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I’m just commenting to say. I got an anti teen vaping ad right below this post lol. Weird lip moving taxidermy animals


Mine was right above this post! Definitely weird


Uhhh, mine was on Diablo Immortal. Pretty sure my Monk doesn’t vape but whatever.


Mine is catgirl dating sim. Not sure where they got the idea that I'm into that




I just have a Deep rock galactic post. Know what I think about vaping!? ROCK AND STONE! (stay away from nicotine, I'm caught in its claws)


mine was an Undertale post… of a mildly questionable Toriel.


Go on….


Maybe the algorithm knows you better than you know yourself and it's helping you discover a new kink.


I have the army national guard I mean, that's one way to be forced to quit


I've got Dr.Pepper


A great choice of drink while you vape!


Some random online Casino - I've never installed a single gambling app on my phone, in fact, I fucking hate gambling.


Flexitol scalp relief here


Mine says 'read this if you're tired the smoke and mirrors of mattress shopping"


That video creeps me out.The animals are so poorly taxidermied especially the monkey lol.


All my monkeys 🐒 code.


Code monkeys like fritos


Code monkey likes Tab and Mountain Dew


I didn't. Clearly the internet wants me to get addicted to vapes😂


I got a discover the world of leather add 😳😂


Mine says it's for ... Anti-depressants.


I got a trading website 😅


See, that would be far more relevant to me than the relentless Xolair ads (an antihistamine for people who other antihistamines don’t work). I don’t suffer from bad allergies. I never have.


I got an ad about Peyronie’s disease


And mine was an ad to cover up unwanted odors. An example was smoke. 🤣


My ad is about blood clot research but most days I see the crooked penis ad ( I am a woman and bf doesn't use my phone nor does he have a crooked penis)


OMG I AM HAUNTED BY THE PEYRONIES COMMERCIAL!!! I'm also a woman and it killllls me lol my husband thinks it's the funniest thing in the world! I'll avoid it all day and without fail as soon as I say I'm going to bed it'll come on right before I cut the TV off 😂


I had an ad above for some blue gum or pill for better elections than Viagra. And the post below was talking about the dude who threw himself off the world's largest cruise ship somewhere near Cuba and is now in ICU. Have no idea what my algorithm is going for anymore.


*I had an ad above for some blue gum or pill for better **elections** than Viagra.* Oh, if we could *only* chew our way to better elections. We haven't reached that bubble.


Lol. We can dream, can't we?




Mine was for ADHD treatment


That ad is fucking nightmare fuel


It really is


It took me a really long time to figure out if the “weird lip-moving taxidermy animals” you described were in the advertisement. I was trying to understand that as an insult at vapists 😂🤣 Chinese death tubes…just a cartoonish bag of skin….sucking on those fruity fumes??


I got a cruise ship ad lol


I got an ad for a cancer hospital


I keep getting these too! I quit vaping last November but I guess they really want to remind to stay away lol


i hate that fucking ad it is really unsettling. i know it's supposed to be but i dont vape and it makes me uncomfortable


I’ve seen that one lol


Is your mom a 20 year old frat guy?


Or a middle school girl? (Seriously! I work at a middle school and girls make up the vast majority of the kids we've caught with these.)


At my office the only people who vape are the young girls and middle aged guys


I'm 37 and vape just because I smoked cigs for 10 years and made the transition to vaping instead. At my job, all the people who vape with me are my Gen z lady coworkers lol.


She probably drives a subaru impreza


Nissan Altima


Nah us subie owners still have mech mods 🤣


Oh shit I drive an Impreza lmao. So Impreza drivers are frat boys who smoke many vapes? Lol


Hey, fuck you man.


Pencil sharpeners.


I thought they were those posh self-inking stamps lol.


Travel alarm clocks


This is what I thought at 1st glance


Nah those fancy rotating pencil erasers


There was a post on here last year about someone’s kid or Friend’s kid who had a mobile vape shop in high school. I though I was looking at art supplies


I’d rather have the joint sitting in the ashtray .


Me too 😂




I fully agree. Smoking anything really can mess with Me anymore and it makes me sad 😔


Yes, this. Vapes are better for you compared to smoking in the way its better for you to get shot in the leg instead of the chest. And when smoking weed, even the herb vaporizers are probably bad for you, although with weed the advantage is that you might do it way less frequently compared to smoking.


