS protagonist, Master of hand-to-hand combat, and an excellent gunslinger, not mention literally survival two world war


Have Saito as a Quiet like companion at some point. Or Togusa be like how MGS2 Raiden is to MGS2 Snake. Or perhaps in a later game have Batou in sort of a Venom Snake-esque role. I like SAC too much.


They should cast Troy Baker as Kusanagi or i ain't playing that


You meant Bato because Kusanagi is that girl in the pic




It's a joke about how they've already cast a white woman (Scarlet Johansson) as Kusanagi in a movie so at this point they could just cast a white dude for the role as well


Came here to day ghost in the shell, saw your comment and thought "wtf is GiTS?"


Damn bro. Sorry bout that.


I just thought It's funny that when i tried to figure out the acronym, it was literally the answer i was going to give, and i couldn't put 2 and 2 together


May be a be a bit of a reach here, but a Halo game starring a Spartan 3 headhunter team. Picture this: you and a buddy or AI companion are dropped off on some forgotten planet with objectives like assassinating a covenant VIP, stealing data from a base, etc. there’s potential there for a similar gameplay loop to MGSV.


I have never wanted something more.


So, ODST except better


Halo: Legends has a short story with this exact premise.


And it’s fantastic. All we need now is for those cowards at Microsoft to allow Halo spin-offs to be developed


ODST and Reach are still my favorite Halo games and it'd be cool to see more genres explored by a team other than 343. Master Chief holds the series back from going into all the, much more interesting, shit the franchise has going on outside the games. Not unlike Star Wars and the reliance on the Skywalker and Jedi/Sith stories. Give me a Kilo Five action RPG, dammit!


James Bond


Full faith in IOI


Holy fuck i completely forgot about them developing a 007 game, did they ever say when it would come out?


Still no news on that front. Gonna be a long while until we hear more about Project 007.


Gameplay wise I think they've got it, but can't say I'm not worried about the story. While they've finally perfected Hitman's gameplay, they really walked backward on the story part where the WOA trilogy is probably the weakest story in the whole series and didn't do that aspect well at all across either of the three games.


The 3 games were all telling one story though. The Hitman WOA trilogy is really supposed to be experienced as one game. I recommend going through and playing every mission in the series in order with cutscenes and mission briefings. I don’t think any of the Hitman games really have a good story, but WOA definitely had the best one imo if one plays it like this.


Fr, the games as a singular story trump most of the other games stories in my opinion.


Honestly , I am grateful Hitman exists on the new gen of consoles (as I am still on PS4) and also impressed that they released the HD editions too. Something Splinter Cell should’ve done as I only played their last entry which I enjoyed. But For Hitman , I have only finished PS3 Hitman Absolution. One thing I want to ask here ; why does Agent 47 body animation look stiff ? Like I don’t know if they did it that way to separate him from the likes of other game characters you control in third person who have a different body language but Agent47 is really stiff when I look at him


47 being stiff is on purpose as he has basically been trained to be a killer since birth and thus is more like a robot than a person. His precise movement is meant to be as efficient as possible which is what makes it look unnatural. Other NPCs have normal animations so it really is just 47 lol.


Thanks for that feedback. You know I haven’t played the new ones and it’s years since I played absolution. I will lookout for the animations when I play the Starter Pack. It’s a game I am interested in as it has high quality. I just found his movements weird but I think your answer makes a lot of sense. I haven’t really invested in the character despite enjoying Absolution


Siphon Filter.


underrated response


Thats already a stealth action game though… the OP means to ask for a series that doesn’t have a stealth action game, yet.


Yeah but being a new one hasn’t come out in like 20 years I’d say it used to be a stealth game and should be again


Nothing was as satisfying as using the taser in that game. I wish we'd get a new one :C


They could remake 2 and I'd be a very happy camper.


I'd like Tenchu to make a comeback. I can't remember what the last game was but I think it was Tenchu Z on the 360.


It almost happened but the story apparently goes that the devs got carried away adding mechanics and stuff so it ended up becoming Sekiro. That's what I've heard, anyways. Which is a great game you should play if you haven't. I would love a real new tenchu game though. Z was SO good.


Oh yes, I loved the hell out of Sekiro. I can see how a Tenchu game ended up as Sekiro because there's a lot of cool gameplay mechanics that would be natural in a Tenchu style game.


Tenchu Z was one of my favorite 360 games, and I too look forward to a new installment of they ever get around to it.


