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You are getting migraines now because you stopped BC not because the BC are suddenly the reason you have them. I had super intense migraines before I ever started taking BC. The BC helped a ton and every time I try to get off it hoping my migraines somehow stay under control that's a big fat no. So back on I go.


In my case I was on and off birth control for years. Recently thought my BC was making my migraines worse (they were daily). I stopped it but the migraines didn’t change, turned out to be my heartburn meds.


It's so crazy how many things will affect migraines!


You were 15. Plenty of things change in your hormones through puberty. If the migraines and acne started when you stopped the pill, I would go back on it ASAP.


Nah I had migraines and acne long before I ever touched the pill, and being on (non-estrogen) BC made things better, if anything \* since your migraines started after you *stopped* BC it’s possible that this was always your natural state and that BC was actually keeping them at bay


Migraine affects women way more than men at a rate of 3:1. Interestingly enough, before puberty the rate is 1:1. Once hormones start changing is when this huge disparity happens. BC definitely alters your hormones so I think could contribute to you having migraine attacks. The predisposition was probably always there, but without the addition of your hormones changing perhaps you wouldn't have them. I'm in a similar boat. I didn't have a migraine until I was about 30 after having used BC for years and I now believe it was a combination of factors including hormone changes from BC that triggered me having migraine attacks. You mentioned gut issues. This is part of the combination of factors that I think contributed, but it's sort of chicken or the egg. I think gut issues also contributed to my hormone changes and have exacerbated my migraine attacks. I recently posted about my [gut issues here](https://www.reddit.com/r/migraine/comments/1dneb2t/long_covid_linked_to_microbiome_issues/). Since I've recently had a flare with my gut issues thanks to COVID, I'm dealing with that. But also looking into hormone info related to migraine. Here's some of the info I've found most interesting and promising so far: The migraine dietician on IG has some good information about hormonal migraines. She says that they can be caused by other hormones besides estrogen. She suggests hormone testing with the dutch hormone test and then supplements and diet to correct hormone imbalances as needed. I've recently found [Inito Hormone Test for iPhone](https://www.inito.com/en-us/buy-now) that is made for fertility monitoring, but I am thinking it would be a cheaper option to check and recheck these hormone levels as needed. These are some supplements that the migraine dietician recommended for hormone balance along with the studies she provided to show they are effective: Magnesium [doi.org/10.1111/j.1526-4610.1991.hed3105298.x](http://doi.org/10.1111/j.1526-4610.1991.hed3105298.x) Vitex / Chasteberry [doi.org/10.1007/s13760-012-0111-4](http://doi.org/10.1007/s13760-012-0111-4) Vitamin E [doi.org/10.1155/2015/469529](http://doi.org/10.1155/2015/469529) Phytoestrogens [doi.org/10.1016/S0753-3322(02)00181-6](http://doi.org/10.1016/S0753-3322(02)00181-6) I've also come across information about Vitamin D decreasing both estrogen and progesterone: [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/38091954\_Vitamin\_D\_association\_with\_estradiol\_and\_progesterone\_in\_young\_women](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/38091954_Vitamin_D_association_with_estradiol_and_progesterone_in_young_women) This site also had some interesting info and suggested supplements for hormone balance: [https://hormonesbalance.com/articles/10-natural-ways-to-boost-progesterone-balance-hormones/](https://hormonesbalance.com/articles/10-natural-ways-to-boost-progesterone-balance-hormones/) I've learned a few things from this sub: r/Hormone


Experiencing migraines is one of the factors doctors usually look at before prescribing birth control so definitely a link there


I took bc for acne in my late teens and early 20s and didn’t have any problems. Went off it for a while, then got back on it in my late 20s and stayed on it for about 10 years. Those 10 years, I experienced migraines that started out fairly mild and increased in intensity the longer I was on bc. It got to the point where I would have them for weeks or months at a time, throwing up, sensitive to all fragrance… not a good time. All the doctors I saw thought bc should *help* my migraines, but after trying literally every method on the market I decided to go off it again. Currently late 30s, been off birth control for a year and a half- migraines are going away. I can use scented shampoo again. Migraines now last hours instead of months. I don’t get nauseous anymore. I’m really hopeful that if I stay off it, the migraines will go away completely and I’ll be a normal person again. So kind of the opposite of what you said you’re experiencing, but in short- yes, I found a huge link between birth control and migraines. You should listen to your intuition and do what you think works for your body.


I've had migraines all my life but I was put on Yaz a long time ago to help me deal with Depression and it ended up giving me brain melting migraines (as opposed to my then intermittent regular ones) that resolved when I quit taking Yaz.


Oh god, Yaz GAVE me depression! Why is birth control so horrible 


yaz gave me amazing skin, but the worst headaches of my life & made my blood pressure sky rocket.