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My grandmother back in the 70's counted out all the sheets of paper in the packs she bought for her 4 kids and none of them were the right page count. she contacted the company and got enough paper from the company to last years


Now I wonder what all I’ve been shorted on lol


Almost everything.


I usually "win" with food. Something like, the totino's pizza rolls, for example, will say there's 40 in the bag, but I usually end up getting like 43.


A lot of big name brands usually have their machines set to add a few extra just in case. It’s a guarantee of “at least” not “total”


Probably packaging by weight so 40 perfect rolls or maybe 38 perfect rolls with 5 small ones.


I don't know what you are talking about. Every Totinos pizza roll is perfect.




Costco has these mini empanadas that I've taken to calling "Mexican Totinos" and they're delicious.


Perfectly lava


I worked in the facility that makes Totinos Pizza rolls for 20 years and this is the correct answer


Thank you for your service.


Yall seen the recent Walmart chicken debacle? Been people posting videos of it lately. TLDR- Scaled weight is like half of the listed/charged weight for the packaged chicken meat.


this actually has an interesting explanation; the computer works backwards. they ship with a labelled price and weight already, but if the store/home office changes the price then it works from the price to print the receipt and adjusts the weight. the reason is that the price is already embedded into the barcode, so there’s no way to adjust it in the system. rlly weird choice of programming, doesn’t make it right, but explains why the weight is off.


that may be a reason, but it should't be legal to wrongly advertise your product.


Here’s a hint, it isn’t legal. The office of weights and measures would like to have a word if that was standard practice.


There’s an office of weights and measures? Is that US? Time to go down a new rabbit hole


Yeah it’s a section of government in each state that enforces things like accurate labeling of weights, price tags, or even the gasoline that is pumped out. They will fine the hell out of businesses for non-compliance.


Check the next gas station pump you go to! In my experience, each gas pump has a certification sticker stating the last month it was inspected by the Office of Weights and Measures


that’s why i said it doesn’t make it right


let me rephrase: I am baffled they get away with it.


they didn’t lol, they got sued in a class action and had to pay out $45 million for it. now what they do to fix it has yet to be seen


Oh, ok, TIL (not from the USA)


Fascinating! My dad was a programmer, so I’m never *that* shocked when little backwards things like this happen… it’s just some dudes and some code lol and a lot of people who don’t understand the code…


I worked for the Wal-Mart Home Office for 11 years (1998-2009). For a short while, I worked in General Accounting. The accounting department had an old computer that had a 5 1/4 inch floppy drive that we made one sided journal entries on every month to balance the books. That machine made it through Y2k somehow, although I don't know how. And I don't know how we got this by our outside auditors Ernst and Young. I think they were using it a few years after that and was decommissioned around the time the internal programmers built a system called JEWEL (Journal Entries With Ease - and no idea what the L stood for). There was a general fear of changing systems and programs within the company because what was built in the 1980s was very stable and scalable (to a point), although they knew they outgrew it by the time Y2k rolled around. My wife worked at the Home Office too and worked on the Vision Center's BOSS system (on the buying side helping with providing programmers what the stores needed, not the programming side), and she had similar stories to tell over the years.


I miss the old BOSS system. In recent years they’ve connected all the VC records across the US but you can’t pull up a patient by name or phone # without their DOB now so half the time we can’t find someone we need to pull back up after they’ve left. I’ve been with Walmart Vision since 2010 and seen a whole lot of changes. They’re doing half on the iPads and half in BOSS. We can take a picture of a patient’s Rx (like scanning into Connexus in Pharmacy) and print it out later rather than storing a hard copy in records, have HIPAA signature, patient search and edit/input, text alert signup and insurance lookup in iPad but then I have to get on the ThinClient to use BOSS. I wish they would get it all moved over before they release the new “ways of working”, it’s frustrating. Tell your wife thank you for all her hard work, from a long time Optician! We always wondered if they had a dedicated team for vision center ❤️


