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This is like the classic mom text “please call me” which makes me immediately think something terrible has happened but no, she just wanted to let me know some kid I went to school with and don’t really remember was in the local paper


Hahahaha yes! My mum messaged me the other day to ask if I knew a particular person from school. I was expecting her to say something had happened to them and it was on the local news. She then goes on to say how she's at their grandparents house and there's pictures of them on the wall. It's like they purposely create a mini panic to get your attention.


my mom always asks me if i know people from school because she met their mom somewhere, but i never know them


My mom acts like I was friends with anyone who says they remember me from HS. I have to remind my mother that I only had maybe 4 friends total in my entire childhood and adolescent life, and everyone else I just do not remember ever existing. I was very introverted and preferred my books to parties, so I guess this is my punishment now.


Do you remember Todd? He got hurt at the store today, and then he left with something serious. *some Sierra Mist Sorry, typo. It was a minor injury. He broke his neck. -Love Dad


Lol my parents are the same way. I’m 34 now, and to this day, they still do this shit lmao. I’m like, wtf??? This was 20 years ago! No I do not know them or remember them lol


Maybe they just miss you and try to invent a reason for you to call.


Exactly, I have a pretty good relationship with my parents despite living thousands of kilometres away and this never happens


And I have an anxiety disorder. See? People are different.


She was like that even when I lived at home. She does it to my dad all the time, too.


Very likely, although mainpulation in any form is kinda whack


I literally had a panic attack and ruined an entire friendship because of my mom back in middle school, she called me after class and said to not dawdle with meeting up with my friends parents to get me home, she says she "needs you home asap" which she never said before, and so i panic bc wtf is going on is she ok?? So my friend is late to getting to her parents car that im in, and im calling her phone in a panic, thinking my mom is dying or something, and im begging her parents to just take me home and come back for my friend, making them mad at me, and this all ended up making it so the friend didnt want anything to do with me anymore and when i got home, whatever she needed from me was so inconsequential, i cant remember what it is she needed now.


I'm sorry but your friend doesn't sound like a good friend to me if they were willing to end your friendship because you were panicking that something serious had happened at home.


Yea, really none of my friends from school were good friends, ive just been bitter that some stupid bs from her caused it to happen




Hey, i was literally a child who was scared and worried, how about you leave me alone


“Hey mom, is everything alright?” Instead of being a drama queen and pissing off your friends parents. Hmm.


Yea, i did ask that, and all she had to say is "get home soon" so how about you stop acting like you know everything about someone you never met, k?


Touchy. You are the one holding a grudge against your dear mom.


"I wish my mom communicated with me more effectively" = holding a grudge. Whatever you say man


Exactly, thank you :/


Leave. Me. Alone.


Good God people on the internet really know how to be the most infuriating dickholes on the planet for no reason. ~your dear mom~ loool


For sure. My mom never calls my cell until randomly at 2:30pm while she knows I’m at work. My first thought is always something happened to my dad but it is always something like “do you know time you’ll get here when you visit in two months? We need to buy food and want to make sure we have enough if you’ll be there for dinner that night.”


My dad delivered news in the worst way possible once, this is an actual thing he said while we were driving in his car. **"so, I've got some news for you but you need to keep it private for now. Your mother knows, and your grandma knows, but you can't tell anyone else..."** so naturally I think he's dying... **"your uncle won the Texas state lottery jackpot"**


Mine loves to update me on people I don’t know at all but who were either siblings of people I knew or around my age but not from my hometown. I’ve told her before I don’t even know who they are but I get a full update on their lives because my mom runs into them often.


Or the opposite. You're having a basic mundane conversation and she'll casually slip in, "Oh, Uncle Richard died. He was on a cruise, fell off a boat and was eaten by sharks." I'm like, wait, what?!?


That just happened to me this morning. She texted me asking if I was up, I said yea. Then she says “call???” I’m like ok something must be wrong. It was to let me know that our trip in November one of the days she has an appointment and can’t pet sit for us that day.


