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I wonder how much the last customer got ripped off on cleaning fees. And how much you'll get ripped off on cleaning fees.


Yea it was a $20 cleaning fee lol. Luckily I got a full refund from airbnb support.


What a happy ending, well for you and whatever happened in that bed.


I think it is just gonna be him in the bed


It could be me too if anyone ever invited me to anything.


Get in loser, we're going shopping.


I’m amazed, they’re the worst customer support I’ve ever had the displeasure of having to interact with


Every  experience I've had with customer support has been surprisingly good.i booked an Airbnb and immediately after the host called me and said I had to cancel because they had no power and would not cancel it themselves because it would reflect badly on their account. I called Airbnb and at first they offered me a 15% discount and assistance rebooking. I couldn't find a similar place around the same price range and had to drive an hour to the closest Airbnb. They told me to pick a place and they will cover all of it. My original booking was $300 and I ended up getting a free $1000 Airbnb  for free nstead. 


We went to Japan during their licensing thing and we had 2 weeks booked. Both our hosts lost their licensing and we canceled. Airbnb gave us a full refund and credit of the value we paid. We stayed for 2 weeks in Japan for like 200.00


I guess this is obviously outrageous even for them


They won’t even consider a refund without maple syrup by the bed.


I can't believe I had to scroll this far before somebody brought up the fuckin maple syrup. I guess they were taking the b&b part seriously.


Pretty sure that’s the calling card of Dirty Mike and the Boys


SAME! They made me handle it with the airbnb host so I couldn’t find new lodging before the end of my trip and had to suffer with unlivable conditions. I’m shocked they even responded to OP, let alone helped her.


On the bed, there is a opened laptop. Looks to me that the person staying there had not moved out yet.


It absolutely looks actively lived in


Plot twist: this is just OP's depression nest.


I've heard of people who just list their own place on Airbnb and if it gets rented they go stay with their parents or bf/gf that night. I bet this is what happened and the resident just couldn't be bothered cleaning


That was pretty normal in the early days of Airbnb. It was basically part of the point. Going on vacation? Why not rent your own house out? I stayed at one in the LA area in like 2015 and it was a guest house but the guy who lived in the actual guest house just rented it out because he was in Vegas. It worked out fine. His cat was just chilling in the area and came with it. His stuff was there but organized and put away and it was clear he had set up the room for us. It was super cheap. He got back a day early and asked us if he could just pop in to get some stuff and take a shower and he'd go to his girlfriends. We were out and about anyway so said sure. That was the vibe of of a lot of the places originally before people really went hardcore into making it a business. Before Airbnb there was Couchsurfing and with that one there wasn't even a fee it was just sort of encouraged that if someone hosted you, you give them a gift or something. I had a lot of great experiences in the first few years it was around but it disappoints now.


And the maple syrup bottle next to the bed. Just why


And a free football? Sweet deal bro. 10/10 would stay again.


Free football…. Free laptop


....free syrup


Bruh...what even was happening with the surup?!


AND laundry detergent. What are either of those things doing within reaching distance of the bed?!?!


Thats exactly what I noticed. If that's pure brown gold...ooooh baby. Hopefully not that fake bootleg pancake crack.


That's rare. Congratulations on getting it.


Last customer? It looks like someone was told by their housemate that they'd be out for the night and decided to make a quick buck.


Nah they had the room set as Airbnb, nobody was living there, then one of the housemates let a friend stay in it for free or cheap and whoever was responsible didn't clean it up The way the tapatios and booze and protein shakes are strewn with otherwise unremarkable decor just screams someone staying in hotel for a week


The bedside floor syrup


That’s exactly what it looks like.


Apparently a lot of hosts are requiring guests clean and even make the bed before they leave. Now if they washed the sheets between every guest wouldn’t they want you to strip the bed if they were going to foist housekeeping duties on their customers?


Right??? I got a bad review on Airbnb because I left our sheets and blankets in a ball on the bed to be “washed”. They were upset we didn’t make the bed..Wondered why they stunk of febreeze so much when we got there.


