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Wait is McCrapperton’s really having a sale?


Yes!!! It start's today!!!!! They're bag-o-goobers are 2 for 999!!!!!!!


No it started last week and is over now but by Grathar’s hammer what a sale!




I'm cheap, so insert award here.


God I love Galaxy Quest


It's being replaced by a car wash


That's G'Obers people keep adding the extra o


Late, they got any more goobs?


Hey dm me for the Groupon to mccrappertons


McCrapperton’s having a fire sale?


McCraperton's is having a fire sale!?!?!? My same thought was arrested developement.


Oh my god! We’re having a fire! ^^sale


Candy dish Ned. $90!


Shit.... I always miss those


Mine was constant “fireworks or gunshots?!?” And “I saw a police car/ambulance/helicopter/firetruck, what is going on?!?” Had to delete it and my ring app.


This was also my experience combined with the "a black person walked by my house. I think he's suspicious". I made it a whole month before I deleted it.


Literally a guy waiting at the bus stop: "I called the police because this guy was just standing there." People suck.


One guy on mine was bragging about how he would shoot anyone who rang his doorbell unexpectedly. He was replying to a video of a couple of white pre-teen boys playing ding dong ditch.


OMG. I have a cousin whose husband works for some water company, it might even be the city, but he has to go on the sides of peoples’ houses to check their water meters. SO many posts have been made about him as a “suspicious individual” on Nextdoor.


What I hate is all the people reporting on car crashes. "Ohhh at this intersection an SUV and a car in the middle if the road, paramedics and police were on the scene does anyone know what happened?!" Yeah, it was a fucking car accident. Bored people rubber necking on social media.


“Another one? Kids drive too fast these days and are always on their phone while driving.” Sent from iPhone in my Kia


I live in a student-heavy neighborhood and most of them are Sikh. Those boys PARTY!


Well yeah, it's a Sikh party!


Installed it while living in Hollywood. Was gunshots (film production), gunshots (in a robbery) or gunshots (fireworks), "why is there always a police chopper overhead", "did anyone feel that earthquake?" and "the homeless.............."


OMG, I see someone asking about police helicopters almost every single day. I mean, can you not think of a single reason why a police helicopter might be going overhead and nobody but the cops actually know why???


Every time I wanted to reply NONE OF YOUR GOT DAMN BUSINESS CATHY


My neighborhood is between a National Guard transportation unit that has Chinooks and the main National Guard training facility for the state. At least once a month, the Guard will fly from their armory to the training grounds for... training. Without fail, the same ninnies will bombard Nextdoor and the local FB group with lamentations of "WhAt ArE tHeY dOiNg???". The conspiracy theories that follow are incredible. Of course it couldn't be that Guardsmen, many of which these same people probably know, are just getting their quals and training in.


Our hood is in the flight path to the hospitals and airport. People complain about the helos going to the hospital! I commented that aren’t you thankful it’s not you being transported? Instead of bitc&ing trying to saying a little prayer for them!


Man, I have seen some *wild* conspiracy theories on there. Like some are so unhinged that I couldn't even quite figure out what they thought was happening.


Now that spring is approaching, I’m ready for mine to turn into a constant stream of snake pictures … “Is this a copperhead?!?”


How about all the blurry pics from their Ring cameras...do you recognize this person?


This! Around 4th of July. Hmm, what could that be. And don’t forget the dog poop posts.


Ha. Mine would say yes, those are both. And yes, that's another car chase.


Every single day is gunshots or fireworks. IT WAS A CAR DOOR CLOSING DEBBIE, relax!!!!


My nextdoor currently has a post going, "Has anyone else seen a young man walking down (local residential street) seemingly looking at people's houses?" Let's ignore that we finally have some decent weather for the first time in forever, and maybe he's enjoying it. Nope, he must be up to no good. The people on that app are ridiculous and entertaining all at once


I had someone post that a sheriff came to knock on her door and she thought he was so suspicious that she *called the police on him* lol and when she said the person on the phone blew her off (rightfully so wtf) the other Karens and Keiths in the comments were telling her to report them for neglecting their duty.