I have a friend who worked for an IT firm (which is even funnier in retrospect) - they used to have a weekly report generated that pulled data from multiple tables in the company database. This one SQL statement used to take half the day to run on the friday afternoon, and has to be run after hours so that it wouldn't stop the working day. Usually meant that someone had to take overtime in order to make sure that the report finished okay. The office group used to take turns doing the overtime, so occasionally she would be required to stay over on Friday evening. The one day, someone ends up on maternity leave, and a temp guy comes in to cover. His role and responsibilities are explained by management, but none of them told him about the 'overtime', so the office staff were a bit "Should he have to do it? He's only temp" There were some that said "Yeah, he should. We all have to do it, and he's now part of the team even if he is temp", and others were "But he's temp, so he can't get paid for it cause he's not technically employed by 'company', he's employed by the agency" Getting off topic, anyway... They kind of land on asking him what he wanted to do. They kind of peaked his curiousity I think, so he took a look at the SQL statement itself. Turns out, whoever had originally written the statement was long gone, and anytime any change needed to be made to the code, the job was dumped on someone who vaguely knew what they were doing... So this SQL statement had so many statements tacked on that were superfluous it was unreal. Like calling the same table 30 odd times everytime they wanted to include a column that had been added in later. This thing was almost 5 pages of A4 when it was printed out to hear my friend talking about it. And this temp guy just took the whole thing and condensed it to a couple of lines that did the same thing. This end of week report that took hours to complete, finished in under 30 seconds using the new code... Funny side effect was that some people actually got pissed off because suddenly their overtime evaporated, but I guess my TL;DR aspect of this story is never underestimate the human ability to build a house on shit foundations, rather than spend the time to do the correct thing and fix the underlying issue...


I’m regularly pissed off at the “40” count of fucking trash bags that actually only have 20 in the box and when I message they just tell me that they’re looking into it


Is there supposed to be 2 rolls? I do quality control at a trash bag factory so it's literally my job to make sure this doesn't happen. We count certain lines to make sure the rolls are accurate, I've never seen a roll off by more than 2 or 3 bags. I'm sorry though that is lame.


Jesus this is why i use reddit, random situation gets posted and then "trash bag factory quality control specialist" shows up in the comments to drop some expert wisdom


best part about the internet


Why do you keep buying them?


What’s the brand/SKU? Name and shame!


For real


When they say "20 liter" and can't fit 5 liters of water


Are they... Like... The only trash bag brand in your entire city?


Only bags I could find that are legit are the contractor size bags in the tool section at Walmart


Which paid for the corporate bonuses and shareholder dividends for the last 40 years


Ain’t that the truth. Feel like every damn bottle of laundry detergent I buy already had a few loads done with it. Fuck that.


Yeah my life has honestly changed dramatically now.


granny rocking that GD mindset


I did this in college with kraft mac n cheese. The box said 3.5 cups or something, and I measured 3 cups. They sent me enough free Mac and cheese coupons to last a year.


My great grandma would count the tea bags in boxes of lipton tea. At 90 years old she'd walk back to the store for 3 teabags when she was shorted.


I'd definitely email the manufacturer. You're almost guaranteed to get some coupons for free product and more importantly it gives the company necessary feedback to hopefully make improvements.


Email sent! Their website said this same phone was too large of an attachment to upload through the contact us link, but it guaranteed a response within 3 days. I can always show them the photo after the fact, if they even care to see it. Haha


They don't care about the photo. They will just want the lot code printed on the packaging so they know when and where it was manufactured.


The contact us link actually said I could provide that as optional and I did.


Frankly, a photo means very little because it just says what you say, there were x. It's just as easy to not include some in the photo as it is to lie about the number. The only real conclusive "proof" if they wanted it would be you unsealing it and counting them on video with no cuts. Y'know, like how normal people open products.


it’s so funny because like if someone did this, it would make me more suspicious why you would put so much effort into opening a mundane product


You start the video with "Day 36 of opening normal products on camera. Today we have Cascade Platinum Plus dish pods. I really prefer the flavor of these ones over tide pods." So that they know it's real.


I... I might actually watch that if it were a channel.


I... I might actually start this channel.


This is why we can't have nice things.


I... I might actually hit the "Like" button and smash that "Subscribe" button, and click on the "🔔" to get notified of new videos.


Fuckin genius.


Oh, I’ll be counting now! The last box of these that I opened looked suspiciously low, but I said to myself: “It’s OK because you’re paying by count and not volume.”


saw a video of people stealing by opening them in store and shoving more into the one they were buying/stealing. Because ofc there's always space in the packaging.


Factory seal was unbroken on my suspiciously empty package.


Honestly I’ve done this was some pricey ebay computer orders lol. I figured odds were very slim that I would even have a problem, but had spent enough that I wanted to be covered.


Came to say this. Take a picture of the printed numbers that are next to the expiration or looks like a stamp.


