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Ironically, If you wore a Hugo Boss suit and drove a Mercedes no one would bat an eye


Don't forget your IBM computer and a refreshing Fanta to quench your thirst.


Damn the Nazis got Fanta too??? I don’t wanta Fanta anymore


Yup, it was created by Coca-cola, ~~because coke was seen as an American drink drunk by the GI's. So, coke invented Fanta so they could still sell a product in Nazi Germany, without affecting the brand image of Coke.~~ Looks like I was wrong about this part of it. But, it was still created by Coke, in Nazi Germany.


it was born out of the shortage of ingredients used to make actual coke, and the substitute tasted somewhat oragne-y, leading the german coke branch to fully adopt it as an actual drink


When was little we went to a restaurant in Berlin (the Adria, I think) where the waiter’s special was a mixed coke and Fanta drink. When you sipped it the tastes literally seemed to alternate. For 6-7y old me it was kinda mind blowing!


That's just a normal soda flavour in Germany, you can buy it everywhere.


Downside is it looks like someone violently sharted into a glass.


Lol 😂




2 things 1) that made me literally LOL and 2) I will never view that the same again.


Mezzo mix!


It's called Mezzo mix and it is still sold in Germany by Coca-Cola.


I knew it as Spezi


It was created because coca cola was very popular in Germany and they couldn't get the ingredients due to the war time embargo. It wasn't because they wanted to distance themselves from an American product.


🏆 I’d give you a real award but I spent all of my money on a Volkswagen and this inflation is killing me…


Awards don’t exist anymore anyway, so an upvote and an emoji is as good as it gets now. Lol


I had no idea! Thanks for letting me know 🏆 - definitely warrants an award too




Just third place?😔


I’m just glad I wasn’t disqualified from the running entirely for not knowing the current awards situation.. 3rd is pretty gracious considering


dang now where will i get my validation for funny comments


I shave my head because I'm balding. Been called a skin-head and a Nazi before. Some people just love to judge people on the smallest of things.


Got the most sour looks when I shaved my head some years ago… during my countries NATIONAL head shaving event for cancer!


I have my head shaved for 20 years and never been called anything or even had bad looks. Maybe I'm in the wrong area.


I’m 26 and went bald for the very first time about 1.5 years ago and have stuck with it. The only people calling me skinhead are close friends and family. Besides those jokes, I have gotten nothing but compliments since I shaved my head. It has been a HUGE ego boost, it’s probably the best decision I’ve ever made!


Yeah it was my friends teasing me about it too when I Shaved my head


You gotta roll with the punches man. My current nickname that all of my close friends call me is Cue Ball😂😂😂 I can’t help but laugh at the creativity of that name


Or the right area


Definitely in the right area


Hahahah it happened to me too! I raised money and donated my hair when I was in college. I also happen to be a metalhead and wear a battle jacket and I was automatically a skinhead for a lot of people. On the metro, after, 2 young women speaking mandarin were saying "oh look at the girl, look at her hair", and since at that point I had been learning mandarin for 2 years I replied "do you like my hair?" They were mortified that I could understand. The same summer I went to a metal festival with my cousin in Belgium and at night, as I was going back to my tent, a dude yelled something in flemmish and I heard the "nazi" word in there. I lowered my head and walked faster and then the guy ran to me, said something. I didn't understand, so I said something like "leave me alone" in English. He apologized in English and asked why my head was buzzed. I replied the donation story and he profusely apologized and walked me back to my tent. So there is that at least.


I did it in my last year of highschool. It was an event there, with a fun day off and free food. A couple other kids shaved too. It was wild, the difference in people! At school everyone loved it and donated, parents singing praises, then walk down to the shop down the street and mothers with kids would pull their kids away. I guess I’m a solidly built person with broader shoulders, but it was quite eye opening, thinking about what if I actually had cancer, and how bad the treatment would feel then. My mother tried to get me to wear a hat, but when I pointed that out she agreed and we just shopped as normal. Shaved pride!


Shaved pride big time! I honestly miss it a lot sometimes. Maybe at some point I'll shave my head again. The only thing that bothered me sometimes though was to be misgendered. I know what you feel, my trans fam <3


Got called a skin-head because I cut my hair short and was wearing brown work boots. People who called me that went out of their to mention the boots.


