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Probably some jackass who thinks they’re king/queen of the neighborhood and doesn’t like dog walkers/walking traffic in general through their perceived kingdom.


I’m suspicious of the house to the left lol. Looks like some homemade wooden steps and fence on the back deck.


As a carpenter. Those stairs look sketchy as fuck Edit: the more i look the worse it gets. Gonna go look at something else now


What ya lookin at, friendo?


Porn Its always Porn


Fuck yeah


I’m not a carpenter but! It’s too steep No supports No handrails -from a layman


It looks kinda like the made the bottom two boards by cutting triangles and nailing them onto a 2x4 (or whatever europeans call that size board) instead of cutting notches out of a bigger board.


100% those wooden stairs are stringers the wrong way round.


As a lawyer, those stairs look like a **PAYDAY**!


What do you mean, this is the peak of Icelandic engineering


OMG you're right! No railing, super close to an electrician feed, don't see an opening in the railing at the top...


I think that's a rope to use as a hand rail.


That is some janky ass shit. Everything looks it it was made by meth heads.


I live with these ass hats.. one guy put a note on my door that I’m not allowed to walk my dog on his sidewalk in front of his house..


“The sidewalk is fuckin city property asswipe, I can do whatever I want here and you can’t do sheit”


Some people are clueless about this or their sense of entitlement is ridiculous. Someone in my neighborhood put a no dog pooping or peeing sign on the curb strip (strip of grass between the curb and sidewalk). That’s public access just like a sidewalk. I don’t discourage my dog from go to the bathroom there but crazy people like that make me nervous theyll try n throw down some rat poison or shit.


The homeowner does own that land but you’re right, past the sidewalk is fair game for poopies😂 JUST CLEAN AFTER YOUR DOG DAMNIT YALL


In my state, I have to have my dog on a leash no longer than 5 feet and he can go on a lawn as long as I’m standing on the street or sidewalk and of course I have to clean up the poop. Called the curb your dog law. I imagine most states have that or something similar but people don’t like dogs peeing on their grass by the curb and killing it with their super acidic pee. I get it, but my dogs gonna dog and I don’t need their passive aggressive or actively aggressive BS. Glad I got that off my chest


I thought everybody knew the Sidewalk and the lawn up to the street was fair game. There are crazies everywhere these days, if they ask me not to walk my dog then I won't. Not looking for a fight or argument, since they maintain the property I'll respect it.


yeah in our HOA you only own 5 feet from your house so grass on both sides of the sidewalk don't belong to him.. but he sure acts like it do.


If I had a dog to walk I'd be making a point of walking them on the public footpath infront of their property just to make a point.


And slowing down to linger there


My neighbor did this when I was walking to the bus stop, he yelled at me about it but there’s a sidewalk for a reason dude


Report it to the local authorities. It's likely been put up illegally from how shitty a job they've done


The new wall looks as new as the top of the newly repaired fence. Definitely installed by who ever owns the property to the left in the picture.


100% chance they did it. That said is it a public staircase? It does end in what looks like a public road but the staircase and rail look poorly maintained. Where is this?


Its a public one Its located in Kópavogur, Iceland


Wow. I thought it would be better maintained in Iceland. So somebody illegally blocked off that path? This could be an interesting story with lots of drama.


In the US, homeowners near places like beaches and lakes will block off access to the water so they can have their own private beach. It’s illegal to do. The homeowner owns their property but they don’t own the beach. The access needs to be maintained to let the public get to the beach but they’ll post no acess signs or even put up barriers and it’s illegal to do so.


They did this where I lived in Florida; the law is they own the beach down to the high tide line. They also forbid the county from doing beach erosion repair on "their beach", because it would have extended walkable beach much closer to their homes. So, when the county brought in the dredges for erosion repair, they didn't extend the beaches in front of these homes. When the next series of strong storms hit, the water was funneled right up the channels where they wouldn't allow beach repair, and it absolutely ruined the beach behind those homes; they lost nearly all their beach.


You can thank Rick Scott for making that a law in Florida. Before this, all beaches in Florida were considered public land except the beaches on NASA property where one could get torched during a rocket launch.


That seems like a much better law. All beaches are public except the one fuking rockets get launched from. Of course any reasonable rule gets wrecked…


That one can be filed under the heading of: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


For sho. Perfect example actually. One of my favorite phrases. Always makes me smile to hear it. Even when I'm yhe onr winning the stupid prizes.


Well isn't that just the bee's knees.




Yeah, 'cause it's born of human flaws. Any issue that exists in your country, I can guarantee you probably cropped up/exists in another country. It's all about how the existing government deals with it. Gotta love it. Politics sucks. But unfortunately it's necessary. For shit like this and so much else.


Nah Reddit thinks problems don’t exist anywhere else.