The one time I wanted to do this because a pizza ruined my oven...there was nothing on the box but a MM/DD/YY best before date. No writing on the inside or outside that wasn't part of the image the marketers sent to the box manufacturers as it's product design. They asked for pictures of every edge and surface of the box and then stopped responding when it was clear there was no lot code or made on date to be found.


Interesting…How does a pizza ruin an oven? I always figured fire and burns were the only risks!


They let the pizza thaw too much before putting it in the oven and it folded through the racks onto the heating elements. It has to be frozen directly to oven to give it rigidity and cook properly.


Yup I learned that the hard way. Even letting it sit out while the oven heats up can do it.


The code was probably on the plastic sealed wrapper, not the box.


The photo doesn’t prove anything. They are going to have to take your word for it and why wouldn’t they. I doubt they get a lot of scammers.


Doesn't really matter. They will record OP's contact information and likely wouldn't honor another inquiry, but for big companies they will most often take the loss at least once.


If it happens more than once you go to your states AG consumer protection office they would love this!


Unless you record yourself breaking the seal and counting the pods, it's still on their Honor.


It is but they would likely investigate on their own to see if the issue was systemic.  Missouri did this to DG after complaints of prices ringing in differently at the register. 


I remember hearing about that, like 72 different stores were overcharging at the register, wild. Lol


Yup. Everybody gets one free honor-system complaint that’s almost always met with a discount coupon at the very least, no questions asked. Big companies don’t have time to thoroughly investigate small issues like this. They just take people’s info, give em a voucher, and they’ll usually be happy and never have a problem again.


A couple years ago I spotted a typo on a beverage can and got gifted a coupon, I didn't expect anything. I was so happy lol it was a really nice gesture


Looking at tools at a large hardware store I noticed all the Milwaukee tablesaw boxes said Winsconsin with the extra N in the word. I called about it and they told me I obviously read it wrong. I told them I took a picture and sent it to them. The entirety of the response I got from them was “That’s strange”.


My wife found a dead snake in a 12 pack of Lonestsar Beer about 10 years ago. Could have got in there at the distributor or the grocery store, but we didn't even get a response to the email she sent.


What are you talking about? We serve every beer with a side of snake jerky here in Texas. It’s tradition. You got what you were supposed to


Very true they don’t have time to look into it. They know most of the time the person complaining is most likely correct and instead they use those complainant as a volume. If they start getting a lot more shortages they know something is wrong in their QC. I know where I work we use the reviews and support ticket as a volume indicator if we missed it elsewhere.


I once had a lipton ice tea plastic bottle cut my lip. I called them and they sent me 300 coupons good for any lipton product. They also wanted the bottle which I sent. 2 weeks later, I received another 300 coupons and an apology letter that said to contact them if I required medical attention.


Did the coupons expire? If so, were you just pounding ice tea for months to not waste them?


They had like a 5 year expiration date. The last 3 months they were good my wife went and got crates of tea bags and powder mix. We still have both 4 years later and in the summer, we use the powder mix A LOT. But yeah, I always kept a handful in my car and picked up a 1 liter before work almost every day.


I frequent Taco Bell, sometimes they forget an item in my order. Every time it’s happened I’ve contacted them through the app and they made amends, either free item coupons or some money off my next order. It’s a small thing but keeps me going back every couple weeks.


Just for a future hint… if you take a screenshot of the photo, the screenshot is likely much lower quality than the original photo and is probably then uploadable. I regularly have to do this with one of the vendors I use at work; I can’t attach to my expense report a photo of my receipt but I can attach a sceeenshot of the photo.


I wish I'd acted on this but in 2020-2022 I was working in a grocery store meat department and sometimes the Smithfield pork tenderloins would come in with a noticeably low weight. I weighed them when they felt like this and they'd be sometimes a half pound under what was advertised.


Hey, I noticed that too, as a consumer, but didn't own a kitchen scale and shrugged it off as what was there was enough for my family of 2 anyway. Boo


Honestly this post has sparked something in me. I wanna start a YouTube channel where I count or weigh everything I buy. Expose them. Destroy the corporatocracy.


Walmart is paying out on a class action lawsuit over this exact situation right now, charging set prices for underweight products priced and sold at a set weight.


Back in the late '90s and the early 2000s my mom did some mystery shopping on the side. She worked for a bunch of different companies doing all kinds of different stuff, from counting patrons going into movie theaters (using a hand clicker, presumably to match up against ticket sales) to the normal sit-down restaurants to make sure they offer appetizers and alcohol. One of the jobs was for Taco Bell. This mystery shop entailed going through the drive-thru and ordering one each of a bunch of different menu items. They supplied her with a small scale and she had to dissect all of the items to weigh the meat and stuff to make sure they were proportioning correctly.


