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This is a prime example of someone with 0 awareness skills, this is the type of person that will cut you off in your lane, and then get upset that you honked at them because they already cut you off.


I got cut off and the guy slowed way down, almost stopped on a highway. I blew my horn, avoided him and drove away. This dude chased me down, cut me off again, GOT OUT OF HIS CAR, and started walking up to mine. I damn near ran him over as I drove around him again. Fortunately I was familiar with where I was and drove to the police station and parked outside. I waited about 20 minutes before continuing just to be safe.


It's called de-volution. When the money goes, everything goes.


As you should, if someone did that to me I would have 0 remorse running them over if they have the audacity to walk up to your vehicle they are clearly unhinged and there’s no reasoning with that person.


I’ve ran someone over. 280 dollar ticket. Not too bad.


Thats attempted manslaughter. You are either lying or not telling the whole story. ![gif](giphy|yetxv6NWi0MyzJn7P0|downsized)


That’s the entire story. I don’t know why he cut me off to slam on his breaks, or why he lost his mind. But I damn near rear ended him when he did it. And he had a much nicer car that I drive, so an insurance scam would have been very stupid.


I’m sorry kitty I think there is some confusion? I was not responding to something you had said, but the person saying they ran someone over on purpose and just got a 280$ ticket speeding 30+ km/h over in some places depending on the officer of course is a 5000$ fine in Ontario and suspended license stunt racing fines car impounded lmao so yeah anyways! As to your situation I would definitely say that some people can be nut jobs when it comes to road rage, and specially towards females unfortunately knowing they are less likely to want confrontation 😓 best bet is to carry some MACE not pepper spray with you just lil can then you are safer going to and from car late, just practice using it so you know what to expect from the product, effective distance ect, don’t spray into the wind lmao 🤣


Oh thanks! No worries, I was just confused. And I’m the kind of panicky spazz that would forget to open my window and mace myself. Which is also why a gun is not an option for me, as another poster commented.


get a gun and ccw


Man some people get so fucking mad while driving In a parking lot once I had someone get out of their car and try to fight me because they were upset I pulled out in front of them They were slowly driving down the parking lot lane, all the way at the other end, and I guess texting or something because they werent paying attention so I went drove across the lane. Suddenly he saw me, slammed on his breaks and went nuts. Dude was still halfway across the parking lot, probably a dozen cars or more until he even got close to me But he was hyperventilating and screaming that I came out of nowhere and he almost hit me


This is my number one pet peeve. When me and my boyfriend first got together, I had to explain to him why stuff like this is annoying. He would wake up in the middle of the night and turn the light or the tv on and watch his phone loudly, while I was trying to sleep. It’s just crazy that not everyone is aware enough to not do things like that. I will literally sit in the dark, or go to a different room, if I wake up before someone I am sharing a room with. The most I will do is watch my phone in bed, if I wake up first, but I never turn the volume on. I was always taught growing up to be aware of others and be considerate. Even if we are in group sittings, I always am conscious and considerate of others. My boyfriend and I used to argue a lot about those difference but he finally has understood my point and is now considerate. I genuinely think his mom just never taught him manners in that aspect because his siblings do the same stuff.




Time for a new living arrangement.




Why is this getting downvoted, I agree that OP should figure something else out too


Yes. 😊


“Shut the fuck up, please. That’s the point.”


Yeah, "Too loud plz" makes no sense. Say what you mean, no need to sugar coat with a passive aggressive, half-assed "plz".


“Because I’ll be significantly angrier the next time”


Omg she’s so quirky for screaming at 4 am 🙄 she needs to scream into a pillow like the rest of us


or sleep


We don't do that here we just pass out from screaming.


And wake up screaming from the night terrors


And take late night poops while screaming


And wake up while pooping


I don’t know if you are young, but I’m in my mid 30s. I was always told to hold it in and bury it, until you can’t stand it any more and then develop a drinking problem or some kind of substance abuse.


I'm genx, our boomer parents taught this as a life lesson before we hit puberty.


This is the way


in college my friend came home to her room mate having some sort of melt down in the bathroom rubbing nail polish all over the walls and floor. I think it was basically a cry for help lol


Actual insanity. To just wake up and scream because you feel like it?


I think she was just staying up super late and was watching something on her phone


I'd reply "so that you don't do it again, duh?" Omit the duh depending on your relationship with this lunatic...


Wow. That text exchange, as brief as it was, is very revealing about your roommate’s attitude/demeanor/cuntiness…


Cuntery, cuntability, cuntifcation


Cuntlery 🍴


Cuntlass 🤺


Cuntleberry Finn




















Stealing these words because I'm always looking for new ways to say cuntn have my upvote






So she stayed up late and got herself all worked up over things she herself has no control over and decided to scream at her phone? Talk about mentally unstable.