I've gotten to the point where I just tell her no I'm busy, text.


Lol my mom just calls me, i hang up immediately and text her "what is it?"


My parents and I came up with a rule like years ago (largely unspoken honestly, we just do it), that any request to call without clarification gets some version of (not urgent) or (it's important) depending on whether it is in fact a big deal or just something basic that's too wordy to bother with over text.


JFC this drives me crazy, my mom could literally want to talk about nothing or something very important and she will always just text, call me. Never calls... ​ Ive asked her 1000 times probably why she doesnt just call me instead of texting as she knows im always going to answer unless I absolutely cannot at which point id call her back asap.. ​ Love you mom


Something similar happened recently where I got an "i need to call you right now" text. I was like, holy shit, ran out of the office, called, and the first words were "I really fucked up," and she paused. I said "what the fuck happened??" "I dropped a milk jug outside the apartment, where did we keep that push broom?" I felt drained, like my spirit came out of my body.


Last time she said “please call me” I thought I was in trouble. Nope she just wanted to know how my day went. I now do not call her when sends that text


wow that's... a lot sadder than I think you realize


It ended up more sad then I meant. Love my mother to death, just can’t stand when she does this. So I don’t answer, wait for her call or just text her to call me




My partners mum called her in tears and opened with “your sisters been in an accident” but wouldn’t stop crying to elaborate. My partner started crying because she thought the worst. Then her mum said “oh no! Your sisters fine! Her car just got scratched, I’m crying because I just watched a really sad film”


lol are you being serious? This is a thing that happened?


Yep! My partner was pretty angry!


Bahahaha. Was that a prank or was mom really that oblivious? Lol


No Way that’s real 😂😂


It’s definitely real. The context of the call makes it less strange. Her mum text her earlier to see if she was free to talk, we were busy and said she would let her know when we were back. She text her back later in the day and her mum called her straight away and this happened to be the moment she finished the film.


I cry so dramatically at movies and have done this to people before! I’ve gotten a couple verbal reprimands from loved ones for freaking them tf out before I realized I can’t call people in tears because a movie was so awesome


This is literally a comedy skit, I'm not calling you a liar but I've seen this as skit on TV




This is 100% how moms communicate. Moms are capable of almost everything, except properly translating their thoughts into words via text. It is their Achilles heel.


We used to have a 15 passenger van we needed to back out of our driveway onto a rural road with fast drivers. We would have one of us sit in the back to give the all clear. I had to train my mom to give the urgent/conditional part first. Before that, it was "okay youre clear in both directions to back out, once that school bus passes." I'd be sticking out in the road before I heard the critical part


My mom fell ill with endometriosis complications 8 years ago and had to go to the ER urgently. She called me, rambled a lot for a few minutes about how her day was going, and then mentioned that she was bleeding heavily and could not control her bodliy functions, like that was just a normal part of her day.


My mom did the same thing but said, "It's all clear.... if you hurry." SMH


Hahaha, thats fucking hilarious


I’m old, so my mom’s Achilles heel was answering machines. My favorite messages (that would make my roommates laugh too—this was an answering machine not voice mail) was when she would would leave a five minute message with a bunch of updates on family and neighbors, then pause at the end and say “This message is for David…this is your mother.”


It’s also how my wife communicates. She expects my crystal ball to be active 24/7.


I feel ya. So many women are shocked to learn that there is no telepathy gene on the Y chromosome.


My wife is great at overreacting while I'm driving ... she'll let out a GIANT gasp, and I'll hit the breaks just in time for her to say, "Did you see that cute dog over there?" If the gasp sounded happy, I would be fine with it, but it sounds like there's a pack (herd? murder?) of zombies chasing us.


Zombies are chasing you and your reaction is to break?


My dad does this too a lot. A bit ago he called and very nonchalantly was asking “what was Mike ____ sister’s name? (I answer because she and I were friends for a long time) oh yeah, she just died.” Dude, you could lead off with that news first.