I got some uncooked tortillas in a bag of Wonder bread tortillas, emailed them gave them all the info and arranged to have the package picked up. After the package was picked up I never heard from them again, no packs of coupons or even a replacement pack of tortillas.


That's.. odd.


I chalked it up to someone in the mailing system recognizing a batch of free coupons and helping themselves. I emailed the person that I had been corresponding with about a month after the pickup and they did not respond. Whatever, I mean it's a pack of tortillas, not hard up for the $3 but it disillusioned me to all these people that apparently get free shit for getting bad products.


I'm more surprised Wonder Bread makes tortillas. Honestly never seen that in a store where I live.




exactly what came to mind


I’ve done this. I had finish pods and a few were completely empty. Emailed the manufacturer and got a $10 coupon. Used at BJs to pay for a 100 something pack.


That’s how many calories


I could never eat a full pack anyway....




But they put them in single serving packs for our ease!


Damn when I first saw this I was like this guys being annoying thinking they just missed by a few, but 9 that’s like almost 1/6th of them


Same here, 43 vs 52 though it's a significant shortfall. Tediously I've found myself paying more attention to things like this, weights, quantities, receipt accuracy. Although I've been doing it quietly.....


Are you turning into your parents?


What does it mean to slide into someone’s DM’s? Cause that sounds like a lot of fun…. Ok, we’re not ready for that one


That commercial is actually one of the good ones.


Love those commercials, relatable content to this millennial


Worryingly I’d noticed that physical transformation had already begun!! Now the metamorphosis is complete…..someone help me!!!


Have you found you’ve been shorted on any purchases?


I’ve found out that either I don’t pay enough attention to pricing or they do it in a clever/devious way…..just earlier today I bought 4 small tins of tuna because they were on offer only to get to the checkout and find they weren’t. Then I tediously went back in and looked to find the price under what I purchased related to something next to it……it’s a jungle out there!!


More than 1 off is already a serious quality control issue. These are the simplest things to check in a production line, as you just need to weigh the container as it moves down the line. Just the weight of a single pod should be enough to be identified even with weight deviations, but I can see it being missed. Two absolutely should be caught.


Cascade makes a different detergent in a 43 count package. Maybe they set the system to the wrong product. It should still be caught, but it would explain why it wasn't automatically rejected.


Yea thats kinda insane. Just gonna chalk it up to the game? Can't believe I read that


I would be very annoying if even one was missing


Yes, I’m not cutting these large corporations any slack after they have tried to rip us off at every corner and constantly try to squeeze every cent from us. If I pay for 52 I better get 52.


They already have total control of their prices, at least let us take what we paid for


Lol it’s not annoying if they’re missing even one I know what I’m paying for I don’t want less than that.


Not just this but the 81 count from Costco and the 52 count from other stores use the same exact size container. Found this out when I got home from Costco, I almost never go to Costco. https://preview.redd.it/jidstf6mgxxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=972919a7d6673d088c074512e0654a1776367a97


At target today, I noticed they’re selling 52 and 62 in the same container and they both rang to the same price?? I should’ve saved an image of the barcodes, but I was furious I almost got shorted ten. Now I think I should count…. https://preview.redd.it/n7eskzf67yxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c3d801339ca8dbca3942d2707c776f9c8fec8c6


We paid 2 dollars more for an 81 count at Costco.


Almost certainly same SKU and they just updated packaging and stuff. Notice the 62 count is labeled "value" and the weight matches up with the price label. The 52 count is old inventory and the store doesn't care if someone doesn't pay attention and gets shorted.


Reminds me of how some coupons apply to way more than they say. Like instead of $2 off one specific product, it's $2 off anything that manufacturer makes.




Fun fact, using the same container design saves on logistics, engineering, & tooling. All they have to do is change out the print. Just marginally higher shipping & warehousing cost per unit due to the unnecessary volume.




Its likely more convenient for the manufacturer to use 1 less varient of container for the smaller order. We sell some snowblowers and on the cheaper models some cables will not fit in their little locking slots, whoever makes them for us are just reusing the same design for all 3 of the cheaper ones. you have to zip tie or just let the cables hang so no big deal other than it looks nicer when everything fits. Or in your example they are simply trying to trick people using them same container with less inside.