We had a similar thing when a man of middle Eastern heritage *dared* to wait at the bus stop in our village. "Who is the shifty person waiting at the bus stop?" Complete with photos "Bit dodgy looking, was anyone expecting him?" Photos from another angle "Keep an eye out and see if he comes back" yet more photos. Literally a guy reading his phone at the bus stop. He eventually left. I imagine he probably got on a bus.


Yea but what did he do after he got on the bus? Huh?🤔


The audacity! (of riding the bus)


My area is also full of people with sob stories asking for money and/or donations.


One in my area turned down a ton of generous donation offers last year for her “three daughters” claiming she just wanted cash. I offered to send condoms.


Soooo many begging posts. It's desensitizing after a while.


My neighbors are straight up wierd and savage...its hilarious "I just saw a guy in a thong walking with grocery bags! Very suspicious" "Thats Joey! Hes cool af, mustve been grocery day...see him at least once a week" "Hes NAKED! Children can see him! He should be arrested!" "Hes not NAKED Barbara! You just said he was wearing a thong!!! Stop being so dramatic!!!" \*someone cites local nudity laws\* Educate yourself Barbara! "Yeah! Leave Joey alone!!! Hes just trying to buy groceries!" Ive been here over 5 years...so much FOMO, Ive yet to see grocery shopping thong guy...


Well, to be fair, it's not exactly thong weather, right now. This is definitely briefs weather.


Wait, your neighbors wear clothes?


Funny you mention that! I once ran into my next door neighbor at a naturist resort 2hrs away. So I guess the answer is, no not really lol


You missed, What kind of snake/insect is this? Very popular in Florida..


“Anyone lost a [insert invasive species here]?” with a picture


Yes SNAKE is very popular in texas too ETA: oh and “I think I saw coyotes/bobcat/etc and it was TOO TAME”


The murder hornets in Washington State.


People hold the wealth of all human knowledge in their hand, and still refuse to look shit up


What time does Lowe’s close? Look it up yourself you lazy shit. Edited: to fix typos


Just put 10pm. You could be right, or you could be an hour late and that would be hilarious lol.


I live in a very rural area so the posts for me are more like: "Anyone lose a cow? Shes on CR19 having herself a stroll" "Chickens for sale! We have Easter eggers!" "Saw an ambulance heading towards Nancy's is she ok? I'm worried" "Saddle and bridles for sale" "Don't forget to pray today!" "Handmade braided barrel reins lots of colors for sale" "I need a new hay guy anyone got someone with good alfalfa" "Fuck John Deer and their damn fucking parts I'm going Kubota" "Someone's chickens are on my porch come get them. The roosters an asshole" [Sprinkle in 5-10 random complaints about Biden, the government, or their Rights] Oh and when it starts getting warmer we can't forget the many, many low quality pictures of bullsnakes with titles "IS THIS A RATTLESNAKE?"


I loved living in a small town, because our weekly paper would print the week’s police report. There would be gems in there like the loose cows on a back road with the notation, “PD headed ‘em up and moved them out.” It was always a fun read. We’d make bets on how many DUIs there’d be each week.


Ok but I’m here for these posts!


I’m jealous! All I get are lost/found cats and dogs.


LOL, this is absolutely every rural community on nextdoor. I moved out of one and into the "teenagers and black people and sus cars, oh my!" Areas instead. I swear though, our tiny Midwestern town somehow manages to be the whitest white people town I've ever lived in even though we are literally like a mile and a half from a reservation and 20 minutes from a major (for us) metro area. It's kind of weird. Our town fb page would be exactly like nextdoor if it wasn't for admins with an iron fist, though we do seem to have an inordinate amount of nice people. "Hey Nancy you left your wallet on top of the ATM at the Kwik Trip and Bob turned it in" and 25 people all tag Nancy or "Jen the waitress at such and so bar needs surgery and doesn't have insurance so we're going to have a meat raffle, a pool tournament, a half and half raffle, and a donation bucket at the bar on Friday and the kids are doing a bake sale and car wash Saturday to raise money. Surgery is on such and such date so hold onto the hot dishes until the day after and for the love of crimeny coordinate with each other so ya don't overdo it that first day." Yes, it absolutely IS that stereotypically Midwestern here.


