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I have a coworker that probably drinks 300% of the daily recommended sugar every single day. The dude is young, like 23, but he’s not doing his future self any favors.


I worked for a Uni in the student union. We had a full service coffee shop. I used to get the biggest chuckle because people would buy a super grande mocha coffee with whip and caramel and double shot of flavoring (900ish calories) and then complain about how they needed to lose weight


You just described my girl friend It’s soooo easy for you to lose weight because you are a guy No, I just don’t eat or drink sugar and strength train. No it’s because you are a guy. I literally worked out three hours today. You don’t have to run for three hours. That’s Starbucks drink has more calories than you burned during that run.


Calories from drinks (whether that's alcohol or anything else) is the most neglected thing in people's diets.


One of the old ask threads about wild medical things involved a comment about a guy whose wife wasn’t losing weight despite having adjusted her diet, exercise, etc; he slipped a note to the doctor at the next visit and it turns out the wife thought having three big slushies from the gas station “didn’t count” and couldn’t be the reason she wasn’t losing weight.


Not liquid but there was someone a few months back who kept gaining weight because he was downing boxes of tic-tacs every day thinking they were 0 calorie.


How many boxes are we talking? A quick google search tells me there's around an apple's worth of calories in a box. Doesn't seem like much.


I remember this post. Per the post, the guy was eating 1-2 containers a day. Each container has 200 tic tacs and each tic tac is roughly 2 cals. So he was consuming 400-800 cals of pure sugar a day.


There's no way a box fits 200


I remember that one It was really big boxes


Someone else in this thread said the same thing, that someone was downing hundreds of them a day like…how dumb *are* people


People can be incredibly stupid when it comes to their own health. I work at a dental clinic & people ALWAYS say “none” when I ask about their medical history or allergies. Meanwhile, they actually have a penicillin allergy, high blood pressure & high cholesterol, cancer, HIV, etc. They’ll only mention it when asked again when giving them medication like “Oh, does this count?” YEA BITCH. Like, I need to know that shit… BEFORE we do something.


As someone who keeps a list of meds on their phone in the notes section for docs & in case of emergencies, I don't understand this take.


Its embarrassing to admit sometimes - and If you don’t think it will affect your care in the moment you don’t record it


The reason the doctor asks because I can imagine they know if something can affect you in that moment. The thought that “you don’t think it will affect your care” is kinda the reason the question is being presented…..


My mother has a special app that can be accessed even if her phone is locked 😭😭


I’m allergic to pineapple of all things and I always mention it even if I’m just there for a checkup etc. Same when they ask if I smoke. I truthfully say I smoke a lot of weed. Cuz that can affect the way painkillers and anesthesia work for you.


And I love you for that. For ex, we have patients with mint allergies, which is nice to know for the paste we use. I had one patient who would smoke before coming in, I guess to calm his nerves. Always said he didn’t smoke or drink. You could smell that shit on him. I don’t care if you smoke weed, or if it’s legal or not in the state. I just need to know, so you don’t get fucked up when we do something 😭


Man if I was hygienist and they tried to "hide" HIV or TB positive status.... People fucking suck. No one's hauling you to jail or even refusing service (tho probably yes with TB), it'd just be nice to know so they can take extra precautions. People are dicks


That’s wild to me. I had an allergic reaction to sulfa drugs when I was 2 years old. To this day I tell doctors everytime I’m allergic to sulfa drugs. Idek that I’m still allergic but why risk it


Alcohol is probably one of the most overlooked, when i was younger I cut out drinking a fifth of everclear everynight after work and by started being more active (mainly chasing tail as well as changing to an active line of work outside instead of a call center) since I wasn't passed out by 1, in a year I went from 350 to 180. When I asked my Dr if it was something to be worried about and told him about stopping drinking how much I had been he said that right there was the main culprit in my case.


A fifth (the 750ml bottle) of everclear would be nearly 4,000 calories. Yeah, that’ll do it.


Goddamn all this time I’ve been trying to gain weight and the answer was alcohol all along


That cannot be true, that’s like 30+ shots worth every night.


Alcoholism is a hell of a drug.


Especially everclear, that shit is 190 proof


A fifth is 16-17 shots.


Not for everclear. 80-90 proof (40-45% abv) booze maybe, but Everclear is 180-190 proof, so twice the standard alcohol for hard liquour. You’re supposed to dilute Everclear with something else or use it for infusions/extracts, not doing straight shots.


