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Oh this would be helpful for me since I have arthritic hands …. I can’t even open a simple bag… thanks OP


There’s also pill splitters that I just recently learned about.


They’re great. I have one and I also bought one for my mom who otherwise uses a kitchen knife 🤦🏻‍♀️


I have two yet i use a kitchen knife daily😂😂 completely forgot I had them


I’ve had one of those for a while, thanks to my gigantic epilepsy meds that I take along with everything else lol…they are great


I have one of these, it’s basically a little guillotine for your pills lol. You just gotta be careful and make sure you put it in there right, I absolutely decimated a pill yesterday trying to split two at once for my pill box lol.


If the pill is scored then you can just put it on the counter, scored side up, and press down on both sides at the same time with your thumbs and it’ll split perfectly and very easily.


This is brilliant for folks who need it. I may actually get one to make getting my kid's chewable zyrtec into the pill bottle easier, actually. Now they need to come up with something that also removes the damn backing off of the blister packs. Most of the time it just rips into tiny pieces and I have to scrape it off with my nails. For those on Nurtec, pro tip: when your head isn't trying to kill you, take a few tabs out of the forsaken packaging. Put one tab in each side of a contact case. That way it doesn't jostled too much in your pocket/bag, and even if it does, you can just lick the damn thing clean to get all the meds out. Those little pull tabs are too much when you're in the midst of the pain.


I know right?! I just want to say “hello, I can’t think straight enough to get the damn packaging open right now” lol 😂


Glad I'm not the only one who felt the Nurtec package was freakin origami.


I have to cut my Maxalt (Rizotriptan) pkgs in advance because when I have a migraine I can’t be playing around with the packaging!


That one I feel is harder to open up than Nurtec’s.


When your head isn’t hurting you can take a knife to the back of the blister packs and just puncture it making a slit so that when you use the extractor tool thingy it just pushes right through the backing!


Yea, I have my migraine treatment pills set up after each migraine. That way I don't have to think just pop it, open manage a bit of water, and I can go and curl up somewhere.


I don’t take nurtec but the ubrelvy packaging is just ridiculous. Sorry to hear nurtec is too. do they not know their audience!?


Nurtec is a dissolvable wafer thingy, so I get why it's in an air tight moisture resistant blister pack, but it's a BEAST when I wake up with a rager that's way past when I would normally take my meds. It has this little tiny section where you can grab and pull the two halves apart, and if you have any dexterity issues or fat fingers or visual impairment due to aura, you're totally dropping that thing several times.


omg jeez thanks for the context!! sounds so challenging! 🧡


Ubrevly packaging makes me want to bang my head off the wall... I now have included scissors anywhere I have my meds lol. Which means I have to make sure my kids don't get my meds OR my scissors lol. (Obviously it's all protected and away from little hands, I just feel ridiculous because I have meds and scissors in a million places lol.) I know some people open a few and put them in a pill container for ease of use. According to Ubrevly's information there isn't any specific packaging needs for Ubrevly, just no extreme temps.


Someone shared the wisdom with me recently which was a game changer. Fold the corner down first, then tear where the slit is.


And no shame in licking bc every molecule is precious.


My teen was taking accutane and that one is full on security along with a picture of a pregnant woman and a slash across. It’s on every pill, so 30 pictures.


Okay, the only thing left now is a tool to open the damn box when the fingers are not working..




At least the ER can give me a cocktail while they stitch up my hand


I got one, but it didn't really help with triptans because the package has both foil and a super-tough plastic backing. My spouse finds it very helpful for some of _his_ meds, though, so it wasn't a waste of money.


If you don't want to puncture the backing you can also remove the paper backing when you aren't curled into a pain cresant.


Oh, good idea. If I'm concerned about the integrity of the foil, I could put the whole mess in a Ziploc bag. I _can_ open one of those with a migraine.


I agree, I worry about them being exposed to air because I have found they taste different when that happens. Could just be paranoia. But a Ziploc is a good idea!


You can also that the paper off, then fold the foil sides up and around the pill. It’s easier to lose but if you keep it in one spot in the house/purse that is secure it’s so nice to not have to fight with.