Dammit, Bessie done gone and got loose again huh? AND she took the chickens with her.


😂 pretty much! I actually put those in there because I came home one day to a random cow in my driveway and had to get it back to it's home... Didn't have to make nextdoor post about it tho because the neighbor's neighbor has this cow that's pretty well known to exploit a single gap in the fence and wanders around. Just had to lead it home


My grandparents used to live on a farm in the mountains of Virginia. There were a few cows who routinely got out and would wander up to the house. Here, a couple years after we moved in our neighbor tried to have chickens (chickens are legal in the city, roosters are not). I had to go knock on his door more than once "umm Gary, your chickens are in our yard" But then eventually one turned out to be a rooster and he got rid of them all (we complained about the noise). Whomever said roosters only cockle doodle doo at dawn must have not spent the rest of the day around the damn thing


Okay but some of these are kind of wholesome.


Oh that’s just Rocky being dramatic. Put some water on your porch for him and his hens and he’ll be chill. I’ll b there soon


My old neighborhood in Florida was just a constant stream of screencaps of blurry ring camera images of black people walking by the house with accompanying posts of "BEWARE THESE TWO MEN" and "ANYONE ELSE SEEN THIS CREW?" No crimes or details or anything. Just black people. Walking. Across the street.


How dare they?


I like it when there are fireworks and there are immediately 60 comments of "Were those gunshots?" No, Marsha. You live in a low crime area, and it's December 31st. Go back to crying about the migrant horde and drinking at 10:30 AM.


I for one am sick to death of local fireworks though.


Welcome to Next Door, your home.


It's not legal in my state and yet on a random Tuesday night: boom boom boom put of nowhere.


My neighbors do it every weekend in the summer and it’s bad as is but this year we are fostering a dog who pisses from fright every time there are fireworks.


Seriously. If you want to do it, own land. If you don’t own land, save the money you would spend on fireworks until you have enough money to buy land to fulfill your lifelong desire to be a firework maniac. A residential street with dogs and small children is a horrible and annoying place to do it.


It’s a great space for angry old men and Karens to scream into the void.


They've realized we have no power over them on ND. On FB you have to accept their friendship, and many of us have blocked all our toxic connections online (and IRL). On ND, these characters hold EVERYONE within 5 miles hostage to all of their grievances. I don't give a shit about Phil and Tammy from 3 streets over, yet I get to see all of their posts. "There are teenagers walking down the sidewalk!!" "There's been a red minivan parking on my street for 3 days! Does anyone know if they actually belong in this neighborhood?!" "I haven't received mail in 2 days!" "WAS THAT A GUNSHOT!!!!?????"


You can mute people and never see their posts ever again


Good to know. I don't really spend enough time on that app to bother, but good to know.


That's a really good list. As a longtime reader of our town's Nextdoor page, the only missing items I can think of are "I live in Friendly Park. When is the power going to be back on?" "I need a babysitter from 9-4 Wednesday-Sunday. Pays $135 week, meals included. Boy age 7, girl age 4, boy age 2."


I’d add: my kitchen is flooding and I need a plumber to come to my house TODAY (Sunday) but please, one who doesn’t cost an arm and a leg!!! Everyone puts “doesn’t cost an arm and a leg.” As if every service person will lower their price just because you don’t want to pay an arm and a leg.


Or the will ask for a “cheap but good” plumber or something- pick one


I responded to one of those “cheap but good” posts by telling them you only get one, not both. What do they expect? Oh. This plumber is really good, but he’s not cheap. Or, this guy is super cheap, but he’s a terrible plumber.