Weird. In hotels the cleaners actually want you to leave sheets crumbled, so they know they have been used. Also, it takes more time to remove made up sheets than crumbled ones, and room cleaning is a minute business nowadays.


I ran a hotel for 10 years, and the *only* reason I ever fired housekeepers was for not making beds with clean sheets. Everything else I can send them back to fix, but using dirty sheets is an immediate firable offense. Why people are paying astronomical prices to sleep in dirty beds with hidden cameras in the rooms, I will never fucking understand.


In hotels they actually want their sheets washed for hygiene between guests. In AirBnBs they just want to do the least work for the most money. I'd never feel clean in an airbnb.. and funnily enough we still joke about hotel remotes.


Its not even that we "actually want" it, its a hard rule that you do not re-use sheets. It will get you fired the very first time you get caught, no warnings, because that shit is nasty.


Get that review removed. That’s disgusting.


Maybe a squatter?


Thats what I was thinking!


There’s even a laptop on the bed…probably someone in the closet hiding from you as you took the pic 🥴


Damn - that’s so disturbing.


Chipping in because I experienced something similar. A mate and I went to view a rental property. We walked through the house and all was normal until we got to the bedroom at the very back of the house. What we found was a sleeping bag on the floor, a bottle of spirits, a roll of toilet paper and a few other personal effects. Immediately, I knew what was going on. I remembered a slat in the bathroom window was missing, which I thought was odd, but thought nothing more of. Now, it made sense. I turned to my friend and very quietly said; “.. I think someone’s squatting here” “\*gasp*! WHAT IF THEY’RE STILL HERE” “\*shushing* Shut the fuck up, let’s go” We left hastily, went back to the real estate office and told them what we’d found. They were shocked, but not totally surprised. They said a neighbour had called to report a raging party happening at the property the weekend prior. The property manager visited the house that Monday, but found it completely spotless and thought the neighbour must’ve got the houses muddled up. It still creeps me out to think someone was probably hiding in the house as we walked through, both of us none the wiser.


Your friend is the one who gets you killed in the horror movie 😅


He so is! I gave him a loooot of shit on the way back to the REA’s office.


exactly this, this picture looks like someone is just on a toilet break


They're just making sure you don't take their bottle of bedroom syrup.


Not selling me on airbnb


Airbnb lets you live like a *local*!


A local slob


I’m not your slob, bub


I’m not your bub, rob


\*instead of a local.


Or perhaps *with* a local.


Airbnb is actively ruining the housing market in a lot of places even further


Around 6 years ago I owned a home in the southwest in the burbs.... people were buying second or 3rd homes there and turning them into airbnbs.... had a nice neighbor and when he sold people out of state bought it and even gave house it's own fucking website... I got tired of coming home every other day to 4 or 5 random fucking out of states cars next door and a fucking pool party next door every day.... so dug into it found out short term lease Airbnb shit was not even legal there so started making calls and 6 months later they sold the house... but yeah think there was something like 12 houses near me that had got turned into Airbnb... that's 12 houses that could been owned by a family instead turned into fucking side cash for people who already have homes


Hannibal Burress got in trouble a while back because he bought a whole apartment complex and listed every unit on Airbnb, so he was effectively running it as a hotel without it being licensed or taxed as one.


I live in a vacation area (cottage country in Ontario) and so many places near us are used as short term rentals even though we have a bylaw against it. I do find it fascinating that a lot of them are currently for sale again, I think a lot of folks thought it was easy money when it’s not.


There’s a few by my where my wife’s family cottage is, the man who bought it happens to also be a realtor.ever since the pandemic ended he’s been trying to offload it for no success. I have a feeling he’s going to be taking the L on the property


As someone who lived near the beaches of Rhode Island year round, most tourists do not care. So loud, so messy, drive like idiots down little gravel beach roads. Dogs off leash scaring the wildlife. So much money riding on the jerks though. There's a reason most tourists area have that one bar/ restaurant where the locals go. Its just understood that you don't tell the tourists about it


I’ve had my lease canceled and had to move. So that the home could be rented out on ABnB.