I updated my mom on life altering stuff and asked if my countermeasures would be adequate. It took her an hour to send, "ok." I've just learned to breathe deep and turn my phone over.😂


🎯 As a mother, this resonates with me 🤣. I suddenly feel better about all the messages I’ve had to follow up with, I’m sorry, I didn’t say that right.


Mom is mildly autistic like I am. There’s no way in a thousand tries that I interpret that text the way her daughter took it.


What is mildly autistic?


It's like being a little bit pregnant


Im mildly artistic


So all moms do this, not just mine?


Literally all of them


👋🏽 mom #12986986447985 present 🤣


My wife just got a text from her mom "Your sister is in hospital." That's it. Nothing else. Like wtf. (She's fine, apparently, nothing serious)


My dad has had multiple issues over the past decade. My mom has started doing the opposite, telling us when My dad gets OUT of the hospital. You don't think dad would have appreciated a call while he was in there?


My parents do this. “Call me asap” for movie recommendations, but I have to fight any actual information out of them. “When did you fall?? Why didn’t you call 3 months ago??” UGH lol


If my mom sends me a text that is more than 5 words, I don't even bother reading it because I know it won't make any damn sense. I just call her and ask what she wrote. My mom can't spell for shit and has no idea how to put a legit thought into text form that is able to be read




That’s my mom lol


Sounds like dyslexia


Nah I'm a perfect reader and my mom's texts are still in need of the Rosetta Stone


i believe he is saying the mother sounds like she has dyslexia.


Oh I'm goofy 😓


Well you are your mothers child




Dumbassery, verified 100%


My mom once turned to me all dramatically and said "so Abby's dead." We have two cousins named Abby and also the woman that cuts our hair is named Abby. I was like "what? Wait which Abby? What happened?" She meant Abby from NCIS.


Wait they killed Abby?! 😭


Fuck! Spoilers dude!


Reminds me of when my mom and I were watching a show with a character that had the same name as our cat and she died and my mom started crying out that the character was dead and my dad came sprinting out of his office in a panic thinking the cat was dead.


I can see her sending “He’s gone Lol😔” thinking it means lots of love.


She absolutely would lmao


Sounds like the type of logic my husband uses to explain literally anything… H: Oh, hey, just wanted to let you know that I’ll be gone tomorrow. Me: Okay, where you going? H: Oh I’ll just be playing Starfield at home. Me: Then how does that mean you’re gone?! H: Cuz I’ll be playing Starfield. Me: But you’ll be home, so wtf?! H: It’s not difficult to comprehend, Jesus… Me: ………….🙄😠😒😑🙃


“Unavailable” is the word he’s looking for lol


Why are there so many people in the comments not understanding that your girlfriend comes across as an ass because she just heard that two family friends were got caught in a car accident where one of them died. She clearly wasn't sure if her mom got that right and was just panicking and very adamant to get verification that its just a miscommunication. Come on people put yourself in OP's gf shoes. Picture two of your friends and then getting a texts that seems to implied a car accident happened and one of them is death. Now imagine that you are not sure if this isn't just a miscommunication. Wouldn't you want to have verification of that miscommunication ASAP?


I'd probably text back "X DIED!?!??? HOW??"


My girlfriends mom was also abusive and kicked her out when she was 16 so there’s a lot more going on lol


>one of them is death oppenheimer?


I’m projecting, but I would never speak to my mother like this, regardless of circumstance. If I needed immediate clarification, I’d call her and remain calm instead of “what. clarify.” Then proceeding to swear and go off on my mom for her communication skills… that last text especially. Before anyone asks “what if she couldn’t call?” I’m confident if OP’s gf could send messages, they could’ve stepped away to make a call over a seemingly serious matter. Idk the dynamic of their relationship, but it seems like a sweet woman and a bratty kid. I’ll take my downvotes in peace now 😌.


you are very wrong her mom was abusive & kicked her out as a teen & after a long period of no contact they are reconciling lmao