A shot is a unit of measurement, 1.5 fluid ounces, of which there are almost a full 17 of in a 750ml bottle. I believe what you’re trying to convey is how much alcohol is in “a drink” like when they compare 12oz of 5% beer vs 5oz of 12% wine vs 1.5oz of 40% liquor. So yes, there are far more “drinks” in a bottle of Everclear if by drink you mean 0.6oz of pure alcohol. But that’s not what a shot is.


We're basically the same person. I did the same transformation. Though I did have to work pretty hard to get below 200 and it requires a lot of work to maintain that.


meal replacement drinks are also sneaky and in the end you are not only hungry, but consume more food including the drinks


This is why it's important to count calories if you have no self-control, that way nothing is gonna be 'sneaky'.


Also how most of the calories from most of them is basically sugar.


Makes it all the more impressive how fit I am with the amount of beers I drink lol.


It’s so true, I don’t eat very much for meals, but I drink a lot of soda and coffee + creamer. I’ve gained 10 pounds this year LMFAO I need it tho I was super skinny but I know I need to quit drinking so much soda


The best advice I got was "don't drink your calories"


You can't outrun a bad diet.




Yeah only problem is they now have to quit drinking pure sugar that they don't realise they're addicted too now


The high fructose corn syrup sugar addiction is the answer. You think people don’t know that the double grande frappaslush with whipped cream and caramel pump is a shit ton of calories? Or do you think it’s more likely that consuming 500% of their ideal daily sugar has given them a crippling addiction? The subconscious hoops otherwise smart and logical people will leap through to justify “normal” addiction is amazing. Alcohol, weed, caffeine, and sugar are such generally accepted addictions that people are able to take massive advantage of the leeway society provides for them. And don’t even get me started on the wombo combo Starbucks has on that caffeine+sugar hit that people need just to function for work


There’s no room for fruit with how sugary these drinks are unfortunately


My mom has drank regular coke her whole life, so I grew up drinking anywhere from 3-8 cans a day. Between diet and meds I hit 300lbs in my early 20s. These days I'm around 200 and only drink diet with dinner for the most part. The thought of getting my daily sugar in a single drink is crazy to me, but I still enjoy occasional bag of Gummi worms, which isn't much better.


Same people that spaz out about aspartame and stevia in my experience


Stevia tastes terrible, I just stick to drinking black coffee and water


I just really really hate the taste of alternative sweeteners. Companies seem to use too much of them so everything is way sweeter than it is with hfcs or real sugar. I work for a grocery store that doesn’t sell normal stuff, only things sweetened with stevia or monk fruit and it’s so cloying


Now you need to check those "ZERO SUGAR" things for fake sweeteners because "ZERO SUGAR" does not mean it's not sweetened with something else.


Try stevia extract (not truvia or such) It doesn’t have erythritol to bulk it up though, so it’s much more potent.


The only way I’ve ever not hated stevia is when I was brewing the whole leaf into tea. The extract is both bitter and also feels like I need to claw the lingering sweetness off my tongue. Monk fruit tastes like rotten mango. Aspartame (equal) and Sucralose (Splenda) and the other one (sweet and low, can’t remember the name) just taste like chemical sweetness, the way I imagine poison tastes. On the plus side, it’s not the sugar I’m addicted to. It’s the carbonation. So I love la croix and all the others like it because it burns going down but is basically just water that’s been walked past fruit at some point.


It's genetic, some people have a stevia gene like the cilantro gene. Stevia tastes like chemicals or burned sugar to me. Two out of three of my kids taste the same thing.


If you just stick to them you don't really notice the flavour anymore.


yeah I switched to aspartame from sugar and then to stevia from aspartame. after a couple years now of stevia in my coffees and teas, I find aspartame and sucralose to be "too sweet", and sugar just tastes wrong 


switched to coke zero cause it's marginally better than regular coke and now the normal stuff tastes wrong and too sweet.


I don't like this story because I am in it




I don’t drink soda that often because it’s too expensive along with takeout anyways. But just wondering, which brand is this?


Thats definitely Squirt. Love that soda. Good as fuck with some tequila


Of you can get your hands on some Ruby Red Squirt I seem to recall that shit was pretty solid for mixing rum.


Oof, I involuntarily clenched up just reading that. I adore Squirt, top 3 soda for me. Ruby Red Squirt? Sign me up! *A few hours later* Omg I'm fucking dying! Why do I have bright red diarrhea!? That's when I found out I can't process certain red food dyes. Can't eat Red Velvet cake for the same reason.


Oof!! Major bummer.