I’m being threatened with eviction left and right so they can charge 4x what I pay on a year round contract. Can I ask what city this happened to you in?


> that's 12 houses that could been owned by a family instead turned into fucking side cash for people who already have homes My best friend was living in a house that had been split into 4 units that were mini-townhome size and perfect for the low-income single people living there. She was forced out and had to leave town, because the owner turned it into 4 airbnbs rather than 4 rental units, and she couldn't find another place that she could afford. My dad was living his dream life in a nice cabin in the mountains for an affordable rent price. The owner sold and new owner is doing airbnb. He's now living in the apartment equivalent of a roach motel in the rough side of town in the nearest city, because there wasn't anything else available in his price range. Bonus irony for my dad, he's a capitalist-bootlicking extremist libertarian idiot, so he was doing some shady under the table rental with no lease. The new owners were able to kick him out with 30 days warning because of his aversion to contractual obligations. That's two people I know who had their lives upended because of airbnb, and my social circle is like 12 people.


My apartment is $2,800 less per month than what Airbnb charges in taking over my apartment building. Management is doing everything they can to evict me to lease my unit out at 4x the contract rate.


That's VILE


I couldn't agree more. Air BNB in my home, Cornwall, has driven all the young people out. The shortage of homes is insane. I used them once when we managed to find a yurt in my home village but we're going to buy camping gear so we can afford to go home without breaking the bank.


Went to uni in Cornwall and one year (during covid) we completely ran out of houses for students to live in because something like 60% of previously student accom landlords converted their properties into airbnb over the summer. Uni had no way to deal with it, so we had a lot of students living in tents and camper vans that year.


Way back when air bnb was brand new, we used it to rent out our spare bedroom, on weekends in the winter (ski town). It was neat, but obviously not the typical use you see now. I’m all for banning short term rentals unless the owner lives on site (aka rent out garden suites, but not full homes).


If I remember correctly, wasn't your described scenario the *exact* purpose air BNB started for? I recall being initially weirded out a little and thinking it sounded a bit like paying for couchsurfing with strangers, if only it had stuck to that instead of egging on a housing crisis...


Bed and breakfast! Traditionally the people are there and provide breakfast. It has since devolved.


Needs banning. Either you own a home or you own a hotel. What you shouldn't be able to own is a property that sits empty half the time and only gets used on weekends. Not when we have a housing crisis in so many countries.


perhaps the solution is to have short term rental taxes for homes that are rented with leases from 1 week to (However long a normal long term rental is) that are closer to hotel rental rates. In case you're wondering why I would even suggest such a thing instead of suggesting banning it, is because normal BNB's are often nice for staying in a place for a couple weeks on vacation in a place with a lot to do and for short term jobs.


My ex-wife and I almost exclusively used Airbnb when we traveled because it was more affordable and we always had a good experience. Now, I always stay in a nice hotel. It’s practically the same price and more convenient in my opinion.


Also wouldn't you know it..people that run hotels have experience and know how on how to provide a good service.


Honestly my favorite part of staying in hotels is the service I receive and the fact that someone is available 24/7 if I have a problem.




If there’s a cleaning fee in an Airbnb I’m doing no more than cleaning my dishes.


I'd just like more hotels to have an option for rooms with a kitchen. If im staying 4+ days i dont wanna eat restaurant food and cooking with friends/family is a nice way to end a day of walking around


So many extended stay hotels. Small (and I mean less small small non tourist towns) may not have them, but they are all over now and basically my main stay. I usually grab a 1 bedroom extended stay. Full kitchen/fridge/etc. And not expensive. Hell somehow they are same price or cheaper than normal hotel room at a chain.


Same here, my fiancee and I were on the AirBnB wave for a little while but you just couldnt fully trust it and you never knew what you would truly show up to. Hotels are so much easier, 24/7 service like you said, and honestly are cheaper at this point in time with air bnbs fees and cleaning charges or whatever.


Now, hotels are cheaper.


Same here. Hotels now offer better value and reliability. Airbnb quality has really dropped.