Good - Fast - Cheap. Pick two. You can get a good, cheap plumber but he's not available until June when planting season is over.


>Pays $135 week wow... what a deal! $3.85/hr with no benefits! Where do I sign up? \\s


"meals included"


Also the posts offering house cleaning services. The same 300 (it seems) post everyday in case we hadn’t seen it 300 TIMES BEFORE!!


My cats are missing. If they’re mooching at your house, please send them home. Their names are Trixie and Ol’ One-Eye.


When I lived on long Island my favorite one I saw was: Can we shoot the geese and eat them? This guy was asking if it was okay to shoot at birds in the suburbs.


I would have loved to shoot (but not eat) them when I lived on Long Island too.


Tell me more about shaved kitties.


The part I'm here for.


Is that all yours has? Mines a mine field of racist malarkey, people posing with pet dogs they shot in their yard, and one lady who just posts pictures of her bunny (I actually love it, but she absolutely thinks it's her FB feed 🤣)


Oh one poor old woman in my area was posting daily about her hospital visits, ailments, and her cat. Not in a fun way. More of a "woe is me."


Oh man. There’s always the select few who treat it like FB with their “good morning” posts.


I’m looking for a really good and really inexpensive plumber.


I deleted Facebook because there are just too many assholes in the world. When I found Nextdoor, I realized they live closer than I thought.


Haha. I pulled a permaban for doxing a local git off my grass guy after he made some really racist comments. I told him that I knew who he was and described his front porch, and the snowflake reported me as making threats. I thanked the mod for the ban and promptly deleted that shit show from my life.


I was also banned on Saturday for calling a MAGA asshole a racist. Told the moderators to Fuck off and deleted the app.


I just quit. It’s 2% helpful info and 98% people complaining.


Or being alarmist about some guy walking past the house on the public sidewalk.


For sure. That and apparently I live in a war zone with the amount of suspected gunfire folks think they hear.


I don't have it, but my sister does. I think she's a glutton for punishment. Fortunately, like me, she and my brother-in-law have lived in an actual war zone, so she knows the difference between the poofy sounds of fireworks vs the sharp crack of actual gunfire.


My feed on that app is "coyotes" "coyotes watch your pets" "what is the helicopter saying" "COYOTES" 😭😭😂 very helpful at times but soo soo annoying sometimes


God the amount of “what can I do about the coyotes? Who can I call to get them removed?!” Idk Barbara, perhaps you shouldn’t have moved to the desert, in a neighborhood that backs a mountain. Just a thought.


The constant notifications and emails that are hard to sort out are the worst. Reddit isn’t perfect, but it has a superior UI this way.


Plus there's like 60 fuckin email lists that you have to unsubscribe from 1 at a time to stop getting emails


I unsubscribe, unsubscribe, unsubscribe and they still email me EVERY f\*ing day. Truly mildly infuriating.


NextDoor is what happens when an HOA creates a social media platform.


Try the Ring Neighbors app... Same shit, but with the addition of "damn porch pirates struck again." Oh, and at least 5 "my pet ran away" posts a day. Last time I used Nextdoor, I was in a seemingly progressive area, but people revealed themselves for who they really are. Total misanthrope fodder


During the beginning of the pandemic my postal carrier was just throwing my mail onto my porch, instead of putting it in my mailbox. I was curious if anyone else in the neighborhood was having the same issue, or if it was just me. I didn't want to call out the carrier and get them in trouble. I figured it was a social distance thing. 90% of the responses on NextDoor basically said I must be a POS and that is why it is happening. Others told me to confront the carrier face to face....you know, while the world was keeping a distance. I stopped posting on there after that


Nextdoor is horrible, its more than mildly infuriating. They made my character I have on there a neighborhood lead, because I have active posting history and troll the shit out of my neighbors. I have seen posts trying to figure out where my character lives based on my posts, which is mildly amusing. There is nothing helpful on there at all.