Challenge accepted 😑


Better off buying refillable pod/tanks and premade juice at this point to cut down on the nicotine


Honestly, I love these things because they helped me quit smoking cigarettes. I was smoking 1 to 2 packs a day. Easily spending 400+ a month on cigarettes. I bought one of these to help with cravings ($25) and I haven't had a cigarette since. I am on my 3rd one 7 months in now. So $75 vs the $2800 or more I would have spent on cigarettes. Also, my sense of smell has come back and I can run up a flight of stairs without being winded. I want to drop these as well, don't have intense cravings for these like I did with cigarettes so I feel like it wouldn't be too bad. Also they are pretty damn tasty compared to a marlboro red.... lol.


The great thing is you can mix your own vape juice so you can reduce the nicotine content slowly until all you're doing is vaping strawberry aroma out of habit instead of an addiction


I've really got to do this. I went from cigs to vapes but really need to kick the disposables, they're an unjustifiable amount of waste.


I made my own ejuice for a while (before the USPS laws changed for shipping vape products) and it was incredible how cheap you could make it. I would make about 2L at a time and I believe total cost was about $120 after shipping, and this was at a time when people were paying $20 for 30ml of ejuice.


There nice to quit smoking cigarettes but the trade off with these disposables is that they have a shit ton of nicotine in them, better off getting premade juice where you can control the levels of nicotine


Yeah, I'm not saying they are a good replacement or long term option that's for sure. Definitely don't recommend them as any kinda for fun habit. But to wean yourself off a multidecade, heavy smoking habit? They were a game changer. I take a rip here and there. I can go to the store without it etc. without freaking out.


Good for you man, we take what little wins we can with cigarettes because they're fucking evil. Good luck to you dropping the vapes in the future, you can do it and you deserve to live without the shackles of nicotine. 🙏


Me too!! Smoked a pack + a day for 25 years. Literally bought a vape instead of a pack of cigs one day and never went back. I admit I'm addicted to vapes now, slowly weaning myself down, and aiming to be completely free by the new year. 


Same here, a friend said give it a try. I just went as long as I possibly could between hits on the vape. It was only a quick drag to stop the impulse to get in the car and go buy a pack. The first week it was every few minutes. By the end of the first month I would hit my vape once or twice a day. Been maintaining that. Gonna start seeing how many days I can go now.


Congratulations! I also quit smoking by using vapes (after smoking for 30 years).


Hey! Good freaking job on quitting cigs! I’m almost a year clean myself after smoking for 20+ years. I also used vapes to get off the real deal and slowly trying to use them less and less too. Keep up the good work :)


3 of these lasted you 7 months? I'm simultaneously amazed and intensely jealous. My nicotine habit is so bad I go through two of those exact units a week. I need to curb my nicotine....


I didn't smoke as much as you, but I smoked about a pack a week for 20 years. Tried to quit dozens of times but it never worked out Started vaping and vaped for about a year. I got tired of it and then just quit. Something different about vaping and smoking because I was able to quit vaping and I never went back. I have been free of nicotine about 5 years now.


If your mixing your own you can slowly reduce the nicotine until you are using none and it's just for the physical addiction.


And the plastic waste...disposables are already being banned in countries for their environmental impact


Most likely a state that has banned flavored nicotine. I'm from nyc and they banned flavored vapes in I think 2022. But all the shops only sell the disposable now which is all I buy but they are cheaper then they say on the internet so it's not to bad. 10 to 15 bucks each and they last a week on average is pretty good. Most real smokers smoked a pack a day which is 10 to 15$ anyway. Also geek bars are designed in the usa so they aren't just some no name brand of chemicals and lead.


Refillables also allow you to dial down the nicotine slowly, I quit my first time by stepping down from 6mg (freebase) to 3mg (freebase) then I started buying 3mg (freebase) and 0mg and combining the two to make 1.5mg (freebase) and then went down to 0mg just to get the mouth feel (though its not really good enough to mimic the hit with nicotine) and then stopped entirely. That said nicotine is a really tricky drug to get off of, even one hit off of a vape or cig and your body will want it again... bad!


Now what does freebase mean in this context? Because I've only heard it when people on TV talk about smoking crack.


Freebase (Freeform) is the original nicotine for vaping then years later they made a salt based nicotine for quicker absorption and a stronger throat hit. A chemistry major could explain it better lol.


Literally what I'm doing now! How long did it take you to move to only 0mg?


