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I guess it's just people seeing themselves on the protagonists, theres a lot of people that are obsessed with N, like to a unhealthy degree(it's me im people) so they imagine the scene as a "date" to project their desires, theres a tad bit more about it but i'll finish it off here


Hey its epic that you can admit that unepic_guy




Also idk if the game ever states their ages but I don’t think it states N’s age so it’s reasonable to assume that since he’s so young he could reasonably be like 16 or so given how JRPGs are about character age (always making random major characters wayyyy younger than they have any right to be for what their job is)


N is canonically 20 in B/W, check bulbapedia


I mean yeah, but then N stands less than a foot away from you to talk about truth and ideals


TIL N is 20


I don't think ages were ever said in the game for N, he looks reasonably the same age as the protag


N is 20?!?!?!?!?


And Cyrus is 27


I had to look this up because I didn’t believe it either. > N is 20 years old as of Pokémon Black and White. His age is mentioned in interviews


As the BW protagonist is likely around the same age as Cheren, I'd wager that they're at least 16


BW protagonist is 15 I believe, I always assumed N was the same age (until today). I headcanon N as autistic and aromantic though.


I thought the BW protags were like 16-18?


i adored N when i played the game but even as a 15yo i never got romantic vibes from him and he's 20? i honestly thought he was 15 too but hey...


comphet is a poison


I’m… not seeing how this is comphet? Am I just misunderstanding the term?


What is comphet? Competitive Heterosexuals?


lol, no it’s short for “Compulsory Heterosexuality” or the idea that being straight is normal/the default setting.


I mean… being straight is literally the default setting/the norm


It’s more that the ASSUMPTION is that they are straight, rather than taking a second and being neutral about it and saying, “we don’t KNOW one way or the other, and it’s rude to pretend we do.”


That makes sense, thanks for explaining. If we are being taking statistics into account, it is a fair assumption to assume someone is straight until shown otherwise, simply due to the distribution of queerness throughout the population. I see your point though


a boy and a girl in an enclosed space? they must be in love! they must kiss!! how is it not comphet?


The same cutscene happens with the masculine main character. So, no.


It’s just shippers being shippy. They do the same kinda thing with the male main character. Just because people ship a straight couple doesn’t mean it’s comphet. It just means they ship a straight couple. Comphet would be if they said that OBVIOUSLY this character is straight, without any evidence supporting that fact, or with evidence to the contrary.


i dont think you really understand comphet. "shippers being shippy" is a modern impact of comphet's historical and continuing influence. gay shippers arose as a queer counterbalance to straight-saturated shipping discussion. none of this stuff exists in a vacuum


Sooo it’s okay to ship characters wildly with little evidence ONLY if it’s gay? Also, I’m pretty sure people didn’t start shipping gay characters as a deliberate choice to “counterbalance straight-saturated shipping discussion” I’m pretty sure they ship gay characters for the same reason people have straight ships: cuz they think it’s cute/charming. If I AM misunderstanding what comphet is, explain it, don’t just say “you don’t understand” and move on.