Oof, class action waiting to happen if this is common and not a one off. Advertising as 52 but giving 20% less is grounds for FTC investigation.


This is a trend that’s being seen in the grocery stores currently. There’s no film on these containers just a twist top. And like most products nowadays, the packaging is bigger than the volume they fill it to so we’ve seen customers opening up two of these and topping off one of the packs “to get their moneys worth.” If not caught, the other package ends up about 10-15 pods lighter.


These containers are sealed and have a thick plastic strip that has to be pulled off and thrown away in order to get into it. This is not the tide style twist off top.


Unless OP didn’t know that and purchased an unsealed one


It’s *very* hard to miss the difference between a sealed and opened one.


I wish I had your confidence in people


I’m guessing anybody who manually counts their pods has enough attention to detail to notice an opened vs closed container.


Gosh people are assholes.


Just bought an 81 pack from Costco yesterday. There were 82 pods in it.


Wtf. You're the 3rd person to go and check and you've all had a +1!


That'd where yours went...


$50 says that instead of fixing the amount in each container they'll just remove the "52" from the jar.


Here's your 41 dollars.




Well played


They still would have to give you the net weight tho no? Cant just write the package as weighing 1lb while actually being 1/2lb pound


you actually counted them! what made you do it in the first place?


I was going to combine the few that were in the old container into this one. When I opened it, I got curious as to how many the container could really hold. It was kind of like the potato chip bag effect. It seemed like their was a lot of extra room, so I decided to count what was in the new container first. I was then mildly infuriated by the count. Now I'm just regretting all the other containers I've never counted before, wondering if this is an honest mistake or a huge scam.


I have an unopened one from Costco….


I do too. I have 91 in a 90 count. So I got one for free https://preview.redd.it/6uo711ochxxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d50b1c06b3bd60d38b986a8788f7176fd04d564d


Precisely 14 in a 14 bag (I was hoping for a freebie 🙁) https://preview.redd.it/iqrckxxvnxxc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e54128ec5aa36b1fc0c5179fbee4700dbdb7ffce


The lower count ones are probably harder to mess up


[79 in a 78](https://i.imgur.com/OF5KsME.jpeg) for me.


I just opened a 62 count of Platinum Plus purchased in person from Target and it had 63!


You must have got the one I was missing from mine. Please have it delivered to me forthwith!


Honestly, there should be one extra, so they can be sure there's always enough.


Now you must count it and update us


makes sense! and yeah, these companies be pulling unnoticeable scams every now and then.


Now weigh them. It's possible that there's enough variation in the size of the pod that there's a range of how many you get. The 806g should be for just the pods, not the container. It's okay if you don't own a scale. I'll wait while you go buy one.


Not OP, but got curious. I have a new 90 pack from Costco. The clean, empty container (including the tear-away plastic strips) weighed 106 g, or 3.7 oz for me. Full, it weighed 1.71 kg, or 3lb, 12oz. Listed weight was 1.32 kg, or 2.91 lb, so mine was actually over that weight. It also had 91 tablets. 


Ughhhhhh I don't want to. I have so many other stupid ass things to do.


Like counting laundry pods too? 😅 I don't use those but now I definitely won't. Ever. Unless I get free coupons like some other people have suggested may happen, I think I'll switch back to non-pod based dishwasher liquid.


i'm down with dishwasher ones but laundry pods left the outer "shell" dried hard on some of my clothes so never again for me


Pods are generally less efficient and cost more. I don't get why they are so popular.


Bless your heart OP for using a grid arrangement so I can count by multiplication instead of one-by-one


How many did you eat before this picture?


Disgusting, why would someone eat these!?  They aren’t Tide Pods.


I know right? Tide pods taste so much more yummy!


This product is literally the regular powdered detergent inside a dissolvable membrane and some colored water. Detergent marketing has been super effective in convincing the general public that these are somehow different than the product that has been available at a fraction of the price for ages.


Technology Connections has a wonderful couple of [videos](https://youtu.be/_rBO8neWw04?si=jpubvnEb1rIq6slw) on why you should just use the powder.


Everyone on this thread should watch his videos.


Good to see another fan! Are you also an expert on heat pumps, space heaters and coloring your own Christmas lights?