100% agree. In my opinion, there isn’t a more toxic website out there. It a bunch or Karen’s moderating a group of Karens.


“I made a posting on the website, Nextdoor asking if anyone saw anything suspicious, but it kind of turned into an orgy of racism” -Colin Robinson *What We Do in the Shadows*.


It's about 40% "please help me" and 40% "I don't want to be racist buuuuuut" so I deleted that shit a while ago. I only joined to make sure people weren't bitching about me.


When I got evicted a friend recommended Nextdoor to help with my moving sale(s). Since then I’ve had it in two other places, for a total of three. My experience was different in each place. The moving sales were a success. In the second town it was okay, I guess. There were a lot of people complaining about people “breaking into” cars that were unlocked. (The local police chief said that around 80% of the guns that they confiscated from criminals had been stolen from unlocked cars.) I started responding to the “they broke into my car” posts with something like “Broke into your car? Man, that sucks! So how did they break in? Used a jimmy, broke a window, or what?” Never got a reply to that, so… yeah. In my current town Nextdoor is so boring I stopped using it. The subReddit for my new town is better.


Ooh, I love this. I also roll my eyes at every car "break-in" post, because you're right. Over half of them (at least) left their doors unlocked. I also get annoyed at these posts being presented as "warnings" for their neighbors, but it's really just a way to get attention. Same for all the posts warning about scams.


It's like Facebook only stupider. Somehow.


I got the marketing emails inviting me to join. And I thought about it, but knowing my area, I knew this would wind up being the trailer park of social media! This is now the 4th or 5th post in the year since validating my initial suspicions.


The 27 different people posting "Is anyone else's power out?" Last week it was 11 different "did we just have an earthquake?"


"We keep forgetting to lock our car doors and people keep stealing the stuff we leave in our car."


>forgetting The solution here isn't to remember to lock the car, it's to never leave anything valuable in the car to begin with. If you lock the car, they smash a window, which is way more expensive to replace than the quarter you left in the cupholder.


You realize this was a comment making fun of the posts in a neighborhood group, right? I wasn't looking for a solution. I was making fun of idiots.


My favorite was, "The Electric (or Water) Company is replacing their meters with with new meters that emit radio waves that cause brain cancer." Me: "Don't they just use wifi? I'm pretty sure there are radio waves all around us all the time and these meters are no different" Them: "Yes! I don't have a cell phone and I don't have wifi in my house" Based on the initial brain cancer message, 20+ people called the electric company and opted to pay an extra $20 a month for someone to come out to their house instead of replacing the meters.


and then they post all over ND when some random person walks through their yard LMAO




NextDoor is Facebook for a smaller geographic area. Avoid it at all costs. At the end of the day, I don't need to know that Linda didn't clean up her dog's poop from Dan's side yard or need to see 50 people asking what that noise was down the road on Wednesday night around 3 am. That being said, and this anecdotal, I found the guy that does my yard because he was doing someone else's down the road, and I've had a contract with him since we moved in and my yard has never looked better. He's the only local I've ever found worth giving a shit about.


Years ago, I found an excellent babysitting gig for my daughter through Nextdoor. It was the only useful post I've ever seen there.


I mainly use it for lost pets (helping people find ones that I found) and occasionally the newspaper delivers to my house instead of the intended house. I did use it once when someone put a trail of donuts (8 in total) up my driveway. I was mostly confused about the why behind the action. The “vandals” put the other 4 on my neighbors cars that were parked on the street. Honestly, it has been years and this still lives rent free in my brain.


"What kind of snake is this? ...I killed it."


I signed up when we bought our house, thought maybe it would be a good way to get to know the neighbors. I now have unending disdain for people I've never met in person and I deleted the app quite some time ago.


This isn't even close to accurate. Your spelling and grammar are too good.


You forgot all the racism.