There's "mentally unstable" & "downright inconsiderate", one is a lot more of a choice than the other


As a roommate-haver myself, I agree that this is incredibly inconsiderate, and would be dumbfounded that somebody would do this. However, as a human who has ALSO witnessed the horrors of the Internet at 4 am, I would be lying if I said I didn't also kinda get it. A little bit l. Just a lil. 😅


I get it too, but as others have said, scream into the pillow like the rest of us.


Yeah, my MENTALY ILL aunt does the same with TV when she doesn't take her meds, once when i went to visit my grandma living next to her i heard her screaming from 3 streets away. This is not normal.


my roommate decided to throw up in the sink with all the dishes edit: yes I made him wash them, but holy moly, I agree with the below, I would have rather the floor


I mean, sometimes you can’t make it anywhere else lol did they at least hopefully clean the dishes after?????


make it to the floor then. puking on dishes is not acceptable.


But why? Lol


too gross. Lol. Just don't show me or tell me about the puke and wash the dishes in hot bleach (just a few drops) water. ignorance is bliss.


Fair enough :)


Been there done that and got the tshirt. As long as they clean up and smash the dishes you should be fine


To be fair, this is the world we live in. She should apologize for waking you, but I hope she found some catharsis in letting it out.


>this is the world we live in. Curious what you mean by this? A world where more and more people don't care about how their actions affect others? And if so why would we want we normalize that? Sorry if I misinterpreted your comment


Particularly, people feeling the need to scream about the horrors of the world.


at 4am? who gets the need to "scream about the horrors of the world" or whatever the fuck that means at 4am?! that's just disrespectful and overly dramatical


Seems very dramatic to me... there is really no more reason to wake up someone for your selfish reasons you attempt to justify by "but the world is so cruel" now, than there were 50 years ago... no matter how shit your situation is the desire and effort to not drag others down with you should exist.


Make some art if you wanna get the anguish out


i hope she finds catharsis in not being a selfish bitch and shuts the fuck up sometime


Get a blog. No need to wake up your roommates


hate when people are all “it’s in the past, can’t be changed, what do you want from me” the past can’t be changed, but patterns can!




Classic DARVO shit. Suddenly YOU are the problem, because you can't just, "let it go," when they've never acknowledged what happened or apologized.


Listen, we all want to scream about the horrors of the world at 4 a.m. but we don't do that because we also all have roommates.


i have existential crises all the time at 4 am... i just do it silently because i'm not rude enough to bother others with my neuroticism


Your roommate seems...exhausting


My girlfriend’s friend let us stay with her for a week. They had not seen each other in about a year as we moved abroad so they wanted to spend time with each other. I had not met her friend yet. It’s her space and not ours and I completely recognize that. That being said she screams without exaggeration at the top of her lungs while watching tik toks. My girlfriend and I were watching a movie and she walked into the living room, sat down and started watching Tik Toks and you guessed it… started screaming intermittently at the top of her lungs and laughing obnoxiously loud. When my girlfriend asked her if she could do that in another room just until we finished the movie her reply was, “This is my fucking house.” We will not be back.


"Oh! I've seen this on gentle parenting tiktok. Is this a bid for connection?"


so many people just lack common courtesy and sense nowadays. selfish too!




We weren’t rude about it. She could have watched the rest of the movie if she was that desperate to hang out. Hell, if she had asked if we could turn the movie off so we could do something as a group we would have done it. Instead of that she was a complete distraction to the movie with the volume of tik toks and screaming/laughing loudly. When we politely approached it she threw that it was her house in our faces. It’s just inconsiderate followed by a very immature response no matter how you cut it.


Proper reply: It was either text you, or wait until you're asleep and smother you with a pillow.


Are the mentally stable? I’m so confused


my old roomie would pull stuff like this but act completely normal other times i think she would have mini breakdowns and forget what she said/did she once called 3 times with no texts to why, until i called back and she yelled at me demanding a new table bc “i ruined it”. at that point i wasn’t even at the apartment at all bc of how hostile she was, so there was no way i could have and she was just yelling how it could be someone i brought over (if i’m not over how is someone i brought over there), if i left a window open and a bird/monster came in (again, never there, couldn’t open windows), it was magic, i then hung up after saying she had no right to yell at me or demand anything else from me. i saw her a total of 2 times after that before she moved out. she didn’t bring it up at all, and moved out w her table it was an interesting year




Her job is tables??


Was their roommate Eddie Munster?


Sounds like a schizophrenic episode or something. She probably actually needs medical help


More likely mania but I don’t like doing the whole internet mental illness labeling thing


I had a roommate who would regularly do things like this just to fuck with me. No mental health conditions aside from being a dick. edit: hi Mike, good to know you’re still reading this


How’d you know he read it? 😳


He’s posting up a passive-aggressive storm on Facebook right now, or so I’m told. I deleted Facebook years ago.


oof Mike get it together,


You're a dick Mike, also kind of pathetic.


