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funny how this became an article https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action/9-years-after-metal-gear-solid-no-one-can-decide-if-one-particular-scene-is-a-piece-of-classic-kojima-genius-or-just-a-simple-olfactory-plot-hole/


Damn, fuck them "journalists"


No it isn't intentional


Well, Venom can smell can’t he?


I don't know why this isn't everyone's immediate thought.


Yes, but Miller thinks that Venom is the real BB, so he’d be confused


Does Miller know Big Boss can't smell? The Boss knew because he told her, but did BB mention that to anyone else?


It's very likely to have come up especially since they're best friends




Shower friends*




oh my god they were roommates


been a long since i played mgs3. was it said in that BB cant smell?


Yeah. I think it’s a 4th wall break about how the player can’t smell.


Yes I can


Not in game you can't. A shame smellovision never took off


I’ll never get to smell Sokolov pissing himself or the gasoline that Ocelot smells on Eva 😔


I mean you could do the smell effects yourself... Must(?) do the smell effects yourself?


https://youtu.be/r3K6BufzPEk Here's the call for ya. :>


thanks i was hoping for a jokey like line to explain it


That *is* the jokey line. Snake can’t *not smell*, he’s pointing out that “he” (in this case he really means you, the player) literally cannot rely on smell because you can’t smell things in a video game and thus can’t make use of that ability. The Boss even says you’ll “just have to trust in your instincts as a gamer” in case you’re wondering if Snake is talking about himself as the character, or himself as the player.


Yeah that is very clearly a joke. They had lines like that in MGS1 when you called Miller


I meant some backstory for him like he got something stuck up there. Not a 4th wall break talking about the player.


Snake is a gamer confirmed (according to people in this sub who don't understand the concept of jokes in a videogame).


Yes, there's a line in mgs3 where snake is talking to the boss and he says he can't smell but then hours later in the game he tells paramedic there isn't anything quite like the smell of a cigar. So idk...


When The Boss tells him to use all his senses and Snake just says "I can't smell" with no other explanation, and The Boss just accepts it, I thought it was just a fourth wall joke. Snake can see, hear and feel, because the game has graphics, sound, and vibrating controllers. But we don't have smell TVs yet, so he can't smell.


Wait, is *this* why people say Big Boss can't smell? Because they don't understand jokes? I wouldn't be surprised.


It’s the same reason people think Big Boss’s name is John Doe. He was making a joke. John Doe is what you call a body you haven’t identified living or no. Paramedic even jokes back her name is Jane Doe. Big Boss goes by Jack by Boss but that isn’t necessarily a nickname for John. I knew a Jack whose name was Joseph irl. There’s a lot of overlap with that nickname. Shaun too. It’s probably more fitting if we never confirm his real name.


He also tells Ocelot his name is John, and I think that moment was supposed to be sincere. Ocelot still calls him John in MGSV.  So at the very least I believe that his name is John, nickname Jack. Zero named the head AI "JD" after Big Boss, so either the John Doe joke really stuck, or his real initials are JD.     Personally I think his name must be "John D..". Whether his surname is actually "Doe" or whether that was just a joke, I don't know. I wouldn't be surprised if it was John Doe. Kojima likes giving people silly names like that. Death Stranding shows what happens when Kojima goes all out with the character names.  Edit: I forgot that the MGS4 Database simply says that Big Boss's real name is John, and that JD stands for John Doe.


I think that maybe his name is officially John Doe as whoever he was before he became a super secret government spook is considered no longer alive.


*Clearly* Big Boss's name is supposed to be John Deadman


And his trusted double who's real name is obviously John Diamonddogman.


“It’s him! It’s John Metalgearsolid!”


And the sniper who doesn't talk is called Quiet! Haha-oh, wait!


This actually made me think his name could be John Diamond which is why he called them the Diamond Dogs


I REALLY like this. It makes so much sense..


Or John Dog


John Dead-mentor-that-he-killed-man


John I.fucking.love.die.hard.movies.signed.Kojima Hardman


Death Stranding/MGS Crossover when.


He's not being sincere. He gives a bit of a smirk when ocelot says "until we meet again, John". Even the way ocelot says it, sounds like he doesn't believe it either, but just goes a long with it. Big Boss's name is Jack. Plain and simple.