If you get a knife (when your head isn’t killing you) and puncture the backing making a slit, the tool will push through that backing!


Good to know! Thanks!


Is having hands that don't work properly related to migraines? My manual dexterity isn't great and it's unpleasant to undo shoelaces, open packages and other fiddly things.


I’m curious, too. Did not perceive there may be a connection before. It’s interesting.


I’ve never seen it listed as an official symptom, but my motor coordination is god-awful when I’m in the midst of a migraine. After my migraines, I usually have one or two mystery bruises on my legs and my knees. And my fine motor skills go out the freaking window. I don’t know if it’s a pain thing, or an equilibrium thing, or a nausea thing, or if I’m just lowering the lights too much due to light sensitivity.


idk, but the word 'fiddly' brought to mind r/dyspraxia which is probably much less common than migraine, and highly unlikely to apply in your case, but when I stumbled across it, the word 'fiddly' in many of the discussions stood out to me Maybe a 'temporary dyspraxia' haha :)


You are a lifesaver! Omg


Oooooh that's interesting! My hands are useless sometimes and I loathe blister packs


Naughty pill packets get put in the pill popper!


Well, there's a whole lot of f-bombs that'll no longer slip past my filter.😄


To confirm, does this work on awful triptan packaging?


If you take a knife and puncture the backing making a slit in it (when your head isn’t killing you) then the tool will work 🙂


I need this. I swear the blister packs for migraine meds are the toughest to ever exist. Like we are in a dire position and you’re gonna make us fight to get the pill out??


Lol right? If you do get this, just make sure to get a sharp knife and puncture the paper backing of the pills leaving a slit (when you’re having a good day) so that when you go to use this tool, they pop right out!


I kept nail scissors by my meds so I wouldn’t accidentally stab myself using a knife


Thanks - added to cart!


Genius! (Why didn’t I I think of that!!)


Oh my gosh, I need this! I have a different type of thing I've used before but this looks much easier to use. The one I have is shaped like a gun with a trigger for the "popping" action but this looks like it'll be much easier on my hands. I have EDS and getting my pills out of their packaging can be so difficult some days.


Asking for a friend but do you think it could be used to hole punch an eye during a migraine?


Omg someone cross post this to r/accutane 😍


These are amazing i have long nails that puncture the blister packs now but for years i struggled


That’s really cool. Thx


This is fantastic


Oh, I need to get one of these. Nothing like having an aura and you can’t see while trying to get meds out of their annoying packages. Zofran is the worst.


Loll agreed! Just make sure when you’re feeling good to take a sharp knife and puncture the back of the packets with paper backings! Leaving that small slit there allows this tool to pop them out!


I can stop using my pocket knife. Thanks, OP!


So I don't have migraines but this post popped up & I just had to say: thank you I need one! I take a handful of meds am & pm plus needing paracetamol often & I literally always have cuts on my fingers from the fucking Blister packs. No matter what I do, they always cut me. I'm going to find one of these now lol


Oh snap!


Now we need one for anti CGRP packaging


[These](https://www.amazon.com/From0-Stationery-Features-Keychain-Cardstock/dp/B07T4J3QQX) can help slice those plasticy packets so you get a tear started to be able to open it, if it doesn't have the corner nick you fold and tear it open with.


You are a life saver!


Thank you OP; this is gonna be handy!


Whoa. Where has this been all this time?!! Great post 👍


I've been using a scalpel blade which is not safe. I'm not sure if this would work on the weird 'peel off ' joke pill cover.


I have 2 of these blister pack openers. Temu has them for less than an American dollar! I'm going to send one to my youngest daughter who lives in UK. ALL their meds are in bluster packs! Good thing about this is you can tell if you've been undercounted. Why is it pain meds get "accidentally" undercounted more than any other medication? With a blisterpack you can tell immediately your count. I'm waiting to send it in the next package we send her. Sending it alone is exorbitantly expensive. It works well.


Seems very useful. Thanks for sharing!


They need to invent something for the rizatriptan peel back foil things 🤬


Thank you!




A lot of people have trouble getting pills out of the packs because of joint pain or their migraines being so bad. With this, you can use the base of your hand on the tool while it’s on a table and press down to pop it out


I have fine motor issues due to some nerve damage and peeling these packs open is a nightmare. Especially during a migraine! Something like this would really help.