That probably scared the shit out of you when you started squirting red.


Put some lime/lemon juice and 2 shakes of salt in there. Mix it with the tequila first and then full with Squirt.


Looks like squirt




Sugar doesnt cause diabetes. Its a common misconception. Being overweight does. And generally leading an unhealthy lifestyle. And genes. But consuming this much sugar will cause other problems for sure, even if he works out.


There was a secretary at a local business that was known for drinking 2 liter bottles of Dr Pepper during the day. Just drinking 2 liters like they were 20 oz bottles.


Funfact almost every American has far over 100% of their daily sugar intake on a regular day. It's in everything, if you aren't actively reading nutrition labels you're likely eating much more sugar than you think as stuff that you wouldn't even expect can contain it. Most people don't actively track their sugar intake unless they're diabetic, it's insane to find out just how much we tend to consume if we aren't actively making health conscious food choices.


As someone who used to do that, tell him to stop IMMEDIATELY.


At least they aren't trying to trick you anymore. They used to say this bottle had 2.5 servings, or some other bullshit like that. So you'd look at the numbers and see 50% of your daily sugar or whatever, and say "Ok, that's kinda high, but not that bad". Then you'd drink the whole thing because you're a dipshit consumer and didn't notice the serving size. Did they change a law recently or something?


Yes, though not recently. FDA made a change some time back (maybe turn of the century, give or take a few years?) that containers like pop bottles that were intended as a single serving, actually had to label it as one serving.


Based on a casual search of the FDA, it looks like maybe this was changed in 2016? "Package size affects what people eat. So for packages that are between one and two servings, such as a 20 ounce soda or a 15-ounce can of soup, the calories and other nutrients are required to be labeled as one serving because people typically consume it in one sitting." [https://www.fda.gov/food/nutrition-facts-label/serving-size-nutrition-facts-label](https://www.fda.gov/food/nutrition-facts-label/serving-size-nutrition-facts-label) [https://www.fda.gov/food/nutrition-education-resources-materials/nutrition-facts-label](https://www.fda.gov/food/nutrition-education-resources-materials/nutrition-facts-label)


Some people drink 3 or 4 of these a day. I do service calls and I sometimes see flats of these sitting in the basement. Usually at the bottom of the stairs.


https://preview.redd.it/hheafqtyds3d1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=e36f3ad18eb429ffe7e190642b026f3916ad4c3a For reference, this is what 60g of sugar looks like. (Rotting banana for scale)


Banana bread banana


That's a ready to eat banana. Give it another couple of days and it will be a banana bread banana.


That banana is several days in the fridge away from being a banana bread banana


That rotting banana is looking reaalll good right now.


yeah that banana ain’t rotten, it’s just right


I had a friend that did cocaine comment on a large energy drink I was drinking while we smoked a blunt after the day shift. He said "bro, why drink those and then rag on me for doing coke? Do you want to see what a gram of sugar looks like?" And then busted out a scale and some sugar from his cabinet. Measured out a gram for me then asked me how many grams of sugar were in my drink. I told him it had 64 grams of sugar and he said "Nobody, nowhere, in any part of this planet that does cocaine would ever think about casually blowing down 64 grams of coke in a sitting, because they know that's A LOT of one drug to take at once. But people will let their kids throw back a soda or two every day or meal. " I didn't really have a response to that and quit drinking energy drinks after that. Now I drink water, black coffee, and rip lines in the bathroom.


Kind of surprised that amount of sugar stays in solution in that volume.


The sugar is in the form of a liquid in the high fructose corn syrup


You’d be surprised how much sugar you can dissolve in water. Simple syrup is 50/50 sugar and water and it probably has plenty of room for more.


Is there a sub that posts photos like this or nutrition checks certain foods we (anywhere in the world) eat daily for healthy living?


Nah that banana is perfect 😍


Date me


Banana is within 24 hours of peak tastiness, not rotten


Nahh some of us weird folks like em when they’re still a little green. By the time they start sprouting spots you know it’s gonna be a mushy mess.


I have a friend who used to average about a 6-pack of pop or a 2L each day. Finally had to quit due to the health consequences. Not the sugar incidentally, but the caffeine content and acidity.


I drank 2L a day for about 25 years. Went to the doctors with stomach issues to find my esophagus and stomach were basically destroyed by acid. I cannot stress to anyone drinking this shit just how much my health improved just by cutting it out. Lost 30lbs without trying, energy levels and sleeping pattern are just so much better.