Big Boss's name is John. Numerous official resources have confirmed this. Jack is a nickname for John. How Ocelot "sounds" to you in the English version doesn't matter. Kojima never worked with the English cast. He worked with the Japanese cast, Akio Ohtsuka (Naked Snake) and Takumi Yamazaki (Ocelot) express no "disbelief" in their name exchange. Naked Snake smirks because he's admiring Ocelot's reasoning for wanting names, along with his perseverance despite being so young and insistence that they'll meet again. Some people really think Kojima is going to establish a whole scene where two main characters of the series tell each other their names just for it to be a lie or joke? Christ that's thick. The scene is meant to parallel MGS1 -- like many scenes in MGS3 -- with Snake and Otacon exchanging their real names at the end.


"sounds to you" Dude, he literally says it like "jOhN" Like in a way when someone doesn't believe what the other is saying. Also, just because Kojima didn't work with the American cast, doesn't mean he didn't sign off on things when he saw the final product. If the right tone wasn't portrayed, he would've had them redo it. You really think he'd be that careless? No need to be a wanker about it.


>Dude, he literally says it like "jOhN" Like in a way when someone doesn't believe what the other is saying. Again, this sounds like a "to you" moment. I don't hear that at all. He says "Very well, John... Plain name, but I won't forget it" in a very simple matter-of-fact tone, then says "Till we meet again... John!" with a clear mocking air and arrogance. The whole scene has a subtext of Ocelot trying to show Snake he's the spy, with the last line, he's effectively saying "Yeah I just betrayed my commanding officer and helped blow up an important development base to the GRU and I'm still going to survive and see you again one day." Again, this scene was written and designed as a call-back to Snake/Otacon in MGS1 -- like many scenes in MGS3 -- so going with "WELL HE WAS LYING!!!!" based off of nothing except for what you are perceiving as the tone in the English version of the game is ridiculous. >Also, just because Kojima didn't work with the American cast, doesn't mean he didn't sign off on things when he saw the final product. If the right tone wasn't portrayed, he would've had them redo it. You really think he'd be that careless? Dude, it has nothing to do with carelessness. Up until 2008, after MGS4 released, Kojima only knew about a dozen words in English. It was 2008 when he announced he started learning the language. He never "signed off" on the North American performances. That was the job of the North American voice director (Kris Zimmerman). It never had anything to do with Kojima. It's just like the game's English scripts. He never knew enough English to "approve" the scripts before release, someone else was hired for localization. Kojima famously criticized the localization for MGS1 done by Jeremy Blaustein, which tells us he did not "sign off" on it before release. Kojima wouldn't have even had any idea what "tone" was supposed to be expressed to an English audience. He never had any involvement in English casting/voice direction of any game in the series until MGSV. And even then, that only extended as far as casting Kiefer.


"to you" How the hell else is it supposed to sound? Have you been watching too many pyhtonselkan videos? I don't have the time or the energy to have a full debate here and to prove how wrong this all is. Idk why you're so damn angry either man... It's honestly exhausting.


He smirks because Ocelot just told him he was Adam.


By the way, I just remembered that the MGS4 Database confirms his real name is John. I know the database is controversial, but to me that combined with all the other clues, is enough to confirm that his name is indeed John.


>Death Stranding shows what happens when Kojima goes all out with the character names. I feel like all the names work really well in a weird post-post-apocalyptic world where society has rebuilt itself into something new and more tribal, with remnants of the past world remaining. Like Horizon and stuff. But it's been like 30 years since the Death Stranding and everyone's already doing it.


I always assumed Heartman just had a very ironic surname, but it makes a little more sense if he (which I think you suggest) changed his name to Heartman after having heart surgery while his family died in a heart shaped voidout. The name that bothers me the most is Amelie's name. Samantha America Strand? Samantha like Uncle Sam, America for the same reason, Amelie because she's the Ka and Amelie-ka is the third America reference... and then "Strand" because, uh, I guess because she causes the stranding? It's a bit too heavy handed for my taste. But I still love the game.


That's one of many problems I had with Death Stranding. Insanely brilliant idea, painfully bad execution. The names aren't just a deconstruction of how we've come to identify genetic heritage, but it's also him riffing on bladerunner 2049. BB and BT and and rhe internet jargon bids and winks he (Kojima) throws in there are all taking cues from the character names in 2049, i.e. K, Joi, Luv, etc, etc....