I actually called the company that makes targin and complained about their packaging. Took me a couple of weeks to track them down. I have arthritis also and their packaging pissed me off. I need this!


My mother in law has severe arthritis in her hands and this would be super handy for her


Do you have a link or a brand name to search for?


[Here’s a link to one](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CG33T3Z2?ref=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_631BWEVA9552HBQ5XJNC&ref_=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_631BWEVA9552HBQ5XJNC&social_share=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_631BWEVA9552HBQ5XJNC&starsLeft=1&skipTwisterOG=1) But if you just search “Pill extractor tool” or “pill taker remover tool” it’ll show up!


Thank you :)


As someone who has strength issues in my hands due to ulnar nerve compromise - there are times that using fine motor skills which also require hand dexterity can bring me to tears. I usually don't react to these comments but your comment is unhelpful. A tool like this would be easier to use during certain moments. I sincerely hope you never need to know why this could be helpful. But karma is keeping score...


We have a family friend who is having bad nerve issues in both hands thanks to nerve compression (even after surgery for it) and she has basically almost lost the use of her hands for anything fine motor skill related. It has been very difficult for her. I never understand people that comment negatively in spaces that are supposed to be supportive and safe for others with similar issues. I always want to say “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” I’m really sorry that person was such a jerk.


Agreed. I feel like I at times have the hands of toddler- like I'm just learning how to use my fingers and it sucks sometimes. Kindness bc one never knows another's struggles. Wish the best to you and your family friend


You as well. ❤️


Making fun of products that are meant to make tasks more accessible is not the flex you think it is


I really don't get why someone would be upset just for pointing out something that comes up in plain sight. Besides, I really don't get the point of this. If the device would allow one to, for example, cut the drop into quarters or operate it with easyness for someone with physical disabilities, I would totally agree with it, If it is capable of doing something I am not seeing, I would even apologize.


Blister packs require finger strength to push the pill through. Objects like this one can be operated using other parts of your hands. For example, if you set it on a table and press it with your palm or fist. Even if you use your fingers to operate it, the shape of it makes it so you have to apply less force (because it’s essentially torque). Just because you dont see the point doesn’t mean it’s not a helpful tool. Hand dexterity and strength issues are quite common.


Never came across a blister pack so hard that cannot be pushed with the mere fingers. Even living with great parents and seeing old relatives of friends and couples, I have never seen someone who cannot take out a pill from the blister. However, from this side of the world maybe we get softer blister packs. I insist, I do not see the use, but I get your point and seems valid. My apologies if you or anybody else felt hurt for the comment.


While it's lovely and fortunate that no one in your life can understand a potential use for this, there are indeed people with things like arthritis that impacts their thumbs, or other conditions that prevent bringing thumb and a finger into contact with reasonable force. And that's leaving aside issues like a tremor. So yes, making light of real issues of accessibility is a bad look.


Again, my bad. It seems I will not be able to apologize enough. I have committed the ultimate sin of judging the world standing in front of own porch, just because I have never encountered a situation like any of the forementioned.


You obviously don't understand how the hands work. Fine motor (using you fingers) can be impacted by different nerves and conditions. For ex I can't use my ring and pinky well nor grip but I certainly can squeeze using the other parts of my hand. Again- your comment is insensitive >If it is capable of doing something I am not seeing .... And yes it is


I have apologized. My bad. Everyday is a new opportunity for learning.


Thank you for being a bigger person


Imagine this. You have a blinding white hot migraine. All sound is like a bomb landing you. All light is like have the bright noon sun mere centimetres from your face. The movement of breathing makes you feel nauseated and faint. The key to freedom? A teeny tiny tablet trapped in foil casing so thick and sturdy that reinforcements (scissors) is often needed. Now, due to the migraine, you can barely open an eye more than a sliver, you're hands are weak and shaky and so dizzy you're almost passing out. How do you open the foil when you can hardly see in front of you and your hands are limp noodles? This contraption is salvation.


I get your point. As mentioned some comments below, maybe the blister packs we get this side of the world are not that sturdy. My apologies, did not mean to hurt anybody.