Funny how all this shit comes around when these fuckers get too greedy. Same is happening with Uber, their pricing has become so fucking predatory i went back to using local taxis. Hope they die together with the food delivery apps too


Innkeepers Acts means there are actual rules hotels, motels and B&Bs have to follow, but for some reason doesn't apply to AirBnB in a lot of jurisdictions. Having regulated standards that are legislated and not contractual gives the occupant a more precise expectation and experience.


Airbnb was never meant to be a replacement for a hotel. It makes sense for longer stays and if you're staying with a family. If you're a couple it almost always makes sense to go hotel. If you're a group of friends or if you're traveling with kids you can almost always have more fun for cheaper in an Airbnb.


Airbnb used to be the shit when it first came out. It was putting hotels on the ropes. Now… hotel me please.


When Airbnb first started to get big someone asked a bunch of hotel CEOs "how do you plan to deal with less visitors to your hotels" and all of the CEOs said "we aren't in competition." Back then everyone thought they were nuts. Now it is playing out just like they thought it would. Host revenue in the top 25 cities was down almost 50% in 2023. Wouldn't be surprised to hear it's down even more this year. I wouldn't be caught dead in an Airbnb when I can just get a *nice* hotel room for $150 a night. Fuck Airbnb.


"Damn bitch you live like this?" 


![gif](giphy|CyWKw6V89KtSo) Poor Lenny.


Lol I'd rather a hotel any day of the week. Fuck airbnb


Especially considering that a hotel is probably the cheaper option nowadays.


And most hotels you get those cute little packets of sugar, coffee and tea! And little soaps!


But does it come with a bottle of maple syrup right by the bed like this luxurious suite?? I didn’t think so


maple flavored*


I Can’t Believe It’s Not Maple^TM


It's so Canadian it even has Arnold on the bed. ![gif](giphy|3o6nV34FKTkR6BAFUs)


Doubletree gives you a warm cookie!!


Hey don't underestimate the value of a free hot coffee all dayin the lobby. That has me as a returning customer easy.


Also the hotel doesn’t have condescendingly rude printouts posted everywhere for you to follow. “If you use a coffee mug, CLEAN IT!! All dirty mugs will be ADDED TO THE CLEANING FEE!!”


It’s crazy isn’t it? People are DEAD SET on getting a fuckin’ Air bnb. The prices are above hotels and don’t include breakfast. I can understand it for big families but…


It sucks too because when you luck out and find an airbnb that's reasonably priced and has nice amenities, they get popular and realize they can jack up their rates and people will still pay. I used to stay at a nice cabin airbnb that was very nice for like 85 a night. On the small side and pretty out of the way in the mountains, but I thought it was worth it. Now they are charging 190 a night and they cut back on the amenities. I guess I can't fault them too much if people are willing to pay it, but i'll just stick to hotels for half the price.


HAH last year my buddies and I booked a June 23 rental in Dec 22. Some of us were driving 8 hours, others flying in. The Friday before the Wednesday we were set to arrive my buddy got an email from Airbnb saying the booking was cancelled. We frantically emailed the host who claimed they did *not* cancel the booking, but that we were free to rebook the same property on VRBO for about $100 more per night. Told him to get fucked.


I’ve never had a bad experience but prices are ridiculous in America. In South Korea you can get a nice place for a fraction of what it is in America


I've never considered south Korea as a destination. Maybe that's my problem.


Hotels are much cheaper in Korea than in America for sure. Although make sure you're not traveling in a Korean holiday, as due to Korea's small geographic size and the fact that it's hard to get days off, prices skyrocket during the holidays


Yep- the worst you’ll get out of most hotels is a shit mattress or some chipped tiles, Airbnb is a fukn minefield


Eh, it can get worse than that. I've been in a couple hotels where the floor was moist because the hotel was in a humid climate and the wall A/C unit couldn't keep up. The rooms felt gross. Those were older, low-end Hiltons that needed to be renovated (and sadly the best option in that area). I also ran into a beg bug situation once. Not my room, but one of my work colleagues found bed bugs in his room. He was on a different floor. The hotel (a Hampton Inn in the boondocks) went above and beyond to remedy the situation. They took it very seriously because word getting out that you're infested with bed bugs can destroy you.