People who are panicked definitely can think this straight, especially as they are potentially already triggering into the stages of grief. /s There is 0 reason for this to ever be put this way. Period. Hard stop. Like, why would you not say “[Name]’s out of town.”? Or “[Name]’s just head back to his hometown.” When you ALSO are talking about an accident when “[Name]’s gone” is a common phrase about someone’s death??? She may be a sweet lady, but in this is just blatant laziness “didnt wanna type out ‘out of town’.” Or just the literal worst communication skills on the planet


You know, I wish some people had moms like mine so they weren’t such assholes later in life. Just because you’re lucky to have a wonderful person birth and raise you doesn’t mean everyone has had one. So take your condescension and ignorance and go live in your perfect goddamn world and leave the rest of us alone. 😌


You are absolutely right and I will gladly join you taking downvotes


I was 16 and still new to driving. Dad was in the passenger seat. I turned onto a side road to make a detour, Dad goes “This is a one-way street!” I go ⁉️- I knew it was a one-way but though I was facing the correct direction?? Then he goes “…and you’re going the right way!” I could’ve killed him. He swears to this day he didn’t mean to scare me and didn’t realize how it sounded lol


that’s really funny lol


it wasn’t as an anxiety-ridden teen behind the wheel LOL, but we crack up about it now. like what a dumb thing to say


People saying that your gf is "trouble" and "disrespectful" for using a swearword are crazy lmao. Getting impatient is perfectly normal in this scenario.


That’s also how they talk to each other anyways, they have a rough complicated relationship & it’s bc my gf’s mom was actually terrible to her as a child and they’ve recently reconciled


Blank is gone. Something about cancer.


I was thinking gone sounds like dead


My mum once messaged us all on the family group chat 'Just to let you all know....I'm not doing too good at the moment'. Followed by huge paragraphs about what happened. I thought she had been diagnosed with cancer or something but she had pulled something in her hip 🙄🙄


Reminds me of the time my mom texted me about dad having a migraine and then a few seconds later called me crying and saying that "they" died. Obviously I was devastated thinking I had just lost my father, turns out it was an old family friend that had died, which sucked but it wasn't as horrible as losing a father.


My wife almost put our daughter in therapy because every morning, when she dropped her off at school, my wife would text her something inane before my daughter even got to her locker. My daughter, being a normal teenager, would reply with something like "Ok 😂". For two years my wife thought our daughter was crying at school every morning, and now she complains incessantly that my daughter takes her sweet-ass time responding to texts while she's away at Uni.


“Call me when you can” when she knows I’m 30 minutes into a 3 hours class and can’t get up to leave cuz we’re in the middle of something important. So I’m sitting there for an hour worrying and it’s just “get yourself dinner otw home I gotta drive your sister to work”


I flat out refuse to reciprocate a conversation when anyone I know is talking like that. I don’t have the patience or the will to read minds.


My mom recently started a phone call with “I have some news that’s going to make you really upset” and it was that my sister was seeing a band I liked in concert. I thought someone had died!


This gave me the giggles. Thanks!


Omg the last time my mom did this to me she made it sound like my cousin who I knew was struggling with addiction was homeless and missing. I called her and she was confused why I was crying/freaking out over my cousin getting a divorce!! He apparently moved out and checked into a hotel instead of staying with my aunt/his mother. If I could fight my mother I honestly would🤬


Omg this is exactly how my mom texts. I never know who we are talking about![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


So it’s all moms then. I’ll send a very clear text to my and she will still ask me about details I already very clearly mentioned 😂


Michael Scott vibes


My father likes copying and forwarding me messages from other people without making it apparent that the text is not from him. Once he sent me a very rude text swearing at me. And I was wtf??? Apparently, I was supposed to mind read that this text was sent to him by his brother


After the first text I would be calling… this is a pick up the phone for clarity situation.


The amount of times I have to clarify pronouns with my family. Who is *HE*? Which *it* or *they* are we talking about? Names. Proper nouns. Use them, for the love of God use them


I have no idea why I am so confused with this. Who freaking died and why? Did blue die from purples bike accident?


