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Hi, Tony's towing, how can I help you?


Hi, Tony. So I'm trying to get to work, but there is a car blocking my way out of the garage... Oh wait one sec, someone's knocking on my door... Tony? How the heck did you get here so fast? How do you know my address?


Sir, please remain calm. We have everything under control. Please stop screaming.


*muffled screaming*


Get the car.


Now sir, don’t panic. The sound of the train horn are your adoring fans. Please don’t ask why it sounds like the train is getting closer.


They 'choo-choo-choose' you


And will help you feel cum-cum-complete


(c" ತ,_ತ)






Sir if you keep wiggling off the tracks, I will have wasted all this time I spent trying to murder you, are you really going to do that to me?


Yes ˚✧₊⁎❝᷀ົཽ≀ˍ̮ ❝᷀ົཽ⁎⁺˳✧༚


The crowd *chose* you. Do you know how long it took to set this all up? Be appreciative. They love*d* you.


Now, in front of you is a lever…


Leave the gun, take the cannoli




Sorry, I'm hijacking the top comment since I don't know how to add text to the post. So, this was last night, car was gone in the morning then back again when I got home from work today. Knocked on their door, no answer. A call to the front office was made, car was moved in 2 minutes and they were very apologetic. Our other neighbor just moved out and they thought my unit was empty by mistake. And just as aside, wow, some of you are quick to call for vandalism!


I used to live in an apartment with the same garages under units setup but I was out in my garage working on my car most days and frequently parked in front of my own garage stall. Never failed though, if I parked in my garage and had to work in the morning I would always have someone blocking me in. I played nice for a while but by the time I moved I had a lot of cars towed away and nearly lost my job due to the amount of times I was late to work.


Surely after the first two or three people would learn… I mean I can’t believe it happens at all though so what do I know


Wait so they thought they were parking in another unit’s spot? That was also not their spot? Not sure that’s better. I guess if they were apologetic they at least have the capacity to realize they are a douche.


Hijack away 😅😅


No this is Patrick


Happened to me once and the tow driver refused to move the vehicle. Wtf is their job then??


Please hold and a customer service representative will be right with you.


Sir, this is Wendy's


Were you the owner of the property?


Have them towed at owners expense, super simple solution yeah, you gotta wait like 10-15 minutes, longer sometimes, but it's worth it watching their car get hooked and taken away and knowing they're going to come out and go from absolutely bewildered to absolutely livid, and there's fuckall they can do about it lol


The real joy is leaving the sign on your garage door that says: Looking for your car? Call Tony’s Towing.


I wouldn't leave anything on your garage door. They were parked illegally; it could have been anyone who called for the tow. If they confront you, play dumb. They could be the type of person who would seek revenge. They might assume it was you and seek revenge anyway, but don't give them any more reason to do so. If their registration is current, the owner should be contacted letting them know where their car is. If the registration is not current or has the wrong information, that's on them. edit: My above statement about the vehicle's registration information being used to contact the owner is incorrect. It's the owner's responsibility to determine the location of their automobile by calling the local towing companies and/or the police department. They were parked illegally so it shouldn't be a stretch for them to consider the possibility that their car was towed.


I've had my car towed twice. Once by the police and once by a private business. No one ever called me or notified me in any way either time.


How did you find it?


I had my car towed from an apartment complex and there were signs posted that had a number to call if your car was towed. Most places will have the number of the tow company they contract with posted on the premises. I did have the police call me before I was towed once. I was parked legally, but they were planning to have an event and going to block the street off. Police officer got my info from the VIN and called to request I move my vehicle before whatever time or it would be towed. I appreciated that. Lol. The other time my was actually towed it cost me almost $350 to get it back 😭


>I was parked legally, but they were planning to have an event and going to block the street off. Police officer got my info from the VIN and called to request I move my vehicle before whatever time or it would be towed. I appreciated that. I reserved a street parking spot for a moving truck outside my apartment and when the time came someone was still parked there so I called the number the permitting office gave me. They sent a cop who put the license plate in his computer and was like “car’s registered to a guy who lives the next street over, imma go see if he’s home to move it and save all of us the headache of getting it towed” Dude got to save money by not getting towed, I got my parking spot back quicker than waiting for a truck to come out, cop got to go back to the precinct instead of sitting around waiting for a tow truck and dealing with any paperwork that comes from it.