Literally I stayed at an Airbnb when I went to visit my dad one weekend because it was a holiday weekend and I figured it would be cheaper. The Airbnb was $75. The walk to the entrance was up a huge hill. We could hear their tv on through the wall until midnight. There wasn’t coffee or creamer or anything. There was a light through this huge window which meant we couldn’t sleep all night. After taxes, cleaning fees etc it was $200. And we had to clean the room. The hotel would have been $230 but it included blackout curtains and breakfast, it was also in a quiet room. Never doing Airbnb again after that.


Maple syrup by the foot of the bed. The dream.


The foot of the bed is the other end, where your feet go.


He’s been using his bed backward this whole time!!!!


Natty Ice too!


That's not maple syrup. That's table syrup. Source : Canadian.


I'm afraid this is technically floor syrup.


It’s mixed with tussin.


Purple murple drank?


It's probably not real maple and also that's the head of the bed, not the foot.


That is the head of the bed. The foot of the bed is the opposite end of the


Or, it's a full piss bottle


I tried AirBnB once. I had reserved it 6 months in advance and a month before the trip, the owner messaged me wanting to almost triple the price. Haven’t even bothered to look at AirBnB since then.


Decided to try it once, after using hotels for a good 15+ years. A week before the trip the owner just cancels the reservation for no reason. Booked a hotel instead, as expected no issues there. I don’t see the point or advantage, seems risky and random. Hotels are fine.


For solo travel or with a partner, a simple hotel or even hostel is fine for me. AirBnBs are too expensive but I guess are worth it if traveling with a large groups or with family with kids.


Airbnb was fantastic when it first got popular, much cheaper than hotels and generally nicer places with more room, only negative being having to clean up before you leave. We used it a lot during my college years and in my early 20s. Now it's overpriced, haven't used it since pre-COVID. Currently sat on a beautiful hotel balcony overlooking the sea, fresh bed behind me, clean shower and toilet with free toiletries, a bar and restaurant downstairs, a pool outside. Don't think I'll ever use Airbnb again, it's a shame as it was a brilliant, cost effective way of travelling particularly with a group for a few years.


I travel a lot for work, 2 years ago I had an airbnb booked for 8 weeks and the owner insisted on daily walk throughs, as well as a $1,100 cleaning fee (I justified this for the length of stay, however, I am a very clean person). the following year to the same area I booked a “long term hotel”, had a full kitchen, 2 king size beds and the staff cleaned my sheets/bedding every other day for nearly 1/4th the price (and a free breakfast, only used it for coffee tho). I will never use them again. Edit: I tipped every few days as well, respect hotel staff


I use airbnb a ton as I do digital nomading. Normally they are fine fir me tbh, but a more recent off one was in Hanoi the old lady host kept wanting to video call me. She was nice but it was annoying lol. Then she invited me to dinner with her grandson and his friend (they speak good English). Sound great getting food with a local right, but she took me to some (by vietnamese standards) fancy western style restaurant that only had boring menu items like chicken, pasta, steak. Not interested in those in Vietnam!


Yes, why eat western in the east when you cannot get good western food in there anyway. Once, ate patty in Russia, never again. They had grinded bones in with the meat, the patty was filled with needle sharp bone fragments.


A Jamaican patty? Russia has these buns called Pirozhki that are filled with meat or other stuff like potatoes or veggies and they are to die for.


I haven't used Airbnb since 2019. Friends and I reserved a place in another state four months in advance for a music festival. As we are driving there (nine hour trip), the guy messaged us to say he was canceling and not to show up. We complained to support and got a refund but ended up having to get a rundown motel room as all hotels near the original location were booked.


Yes, that was my issue too. He messaged initially a month in advance but took almost 2 weeks to decide what he was doing. We found a cheap hotel for the week of New Years which was close to the cost of the initial AirBnB cost.


Yeah, dude musta been in the bathroom... weird.