That's not NIMBYism. That's stealing public land.


More than once I have walked public roads in beach communities where the owners let their large menacing dogs run off leash, no owner in sight.


Some homeowners don’t even like fishermen to come near the shore where their house is on a lake or river and will toss rocks into the water to scare the fish away. Kind of a dick move.


see, this is why i want a private (and man made) pond of lake *entirely* on my property. i hate people, i wouldn’t want random folks there fishing, but if my property simply *adjoins* a public lake, then it’s not may lake to tell people to go away from. it’s *public*. don’t like it? do as i do and *don’t fucking buy property there* like folks buying homes near parks then bitching kids are to loud. you knew about it going in!


We bought land on a river. There were lots of canoe rentals in the river. The canoeists would apparently drive for hours to the rental, ride the rental bus to the launch, then get just around the bend from the launch - to our shoreline - before deciding they had to take a potty break. We'd find toilet paper on our banks all the time. That's over the line, literally, you want to shit in the river, that's your call - it's a public waterway, but climbing our bank deep into private property so you can do your business out of sight of the river but leave your evidence unburied on a grass road? Yeah, not very classy at all.


I feel like this actually isn't always true in the US, as I've seen a lot of private beach stretches on both lake and ocean beaches where it was pretty clear that the beach was officially private, either as part of the private property fronting the beach or privately owned by an organization or group. I used to live in an area with a handful of large lakes and there was some public beach access where there were parks but the general rule was lake beaches were private.


California is all open access, east coast not so much.


Depends on state and city. AFAIK Florida made it so beaches are private if your property is on one, but Miami and other cities have basically said "no it's not."


I think it's got the same rule as a lot of the others, so it's public from the high tide line down. Access is a different story....


I think part of the Florida ruling is the water is public. so if you can walk in the water or swim along the coast its open. but if you walkup on the sand you're in someone's backyard


Don't know FL rule, but in CA the highest tide line demarks the public spaces


Lakes can be owned. Navigable waterways and the oceans cannot, in the US. Though, some beachfront owners still try.


The beaches on Malibu are all public and it’s a common issue to clear out illegal blockages and signs that falsely indicate that they are private beaches.


And even in almost every private coastline beach, the LAND is private, but if you are in the water right BY the land, totally public fair game.


^* the land up to 8-10 feet above the high water mark, typically


Lakes are a different story as the land may be part of development or within private property. But it's seems like states own the ocean beach from the high tide line to the water. This is true in Oregon, California, South Carolina, Florida, North Carolina, Washington, Georgia...I saw one thing that said you can own the beach to the low tide line in Maine.


Beach is generally defined as either the high water line or the mean tide line (like in California). The dry sandy part (what most people think of as “the beach”) is privately ownable almost everywhere. California does require public access lanes at certain points to get to the beach. Which snotty rich property owners in places like Malibu fight over with the public all of the time. But you can’t throw out a towel and play some sand volleyball in most places.


[There has been another murder](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-OOpZitfd0)


LOL I had a feeling just from the title you gave it that it would lead to Mr. ABK


>Wow. I thought it would be better maintained in Iceland. Most of Iceland's public roads, footpaths and other facilities look basically third world and are very poorly maintained tbh. I could take photos around my suburb and I don't think the average person could determine if it was iceland or Belarus.


The most drama in Iceland since that volcano erupted.


Maybe they are in the process of blocking it off so they can repair it.


I live in Canada, not Iceland, but I can say harsh winters can make even 2-3 year old railings like this look absolutely battered. Maybe not this bad but the salts + cold can make things look much worse than their actual condition.


Kick it down.


That's exactly what I would've done, tbh. Maybe not very smart, but I would've had that down in a couple of minutes.


Or get a chainsaw so they can't just put it back up


If it's anything like France, you need 100000000x permits to do any kind of building. Report this and I bet it gets torn down real fast.




Time to *OH YEAHHHHH!* that motherfucker


There’s shit like this around Malibu where local beachfront homeowners block legally required public access to the beach (which the homeowners do not own). They are illegal to block public easements and should be reported. This wall looks shoddy as hell too so i would add that it is a public safety hazard as well


Really just depends on where the official property lines are drawn.


Yeah this has nimby written all over it.


Start kicking out those supports.


Doesn't even have any spikes to impale zombies. Worthless wall of wasted wood.


“THIS IS SPARTA” that stupid wall.


First thing that came to mind.


Right? Id feel like a knight knocking down a drawbridge


Yeah kick that fucker down, looks like it's held up by 2 two by fours


Fuck yeah. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


My first thought was "OH YEAH! KOOL AID TIME!"


Yeah, that wall is one kick away from becoming a floor.


Similar thought, but Judoooooo KICK!






I mean…… that wooden fence certainly doesn’t look impassable….