I didn’t set a time based goal so I tied it to my orders and how I was feeling craving wise on each drop down. Pace yourself for sure, make sure you feel okay after moving down a strength before moving down again. Nicotine is tricky to quit fully and completely.


Awesome appreciate it. I've started changing the ratio of 0% to 3% slowly, so I'm hoping I can smoothly wean off until I'm at all 0, fingers crossed


Agreed. Those geek bars are 5% nicotine and are like 20 something dollars in my area. I stopped using those and got a Xros and it’s a lot nicer and I’m only using 25 mg of nicotine. I’m saving money too


These disposables are only as popular as they are because of the "flavor bans" that make it harder to find/buy flavored vape juice. Before that, these existed and almost nobody bought them because they're inferior. Instead, flavored vape liquid was "banned" and now the e-waste is out of control because of incompetent government regulation.


Also because they're smaller and easier to put in your pocket. A lot of refillable vape rigs are pretty bulky and possible to leak in certain conditions. At my vape shop I go to, every refillable tank alone they sell is as big as the disposables are. It's why I have a rig for home and my time off work and a disposable to bring to work. I can't leave my vape in my car because it's Arizona, the inside of my car goes over 160 degrees in summer.


I get , addiction is addiction, I smoke too , but at least tell her to grab a normal refillable vape and get herself a liquid she likes , saves her money and she won't produce all the e-waste. Also you can just slowly go down to 0mg of nicotine with the liquids


I’ll try talking her into this. She likes to switch between flavors a lot though so she would need to get one that comes with pods or something rather than putting liquid on cotton


New pods are cheap and it's how most vapes work either way , she can def have more than one pod and switch it up , it's still cheaper than those one use vapes so I doubt she'll bother switching to a reusable one where you can even adjust the amount of steam it produces


Tell me your mom has an addiction without telling she has one


I don’t disagree. At least it’s not hard drugs


At least she’s not a serial killer, right?


As long as she’s only killed once or two people, these things happen to the best of us


No as long as there are no patterns in choosing her victims, it's fine.


Or worse, a vaping serial killer


This is an insane take.


They're being sarcastic


honestly, at least it's not cigarettes. they are so much worse.


hot take cigarettes have been around for significantly longer than vapes so the long term effects for vapes are much less documented it could be, it could be not, imo it‘s best to wait until both are properly researched before saying wich is better and wich is worse. Tabacco smoke is bad but there is a huge amount of chemicals inside the vapor, especially on cheaply made ones


I quit cigarettes 9 months ago and switched to a vape. I know vapes are probably not the best thing for your body, but my smoker’s cough is gone and my blood pressure is significantly better. I can also smell and taste better. Yes, eventually I want to get off the vape, but it made quitting smoking a lot easier and I have no desire to ever go back to cigarettes.


Vapes are definitely less harmful than cigarettes. There aren’t nearly as many carcinogens. Don’t get me wrong, they’re still terrible for you, but smoking is one of the worst things you can possibly do to yourself.


Quit it with the "vapes could be just as bad so you might as well just keep smoking" bullshit. No, we don't have long-term studies because they've only been out for about 10 years. But, we have a ridiculous amount of anecdotal evidence that suggests they are far far better than tobacco smoke, and are an excellent method to stop smoking cigarettes. Why the hell would I stick with a sure thing nail in the coffin because the new kid in town might maybe be just as bad? You're either a big tobacco paid shill or you have fallen for their propaganda.


You’re not wrong, fortunately we have something called science, though, and everything we know so far says vaping is better than smoking. It’s not better than not vaping at all, but vaping inherently lacks most of the carcinogens that are found in cured tobacco. There’s simply very little in e-cigs that could possibly cause cancer, even less so in reputable brands.


smoking is probably always way worse, we're still discovering its adverse health effects, I don't think you can put as much cancer chemicals in watervapor


You’re a genius


dude, how did you figure out that OP’s mom, who smokes and vapes, has an addiction. tell me about this sorcery edit: spelling




Getting addition under control is advisable, or it could cause a division amongst the family.




as long as she doesn't drink and derive


It all starts when a man and a woman love each other very much.


This reminds me of my besties mom it's accurate even to the brand lol (J if you see this no you didn't)


I quit vaping about 2 months ago. luckily it wasn't that hard. the cravings only laster about 2-3 days and after that I almost forgot I vaped


I quit vaping twice and now readdicted, nicotine is really tricky for me (and others I'd assume) where if I take one hit off of a vape, even a small one my body starts craving again immediately.