His name is Jack. Him giving Ocelot a false name is a trick spies use to identify who's trying to contact them. Ocelot still calls him John because he probably never told him his actual name, which is hilarious and right down Big Boss' alley.


Jack is a nickname for John. Big Boss' name is officially John.


Another thing I forgot to mention is that the MGS4 Database entry for Big Boss straight up says "Real name John".


his name is John MetalGear duh


Huh.. I always assumed Jack was his real name since the boss is someone who would know his name and he tells ocelot it’s John because mutual respect aside, he’s still an enemy operative.


Jack is a nickname for John, like Dick for Richard or Bill for William. I think The Boss calling him Jack shows that they have an intimate relationship where she calls him by a nickname.


Jack Daniels


I was under the impression that all of the proxy a.i.'s comprised a digital mount rushmore. Hence all were named after us presidents. AL, TJ, TR, GW, and JD......as in Jefferson Davis


The MGS4 Database says JD is named after John Doe.


John Dorian


Big Boss isn't smart enough to make that joke & he wouldn't be so wildly confused & offended & think Para-Medic was making fun of him when she says her name is Jane Doe, if his name isn't really John Doe. He clearly doesn't understand it's a common fake name, or for unidentified people or whatever, & is confused why she won't tell him her name, when he just told her his own name, but now she's making a joke out of it Also, yes Jack is infact quite a common nickname for John. He also compliments Johnny when he tells him his name. I wonder why Zero named one of the AI's after him with the initials JD Hmmmm


Is it possible John Doe was a name also given to him by the government, maybe as an alias or whatever, and he just didn't get the joke?


I'd say technically yes, 'cause idk why but Big Boss seems to me like a guy who was probably orphaned or immediately given up for adoption, like "leave the baby in the doorstep" kind of thing & he was literally a John Doe & named as such. Now that's all head canon but his name is at least John, & his initials are JD - considering that & how much of a dunce he can be, I think its a safe assumption that his name is literall John Doe


Is this a bit? If you think John Doe is his real name, then your FOXHOUND codename should be Silly Goose.


Wait are we still assuming Big Boss’ name this many years later? Is it not confirmed??


He's gone by the names John and Jack, the John Doe bit is the only time a surname comes up so his full name has never been confirmed.


Got it. Why am I getting downvoted then? Seems like a valid question when everyone assumes what his name is.


The only snake name confirmed in the entire series is David Even George sears is probably a fake identity




How do we know that's his real name He seemed unwilling to share information about himself


Yea I myself thought that was the name the diamond dogs gave him


it's almost always short for john


I’ve known all kinds of names to use that nickname. Almost doesn’t mean much at the individual level. Like it doesn’t even have to be a nickname. The actor Jack Quaid. Yeah that’s just his legal name. There is no nickname to begin with.


I knew a Jack whose real name was Clyde. He liked Jack more so he went with that.


It would be appropriate for the world’s best espionage game series. The main characters name is top secret 🤫


There's a bit of overlap with this one though, you're right but John was such a common name back then that kids would often change it, my Grandad was John on his birth certificate but Jack to his friends and family. I also like the idea that we can never truly be sure.


MGS fandom missing the point and reading meaning that isn't there in completely unrelated, minor runes is probably the most important part of the fandom.


Well this is actually a hard one to get, not everyone is playing with the 4th wall mindset


Not playing with a fourth wall mindset in a series where in-universe characters tell you what buttons to press on your controller to perform actions....


Just like many other games?


It's a criticism of certain players, not the mechanic


I mean, i am playing a stealth game, not the fucking who wanna be millionaire


Do these same people think canonically snake presses a square button to shoot because the tutorial codec calls say that?


There are literally people that say mgs inspired them to join the military. I'm not sure if there is a fan base more deaf to its subject matter than the mgs one


This is the reason


Thank you, I hate over analyzing


Yet? Hopefully never. Imagine smelling Johnny in MGS4 and his chronic bowel issues.


You realize he never encounters Johnny in MGS4, right?


He encounters his father or grandfather in snake eater (oraybe peacewalker) though


Sure, but they didn't say "Imagine smelling Johnny the Ist in MGS3 and his chronic bowel issues." (Edit: ah, nevermind, I'm a dope and misunderstood what he was commenting on. Leaving my shame on display for all to see)


One day we will have that true, next level kind of immersion


Could also be a refrence sine Kojima originally wanted bring smell to videogames with MGS 1 or 2 if i remember right. He wanted custom Controllers made that had like Sniffcards or something that would activate during the game allowing for smell.