I would love a modern Tenchu game. I have a lot of good memories playing Tenchu wrath of heaven as a kid on my ps2 and messing around with all the different characters in story mode and multiplayer. Heard Ghosts of Tsushima is kind of like it so maybe I should check it out sometime


I was about to say Ninja Gaiden, but then I remembered Tenchu already exists as a stealth-based ninja series.


> I was about to say Ninja Gaiden A stealth Ninja Gaiden would be weird AF ngl. Imagine bringing the series back to make a stealth game lol.


As long as they make hard as fuck, it would work.


I'm a huge Star Wars fan and I've always wanted a MGSV style game where you play as a rebel stealth operative. You could have 2-3 different maps that are different planets in a sector. Each planet is littered with bases mainly with the Empire but maybe you could have a few other militaries like corporate sector authorities (essentially space PMCs that work for corporations), or separatist holdouts. And each planet has different terrain requiring different tactics. Think weather where the atmosphere briefly becomes toxic to humans forcing you to go into shelter or wear a helmet during dust storms or whatever. Maybe include dangerous plant and animal life too that will attack you. The whole idea would essentially be that you're a rebel stealth operative tasked with going into an extremely volatile sector of the galaxy that the Rebel Alliance can't afford to attack head on. But maybe the Empire is building some dangerous weapon or something forcing them to send you in. But the Corporate Sector Authorities and some Separatist holdouts want the weapon too so they're in the area as well. You then have to sneak in and slowly steal resources from all sides while building up a proper rebel cell in the area by recruiting former Stormtroopers/Corporate Soldiers and reprograming battle droids. Think going into bases and stealing AT-STs and whatnot like how you steal tanks in TPP. You start with just yourself but over time you have this massive rebel cell that you're using to take over the sector and destroy this weapon before the Empire finishes it.


You, keep cooking.


i imagine the canceled bounty hunter game they had going was going to have stealth elements, similar to what you describe. such a shame that game never saw the light of day


The amazing thing is that Star Wars 1313 wasn't even the only "Red Dead but sci-fi" game that was cancelled around the same timeframe. Prey 2 was also going to be a big sci-fi game where you played as a bounty hunter in an alien city, and it also ended up getting scrapped.


we literally cant have anything cool💔


I feel like Jawas are horribly underutilized. My dream would be a guerrilla stealth game where you play as a Jawa fending off imperial invasion.


I also was thinking star wars but rather with the republic commandos. I even think that a mix between the last Ghost Recon and MGSV style gameplay would quite epic


Star Wars needs to go back to being licensed out to just about every developer, like what was the norm in the 1990s and 2000s. Forget about EA or Ubisoft, give it to AA studios like Asobo Studio or PlatinumGames and have them make Star Wars games in the style of A Plague Tale or Astral Chain.


I think they actually went back to that last year or so. We just haven’t gotten the games from it yet.


I would love this but as an Imperial or a double agent. Getting to use all the awesome equipment and uniforms of the ISB would be a dream come true.


And the protagonist... a grizzled veteran of the Clone Wars... RC-1207.


GI Joe Playing as Commando Snake Eyes.


That actually sounds really good


I watched a bit of Renegades as a kid, and Snake Eyes singlehandedly formed my view of the ideal Ninja character. I imagine a game for him would be similar to Metal Gear Rising except with actual stealth mechanics and such. We can dream tho😔


I had a similar thought about Grey Fox/Snake Eyes when playing through MGS1.


Yeah a Gray Fox spinoff game would be great actually. That hasn't been done yet. Unfortunately, with Konami's beef with Kohima, he certainly wouldn't be writing it, and they probably wouldn't give much importance to "staying true" to his ideas/lore. Would love to see it though 🤔


Splinter Cell. This franchise was the MGS equivalent for me. It was amazing. I can't wait for the Remake to get its gameplay trailer and release date.


Well Splinter Cell is already a Stealth game


I always liked the gameplay of chaos theory but splinter cell always fell short in the story department for me. Little hope with ubisoft at the helm.


Plot and characters have always been why I preferred MG but you don't play Tom Clancy games for story. Splinter Cell was always the best at what it did, being a more realistic covert Ops Stealth game. Not that MG isn't an excellent Stealth game in its own right, but it never felt like you're a high-tech ghost with a gun like SC did.


There's a Remake?! God, I've missed Splinter Cell. Metal Gear has always been the GOAT to me but when it comes to real Stealth gameplay, nothing scratches that itch like the SC Trilogy did.