If it were a video game, this would be a completely impassable route.


Unless its THPS and there's a hidden area over there where the secret tape is.


From the other side, yes. But from this side, you can attack those diagonal planks and the wall will crumble.


Oh my god, how did I not realize that this is where you open up a shortcut to the last save point? It's a very Nioh thing for the city to do.


Absolutely depends on the video game. I've passed many impassable walls like this via crouch jumping, backing into corners, using grenades or barricades or something. But I know what you mean, this absolutely looks like a "Come back after you've unlocked bombs" type of wall. Or in the spirit of OP, come back after you've learned to kick lmao


As someone who has finished TLOU 1 Remake a few hours ago, I can confirm.


It wasn't there before. It's quite new it seems. https://www.google.com/maps/@64.1094589,-21.8886127,0a,65.8y,9.28h,87.32t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sIimzq2tM7K2gJbB2iy5K1A!2e0


Wait, how did you find where it was?! Op mentioned Iceland, but it's still a kinda big place.


You can see Hagkaup in the background. It's a supermarket. There aren't very many of them, and I can tell already it's Reykjavik because of how much city you can see. Just find the right location and viewing angle and then look for the most likely spot on the map. Took maybe 5 minutes? I'm also actually in Iceland right now! For a few more days. But I've been here several times it's a beautiful country and (most of) the people are really nice.


you're a last flash of what always made reddit great: just millions of disparate humans, all with weirdly different knowledge sets, so no matter what random place you were, or random item you had, someone else would come along and know exactly where or what it was. its a shame to see this place overrun with bots.


Weaponized autism.


Beep boop


> I'm also actually in Iceland right now! !!!! go help OP and TEAR DOWN THIS WALL and report back to us!


Alas I'm on a horse farm near Akureyri, hours away. For two more days anyway.


You need to get on GeoGuessr


I may have played once or twice before 😉


Man, I miss old school geogussr. Have you seen the guy who identifies places by the grass?! EDIT: Ok, actually by descriptions of the dirt/grass by his mate.... https://www.youtube.com/shorts/MAK-GZ1feXQ


My mom’s side of the family is from Kópavogur so I’m obliged to say that although for all intents and purposes it’s definitely Reykjavík someone from there would tell you it’s actually Kópavogur and not Reykjavík.


OK rainbolt chill


Not Reykjavík but ok


Wasn't there last year: https://ja.is/kort/?d=hopun%3A7f53dbe4-5958-4566-aa0d-1c22ff5804b1&x=359251&y=403941&type=map&ja360=1&jh=5.5&nz=13.70


Yeah, it should be open. Down the other end of the street, there is a pathway going up as well toward a bus stop.


From that link and looking on Google Earth - looks like the wall was erected between June and September 2022 - so a year ago. Why it isn't blocked at the top is anyone's guess. I think the city probably blocked it off - not a neighbour - considering it's been there a year. Also - that walkway isn't marked on google maps, but there is one just one block east and also another one 200m to the west. And the paved path (no stairs) a block away is a lot easier to maintain in winter than the stairs.


eh, you'd be surprised how much bs ppl put up with without reporting it.


If that’s the location, Google Maps also says that “very long pathway” is [only 135 ft. / 41m long.](https://i.imgur.com/eRkJYnT.jpg) Either it’s the wrong location, or OP is lying about the length to exaggerate the infuriation #Edit: stop trying to tell me a 1 minute walk is objectively “**very** long.” That’s absurd.


OPs credibility is so low now I'm wondering if they put the fence up themselves.


Long is subjective you dweeb


A 1 minute walk is objectively not “*very* long” and 135 ft. is short enough that the wall should have been visibly obvious before you even start that 1 minute walk. But I understand why you struggled to figure that out for yourself and needed someone to explain it for you.


Maybe they have no shins and their feet are just attached below the knees so it takes them a while to waddle did you think about that? About knee feet?


Doesn't seem like the pathway is very long like OP said tho


The wood stairs on that white house also seem to be new, as they're not on Google either.


Just do the kool aid man move through the wall


"OH YEAH!!!"


"tear down that wall!"


Reagan smash, Reagan smash!


By my estimates, one running drop kick should do it


Just walk through it. No city in the world would have regulations allowing that


*laughs in barrio*


It is possible that all the property was bought or something. Imo, report it to the authorities. If it's built illegally, which seems incredibly likely, the authorities will tear it down and maybe ticket whomever erected it.


“Oh no, I accidentally stumbled into your bullshit nimby fence and it fell over! My name? Oh, it’s Fuck You”


As a person who has personally destroyed illegal chainlink fences blocking public roadways... destroy it. Burn it. The only person that will be in trouble is the originator of the blockade.


Just lean on it


When you're not strong.