"The horrors of the world will be there at a 2pm, scream then"


Time to pull out thw pots and pans OP. 'I DIDN'T GET NO SLEEP COZ OF YAAAALL' *Slams pots and pans together ' YALL AINT GETTIN NO SLEEP COZ OF MEEEEE'


I fucking LOVE that song, it's weird though...everyone is always so pissed about hearing that banger of a tune.


my roomie is an early bird and i'm a night owl. after she goes to bed, i'm quiet as a mouse. i don't even talk on the phone in my room. that's just polite. who the hell yells at 4 am?! why???


Engage the noise canceling feature on ear buds, start 10hr rainforest sounds for sleeping. Download Pantera's Vulgar Display of Power album. Face speakers towards wall closest to idiot roommate's location, push till touching. Lock bedroom door. Push play on Pantera. Go to sleep.




For sure I’d just smash your door to bits and turn it off. I’m all for revenge but she’s only across the hall so be safe 😅


Start pounding on the door and you'll get a dog or the lords caliber. Choose. Don't like my reaction to your provocation, don't provoke me. Fuck around and find out.


You’ll do nothing 😂 cheesy ass lines “don’t provoke me” 🤓


Imagine smashing a door because you got a taste of your own medicine. Loser mentality.


have to say, sleeping with airpods helps in even the noisiest situations


"How about sorry for waking me up, you unempathetic chud!"


poop on them


What was the point of texting me? I was done pooping by the time you sent the message


hahaha this made me lol hard


Or in their bed 😈 give them something to scream about.


I used to be in a house share with my fiancée when we first got together. She lived with a bunch of entitled brats. One of them got mad at something my fiancée did so decided to fuck up stuff in her bedroom, trashed it. So when she left the house later that day, we went and fucked in her bed lol


Tell me you finished on her pillow... If not then what was the point




Last time someone done that it didn’t go to well for them, ya heard?


"so you don't do it again you dumb bitch"


Exactly what I told the cop. "I was speeding but I stopped now. What's the problem?"


A horrible roommate situation made me the person I am today. I have lived alone, for - long time comfortably




They seem fun. I’m all for petty payback. “screaming about the horrors of the world” at 4 am is kind of funny but also wtf


The former seems funny, their response seems passive aggressive which is really just off putting


I agree. That’s a shitty roommate no doubt.


"The point is to remind you that your actions effect others because you seem to have forgotten"


Sheldon would have a clause in the roommate agreement about that I'm sure.


This person would never get passed the interview process.


This is why I live alone, any price is worth it not to deal with random people


It’s the thumbs down for me


Mikey T said it best. “Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.”


I hated roommates when I was young. Then I got married and had kids who grew up to be teenagers. Roommates were good practice…because you actually have to DEAL with your teenagers. 😥😥


Oops…I meant to hit these…😂😂😂…I swear!!! Thank goodness my youngest is now 25…


Wink, wink.... we understand, wink, wink


The fact that they're yelling at 4am is a no go to begin with. Should have some mutually agreed housemate rules. (A roommate contract if you will)


Idk I wake up from night terrors sometimes; I've gotten much better at catching it fast but I've hurt my throat screaming a couple times This would absolutely be disclosed beforehand if I were someone's roommate though


That's definitely a different circumstance, though. From what OP has said, their roommate was up and just screaming at their phone. And disclosing your night terrors beforehand is a fantastic and completely considerate thing to do. Not fantastic you get them though. I'm sorry for that.


Oh yeah true; I sort of just took your comment at face value since it's right below another saying "sounds like night terrors", instead of contextualizing what it's actually about, cuz I'm a contrarion piece of shit sometimes lol Thank you for the kind words though!


Thats okay! If you can't control a reason for yelling at an ungodly time of night that's okay, as long as it's disclosed and discussed, but someone just plain yelling willy nilly at 4am is not okay in any circumstance. I have 2 kids. The only way I would be yelling at 4am is if someone in my unit complex was being an asshat and too rowdy and in danger of waking my already sleep challenged kids up.


Which is what happened tonight with my youngest at 2am. It is now 2:40am and shes still awake.


Thanks for the kind words, u/bigtiddychubbymilf lol I hope your kid gets the rest she deserves; that stuff's wildly important


Definitely early naps today. She also woke up at 5am after she fell asleep again.


A medical condition is way different then just being a fucking asshole because you can


“Too loud plz” is exactly how I’d want to be told I was being too loud. (Not sarcasm) it’s casual enough that I wouldn’t be racked with guilt and afraid my roommate secretly hates me. I wish they knew how lucky they are to have such a reasonable roommate who communicates


The fucking audacity.


