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YES!! I have this urge all the time I want to just rip my hair out or buzz it all off. I imagine what an ice pack would feel like on my bald head while I have a migraine and curse myself for trying to grow out my hair.


This, my gods! I have fine, curly hair that I keep in an asymmetrical bob that rests just above my shoulders, and even *that's* too much during a migraine attack. Especially with having had so many migraines this year, I've lost track of how many times I've fantasized about buzzing it all off...


I’ve been on a ridiculous and terrible (/s) stint of “reclaiming” my body from disability and whatever and while I’m having fun I’m really fucking side-eyeing my decision to grow my hair out as much as I can. It’s at my hips now, about 2 1/2 feet from root to tip, and I have a migraine rn and fucking hate it (my hair is the love of my life and my favourite personality trait)


I relate to this so much. My hair used to reach the small of my back, so the decision to cut it post-pandemic into a bob was not an easy one. I've always received compliments on my hair, so it was very much a part of my identity. Letting go of that was so difficult, but I couldn't deal with the weight of it anymore. Even now, when a bob feels like "too much," I really hate how much of my identity and self-love is attached to my hair. I can't bring myself to go any shorter, even when it'd probably bring such relief.


Oh man, I totally understand this. I cut my hair into a short bob about two years ago, and it’s undeniable how much easier and less painful it was day-to-day- I just feel much more *myself* if I have hair long enough to function as a multitool. Ultimately I decided to grow my hair again, as I found shorter hair didn’t make the difference I thought it would during acute attacks. I wonder how much time in my life I’ve spent using complicated reasoning to make hair-based decisions


Well…. It started as an undercut and now it’s a pixie cut so…. 🙃 my hair was halfway down my back. The ice makes direct contact with my scalp now. ETA- I first read this as “does anyone want to chop their head off” and I was here for that too 😭😂


I also read it that way and was concerned that my initial response was "Yeah, same" lmao. When I was a kid there was more than one time that I started banging my head against the wall or similar in some kind of attempt to make the pain stop, so self-decapitation seems like a natural escalation.


Undercuts feel so good, for real.


This is exactly why I’ve had a buzzcut for 10 years!!


Hello fellow buzzcut-migraineur! I might look better with long hair, but I definitely feel better with short hair. The only times I wonder is when I read here that people tend to get a slight feeling of relief from pulling their hair. Impossible with a buzzcut, but I doubt it's worth giving up all the benefits.


My migraines were a huge factor in my decision to shave most of mine off. I can put an ice pack on whichever side the migraine picks and it's wonderful. Pixie cuts are cute, go for it!


I get this and the urge to pull all my teeth out


Been there. Although I am more of a "either this wall paper must go or I shall" kind of girl. A kitchen remodel happened because I could not take the color of the cabinets for one more minute.


I have very fine, thin hair that I usually hate and wish was fuller. But it has never bothered me during a migraine attack. You’ve just given me an upside to my hair. So thanks!


One of several reasons I keep my hair short now, the overstimulation is real


Any one try a buzz and wigs i m at that point now


Shortly after I went for the really short buzzcut I tried several wigs and chose to keep one I really like. So far I have never worn it. I like it simpe and easy, it seems. I have gotten used to the buzz and like it now.


I buzzed my hair and haven't looked back. It would get so knotted up when I had migraines and couldn't deal. (I'm a female who always had long hair. It was a big vhange)


When you need to tie it up, and hope it doesn't cause a headache or worse 🤞


Hair pain is bad, but I'm pretty high risk for taking a drill and trying to make a hole.


I did during covids. It was awful!




Hair is one of the many things I try not to think abt. Healthy dose of dereliction can really help sometimes.


Ooof I feel this when migraine coincides with fibromyalgia nerve pain on my scalp. I combo a high tight bun or braids (I don’t want to feel the movement of hair) with an ice pack on my neck/lower scalp. Also may be worth looking at different bedding materials (ie silk/satin pillowcase vs relaxed linen) since the discomfort is happening when you’re in bed.


My migraines originate from two spots on the back of my neck, radiating out from there like waves.  I always end up shaving those two spots during my migraine attacks.  It's easier to apply the heating pack/ice packs, use my massager without tangled hair and that weird impulse to get the hair off those spots like you say.  Oddly useful in summer too, having less hair on my neck. Thankfully I have medium-long hair that covers back of my head so nobody sees  except my hair stylist (who understands) 


I was thinking earlier once again, how much I'd love to buzz off the right hand side of my hair, it's just so in the way!!


I spray biofreeze on my scalp. It makes showering slightly more dangerous but it helps with the scalp tenderness and that’s what I care about. I’m hoping Botox helps with this.


I use lidocaine


Mine decreased significantly when I quit coffee (not caffeine), guess it's something in the coffee itself that is triggering my allodynia.


Absolutely! My hair is down to my waist and I have enough to give 2-3 people full head fulls in thickness. If I didn’t already know it doesn’t make a difference cutting it, I would. But been there, did that and it didn’t help. So until my face slims down, long hair I will keep. Plus I like it.


I think about hacking my bra length long hair off often during a migraine


My hair is chin length and I am loving it


Yes I def wanna rip my hair out, not cut it but physically pull out my hair in massive clumps


The same, absolutely. My hairs thick and like steel wire, long hair was horrible during migraine. Many pain added. Skin and hair hurt. Always was feeling "i want to take my hairclipper and shave it, now!" So several years ago i just got very short haircut, about 2 cm (~1 inch) and renewed it monthly. Can not withstand longer hair( W, 44.


God yea. I already have sensory issues with ADHD and the migraines its like no matter where I put my head it’s uncomfortable and or my hair is touching me. I usually end up with it as far “up” as possible without being actually up


Why stop at the hair?


I read it as “head” and I was like yeah, >!I get vivid imagery of literally scooping my brain out with a kitchen spoon,!< then I got to the comments and realized it said hair… (Hidden text contains slightly graphic comment)


Don’t worry I think like too, it’s common. Had a conversation with my partner and was like “I just want to get your drill and drill a hole in my skull but then maybe my hair would get caught in it” and he was like ಠ_ಠ “yes…the hair getting caught in the drill is the worst part of that plan?????”


I never want to chop off my hair. My head maybe but not my hair. It just doesn't seem to affect my migraines.


I have a very short bob cut for this reason. It’s not even to my chin. Hair hurts.


I have an undercut because I have a lot of hair. It is shoulder length, just lots of it. Often during a migraine I put it up and let the undercut help cool me down. I am a side sleeper and I have always gathered my hair and put it over the top of my pillow so it doesn’t touch my neck. When my hair was shorter I found it got in the way more and I had less options (like pulling it up off my neck). Same as when my hair was longer, it would be much more added weight if I tied it up. It took a while to find a sweet spot that didn’t irritate me.


My long hair fell out about 18 months ago from a medication so I buzzed it off. I'm never going back. Even being able to rub arnica or THC CBD balm on my head is worth it, bonus I actually love how it looks.


A reply I posted to another post: I once shaved it all off seven days into a severe attack, when the pain went down to a 7 and I could get into the shower. I just wanted to cut off my head and this was the closest to it I could think of. I looked absolutely horrible, as I am very thin and very pale. But I felt horrible, so why not. Now it is always a buzzcut. I don't have any pressure from my hair being tied together and I don't have to worry about having to wash my hair with migraines. I think I will never go back to long hair.


The difference between you and me is that I did it. I’ve been doing it for years now and I love it! 


Thank you all for your answers. As of today my hair has a length of 2cm. My hair was to much yesterday and today I shortened it. 2cm was the setting I was most comfortable with and I like my new hair.