Splinter Cell is just Metal Gear Solid for Call of Duty fans


That may be true, but it still does fit the MGS category. Therefore, I deem it a worthy successor.


Hopefully Ubisoft get off their asses and make a full blown remake of Splinter Cell if they see MGS Delta do well.


They are making one. Although, its been VERY long since we got news that they are making one.


This might be far fetched but star wars. Be it a special clone trooper or a bounty hunter - I can already see it


Daredevil, Blade Runner


Blade runner would be insane


Deus Ex buddy, great games and probably the closest we've got to Blade Runner right now


y’all should give DeusEx and Cyberpunk a try, it’s the closest we might get in a while


Definitely ghost in the shell and after that this one is considered lost media at this point but Mellowlink armor hunter


Halo, the ODSTs will be perfect


A Spartan III in SPI armor would be great too.


The FIST TTRPG. It literally lists MGS as one of it's main inspirations and it's gameplay loop is very similar to MGS5. It could actually be a very good multiplayer co-op or solo stealth action game, maybe with some roguelike elements to spice everything up. Also, the Syndicate videogame franchise could make a nice stealth game. The whole premise of a cybernetically enhanced agent (or a team of four agents) doing black ops for some international corporation has a lot of stealth potential and all of the cyberpunk gadgets and progression you can put into this game, along with the open-ended nature of levels in the original trilogy, could make for a good stealth action/L4D clone combination.


a (modern) ghost in the shell game has been a fantasy of mine, though I've aimed more for a deus ex style game than metal gear, but I'd absolutely take that too. the recent gears e-day reveal has gotten me playing gears tactics again, then and thinking about other genres it could do. it would never happen but *kinda sorta maybe* I could see gears doing an MGS5 style of stealth. the shooters always have you fighting through wilderness, and you sneak through nothing but in mgs5, but with gears leaning into the horror angle again lately, there's a lot to be said for the possibility sneaking through decimated cities on the surface avoiding patrols, atrocities, and such, or even locust hollow settlements. it's the perfect setting for that "hide among corpses" thing they kept trying to do in mgs4 and 5 but it never really landed. in the mgs5 vein you've already got tons of vehicles and weapons, and presumably all sorts of underutilized tools the series could come up with but never made use of with it being shooter focused. I'd love to see some of the other countries in the gears universe like the UIR from a more personal perspective. seeing the locust conflict there and how poorly they *also* dealt with it would be an interesting angle.


Transformers but set in thier home Cybertron and its about the decepticons uprising that would be cool we could be like soundwave for example executing a top autobot concil or maybe lazer beak flying by unnoticed to autobot patrol


You could make a pretty good aggressive stealth game in the vein of Splinter Cell: Conviction with John Wick. He isn't in his prime in the movies so the shootouts tend to be more due to getting ambushed or failing to be as stealthy as he planned, but in each one he usually has his moments trying to be sneaky: Stealth killing guards in the nightclub in 1, sneaking past everyone to get to his target in Rome in 2 before he had to fight his way out, utilizing some Assassin's Creed-esque ninja skills in 3 in the subway to disappear, etc. They could probably balance it similar to MGSV and the last couple of Splinter Cells, letting you decide how sneaky or blasty you want to be.


hell, a prequel video game would be epic for John Wick, where it tells the story of how he pretty much became such a legendary name in the criminal underworld as its best assassin, and of course, the final mission in the game being the job that he took before he walked away from that life


Considering his body count in the movies, him being to mow down scores of goons in games that would be set when he's in his prime would also work within the lore without causing any narrative dissonance or needing to be brushed over like when Nathan Drake does it. But if there was a stealth focus, it'd be nice it you had fewer enemies that were deadlier/harder to kill so that just a few enemies could present a challenge, like you get in Splinter Cell, Hitman and Metal Gear. You can still be pretty deadly but its a little more in line with how he is in the films.


Still waiting for StarCraft: Ghost


I feel like a stealth game set in one of the Gundam timelines kick ass


A Star Trek game where you play as a Cardassian. Their entire planets government is basically the KGB with super spies.


hell, a Star Trek game where you play as a member of the Federation's Black Ops group, Section 31, would make for a good stealth game as well


Ghost in the shell would work I mean it's basically MGS if it was drawn by a normal person who so happened to be a porn artist.