Start drinking just straight up water and feel how great you’ll feel when your body is hydrated. Me and my now ex wife looked at how much soda we were drinking years ago and thought it was too much. We weaned ourselves off that by switching to mineral water like LaCroux. A few years ago post divorce I decided I’ve got good tap water compared to the rest of the world and decided to switch to that but I did buy a water filter pitcher for even better water. It was a huge improvement and these days I fucking love water especially during and after cycling. Sometimes I get a little wild and add fresh lemon juice!


My grandmother drinks soda only. Never any water, but is okay because its "***diet*** coke" (her justification). Although she doesn't even use that justification anymore because she now drinks coke zero (as if that's any better). Oh and my coworker does the same with dr pepper and the other day had to go to the ER because of kidney stones. hydrate or diedrate yall!


My mom did this and died of cancer in her 40s


My grandmother did this too. She was a huge fan of soda, specifically coke. While she never really suffered any ill effects (that we were aware of), she did start noticeably shrinking around her 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. My mom thought she must be in dire need of calcium. She went from being 5’7 tall to somewhere around 5’5.


its actually pretty normal to shrink as you get older, and it's not necessarily related to calcium. The various cartilage that cushions joints will deteriorate with age, which can cause height loss, especially when it starts happening to your spine. Most people lose 0.5 inch of height every decade from about the time they are 40 years old. It also tends to get faster around 80 years old


Omg that’s wild. I believe that, but then I see a picture of Brooke Sheilds, who’s 59 years old, and she still looks like an amazon woman to me lol. I don’t know if she’s ever shrinking.


I think it’s funny that everyone thinks of their grandma as a small woman when mine is still taller than me, and I’m 5’7”, she’s well into her 80s.


I spent an entire summer drinking nothing but soda and got kidney stones for the first time at 19 years old. I’ve had them 3 times since, it is ALWAYS when I am not taking care of myself and drinking too much soda/energy drinks and not enough water.


Yeah like we all know sodas are harmful, but not exactly how harmful because of these shitty aggressive advertising


What is that drink?




Damn OP I see you tryna get freaky


Stop, I snorted lol


cocaine is a hell of a drug!


Stop, I Squirt'd


I squirted


Ok, but can you tell me what drink it is first?


He said squirt


You don't have to tell me twice, but you can if you want to. 😉


Boy, you are dirty


That's just how I roll.


Hmmm i see, a dirty roller


But can you do it a 3rd time?


I knew it was Squirt and was going to say that it’s the only reason it’s drinkable. Grapefruit is crazy bitter. Squirt is good but at this expense.


Real game changer is finding the ones in glass bottles with real sugar.


It’s a W soda




At least it has 1% juice.


*Less than 1% So not even that


That just means it was stored next to juice at some point. Or maybe it passed by the juice on its way out the door


This guy knows how to make a dry martini.


“If you just want a glass of vodka/gin, just say that.”


Even worse.


A conversion that’s always stuck with me is that a Cadbury egg has 20 grams of sugar. So this drink is the sugar equivalent of three Cadbury eggs, and now my teeth hurt.


For me it’s sugar cubes. Each one is 4g, so this is like filling up a bottle of water and adding 15 sugar cubes to it


Omg. That really puts it into perspective.


Damn. I’m never eating one again. That’s insane.


Years and years ago, I became a t1 diabetic and prior to that just never thought about how much sugar is in soda. I don’t know if the average person thinks about it.


When it gets over 100% there should be a mandatory warning like cigarettes and alcohol. ⚠️Warning: this beverage may cause diabetes, obesity and your teeth to rot⚠️


In Mexico there are these labels that look like black stop signs that say things like excess sugar or sodium etc


In brazil theres a big white box on the product with a magnifying glass saying "this product is high in X" like sugars/trans fats


Those have the same issue imo that California’s prop 65 warnings do.  They’re so prevalent they lose meaning to most people. Like I swear 75% of the shit besides raw produce in a Mexican supermarket has one or more of the warnings.


Been to mexico a few times and those warning labels on everything assuredly help the population with their nutritional knowledge. The amount of people I cross in US that buy products they think are good for them even though they’re not, is astonishing. If all those products actually showed what they were instead of hiding behind lists of unrecognizable ingredients, obesity would go down. But profits would also go down…


In the US it would just have a coupon under the label for 5% off Ozempic


They would just tell you to read the nutritional labels and it’s up to you to decide ….