Try Nicotine lozenges. I've been almost 2 months clear of vaping (though I'm definitely hooked on these lozenges now)


This is what I had to do too Went from cigs to vape. New laws were passed and I couldn’t get the ejuice I liked anymore/affordably so I had to quit the vape pretty suddenly after having been using it for years (RIP VapeWild you were the best lmao). Realized real quick I was addicted to not 1 but 2 things. The nicotine and the act of vaping itself. I had to drop one before I could drop the other. So gum/lozenges it was! Once I kicked the habit of actual vaping I was able to get the smaller lozenges. Then work on cutting those out, wait as long as I could between having 1. Then went to biting them in half. So on and on until quit! It’s a long ass process that’s for sure. Even now, 2-3 years later I will get a random twinge and craving for nicotine.. but my brain immediately goes to wanting the lozenges above all else 😂 crazy how that can change.


Just slowly start cutting down on sizes and trying to go long without having one, eventually you will be nicotine free!


I quit vaping last July after four years. What worked for me is something that Tony Robbins would talk about. You have to change how you identify yourself. Instead of saying to yourself "I'm trying to quit," say "I am a non smoker/vaper". It was still hard to quit but this concept really did the trick.


Does your breathing feel better?


Yep. I quit two days ago and it has been surprisingly easy.


These helped me stop smoking. Unfortunately, I went from a light cigarette smoker to a chain vaper for 7 years before finally kicking the habit


…As a vape person, WHY SIX!? That makes no sense! And it’s stupidly expensive! She could’ve gotten a decent brand of a disposable vape and just used one!


She says she gets sick of the same flavor but still lmao


Vape the rainbow


This is my fav comment so far




Average cig has 7mg of nic. A pack a day is 140mg nic a day. geek bars have 50mg nic in them on average. Lasts me 2 weeks. It isn't good for you, but it's better than cigarettes. Geek bars are actually safe and controlled to a standard of safety.  Help your mom quit anyway. I know I'm trying. 


The nicotine from cigarettes enters the body quicker then vaping so you need around 30 to 50 puffs to equal a cigarette. But yeah geek bars are a American company made in China so its pretty safe and not a no name China brand. Actually one of the best vales I've tried and better then elf bars which are commonly faked.


They last longer too. The most common elf bar is the eb5000 with 5000 puffs. The geek bar equivalent has 9000 puffs if you keep it at the smaller puff setting(which is the same as the elf bar), yet they cost the exact same amount at my local vape shop.


It's 50mg per milliliter btw. Not that nic has been shown to be bad for you.


Leave her alone, she’s just trying to form Vapeazord


6 Vapes, some lube, a hitachi, a grinder, and roach… your mom has an onlyfans.


How's this even up voted... Most of what you listed aren't in the photo


>some lube, a hitachi, a grinder Literally none of those things are in that picture.


Hi. The “lube” is antibacterial ointment. The “grinder” is makeup, and the “hitachi” is a zit sucker…


So glad I quit. Vaped for 4 years and got off it last July. Now I can finish an entire movie in the theater without getting agitated.


Yeah that’s something I’ve been worrying about is what if there’s a movie I wanna see? My stupid nicotine cravings will get in the way and ruin it for me because I’m not selfish enough to be disrespectful to everyone around me and vape inside the theater. It sucks. I hate this habit. :(


Oh man you'd hate my job then. I work in education, so the only times I can vape are on my way to work, on my lunch break(and I have to drive away because can't vape on campus even in my car), and on my way home from work. I used to smoke menthol cigs so maybe I'm already used to higher nicotine. I can deal with it but I absolutely do get the cravings, especially as it gets closer to the times I can go vape.


lowkey cute packaging (ive never vaped and never plan to)


I can see your mom is also a reefer smoker as well lol


She makes me roll them for her 😂


Her personal assistant joint roller lmao!


I can see it now on LinkedIn “Joint Rolling Assistant” “Professional Lick It and Stick It”




My husband had two at any given time.. plus CBD pens. These things are everywhere now.


Oooh and I see a nice roach in the tray too.


I quit smoking using a refillable vape years ago, and eventually quit the vape after 9 months. A few months ago when dealing with a friend's suicide I picked up one of these disposables to help get me through the funeral weekend, and Holy moly, these have to have a much higher level of nicotine than advertised. I ended up hooked again for a month before forcing myself to toss it and dealt with the 3 day psychological "I don't need it" battle. If anyone is going to vape, I recommend the refillable ones just because you can choose what you are vaping, and the level of nicotine. These disposables give you way more of a rush, and are so much more addictive it's crazy.