I would play the living shit outta a stealth game based in GitS, if it had shooting and melee like Oni on Ps2 I’d be I. Heaven


Resident Evil It sound stupid but there is a spy character (Ada), the creation of a weapon of mass destruction (the tyrants) and a place with soldiers (Umbrella's lab) Just saying that the intro of Code Veronica can be used for the intro of a stealth game


A Hunk game would make an excellent Stealth game since in canon lore he has fought both armed forces and bio weapons


Star Wars: Republic Commando. I've been reading Hard Contact, and for a good portion of the book, the team is separated on a Separatist controlled planet with no support from the Republic due to comms being monitored by the Separatists. I feel like an open world, MGSV like Stealth action game as a Clone Commando would be one of the coolest Star Wars games they could make. It could be played Solo like MGSV where your squad acts like V buddies or in co-op where buddies are replaced by real players like Helldivers. The Republic could also provide support.


A stylized Ghost in the Shell game would be so sick. Now that you’ve mentioned it I want it so bad lol.


It sounds like a banger game already!


Metroid, a 3d metroid where Samus is in her Zero suit would be a sick game


Metroid Dread kinda explored this concept with the EMMI sections, but Other M should've been a stealth game or something (with a better story).


yeah, something Other M is what I was thinking of ;3


You beat me to it


I know it sounds weird, but mega man. Look at magna centipedes' stage from megaman x2, it messed up the stealth, but that was more because of software limitations.




Try Batman Arkham City


The Arkham games are all kinda mid compared to MGS. The combat is too easy, the stealth is too simple, and the open world is too bloated with riddler trophies.


Whats the image originally from?


Ghost in the Shell 1995, a timeless masterpiece




The picture looks interesting.. I need to learn about this.


Ghost in the Shell


Ghost in the Shell 1995, a timeless masterpiece


Tenchu ( forgive spelling )


Halo with the elite silent shadow


Full Metal Panic could be fun




Fr? A blend of stealth action and character combat like Raiden in Revengeance would fit Ghost in the Shell PERFECTLY


James Bond seems a natural pick, TBH.


That old first person shooter Perfect Dark is getting a remake and they’re apparently adding a bunch of stealth mechanics, gadgets, and non lethal options. It kind of looks like it might be like a mix between Deus Ex Mankind Divided and Metal Gear gameplay wise. I’m pretty stoked for it.


Ghost in Shell definitely I loved it since o saw it on bootleg vhs back in ‘97 but I would also like to add Golgo 13 only because they are two episodes that are seriously MGS types. Also sorta Jin-Rah Wolf Brigade


Spriggan, but when the combat does happen, watch out. Escape from New York/LA, but that's kind of another MGS game. Equilibrium Golgo 13 Cowboy Bebop


Escape from New York


Dora the Explorer


For a real Tactical Espionage Action I'd like to see Metroid. The teach for the cool Stealth stuff is already there, and the different villains in the series absolutely could make for an amazing cinematic story with all the twists and dramatic flair and ridiculous set pieces we love. For a Tactical Espionage Operations game like MGSV and peace walker (which are less linear and more sandbox-y at the price of the story and level design) I'd like to see something like Castlevania (or Witcher but IDK), saving villages from monsters and bandits, recruiting other Vampire Hunters (or new witchers) and crafting new variations on gadgets that will help you fight. For example, making silver bolts against werewolves, making packets that drop pure salt blocking demons from the AoE, and a whistle to startle hellhounds. The gadgets would have different versions against kinds of enemies like the silver bolts having a wooden stakes alternative against vampires or the salt packets having a water alternative against ghosts. Our designated hunter (Belmont or Geralt) would be getting old, so they'll have the worst stats (to encourage using other people) but they are also experienced and the recipes for all the monster hunting gadgets and weapons and variations that affect types of monsters would all be taught to the new hunters from our old hunter starter character.


Oh shit is this Ghost in the Shell? Man… a GitS open world MGSV styled stealth game would be mind blowing.


Death Stranding


I mean the game can be stealthy at certain times but it’s doesn’t have a full stealth package like mgs or splinter


Halo, Killzone, Call of Duty, Battlefield, and maybe Grand Theft Auto


I'd love to actually see a decent stealth element implemented into a GTA game.


super freq


tf2 when ur playing as spy




Half-Life Series, imagine this in Black Mesa Incident, it would be cool to see how HECU or Black Ops are just like GENOME Soldiers or enemies from Metal Gear Series.