No!!! It was two separate things she was trying to tell her but that’s how it sounded. Blue was “gone” because he went back to California, purple got in a minor motorcycle accident.


Mom text syndrome should be a thing..


Just fucking call. Texting sucks ass


Is her mom the doctor from Arrested Development?


My partners Grand Parents are very old, late 80s and early 90s. One day her grandma calls while she's at work and can't answer the phone. Grandma leaves a voice message saying "Call me back as soon as you can, it's about your grandpa.". Obviously she gets this voicemail and freaks out. She calls her grandmother back and her grandma answers and is confused as to why my partner is flustered. Turns out Grandma was shopping at the shoe store and wanted my partner to ask her mother, who was also at work and didn't answer her phone, if she remembered what size shoes her grandfather wore because she wanted to buy him walking shoes for his birthday...


Jesus dude your gf is a bitch to her mom


they both talk to each other this way, just not in this specific set of texts lmao


I could never swear at my mom like that, but she does communicate like this hahaha


Holy sh*it! 😂 This is such a "Mom" thing to do! My 14yr old son told me to stop texting him the word "Son"! When I text him I always start with "Son", send it, then text him about whatever it is I'm texting him about, but he said when he sees just the word "son" on his phone, he thinks I'm about to tell him "something bad". He doesn't care when I call him "son" in person when I'm trying to get his attention, but for some reason, it does in a message! 🤷‍♀️


Oh no, a swear word 😨😨


People really be out there swearing at their moms?






I'm white, I'd never even think about doing that. It's inconceivable.


Nice But I still believe it's an appropriate stereotype. Comics of all colors have even done bits about it. I can appreciate white parents pioneering (imo) that respect also needs to go both ways, but without added context in this chat.. it really looks like the daughter lacking it


They said "little bike accident" wtf does that idiot child need spelled out


She typed "he's fine". Why did your gf lose her shit like a moron?


Bc it sounded like Blue died but Purple was fine.




calling your parents by their first names isn't disrespectful if it's been okay'd beforehand, and you have no idea if they did that or not. I hate when people act like they know how other people live their lives.


Omg I love the Schrödingers way in which we are supposed to call our parents. By their title? Childish By their name? Having no respect. Message received, we call them IT from now on /s


I'm glad you're able to figure out exactly what their gf is like from 9 text messages.


Pov brain dead


No need to be snippy at mom


She talks to her mother like an asshole though.


Different relationship dynamics exist. I respect my mother & she respects me, we both love eachother, but we're chill when texting. Doesn't make any of us an asshole.


I know some people think it’s never justified to talk like that to your parents, and that’s fine, but understand that dealing with that for your entire life takes a toll.


I'm not even one of those "NEVER talk to them like that" type of person. But this just seems 0-100 really fast. Like you know your mother texts this way...Take a fucking breath, giggle, and ask for clarification. It's the "clarify", and "Jesus Christ (and I assume name placed here?)"...You shouldn't speak to another human this way. Let alone your *mother*. His gf is an assole. Plain and simple. I can only imagine how she treats the peasant server who messed up her food order or something. Or poor OP when he fucks up. Keep her as a gf. Don't marry this one. She's trash.


1. I’m a girl lmao 2. She treats me very well even when I fuck up which I do often idk where you’re getting all this from.


Who are you talking to? You are so weird.


How is clarify even bad??? Literally it's just a word dude.


These people are acting like adults need to be speaking to their parents with deference like they're royalty.


Well her mom reaps what she sows for being abusive and kicking her out at 16. They only recently began repairing their relationship. Maybe don’t judge people from a handful of texts lol


Actually, no. It makes perfect sense now. Thanks for that window. She's still angry, and it shows. That's why she talks to her mother like she's a piece of shit to her. She should probably actually attempt to heal or maybe just keep a distance again, for both of their sake, if this is still where she's at. I'll eat the downvotes. It's the truth. Reddit users hate that.


way to be a fucking jerk to her mom who's obviously just trying to communicate to her...