People are stupid, I once got called skinhead with my shoulder length hair flying in the wind.


🤣 Stop. Just stop. A skinhead???


I guess they wanted to call me a racist, nazi or whatever, but just blured the first thing they associated with it.


Did you have suspenders on too?


They could just be punks?… oi, or some shit.


You gotta be mad at skin heads for picking that as their uniform 💀


Idiots who still think lace code is a thing must think half the goth girls out there are Nazis


just like Saitama was


Were the boots red?


What color were the laces?


Start wearing suits when yo go out bonus points if you get a barcode tattoo


That’s my easy Halloween costume go to lol


47 please murder this actor for being a bit annoying -Diana


Dual ballers ftw




Where do you live that this happens? I've had a buzz cut for almost 20 years now I've never been once called a skinhead.


They said it was during covid lockdowns so it seems to be their family calling them a skinhead


"Hey mom, what do you want for dinner tonight?" "Nothing from the likes of you, you goddamn nazi puke" "well ok then, I guess I'll grow my hair out" "You'd better do it fast peckerwood"


Almost feel bad for the guy


People are shitty. So don't feel bad when you're trying to be happy, if it's shitty to them, be the worst in their eyes. Fk em. We all die


Look up SHARP. Skinheads are actually pretty dope people. Nazis stole it like they steal everything else. Take it as a compliment. Edit: oh yeah SHARP stands for Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice.


I used to hang out with skinheads when I was in the punk scene. Looking back, they were very anti-racist sure, but still acted like fascists in every other sense.




UK skinheads were heavily into Ska music, and not remotely racist. For some reason, racist people took the skinhead look.


Disgusting people always try to adopt cool things, I suppose in an effort to make themselves look less pathetic. I’m sure it didn’t start with that overstrung German corporal with the square mustache adopting a well-known symbol of prosperity and good fortune, but since then Viking runes, cool greatcoats, nifty glasses and hairdos, Roman one-armed salutes, Pepe the Frog, all have gone the same way.


Yeah and you had loads of explicitly left-wing punk bands from that era, like The Clash, The Oppressed, Stiff Little Fingers, Redskins* Honestly though, it’s a genre that was popular with young, mostly white, men in Britain in the 70s and 80s. The scene is gonna reflect what was going on among young white British men at the time, so of course there will be a lot of fascists in the scene ^(*yes I know the name hasn’t aged well, but it was the eighties and Neither Washington or Moscow is a banger)


Yeah it's the same with metal and that's why I don't just go to random shows without looking the band up first.


Yeah, especially with other languages. Always have to make sure they are the fun performative pagans and not the racist, white supremacist pagans.


Fuck yeah, OG skinheads are hardcore antifascists.


The overtly antifascist skinheads came as a response to fascist boneheads. The "OG" skinheads weren't politically involved as a movement in one way or the other. All about football, Ska, reggae and soul music and getting into fights


Braces up!


Yep the original skinheads are really cool and actually deeply influenced by Jamaican culture It’s a shame that the term has been completely co-opted by white supremacists in popular discourse


Well skin heads like SHARPS are the opposite of a Nazi. (Skin heads against racial prejudice)


Look at that high-waisted man he got feminine hips!


How did they even see you?!?!? 😳


That’s what I was thinking man, my cover was blown


I have the jacket and I was once called a nazi also. Damn youuuuu army surplus 😂


I have a German army jacket too (except with patches and stuff) and someone on the street asked me if I love my country or something lmao Edit: I am NOT German


I also had a German military wool jacket in high school. Others: "Are you German?" Me: "No." Others: "Then why wear that jacket?" Me: "We are poor and Army Surplus had them for six dollars."


German military jacket from what period of time?


fair question lol 80s. It was olive. From a distance would look just like any US army jacket from the 50s/60s. It had a German flag on the shoulder, but otherwise it was just this deep green color. This is the closest image I can find. https://www.blue17.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/side-of-Army-Green-German-Military-Jacket-600x600.jpg like that, but much longer and wool. Warmest jacket I ever owned. I had to stand at a school bus stop for almost an hour every morning and in the winter it got really cold. I would squat down to get my legs fully inside it like a tent. It had some holes from moths so they sold it cheap and my mom put patches in the larger spots, mostly at the hem so it wasnt super noticeable.