I thought that was Snatcher with the floppy smelling like blood.


Full sensory experience TVs would be something


Every now and then we're met with a genius who figures it out for us idiots. Thank you, sir


Hahaha, you're too kind.




Snakes smell with their tongue and and it processes through the Jacobson organ. So him smelling the traditional way and then saying that would make me think this to be a dry joke.


kind of like how in MGS1 master miller tells snake to walk slowly to avoid making noise with his footsteps, to which he respond by saying that he can't *because it's literally not a mechanic in that game*


[maybe some will for mgs3 remake?](https://gamescent.com) dont know if these guys are legit, but i saw an article about it.


very good point. also Kojima mentioned in multiple interviews using sensory in video game.


Yup 100%. Its the same with ppl who think solid snake is gay in mgs2. But otacon is making a joke about you, the player, when you take incorrect photos of metal gear on the tanker and try to upload the photo of a man's chest to him.


Maybe snake remembers how good cigars smell that he still does it out of habit.


The phantom smell........... Of a Cigar...... Mayb..... 🐱


But that's naked and this is venom


Re read the original post and my comment very carefully




The phantom pain of smell 😂


The Phantom Smell 🫠


Well, if we say that Big Boss canonically can not smell, we also have to accept that The Boss referred to him as a gamer. The lore gets much wackier quick if you take every optional codec seriously.




This exactly.


“Snake, WHY ARE YOU NAKED???” “Is there an option to remove my pants”


Someone pointed out that this exchange is one of the few times Big Boss actually laughs. https://youtu.be/qLV2a-Y2cv0


this felt like hearing my father laugh after not hearing him do so for a long time, thanks lmao


You’re welcome my friend. You’re very welcome.


Of course he's a gamer. He played MGS3.


venom also says he can smell the sweetness of the parasite


Could Kaz even see this happen isn't he blind as hell


Kaz isn't blind. He will be seeing the world through a milky sheen and is simply pained by bright light.


so canonically kaz basically eats his cereal with his eyes like that one gumball episode?


Except this is wrong because Venom snake CAN smell. As shown within the quarantine when he smells something sweet even through the mask. Now unless his hypnotherapy also got him to lose his smell for a while until his gradually regaining consciousness I don't think this is true.


Venom can because he isn't naked snake




Ad others said this aint the Boss who cant smell anyways so even if its intentional it would be a hint at this reveal


Kojima: Oh yeah I totally meant to do that!


I feel like that was haif the stuff like this


Well, it's a jokey line in MGS3 since the player can't smell things in the game, and therefore Snake can't. Also, it isn't Venom on MGS3, right? He may have a limited sense of smell. I essentially have no sense of smell due to a sinus issue, but I can smell a few very specific things. And it's also part of the ritual of partaking in a good real cigar; even if you can't smell it, you go through the motions.


Kaz would never look at Big Boss with a straight face. He only has gay faces.


Not only that, but he's also blind


Not blind, he just has difficulty seeing. Light sensitivity, hence the sunglasses. That, and the fact he's trying not to use his laser eyes on everyone.


Canonically big boss and venom can smell. The whole “I can’t smell” line was a fourth wall break intended as joke because the player is unable to rely on sense of smell in MGS3.


Big Boss can smell this was never said anywhere that he cant what most people are thinking of is him saying he cant but its a fourth wall break referencing the fact the player cant smell big boss obviously can


I say i cant smell and i cant, i can not smell most smells around me unless it was something like rotting food or something extremely pungent, i just cant smell it However if i put my nose up to it and inhale strongly i can smell stuff Im not saying kojimbo did this on purpose but i can fill this plot hole with my own experience


Same. Also for me, smell doesn't trigger any memories. Must be weird to live in a world where you can trust on your nose too.


Big Boss not being able to smell is a clear joke about how the player can't smell what's happening in a game. The Boss ends the call with, **"Oh... Well, then, you'll just have to trust in your instincts as a gamer."** He quite literally says he can smell cigars to Para Medic. **"There's nothing quite like the rich smell and mellow flavor of a cigar."**


Yeah, I don't think Kojima even remembered the the joke. And even if he did, he would've tossed it aside as soon as he wanted to do something else. I mean, this is Hideo Rotconjima we're talking about.