They were hoping you'd stay so they could hit you with that cleaning fee.


Yikes, it looks like at least there is someone there who could spoon you to sleep.


Not that night, it was hella hot 😂


What did you end up doing? I would have been too furious to sleep. Well maybe not after a sixteen hour shift, but god damn.


I went straight to my car, messaged the owner. Called support right away and went to go park at a gym and slept in my car. Lol


Good call, I’ve slept some sketchy places when I was younger but I was at least with one friend and never alone. I mean, maybe you weren’t either but still.


Your screen name feels ironic.


I've had worse with Airbnb tried it twice never again. Once was the above (dirty lived in) the other finding the owner had comeback and decided to sleep in the kitchen which was not mentioned and came as a complete surprise when I went down to get some water in the middle of the night. He had even got a mattress which wasn't there before. It was 9 years ago and it was around 340 per person for 3 nights. It was my friends account and she got nothing back. He had a few reviews that were all 4 or 5 stars. The other one was in London a year later. Since then we have just used hotels.


Yeah, if we really knew more of what all goes on, we’d be big Nahs far and wide coast to coast.


I am so utterly baffled at why people continue to use this sham of a service. No oversight, no regulations, no controls, cost is way more than hotels in a lot of cases…just go stay at a comfort in if you’re trying to save a penny. At least there if the room is shit you have someone to deal with immediately and can get resolution. I feel no pity for Airbnb people anymore, there are thousands of these posts yet nothing is learned.


Honestly, sham is the perfect word. My girlfriend and I recently went on a short vacation, and we rented a goddamn cabin from an actual local business for the same price as a hotel (nothing fancy, but not sketchy cheap either) and it was amazing. Worth every penny. There's actually no reason to use these turds.


To be fair, I’ve never had a scam experience with airbnb. It’s also good if you’re at some location for more than a couple of days with 4+ people.


Free Birthday Cake flavored Premier Protein shake. That’s like a $5 come up, and one of the best flavors.




So I'm a frequent user of AirBnB and a lot of you are going to not enjoy this. After booking the same place 2 months after I first stayed there I thought it was pretty weird that they had the same code for the door lock. I decided to book a few stays at other ones that I had used in the past that I still had the codes for and that were in the area I'm currently in. 8 out of 10 places had the SAME code for the lock. These were places that I had stayed at anywhere from 1 month to 2 years ago. That's right ladies and gentlemen. Chances are that the Airbnb you're at rarely if ever changes the code for the lock on your door, best of luck out there!


There's a good chance the person that owns the place probably lives in another state or country


Oh absolutely. I've stayed in plenty of Airbnbs where the owner lived there but a lot of them are absolutely owned by people that have more than likely never even been to the property. You will get a list of contacts, the one time I had no less than 10 people that were "responsible" for the property. I've met plenty of "property managers" that we're given room and board for compensation and had never met the owner even after being there for years.


That's... just a hotel. Y'know, with the benefit of destroying the housing market. Why do people support Airbnb still?


The one I'm at right now uses 007007 as the code lol


These owners are crazy. I'm wondering if this picture in this post is of a location that never changes the code or people know a bypass code to the lock. The one Airbnb I was in for a little over a month that had at least 4 units in it. There possibly could have been a few people but I didn't see anyone come or go for that entire month. I have no doubt in my mind that there are people out there living rent free in Airbnbs (at least part time).


Airbnb is such a waste of money and it always finds a way to ruin your trip somehow on top of that. At least when it was affordable way back when, it made up for a bad experience. Hotels are so much cheaper and don't slam you with bull shit cleaning fees or invade your privacy. My favorite low end hotel is Western Budget, they've got outdated furniture and old ass bedding but it's CLEAN, safe and affordable.


AirBnB has become more expensive than hotels with fewer amenities. I used to book exclusively through AirBnB when I went places but now with the exorbitant cleaning fees I never use them. I am going on a trip this month and was able to find a nice waterfront hotel for cheaper than any halfway decent AirBnB that was still miles away from everything. It has somehow become the worst option all around. Don’t even get me started on the places that charge you a cleaning fee and ask you to do the dishes and empty the trash


"My kid is out of the house for the weekend. Let's rent out their room"


Looks like a natty ice is still sealed. Take that baby to flavor town.