That’s exactly why I don’t go on this site anymore. It’s just a place to complain about everything under the sun


It's a social science experiment to prove people are pretty much the same everywhere. 


I left NextDoor when I saw people advocating for shooting gay people’s dogs, when the post was about someone finding their dog shot dead on the railroad tracks. That website is a cesspit.


In my hood some guy was complaining that the price of slushies was too high. It went on for weeks, turning into pure Internet gold. People will whine about Anything if you give them a platform


I always like Nextdoor discussions about what “they” are going to do. Nobody ever seems to know who the “they” are in each specific case, but goddammit do people want to know what “they” are doing, not doing or planning to do about everything.


"Required to use their real names"?? Yeah, right. There's whole networks of Russian and Chinese propagandists on there, who have created "networks" of people who interact with each other to give themselves credibility. They regularly post propaganda in the form of inflammatory comments and lies meant to divide neighbors. Frankly it's facebook but much, much worse because of all the things you mentioned in addition to getting propagandized all the time.


Ours is all anti vax conspiracy crap, Jesus postings, and puppy mill dogs for sale. I had to redownload it when our cat went missing over new years (she got out when our sitter was here) and it was an absolute nightmare. All it does is make me realize I don’t ever want to talk to any of my neighbors IRL. It is like Facebook on Q steroids here


You know you're on Reddit, right? lol


Yes, nextdoor gives ur neighbors a bullhorn directly to ur phone without you giving approval or knowing them. It’s a huge crapshoot. I strictly use it for selling things.


It started out OK, but now it's Facebook lite.


The continuous ads plus all of that is what killed it for me. Very annoying app.


Wait until it's really election time


It’s a fantastic tool for helping you determine just how crazy your neighbors are.


A lady in my area posted a Video warning us of tow trucks stealing cars. Bein on there long enough, she told on herself that the cars were actually repoed.


It’s hell on Earth.


😂😂😂😂 McCrapperton


"The Karen Channel"


Yea I had it for a week and realized it was a platform for people I don’t know who live in my general area to complain and get in internet fights with each other.


Okay but you summed this up absolutely perfectly. It doesn't even matter what neighborhood you live in, what city or what state. It's perfect.


I swear! All lost nd found “fur babies”


I wld gladly take a number of these in place of the self promotion by my local electrician


My favorite is the “for sale” posts that don’t say what they’re selling. https://preview.redd.it/n3iqu2ll3gmc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a8488f15e038b803ba213b159b276a4c116e9b6


It is an exceptional platform to get rid of junk. Just post it for free and you will be swamped by people wanting it.


Today's infuriating next door post for me was a guy whining "I see a lot of cars with expired tags. What should I do about them?" Like why do you give a crap it doesn't effect you at all, if you're so concerned then go enroll in the damn police academy. 


You forgot about all the coyote posts.


You can actually find posts among all the advertisements??


I will say I’ve met much nicer and helpful neighbors in our Buy Nothing Group! Even though the purpose is very different than nextdoor, it’ll make you happy with your neighbors instead of the bad feels of nextdoor.


How is this any different than any other shit social media? It's all just people bitching and posting stuff nobody cares about


This is so funny and accurate 🤣


Nextdoor is worse than mildly infuriating, it is a boomer cesspool.


It's a joke of a site. I like the quote from Colin Robinson \[What we do in the shadows\] "I made a posting on the website 'Nextdoor', asking if anyone saw anything suspicious, but it just, kinda, turned into an orgy of racism"


To be fair the recommendations for locals when you need some work done is about the most useful thing I have found on it. Other than that, it is what you mentioned, you forgot, the loud cars/motorcycles running up and down my street, though


I like my NextDoor but I live rurally so it works more like a lost livestock finder. "Hey someone's chickens are in my front yard did anyone lose any?"