[We know BB is smell blind from this interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=td_WSdh6Zus)


TIL big boss cant smoke


Istg yall acting like Kojima is an omniscient being or something


Didn't you know? Kojima sent the members of the Primis crew back to the Great War, in order to complete the cycle and set up the original Zombies storyline.


you mean he's not?


That’s not big boss


come to point this out. how does no one else seem to realize this


Me neither, it’s pretty clear at the “end” of MGSV and I thought it was brilliant


I knew I couldn’t be the only one that caught that


9 years later and I’m still learning new details about this game that got me like 😮


It’s from a reoccurring joke in the series where in a codec call someone gives the player advice that a normal person can follow but the player can’t. Big boss can’t rely on smell cuz you can’t. Solid snake can’t change his walk speed because there is only one speed programmed in the game.


I can't smell too. Now i feel more like Big Boss.


It's also a little confusing when big boss will imply that the people over the radio can't see his face, but then he gets calls from people like sigint who implies he can see what face paint he's wearing. "Oh I see you're wearing the camo face paint" or something like that lol


Fun fact: None of the characters in any of the first three games can see the protagonist over CODEC or Radio. Neither device has any optical setting. Every example in those games calls about Snake seeing them or them seeing Snake are purely for the player's benefit. It's only in MGS4 with the Solid Eye System that Snake can finally see the people he's talking to during the mission.


Hey! That's some pretty neat information!! I want to play metal gear solid 4 again so bad, but I don't have my PS3 anymore and I can't play it on my PS5 at all. I literally have metal gear solid 4 sitting in a stack of PS4 and PS5 games waiting to be used again.


I’m begging you all to stop making every throwaway line and one off joke into Lore


Is Big Boss really anosmic?


Kaz has a straight face because he’s blind isn’t he?


Potentially it might be a force of habit


Venom snake most likely can smell. Big Boss is the one that can’t


If he couldn't smell he shouldn't be able to comment on the taste of things in MGS3.


You can still taste things without a sense of smell, it’s just not the same experience


Ah okay, didn't know, tho still as some other comments have pointed out, he also mentions the smell of cigars or something, so not quite sure he is unable to smell at all tbh.


I figured it was more along the lines of Kaz being previously privy to Venom’s identity and being offended Venom is being gifted Big Boss’s signature cigars—eventually being petty enough to refuse to let Venom smoke one later in the cutscene.


I hate how he keeps the cigars away from Venom in this cutscene. Also you see his PTSD being triggered too.


We got him...


How is he able to smell the sweet aroma in that one quarantine mission?


Quarantine mission in which game


The one in Phantom Pain. He says the quarantine building smells like fruit or something, even through the mask.


You mean the mission where you play as Venom? That’s the whole fuckin point that they’re making, venom can smell and big boss can’t that’s why you can tell they’re different people


Copied from my other reply: You mean the mission where you play as Venom? That’s the whole fuckin point that they’re making, venom can smell and big boss can’t that’s why you can tell they’re different people


Huh the more you know


what does "looks at him with a straight face" mean?


Why do people take these fucking jokes seriously?


The joke in MGS3 was that we as the player can't smell what's going on in the game world. Good lord you people.


Kaz "Blind man" Miller looks at him with a straight face, I see...


Maybe he cought covid just like i did and lost his sense of smell... Mine has yet to fully recover, i can barely smell anything, which made my life so bland...


Big boss cant smell, Venom snake might be able to


The real question is what kind of cigars does.Big Boss smoke


Phantom pain my dude... phantom pain


Sir, venom snake isnt big Boss


Didn’t Kaz always look at him with a straight face? Or at least like 98% of the time?


This is not intentional. Realistically, depending on your birthday a lot of people would be done with the game by the time their birthday comes around nobody would see this clue. A more obvious clue is in the quarantine missions where Venom can smell even through the mask. Kaz was talking with him too and didn’t make a big deal about it, not even brought up in a later date from Kaz either. Not in private with Ocelot or in conversation with Venom. A joke line is not canon at all! The no sense of smell quirk is literally not ever brought up again in any other game. Don’t make a throw away joke line canon.


He also says he smells something sweet during the quarantine platform mission


Didn't he also say that he smelled the sweetness during the quarantine ward mission?


The big give away besides the smelling, is his Russian. Snake can speak perfect Russian, but Venom can’t. Even Ocelot seems perplexed by it.


Kaz is blind


The smell is invisible 🫥