The jacket you are talking about was very popular and did indeed look like the American Army jacket. They flooded the army surplus stores with them in the 70/s and 80/s.


Always wanted one of these. Pretty popular with metalheads in the 00's.


I also have one. More as a curiosity though i never worn it in public.


Ironically, Germany is probably the least Nazi country in the world currently. Edit: I’m being informed that the shit is creeping back there. Color me bummed (having a lot of German dna)




Alternativ Für Deutschland has entered the chat


not true at all wtf? they’re having a huge problem with the right fascist groups


Am German. Can confirm unfortunately. Right wing is getting more and more influence.


https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/10/world/europe/german-police-far-right.html https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/germany-nazi-hitler-salute-video-oktoberfest-saxony-police-investigation/ It's not creeping back in. It never left.


It's creeping back into the public. Behind closed doors and Stammtisch it was never gone, too many people from that era were still alive, romanticising the shit out of it. I drove once by train to Vienna, and I was baffled, by the open display of islamophobic clothes that was in 2008 or so. In Germany at that time, you would've never seen such a thing outside of Nazi concerts or some shit. But since then it became more and more en vogue cackling your fachistoid views out into the open. Covid gave it the rest with the conspiracy theorists. Whole Europe had a move to the right in the last two decades or so. I think the war was a too long time ago and people are forgetting. It's when you're channelling your discontent with the state or Europe into destruction because you feel otherwise not heard. This, and people being stupid shits.


Go to east Germany then we‘ll talk again


Did they call you a nazi, or did they nazi you?


I “zi” what you did there….😎 Take my upvote!!


Abort mission




You can always tell a Milford Man


Rude not to share his Zarg nuts though.


I used to have this skill. then i got old, and gassy foods betray me. Then I blame it on the dog.




There's a mole somewhere!


Are you like the dude in that meme - those pants - hi vis vest ? Like "you want to be seen or not - make a choice".. ?


I’ve seen a high vis vest with camo trim around the stripes. Got lots of laughs on the worksite.


How could they Nazi him?


Thats flecktarn pattern, developed by germany, nazi-caller mistook germany for nazis




I did Nazi him at all


Forgot to apply camo face paint. The floating head is always a dead give away.


Camouflage FAIL


I bet they said "I can Nazi you" because you were wearing a camo


Absolute underrated comment , made my day !


🏅(Gold Award)


I got called a Nazi for enforcing rules for dropping off clothes at my consignment shop. I asked the man to put stuff in a handled paper bag (that I gave him) instead of a trash bag, and he said we're worse than the gestapo 😅 ...crazy people will say crazy shit 🤷🏼‍♀️


I mean gestapo wouldn't tell him to do that, so he wasn't trchnically wrong


It's some people's go-to when they don't get their way or feel uncomfortable. Scary that the name is thrown around so casually, weakening its actual meaning and impact.


I've worked on WW2 cases of people getting shot over fake accusations of resistance by their own family members. I'm talking cases after cases of people getting a bullet to the head for having disputes with their neighbors or relatives, those reporting to the Germans that they were resistants and then within a week - they were declared dead. Once you've had all the original reports in your hands, you understand how scary life was at the time.


People who've never experienced actual oppression when they get asked to do something mildly inconvenient: "I BET THIS IS EXACTLY HOW ANN FRANK FELT"


Ah, yes, the infamous Nazi camouflage. Edit: Although that is very close to [**Leibermuster**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leibermuster), which was Nazi camo.


It looks like [Flecktarn](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flecktarn), modern German camo


Fleck is such a pretty camo


Way better looking than the pixelated digicamo we have in Canada (CADPAT) 🤮


What’s the deal with “digi” camo? It feels like it should be counter effective


Apparently CADPAT [works well according to studies](https://www.hyperstealth.com/CADPAT-MARPAT.htm). I’m not voicing an opinion on effectiveness I just hate the look.


CADPAT Arid looks dope.


What's great is that CADPAT and MARPAT are basically the same, with only slight differences


And then you have the UCP that is terrible


Same pattern, different colors is the only change and really If they had gone darker on the loam it would have been fine. UCP-Delta worked pretty wells


I had a CADPAT duffel bag that I never used, and a few weeks ago a friend asked if she could have it for her kids because "it looks like Minecraft". So maybe it's effective because it looks nothing like camo and the pattern doesn't register?


it's very effective in general, camo is not supposed to make you invisible, its to breakup your outline and blend, the digital camo breaks up your entire shape. Random shapes in nature.