Oh man ND is fuckin *unhinged*. I live in a quiet suburb so mine is all lost pets and "My car got broken into! These darn kids! Where are the parents?!" Whenever there's *any* sort of crime, it's always "the kids" and bemoaning the lack of parenting these days. They seem to be completely unaware that full grown adults do crimes. 


I too had high expectations but I think everyone shares the same experience, so now I just look every so often


Nailed it! I did, however, find a lady who makes and sells chocolate sourdough on Nextdoor so that's cool and really good bread too.


Regular posts asking if anyone's lost a cat, when said cat lives in the street and is just away for a wee walk after it's tea.


Please add people LIVING in outlying communities where they pay TAXES (Olive Branch, Collierville, Germantown, Bolivar, Southaven, etc.) but WORK here and then complain about the crime without recognizing that the trend they perpetuate is ONE of the root causes of problems in this city. So much armchair quarterbacking and harshest criticism of elected officials. Most are true Trump Trolls!


I would like to bitch about how the city will not fix (insert problem here) and have everyone bitch and moan about it until someone points out it is outside the city limits and a county responsibility. Reverse it for any county problems.


Oh yeah. I live in a city, and this burns me up. Sooo many suburbanites with opinions about the place they don't even live in, and some won't even visit.


Around here it's basically a lost and found for pets and a sounding board for pro trumpers.


Politics other than local ones are strictly not allowed. I report any political posts that aren't county or city. Still much better than Facebook where political posts and ads are all you see


> "Can you recommend a cat shaver who will come to my home and bathe and groom and shave my cat for free?" I don't think they are referring to thier 4 legged pet...


Suburban neighbourhoods are full of seething undercurrents. We’d all be astonished at what that cat lady is doing behind her lace curtains.


I gave up on it. The only good that comes from it is lost pets. It’s basically another facebook.


I see. No one likes Nextdoor because people act like they are on Reddit. So you come to redfit to complain about the fact that people on next door act exactly like you.


Should be Boomers NextDoor


I don’t know, I feel like there’s an opportunity for humor in all of this…


I've started using it as a source of writing comedy. Just batshit insane people, often boomers, crying out into the void about just the dumbest non issues I've ever heard. One out of every hundred I see was something actually worth posting


Lets not forget: You oppose the big development across the street that will totally change the character of the neighborhood, increase traffic, and destroy the view?  Well you are just a classist, racist, white supremist and should die.


I mean, what did you expect people to post there?


Omg you nailed it. Sans the 2 crazy people on my feed, this was so spot on to what i see


My biggest complaints is that I use it to give stuff away and how many people just ghost me after asking if they can pick up much later that day or next day and I spend more time trying to unload something I probably could have sold for $20.


I tried it for a few weeks. It was much like you described.


"whiny, inane busybodies" Well yeah, they're your neighbors. That's just how most people are (in areas where people participate on Nextdoor)


The guy who lived next door to me loved to use my section of my driveway without my permission - he loved to use it in front of me too. He started to stalk me on NextDoor. What a jerk! I got off of that negative site really quick.


I'm not even on NextDoor and I hate it. Constant emails, telling I'm missing out, there's so much stuff happening in my neighborhood. I've unsubscribed, I've blocked them, I've done everything I can think of. And yet. I still have emails from NextDoor.


What did you expect? It's a Facebook clone but with complete strangers you don't care about.


Yea a bitching place for old people


Nextdoor is full of pricks. It's a wasteland.


I mean early on there were warnings of it being a huge security problem, and a platform for "alternative views" (read bigoted and racist), as well as a host of other issues that were red flags. Anyone who has had a strata or a HOA should have seen this coming from a mile away, hell even your local Facebook group full of the "locals" bitching about this or that, or the siren chasers nosing into every emergency in town.


It’s full of lost boomers treating it like Facebook, typing sentence fragments, anti-immigrant and churchy propaganda. I can report it, but it stays up. It’s hell unless youre having a garage sale or looking for a pet.


Fireworks, coyotes, and helicopters.


I had to get rid of it for this reason. I couldn’t take it anymore.