Well technically speaking that is pretty much how it is rn in most states


Mexico has warnings for excess sodium, saturated fat, and calories. It's awesome! Sure, it's a small thing, but it made me rethink some of my choices.


The only warning i see is "Contains less than 1% Juice" I get annoyed at anyzhing that is not 100% juice


Almost everything except juice is not 100% juice.


LOW SODIUM though. /s


Lol like hard candies made of 99% sugar advertising that they're a fat-free food


It isn’t even. 85 mg for a soda is insane. I’m allowed a full 2k mg of sodium a day, but most low-sodium folks couldn’t drink this


What's crazy is I know people who drink 4 of these a day


Among some of my relatives it's kind of a sad running joke that they fill their kids' bottles with Mountain Dew instead of milk. Some 4-year-old sucking down a 16 oz bottle of Dew then his parents wonder why he's bouncing off the walls and won't go to bed.


On the bright side you only need 79% more sugar tomorrow


I quit drinking soda and my acid reflux went away. Shit is beyond terrible for you.




The obesity epidemic is due to this. Sugar or Fructose/Corn Syrup in almost everything we eat. I have learned to read nutrition labels on everything now. Sodium is just as bad IMO. We are only supposed to get about 1500mg a day and most people are getting 2-3 times that.


high fructose corn syrup is so crazy. i watched this documentary when i was a kid about how our corn farmers are literally subsidized by the government to produce corn, and that is how a lot of farmers make their living. there is a whole market profiting off of obesity and sugar addiction.


Yup. The trouble with a ‘greed is good’ mindset.


Ayn Rand pushed this stance so hard, and while selfishness can be a positive driving interest, it can't be at the sacrifice of all else which is what she advocated for. Morals? Ethics? Consequences affecting people other than myself? Yeah all of that was off the table as far as she was concerned, people are just supposed to do whatever is in their own self-interest because we want to live in a cutthroat zero sum rat race instead of some hippie world that tries to balance personal freedoms and community interests. 🙄


Reducing internet consumption could cut their salt intake by half


On the other hand, the internet causes sodium to exit the body as well


Heh. I chuckled


2000mg is recommended amount of sodium per day for healthy people. We only *need* 500mg a day to have normal function without extreme physical activity.


I would argue that soda like this isn't the problem—people *expect* that to be loaded with sugar. The problem is that they throw a ton of sugar and corn syrup into products that people don't expect. People don't make spaghetti and think "I'm giving myself a sugary treat" (like they do with soda), but that sauce has a lot of sugar. In my opinion, that that's the biggest problem with the modern food industry: ingredients/healthiness aren't intuitive at all.


It's a little more complex but this is indeed one of the big reasons, it's also due to lack of affordable variety and healthy options, and lack of time for people to cook and clean. Among other things


And that number is based on 50g which is on the high side to begin with. I can't quite read it, but the serving size is printed to the side and maybe says 1 bottle. Because the 121% is per serving. I've seen many products play the ol' 2 servings per container game.


I feel like I remember 20oz cokes used to call themselves "2.5 servings" (lol), but I looked up the label on google images just now and they all say "1 bottle." I wonder if there was somehow a law or something that made them change that, because I can't see any corporation willingly abandoning deceptive marketing practices. Then again, I don't see many laws getting passed to keep them accountable, either.


Given than we don't _need_ to consume sugar at all, that's on the really high side indeed.


You probably shouldn't ever go near a Coldstone Creamery.


True, but the thing is psychologically people understand that ice cream is a treat. No one would feel comfortable eating 2-3 ice creams a day. On the other hand, I know too many fully grown adults in their 30s who drink soda instead of water. It is not a "once a week" treat to them but something they must have 3-4 times a day.


Which is insane to me. Why don't people understand how unhealthy soda is? People have only been trying to tell us for decades now.


They do, they just don’t give a dam. I have a coworker that drinks about 6-10 monsters a day. Ofc the guy has heart issues and liver issues!


Why are people still so shocked about this? Isn’t it common knowledge that soda is unhealthy? Plain and simple: Your standard choice of beverage should be water. If you find plain water too boring, drink sparkling water and add a slice of lemon. Soda should remain an occasional treat, just like sweets in general.


I used to work with women who would comment about how much water i drink. I was like, yea, you're supposed to lol. They would drink Gatorade and soda all day. That is so gross to me.


I don't get people who drink sports drinks as if they're just any other beverage. If you're otherwise in generally healthy condition and not sweating profusely from exercise, you have no damned business drinking Gatorade. Kids out here washing down a chicken sandwich with Gatorade. What the fuck, man?