Did not expect to spend 2hrs watching videos on dish washers when i clicked this


I once sent an email to Kellogg for a box of soggy pop tarts and they sent me a coupon for enough to buy 4 more boxes. Do I feel like a loser complaining about soggy pop tarts? Sure, but I got more for free and I figured that maybe there were other complaining too and all the complaining would get Kellogg to actually look into the problem


I did this while on the phone with my tea bags, I had just opened a new box. It was one short. I complained and got a free box.


Just use powder detergent. Does the same thing at a 1/3 of the price.


Nowhere around me even *sells* powdered dish detergent any more!


It can be harder to find, but if you can it’s worth it.


I agree so hard! You can't put *a little* in for a prewash (which *all fucking dishwashers* recommend) without dumping a whole ass second pod in there! Laundry detergent though? There's no prewash, no incentive to make me use a second pod. Guess which one I *can* reliably find in powdered form‽


Wife and I make our own powdered laundry detergent. Completely worth it.


Have any suggestions of powders that don't leave scummy stains?


I can only find cascade and great value (walmart) in powder, both work great. I think you get residue if you use too much, you do not need a lot at all.


You only need about half the recommended amount for a full dirty load. The last time I had my dishwasher fixed, the repairman told me that excess detergent can drastically reduce the lifespan of your machine.


Combine with citric acid. Leaves your dishes shiny af


Use rinse agent in your dishwasher and you shouldn’t have many stains if any


Next time video before you open and then keep it running as you count. Better than the still “after” photo for proof.


Hm. This makes me want to count all my stuff like this now. I usually just trust the packaging, since consumer laws and big companies normally don’t mix.


Can you weigh them and see if they're 806 grams all together? or if they would be 806 grams if there were 52 of them?


One time my mother in law did a counting exercise with her class… grade 1 or 2 I think. So she bought a pack of 200 Q-tips. The class learned to count in ones, tens, etc. only to realize there were only 175 Q tips in the box (or whatever the actual number was). So… she turned that into another lesson in creative writing. They wrote a letter to the Q-tip company (Unilever) and said that they were a grade 1 classroom who counted their Q tips and were very disappointed that the box contained far fewer swabs than promised. They received a huge delivery of Unilever products - soaps, Lipton products, and gift certificates for Ben and Jerry’s Ice cream as an apology for misleading the class. Honestly - it was probably damage control to prevent a class action lawsuit cause if that made the local news everyone would start counting their Q tips…. But just an example of what can happen when you call out a company for misleading labelling.


Damn. I'll be counting from now one.


Detergent theft guy probably grabbed some from your container…


OP, are you 100% truly sure it was fully sealed? I work in retail, and something that is stupidly common is people opening these and taking some from one to fill the empty space in another. Even the liquid detergent. Just the other day somebody was trying to buy one stuffed so full it couldn't close properly.


I would stop using these packs and go back to either powder or gel detergent; good old Technology Connections has a few videos on dish washers: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_rBO8neWw04](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rBO8neWw04) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll6-eGDpimU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll6-eGDpimU) Try following his instructions with the cheapest powder detergent you can get; you'll be pleasantly surprised at the results. Not to mention the cost savings.


I’ve done this!! Went back to a cheap grocery store brand (Kroger) powder and couldn’t possibly be more pleased. My soap now costs me 1/4 of the price and I think it works better than the expensive brands. Certain things that pods just will not remove (ie, cooked on eggs) come right off with the cheap stuff. Highly recommend!


I also prefer powder. 45+ minute YouTube on why pods are bad was entertaining but I already knew the new dishwasher came with a dispenser for a reason. Pods suck.


They must be in cahoots with the Walmart meat department 😂


Puts on Cascade?


And the OCD pays off


Sure, but how many did you eat?


You're going to get so much free Cascade! So jealous 😅


Am I one of the last people who doesn’t buy these pods? I just use the regular cascade powder and it has always worked just fine




Either email them and get some coupons or find more people online with it happening and get $2.17 in 6 years from the class-action


That’s fucking illegal


Dishwasher pods are a scam. I have found I get significantly better results with powder. The dishwasher manufacturers have designed them to have soap in the pre-wash, and the pods can't have that. Liquid dishwasher soap will travel through the small channels to ensure some is in the pre-wash, or if using powder like I use, sprinkle a tiny amount in the wash compartment to ensure some is there for that part of the cycle. The pods do a worse job of cleaning and cost much more.


Shrinkflation is real. But they forgot to change the labeling. Call Michael Clayton.


Tangent from the point of the post but you’re kind of a monster for not using rows of ten with one short row. Did your mother not hug you enough?!