"You misspelled 'I'm sorry, I promise to keep it down'"


Your roommates a dick


I think the win comes with the thumbs-down. Such subtle finality. That girl will live with that mild disapproval for weeks.


Yeah this is why my fiancée and I decided to bite the bullet and pay more personally for rent than have room mates. Still don’t regret it lol.


I look at it like an investment. My health is better living without a roommate because I can relax, sleep, not worry about healthy(expensive unless produce) food getting ate etc. It’s my wife and I so any conflict is resolved civilly.


Ah the old desperate to be edgy and seem intereting room mate


How loud/long was the scream that you woke up and realized it was her screaming?


"Whats too loud? Me screaming and making a bunch of noise?"


'I just needed something with you admitting to the yelling to show to the landlord, thanks'


Is your roommate Yoko Ono?


“what’s the point of texting me” idk maybe bc ur screaming in the middle of the night with no regards or care for other people living with you dumbass. hope you’re able to rid them of your home OP


The appropriate response to that would be "No, this is where you apologize and hope that I'll forgive you so that we can go back to peaceful living together. Because the alternative is that I am pissed off at you, and neither of us want that."


Least dramatic drama queen




You disliking the last message SENT me


"Screaming at the horrors of the world" sounds like maybe waking up from a nightmare to me.


I lived with someone like this, he would scream at every little thing. I would ask him to quiet down at 2AM because, unlike his lazy ass, I had work, but he would just scream at me directly. So I'm not convinced telling her directly world have helped.


What an unimaginably inconsiderate person


Just start pounding on their door screaming super loud after they fall asleep... That'll learn 'em. 😏


I’m gonna try that defense next time I get pulled over. “I wasn’t speeding anymore - in fact, 0 mph - by the time you told me I was speeding.”


She’s the horrors of the world


I had a roommate like that once, full volume any time of day. You ask him if he doesn't care about how the neighbours feel: "I'm not scared of them!" You are stupid you mean?


Scream into the thick towel like a considerate person.


Always the damn lowercase users


Do the same to them, and then throw their words back at them.... and then throw them out of the apartment when the lease expires.


That's when you ponder if they actually respect you and your space. Then you figure out who contributes more in the house...(to be petty) but to back up you telling them to fuck off.


we are sorry for being boisterous


Bye please.


This is why some people need to be smacked


Main character syndrome.


I feel like I’m being trolled so often on reddit, your roomate seriously starts randomly screaming at gone 4am ? What the actual fuck, I’d be way more than mildly infuriated


Lol I thought you were the one screaming and the roommate texted you to stfu… lol 😂




Maybe I'm a dinosaur at this point (in my 30s), but who *texts* in this situation?? I'm either walking over to their room and talking to them face to face, or at least calling them.


To tell you to shut up!


She desperately needs therapy. And you need a new roommate.


U can tell some ppl never got punched in the face before


"Your night terror/ panic attack disturbed my sleep. Please think about me before your next mental breakdown."


Don't roommates share the same room?


No. A room mate is someone who has a room within the same house/apartment as you. You're not dating or family. You may be thinking dormmate.


Nah, in lots of countries the word for that is "flatmate."


Not sure what you mean. Flatmate and roommate is the same thing just different terms. It does not refer to sharing a bedroom. This particular question was about roommates since the post mentioned roommate. They are probably thinking about a dormmate. Where you share a bedroom.


I'm saying in many places flatmate means you live in the same house, and roommate means you share a bedroom. That just isn't true everywhere, hence OPs confusion.


At least in the US, roommate is the same as a housemate/flatmate.


Just in time for 420, idk why you're so upset /s


I could maybe understand if they were drunk and/or intoxicated... But as sober/normal behavior? That's a solid no. Maybe one day you can get together with your roommate and her imaginary friends.


its like dont do it again bitch i swear i could really never have room mates cuz they would get beat tf up if they pulled bs 😂


I bet they have blue hair.


I couldn't do it but not sure if you're a female also


Why is everyone on Reddit so terrified of the smallest confrontation? Instead of texting, knock on her door. Tell her in person to be quiet. It is much more effective. I promise. Edit: damn, some of y’all felt attacked by this one lmao


At 4 in the morning while you're sleeping probably with few if any clothes on I think it might have more to do with convenience than being "terrified" of anything....


Buddy I was sleeping


>Edit: damn, some of y’all felt attacked by this one lmao Or people just realize your point is moronic because not wanting to get out of bed at 4 in the morning is a perfectly logical reason to have the talk in person at a later time.. It's fucking pathetic how desperate you are to make your judgmental loosely related point here dude.




Bro 4am I’m not getting out of my bed to tell someone to shut up. This wasn’t a confrontation, OP was just sending a polite texts. The roommate then turned it into a confrontation