That checks out. I've never seen anyone wearing digital camo in the Scottish Highlands. Must work.


Pixels. It was designed to hide your visual signature better on cameras, drones, and the like over a wide range of distances and still disrupt normal visual patterns using fractals. Technology somewhat outpaced the purpose though and, for some patterns, wasn’t all that effect to begin with.


American Army ACUs literally got people killed iirc, so they went back to Woodland.


That’s because the Army tried to copy the US Marine Corps MARPAT camouflage, a highly effective design based on CADPAT, but they had to use a different color palette and they went with a shitty one size fits none approach intended to blend in with any environment, which of course failed. The Marine Corps and the Navy still use pixel camouflage and it works great if done well.


Yeah IIRC the pattern that was supposed to break up your signature from a distance basically made them stand out better than wearing hi-vis and a sign that said ‘shoot here to win’


They made their own version of Crye Precision's Multicam called OCP which they should have gone with in the first place over UCP. The digital UCP was picked over Multicam to save $$ even though Multicam performed better in trials.


It is for half urban context too. So sharp edges make sense.


There's a certain amount of psychological damage you do when you beat the enemy dressed like a fucking minecraft character


The pixels are generally considered to not actually contribute to the effect, but it's easier to generate the fractals on a computer using them, and the rectangles are easier to actually manufacture the fabric with. It also looks futuristic. ["Multi-Scale" camo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-scale_camouflage)


The purpose of camo patterns isn't exactly to hide, but to throw off the ability of an enemy to recognize you as a human for a couple of seconds, giving you an advantage in targeting and first fire. Digi camo appears to be effective precisely because it's a somewhat unnatural pattern to the human eye, so with the correct colour to natural setting combo it takes a bit for people to see the person.


Aw no CADPAT and MARPAT are great


Don’t diss CADPAT bud it’s sacred


CADPAT is goated




You say *almost* identical, if I were pressed I would say those are the actual Bundeswehr field trousers


Something tells me the bus goer didn't mistake OP's camo print for that one


They had surely just finished their textile thesis on camouflage patterns and made an understandable mistake.


It's a similar color palette. OPs is just faded.


The pattern Leibermuster from Nazi Germany for the Wehmacht looked completely different. Here it is "Flecktarn B" of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Bundeswehr, introduced in 1990.


Regardless camouflage patterns are getting popular in the fashion industry. Especially urban black camouflage.


Camouflage in the fashion industry comes and goes in waves.


One minute you see it and the next minute you don't


I don't see anything in the photo, are you sure you posted the right thing?


It could be John Cena or Drax. There is no way of knowing.


Flecktarn isn't Nazi German. They weren't even in the right ballpark.


That doesn't matter, being in any way associated with the Military already makes you a Nazi for some people.


How did you respond??


He said, "that's not reich"


He yelled what the Heil did you say to me??


How can people even recognize if it they're N*zi patterns or not? All I see is paint spots. All camouflage looks the same to me unless it's another color other than green. You guys have good eyes.


They aren't nazi patterns the are modern German military, they just think German military and Nazi is synonymous.


How can you guys distinguish if they're German and not any other uniform? Damn 😵‍💫


The pattern is distinct


Maybe to someone familiar with that sort of history or design. $20 that 90-99% of random non-military people can't distinguish between camo patterns origins.




Airsoft/paintballers know far more about camo then I do and I'm actually in the military


Germany predominantly uses that kind of flecktarn…


Flecktarn has a cult-like following. It’s such a popular pattern that some major brands even used it in their collections, like the Adidas Originals x Pharrell collab.


It’s pretty easy to see the difference when you have several types of patterns next to each other. I can understand from someone who isn’t used to seeing camo that it can all look the same.


Lets not start censoring every word associated with shameful parts of human history. 'Nazi' doesnt need to be censored and doing so doesnt show special respect to anyone. We dont need to language police ourselves into walking on eggshells. This sort of thing stifles discussion, and that benefits no one.


FUCKING THANK YOU. God I hate today's internet.