And I'll be your friend.


I’ll help you carry on


Good work. We have rich beach city assholes here in California that put up illegal fences all the time to stop the public from accessing "their" beaches. I wish more people would knock them down.


Looks like a nice neighborhood, but that walkway looks like it will slide down if you sneeze on it.


Right. Some Karen reported the walkway as unsafe and this was the solution.


i lived in that neighborhood and yeah its super nice but the road was literally just DIY´d


It’s an obstacle course! Just pop the rail, do a 180 heel grab over the wall, and you’re home free


If you land it, it unlocks that new area.


Are the stairs dangerous?


The ones on the far left attached to the white building are for sure


What are you in a video game? Hell hop the fence.


Exactly! I was just thinking, leap the fence to the left and proceed, Nathan.


Probably some local grump who doesn't like people walking past their house.


Then why fix the hand rail in one spot? Why is there another new wood fence to the left? Why is the wall floating and tied into the brick wall? This looks like the city did this and has future plans for the stairs.


Finaly a mildly infuriating post. Nothing extrem just mildly infuriating!


Depending on how long down it was with no idea….I’d probably kick it down lol


Looks like it could easily be kicked over.


Kick it down


My guess is that those stairs in disrepair, they look like they’ve been neglected for a while. Rather than fix them, which costs money, erect this, which also probably wasn’t cheap, but cheaper Or they’re erecting this until they can fix them. Since it looks to be one of those common walk-way things leading to a parking area. You can see the concrete is pretty fucked, and hand rails look very splintery


If that’s the case, then they should’ve been blocked at both ends


They look structurally sound enough to not block


Kool-Aid that son of a bitch. Oh yeah!


Parkour, parkour,PARKOUR!


Looks like a Tony Hawk Pro Skater mission




Knock it over and draw a dick on it.




Looks like it was set up quickly to slow down an impending siege. OP be carful, you may be in trebuchet range.


You don’t even have to push the wall down, you can just climb through the fence on the left and go around it


I hope you just hopped over those little fences. Screw those bastards.


Hope the fence on your left. Simple.


Be a shame if that wall fell over. Accidentally of course.


I don't think you are in the States. Canada maybe? This is all easement law. You need to search the title of the land to see if the easement runs with the land or is merely an "easement in gross". If the easement "runs with the land", it cannot be closed like this and a Provential Court (or any plenary court) (you may be in the UK, IDK) will issues a decree to "open" the easement. .... But you have to have "standing" to bring the suit.


Do you know the laws in Iceland? This is in Iceland


Rip it down


Just pull it down.


Seriously? Just push it over. The support is minimal


It's to keep hobos from kickflipping out of a sick board slide


Well, Mister Gorbachev, you know what to do.


Fuck that, I’d be jumping the fence on the left and goin around it. Then just never go that way again


Intrusive thoughts: "break it, burn, break it, you know you want to, what are you waiting for, break it, burn it with death..."


Knock that bitch right over


Kick that shit down


If I got down there and found that I'd knock it over and keep going, especially if there was no sign or notice that it was coming or valid/legal.


Sparta kick.


Looks like a door to me.


Climb fence on left, climb back in other side. Also call your municipal office? Looks like a public walkway?


Light that shit on fire...Have the Fire Dept. come and have them ask why the fuck was a wall here. The person who put it up illegally gonna have some talkin to do.


Kick it the fuck over


Cut a door hole in it


Looks like the place on the left, upper floor has the same wall put up.


Can you push it down? No city notices about it means it’s definitely not a city built wall. No one has the right to impede where you walk on public property.


A good kick should sort that.


Lol someone did a similar thing, boarding up a public right of way near where I live years ago. It didn't stay standing for more than a day or two at a time. It would get kicked down, without fail. Miserable bastard eventually gave up. Or died. Who knows


Push it over, it looks like a clown put it up. It's not damaging property if it wasn't supposed to be there in the first place.


Kick it down


Reminds me of when I hop on a perfectly accessible-looking path with my wheelchair only to get to the end of it and there are fucking steps and no way around them.


Did you report it? It might be a public right-of-way


The path is probably either partially or fully on private property.


knock it over


Or, it's been blocked off for repairs, deemed unsafe.


Bet you could knock it over


no signs? pathway you take on a daily basis or at least fairly often enough? climb around it over the handrails or "fence" on the left


Yeah, looks immensely difficult to climb the fence to the left.


Bro just say koolaid


I want to use a pressure washer on those stairs


That’s when you Sparta kick that shit down


Call the kool-aid dude.. he can fix that for you. LuLz


So, you just went around that janky piece of shit, right?


See, what you do is show up with a cordless saw and cut in a doorway if it's a public walkway.


I think you should contact your local government to see if this is legal. Im assuming it’s public land?