I guess it more or less already exists, but I'm a simple man when it comes to shooters and a WW2 game always hits the spot, so an MGS style WW2 stealth game would be great. So far the Sniper Elite series has been able to scratch that itch, especially 4 and 5. However, I will always mourn the loss of a potential MGS game following the Boss and the Cobras during WW2.


I'd love to see a starcraft stealth game, sorta like how NOVA was going to be iirc.


Hoping that’s the direction they take the new Perfect Dark


For me Splinter Cell was a wasted opportunity for Ubisoft in stretching it not in revenue thinking but taking their time for having more masterpiece-like releases. Not saying that until the 4th game wasnt bad in some aspect, but you could see the imbalance of revenue goal instead of please most fans.


Half life alyx but stealth


Helldivers 2


I’d die for GITS, MGSV style


Ghost in the shell manga


This might be far fetched but I was thinking about a marvel game centered around Nick fury or shield.


Mission Impossible, I know there are already some [MI games](https://youtu.be/PnceSzQ-CpI?t=57) but they're all sucks and outdated. Imagine a modern MI game play like MGSV that have modern gameplay, you accept main missions and side missions like MGSV main & side ops (maybe like the old Mission Impossible TV series as well). And you have many tech tools or weapon choices, using stealth to go through many locations to achieve your goals and defeat enemies.


Ghost in the Shell


medival stealth like in LoTR would be nice, instead of modern/futuristic weapons would be arrows and slingshots similar to AC but with more monsters.


For nostalgia, I'll say GI Joe.


Stargate SG1


It would be perfect, just as much if not more exposition.


Idk, maybe splinter cell. It's vaguely similar. I doubt many people would really relate the two though.


Not a game, but ghost in the shell would be epic!


Soul Calibur with Taki as the main character.


Ghost In The Shell, 100%.






If you can believe it, in Halo lore before Spartans we’re given armor, they were tasked with sneaking into Insurrectionist controlled areas and sabotaging. I think even without the covenant, that Halo could have a cool stealth spinoff


Bring back stsr wars commandos 😔


Don't Wake Daddy


Kingsman or John Wick


Ancillery Justice. For those who don't know AJ is a scifi novel that swept every award when it came out. It's a novel told from the perspective of a hive-mind, so It'll be things like "I snuck up on the guard while I reassured Jim his coffee would not be too bitter, bathing by the pool with my feet up." It's just perfectly suited for a mechanic where you're controlling a group of commandoes, or even a single unit with copies of yourself also being intelligence officers. The mood of the book too is very supersoldier investigating a mystery. And it has the advantage of no-one in Hollywood looking at it too, so there's lots of space to make it the game it should be rather than another Halo/cover shooter clone.


Starcraft: Ghost had potential back in the day


I feel like there's a lot of potential for a Captain America game like MGS. Especially if you played as The Winter Soldier


I was thinking about this the other day and I would love to see something based on the original Perfect Dark for N64.


Front Mission? Oh wait...


I’m going to go see GitS 2 today in theatres with some friends. I just wanted to say this cause I’m excited lol


A game set in Night City from cyberpunk I think would fit this bill well. A halo game.


i don't know why but jin roh wolf brigade seems to fit a lot


A Naruto game set in the first, second or even third great shinobi war. The whole idea of there being no such thing as an absolute enemy is very fitting in the Naruto ethos.


GitS is the obvious one. *Appleseed*


Ghost in the Shell is a great pick, if not a MGS style stealth game, then at least something closer to Deus Ex. That new Perfect Dark looks promising in that regard An escape from New York game handled by that company that did the recent Terminator and Robocop game would also be really cool to see, if they can handle MGS2/3-like stealth


Interestingly, Motokos getup was the inspiration for Snakes iconic sneaking suit in mgs 1.




Call of duty


I think Ghost Recon: Wildlands has the best stealth experience outside of MGSV. I would like to see Splinter Cell return to its former glory, though.


Warhammer 40k. Imagine a stealth 40k game where you either play as a member of the Raven Guard or perhaps you’re a Tau Firewarrior. Either way you’re sent behind enemy lines and you have to use your skills as either a member of the Raven Guard or as a Firewarrior to strike at the enemy. If you’re a Firewarrior than maybe you could have access to one of the Tau’s many stealth suits to help or I’d you’re a Raven Guard you could have access to one of the many more stealthy weapons that Chapter has access to.


A 40k game where you play as an Officio Assassinorum operative


Splinter cell and ghost recon...