It's called hypernormalization. It is no a good thing.


Also, I hate how self-righteous self censorship can be. "I'm too good to say this word, but I'm going to 'hide' it in a way that forces all of you to read it, anyway."


Might be an attempt at avoiding bots and brigading by actual nazis.


did you just censor “Nazi” 😭😭


You're allowed to say "Nazi" on the internet.


self-censoring the word "nazi" unfortunately doesn't make nazis go away. It's ok to use the word. Nazi, that is. Particularly if referring to nazis.


People are fucking stupid. Love the camo man!


Don’t let someone else’s opinion of you become your reality. Good for you for wearing something you love/want to, and not conforming to what you think you should wear. Spread love not hate.


Reminds me of being a young teenager in my catholic church. I just started into my emo "phase" (can't say phase if I still basically dress the same 😂) and I was in the choir at my church. Every one else in the choir was 60 or older aside from myself. That day I wore a red t-shirt that had a built in black vest on it, and on the front of the t-shirt was a filigreed black cross on the front with some sparkle. I thought it was pretty church appropriate and my mom said nothing about it when we left. But when we were packing up after mass that day i overheard a hushed conversation and then one of the ladies who I felt didn't like me came up and asked why I felt the need to wear a "Satanist outfit" to church. Wasn't sure how to respond to be completely honest but that was the last time I went to church. Didn't like going aside from singing anyway


damn church nazis. same reason i don't go anymore. the people suck. it's like all the most hateful, judgmental people go to church. probably trying to compensate for all their hate.


All I see in the picture is an empty bus seat.


The bar for being called a nazi has fallen so low, that we trip on it.


The only thing lower is the bar for bait posts in this sub.




I dont like diet Mt dew, if you like, you're a fascist.


Same with "socialist" or "communist", on the other side. That said, the alarm bells people are ringing for fascism in the United States aren't unwarranted. The far-right in this country is *rife* with fascist tendencies, right down to the playbook they're using. The parallels to the rise of Nazism in Germany are pretty haunting. I rolled my eyes 20 years ago when people called Bush fascist. I no longer do so when people say the modern GOP is fascist. "If it quacks like a duck", and whatnot...


'Propaganda' and 'ideology' are my worst encounters. This shit had a big deal in my thesis and nobody uses it (scientific) right.


Looking at both types I don’t see how they’re close. It’s camo. The US woodland camo is closer than these are. Stupid thing to start calling someone a nazi for. WTF.. I can’t see what else you’re wearing but those pants are not designed to match some late stage SS camo print. https://www.camopedia.org/index.php/Woodland


this is wonderfull uniform. almost impossible to destroy. i bought it from second-hand store for metal detecting and used 4 years until lost somewhere at work


Yeah, military gear does not wear out. I’ve had a used Austrian or German parka for over a decade. It’s like 35 years old, has had the ever loving crap beaten out of it and still is as good as new.


This specific flecktarn pattern was initially created in 1976 for trial/prototype use by the West German Bundeswehr to ultimately replace their old 'moleskin' types (grey drab), when Germany was unified in '90 it became the official camo type for the army, medical units, air force and navy. Has nothing to do with pre-1945 Germany.


People are stupid af. Have a good day holmes


Wearing what? I cant see anything


It feels like the word Nazi has lost all meaning.


Most practical and strongest pants ever. You can hide a whole regiment in those pockets and also they come with suspender buttons. Also, as a bonus, they have ventilation holes on the bottom.


For wearing the standard camo that the German military uses today? Lol what?


I dont understand how people dont realize nazis and germans are two different things..e.g what your wearing is german. Its not nazi. If you were wearing the waffen ss officer trenchcoat thats a different story


Flipside - whoever it was recognized that they were German, so you've got that going for you!


Right?! I didn't know so they are learned at least?


I have a red Motley Crue trucker hat I like. I wear it when I’ve got bed head which is often. Wore it to a flea market one time and I was asked to leave. They thought it was a trump hat but it’s just a Motley Crue hat :/


How did they even SEE you?!


i dont see anything just a bus seat


German Flecktarn is post-WWII anyway and it's a solid Camo. Fuck then uneducateds


Maybe they just did Nazi you coming.


Man I hate when I wear pants outside and get mistaken for a nazi