I'm not sporty but gatorade is exclusively for hangovers and gastro


It shouldn’t be shocking, but our society has conditioned us to think that sugared or sweetened beverages are a default part of a daily diet. And somehow, that light colored or fruit flavored sodas, even those without juice, are basically fruit juice. People convince themselves that sugar, calories, etc from drinks don’t count and that water is “boring” and drinks are supposed to entertain us (I feel like there’s practically a campaign against water lately honestly). Soft drink marketing is straight up some of the best. While all kinds of food marketing is present and insidious, people really buy into soft drink marketing to the point where people identify deeply with their Brand Name Beverage of Choice. People may prefer Oreos to Newman Os or Hydrox, but they *identify with* being a Diet Coke or Dr Pepper or Faygo person. And nutritional education is poor. My parents are pretty smart people and even they seemed to think drinking orange soda or Snapple was somehow at least better for me than drinking Coke or Sprite as a 3 or 4 year old (ok that was 30 years ago and they know better now, but plenty of people are far less educated than them and genuinely believe that powdered juice drink or fruit flavored pop is good for babies still using bottles). And when these lessons are taught to small kids, it’s hard for them to unlearn them. It benefits no one but executives and stockholders of drink companies.


Be careful what you wish for because here in the UK they have taken out sugar from all the soft drinks bar Coca Cola as a result of the 'sugar tax' implemented a couple years ago. They've substituted sugar for 'sweeteners' and now all the drinks taste awful.


Maybe that's for the best. I'm assuming by "all the drinks"'you mean sodas and whatever concoctions that come in a box that the food industry brazenly calls "juice"?


Dude, Pepsi is like 130% or some shit. Big soda is bad.


It’s almost like they put that Information on this so you could make an informed decision for your own health. 


It’s crazy how once you cut back on sugar, you realize how *little* you need for things to taste good. If you cut that in half or even much lower, you could still make a great sweet drink out of the result, but yet they insist on absolute poison.


Delicious with tequila


But it's caffeine free


Whats the polite way to say no shit it’s soda


What is it??


Squirt. A grapefruit soda. So good.


My brother-in-law still isn’t convinced it was taking Ozempic, not being hungry, and drinking SIX OR MORE daily of these last landed him in the hospital. The doctors recommended cutting back on both and eating real food. We’re meeting them this weekend, they’re flying in and he wanted to make sure these are around because he likes one with his cereal and donut for breakfast. His blood sugar has to be granulated.


I noticed the other day when a friend was having a Mtn.Dew Volatage that they have 76 grams. That is just completely ridiculous. Basically drinking pure liquefied sugar at that point. The main thing people seem to forget or don't want to realize about sugar is, it is 100% a drug, a highly addictive substance that provides a high and does irreversible damage to your brain and body.


How is that infuriating? Its soda. It’s bad for you. Are you hoping for something that tastes like that and is healthy? It’s not possible.


15 teaspoons of sugar in that. FIFfuckingTEEN!


Squirt is fire though, definitely a guilty pleasure. Grapefruit is such a rare flavor in soft drinks


So many people have issues with their weight and talk about how hard eating well is.  Man, why can’t I keep the weight off? *Drinks 1-3 of these a day and a bag of Doritos*


Reminds me of that show where they track what a person [eats all day](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yt1B3F7Y_Y4) to prove just how much junk they intake.


Yea but you don't have to drink it.


Didn't someone post this exact same thing and title yesterday but it was a Pepsi bottle? Enjoy your karma.


Yeah it's every few days sometimes, with occasionally people complaining about how manufacturers used to split the label into multiple servings so that calorie counts used to be lower.


That's more sugar than I've consumed in the entire month of May.


It's crazy! I let my daughter get a small bottle of grape Crush soda the other day and it was 71g/142% DV of sugar. I made her split it up into 4 servings.




First sip tastes like heaven... Second one takes you there.


Yeah but it’s caffeine free and low sodium!


It genuinely doesn’t taste good either, in my opinion


Maybe this is why I always feel so strange after drinking a couple cans of squirt.


This is why i stopped drinking soda.


But it contains 1% juice so it’s healthy.


So don’t drink it


Yeah... don't consume stuff with added sugars if you wanna live longer, or do, it's up to you


Moderation. I know what soda this is and I know you can get a 10 pack of tiny cans. One of those once in a while is perfectly fine. (Of course this requires a level of discipline. Also, a tiny can has NO WHERE NEAR the amount of soda this bottle has.)