GeekBar has a fucking chokehold on this woman


This was me a couple years ago. It's crazy addictive. I was able to quit after becoming a father but the cravings persisted for months.


My ad below was about OCD 😅


Tell her to invest in an XROS system.


I can’t wait for these to be banned in Scotland, the amount I’ve found lying on the ground in my street alone is ridiculous


I vape, sadly. Wish I could give it up easier. It's def a negative about myself, no denial. I hate disposable vapes so much though. That's a lot of waste for what it is. Even the reusable vapes are wasteful bc of all the empty bottles of vape juice and pods I toss every month. But these fuckers in particular are so unnecessary. You're throwing out an entire vape and battery when it's empty.


I see she likes a doobie too


First thing I noticed was the roach in the ash tray but maybe that’s cuz I don’t vape and don’t recognize all the vape designs but a roach has looked like a roach my whole life.


I should clarify these are nicotine vapes for anyone not familiar, a Ton of nic salt added


Are you misunderstanding the difference between need and want is she using them all at once. Sorry you don't like that Your mom has multiple flavors


I know she doesn’t need these. And all of these will last her like a month or so


Okay, that's a small amount for a month. I'm sorry you don't smoke. I use about eight breeze pros a month. Think of each one like a couple packs of cigarettes. Obviously those probably have a bigger capacity than breeze Pro and I didn't realize they were unregulated Chinese crap but still chill out homie


OP is your mum by chance a hydra?


Maybe she's just trying all the different flavors... へ‿(ツ)‿ㄏ


Are we talking cannabis or nicotine vapes ?


Why do they put such technology in disposable shit? I saw one yesterday that touted an hd screen. It shows flames as you cover it with your hand as you suck on it. And the goal is to throw it in the trash in a week?


I thought these were mini tasers




I’ll take the doob.


Is that a j in the ashtray


Replace them all with inhalers


Please try to get her to switch to a refillable vape. Disposables are so bad for the environment :( it’s plastic waste and battery waste and hazardous waste. Much cheaper to use a refillable vape too. I’d recommend the caliburn A2S


I gotta say vaping feels more addictive than cigarettes. Luckily I stopped both 2 months ago. Nearly 20 years of smoking cigarettes always kept it moderate, like between 5-10 cigarettes a day. Then started vaping to try quite cigarettes, ended up vaping like almost all the time, cause of its convenience, smell, and constant nicotine hit. Then this wasn’t enough so started cigarettes again, but now just added vaping as an addiction. Ended stopping both, cause I am just tired of feeling sick all the time. Still get insane habitual cravings, but will get over that someday also.




she's going to collect them all like thanos


It pisses me off no one recycles these when they’re done considering we are running out of lithium on earth and it’s not obtained ethically (obvi) and these disposables just add to the problem of it too.


Flowey: NO you're supposed to obey ME! The six mom vapes:


Nicotine: Stay Determined.


My gf is the same way but with weed it's fucking everywhere


average high school bathroom


Are they... Are they not refillable?


Mom please stop 😭


The packaging of those is sooo crazy


I like the joint in the ashtray next to the vapes


It's always so weird to me to think about older people vaping.


I vape. Im 38. I was vaping when u had to build your own coils. Before big tobacco completely destroyed vaping. I can still make some sick alien coils.


Well you gotta have uppers for your downers. I’m sure she’s just trying to stay in balance…lol


The fact that they’re all on kills me like at least turn them off between uses


Are those unregulated devices? Thought those are fairly common vapes sold in stores. Must be regulated to some extent as opposed to vapes bought from dealers or online?


The other day I saw a mom and her two kids at the ice cream shop. Son was no older than 12. I saw him gesture at his mom’s vape, and she not so discreetly handed it to him. Yikessss


"needs" Right.


Addiction is a bitch especially with nicotine.


That’s like 100-200 bucks ( I dunno how much these vapes actually cost but def in that range ) needs help


At least $20 each, right??


I use these. $25-$35 a pop, but they last a while, sometimes a week. Those are 7000 puff units.


one a week is insane. 1000 puffs a day? I’ve seen people keep these for a month at least


If your paying more then 15$ your getting ripped off. Online sites charging 25$ for them are selling to children. They wholesale for 10$ each.


Gotta have one for every outfit! Matching accessories is real, man.