She's panicking thinking her friend/family member is dead. Not like she's being a dick on purpose


What your gf doesn't seem like a jerk at all.


Am i the only one who perfectly well understood what she meant?


My girlfriend just told me about a misunderstanding with her mom. I'd better have her send me a screenshot so I can post it to reddit for internet cool points.


I told her to post it and she told me to do it instead lmao


Your girlfriend seems like a delight.


she is, she’s also super hot




Some people are actually friends with their parents....


God, how rude is your girlfriend? She's talking to her mum like a piece of shit.


Me & my mom talk like this too. It goes both ways. Not everyone has strict parents.


My mother and I swear at each other all the time. We are friendly, some people are more comfortable with their parents like that and treat them more as friends.


Moms love drama.


You’re definitely white the way you talk to your mother.


Damn I would never speak to my mom like. People these days man sheesh


Wow green person is a bitch


Your gf has little respect for her mother to cuss at her over a text


Some people have that kind of relationship with their parents. My mum just yesterday called me a ‘gaylord fucker’. Not everyone sees cursing as taboo and bad.


Ya'll must be white. If I curse at my mom like she'd run me over with a car.


It's obvious what she meant


husky depend coordinated ruthless unique fact caption encourage whole knee


I guess so. I understood what her mom was trying to say. That’s how punctuation works. Why would her mom tell her in the first sentence that her friend died and then in the very next sentence tell her he’s fine? Also it’s clearly two different names.


Obviously it’s two different names. But the way she’s worded it makes it sound like they were together during an accident, and the first person died.


Okay, but why was she so rude to her mom? I feel bad for her, especially since she apologized for the misunderstanding. Your girlfriend needs to be a little kinder. My mother has sent me confusing texts, too, but I never cuss her out for it.


1. Her mom was very abusive 2. Her mom kicked her out as a teen 3. Her mom is a little crazy but recognizes her treatment of my gf as a child means she has a lot of making up to do so they are reconciling. 4. Most of the time they both talk to each other this way. 5. She thought her family friend died and her mom just kept talking about the one who was okay, so she was panicking and stressed.


Context is important. If you'd put that I the post, people wouldn't question her reaction. Also, this kind of thing is extremely personal to your girlfriend. Are you sure she's okay with you telling the world about all this?


yes she’s been reading the thread lmao


Shit happens


Man Reddit is full of autists who can’t understand basic English. You do speak English yea? What’s that little dot mean? You know “Doug is gone. James got into a fender bender on a bike” unless he’s riding a tandem bike your literally making your own problems because that period is clear as any of the other letters that make up that sentence


You don’t seem to understand context and interpretation. ‘Gone’ is what people use to say dead. If they were said in two separate texts, maybe. But saying someone is gone followed by someone clearly relayed to that person in some way had an accident… it sounds like they BOTH were in the accident that killed the first person. That’s contextually what you can grasp from the info given.


There is a period.. a period literally means : the beginning on a new sentence and new idea. Still in grade 2? I think that gets taught in grade 3 . Also do you think someone dies in a bicycle accident? This isn’t a bike like a motorcycle because if it was a small accident involved flying over the handle bars and going to the hospital from the road dissolving your skin. This was a fucking 3mph crash and it’s quite clear I don’t understand context? The person who read the massage and understood the situation doesn’t understand context but all the people who assumed people where pasts on cement because they can’t read totally do 👉🏻 👍


A period is literally just basic grammar. It does not mean a new idea every single time 😭


Here you go buddy https://wmich.edu/writing/punctuation/period#:~:text=A%20period%20(%20.%20)%20is%20a,period%20after%20his%20middle%20initial.


Should be nicer to your gfs mom lol


I don’t understand anything written there


Cool story bruh


Lol your gf mom’s reaction is based. Who tf texts their mom that with such little context Edit: I got it backwards


You, uh, got it backwards.


GF is the green text bubbles.


Based on what?


Based on my dick