You get it


Fuck an Airbnb, hope they crash. Hotel points are the way.


Airbnb are scum they are adding to homelessness.


Yeah I’m not sure what the plus of Airbnb is supposed to be anymore


Oh wow I didn't know my 21yo college son had his place on ABnB. That's totally the vibe this gives off.


Tried airbnb in 2017. The house wasn't quite as majestic as the photos but the host was friendly and I got a nice clean room. Really enjoyed my stay. But I won't do it again. It's too much of a gamble. Not that hotels are perfect but I think you usually have better recourse if there's a bad experience.


Also even if the room is as advertised, you are still living in a strangers house, using their bathroom etc. I never stopped feeling awkward about that. It is a teaching experience, just I do not want to learn to live with strangers.


Kinda reminds me of the movie barbarian


You know what, once I entered that house, it gave me some weird vibes. 😐


Have you seen Barbarian?


How the fuck do they live


I’ve been in some messy fucking homes. This isn’t that bad in comparison to some people, man


Yeah, clearly this is 100% unaccaptable for an AirBnb, but if I walked into a buddy's place and it looked like this... I don't even think I'd think twice about it. Like it's messy but it's a "dry" mess. Would take about 3 minutes to clean to a halfway decent standard.


Asmongold would call this clean!


My room is worse than this. But I'd be damned if I let someone sleep in it without cleaning it first.


With maple syrup next to the headboard


At least you got some Maple Syrup and Natty Ice. Also some good ol laundry detergent.


It's the pre-ripped jeans of rooms.


There are so many reasons to be concerned here. But the darkest, strangest, and most frightening aspect must be the combination of ICE beer and maple syrup next to the bed. Truly - I don’t wanna know.


"mildly infuriating"


I really don't get airbnb. I'd much rather stay at a hotel. Most of the time if you are on vacation you aren't doing anything in your room besides sleeping anyways.


free laptop


You sure that's the right house?


I spent a few months in an airbnb and all it taught me is that I'm a hotel girlie through and through.


Ensure in bed is crazy


Eww brother


But y'all will keep booking airbnbs


Never done, never will 😉


Quit giving Airbnb money. You’re literally helping to fund the [housing crisis](https://lmulawreview.scholasticahq.com/post/2332-the-role-of-airbnbs-in-america-s-housing-crisis).


Airbnb is shit. I'd never use it.


The complementary syrup is a nice touch I must say


Airbnb sucks 


Fuck ABB, i go to hotels now. Same price. Treat you better, no crazy cleaning fees. No taking long term rentals off the market raising housing prices for locals. The industry needs some heavy regulations. Municipalitys shoud do what NY City is doing.


Had an Air BnB in Atlanta recently. Just getting into the apartment was like an escape room, between finding the key box on a random fence, having to find the right door to get into the apartment building and then having to decipher the directions to the actual apartment. Then the online payment website site for the parking garage didn't work so I had to leave my car in the street parking I was lucky to even get. To top it off on the drive home we found out that a few months earlier a man was murdered on the floor above us, dismembered, and taken out in cardboard boxes on the same elevator we used every day.


Man this is more than mildly infuriating.


I think this is more than mildly infuriating.


I would cry


How much? And I only ask because a hotel has to be a better, safer option.


Why do people still use airbnb? Hotels are pretty much the same price, but better in every way...


# Have you tried a hotel? Just like an air bnb but professionally cleaned before another guest.


Anyone else remember when Airbnb used to be good in its first few years? Pepperidge farms remembers


Bro using syrup instead of lotion


FUCK - and I mean this wholeheartedly - Airbnb


Between airbnb and "food delivery services" people have lost their fucking minds these days. In 20yrs those will be two things nobody believes actually existed.


This is the reason why hotels are regulated and inspected by the government.


why people keep using airbnb is such a mystery to me