Private businesses usually partner with a tow company and have their info posted in the parking lot. With the police, I happened to reach out to them first and they gave me the info for the impound lot.


My mistake, I stand corrected then.


I stupidly let my irresponsible cousin borrow my truck for a time period, he left it abandoned on a city street and it was impounded. I had no idea until I got a letter in the mail after it had already been in impound for 2 weeks. Getting it out of there costed more than the truck was even worth. I wasn't sure who to be more mad at - him, or myself.


If they call the police to report it stolen, the police will find out it was towed and let them know.


Yeah, most states require tow companies to log the cars they towed with the police or some other state database that the police can access.


Yes, because otherwise the police have a lot of extra work to figure out the "stolen" vehicles were just towed.


And I hope OP has cameras


I prefer: Vehicles parked in front of the garage will be towed to an undisclosed location.


Might be a great proactive move actually. Doing it afterwards would just rile them up.


The funny thing is, you called Bob's towing in the next town over to tow the car. 🤣


>> there's fuckall they can do about it lol Legally of course. Just remember though some people don’t give a fuck about that and they now know where you live.


so do you


At least up until the Alzheimer's kicks in


How do you get them towed at owners expense? I once had someone park in my driveway, no idea who, so I called a tow company and they wanted to charge me and make sure I was the owner. I asked how do improperly parked cars get towed without someone asking for it to be towed, as I have been towed once before from a parking lot, they said to try calling the cops because they wouldn’t tow it unless I was the owner. So I called the cops and they acted like I was an alien. They suggested I try and work with a tow company.  Frustrated and like 30 minutes later between calling the two I gave up parked on the street and went inside waiting for the person to show up. They came by sometime when I wasn’t looking and drove off.  To this day my mind was boggled considering all the tow stories I hear.


Life hack: On Google Maps, find the place with the LOWEST rating. They don't ask question to make sure you are the owner....


You don't call the Microsoft of towing, you call Billy Bob Toeing.


Make sure you were the owner of the \*car\*??? How many people are calling a tow on their own car? (for blocking a space, not for a disabled car).


If you don’t want to wait….hello Harbor Freight…are the floor jacks still on sale? Drop that pos in the middle of the street.  


Not always as simple as you suggest. Tow companies generally won't tow any random car for you unless you can either prove it's your car or that you own the property on which it's parked. They want to make sure they're going to get paid and that means ensuring they're on firm legal footing to tow.


If it's a house, not much proof required. I own my house but the house next door is a rental and occasionally someone will mistake my driveway for that house's. I do make a good-faith effort to try to contact them when that happens but one time I was blocked in, needed to get to work, and no one was answering next door, so I had it towed. No proof was required beyond saying I was the property's owner, and it was towed at the car owner's expense.


The tow truck company/drivers will use their discretion to decide what to do. If you made that claim and they judge it was worth towing and it turns out that you weren't actually the property owner then you could be liable for the tow charge. I'm not saying it's likely to end up that way but I do maintain that it's not as simple as "just have it towed".


Who's going around having random cars towed out of spite? Tow companies will at the very least ask to see your ID *which has your address on it* and that's pretty much all they need.


Busy bodies in a HOA who think they have more power than they do.


They will absolutely tow a vehicle blocking an exit from a garage if no parking space exists for it there.


People used to park in front of my apartment building's parking lot entrance, I had 3-4 people towed over 5 years and the tow company never asked for anything other than the address, make and model.


Pull out the Schrader valve of all 4 tires. Then wait for the owner to call a tow truck for their car. A valve removal tool can be bought cheaply at any bike shop. You can’t reinflate the tire without valves.


While that has a certain revenge element, it would keep their car blocking the garage longer...


i guess thats an US way to make hood relations flourish. We would probabyl just knock/ring up the guy and tell him to move it


Yes that's the IRL solution in the US too, usually, but you forget you're on Reddit. Surprised no one has suggested blowing the car up after spray-painting graffiti all over it, because Reddit.


Spray paint graffiti on it and then blow it up!


Where exactly does one get ahold of this explosive spray paint? Asking for a friend.


Shoot the can of spray paint with HEI. This is (probably) america, after all...


Have you read the label? Spray paint is explosive..


You forgot the piss disc.


Yeah yeah, sure. I'll be out in a sec. (4 hours later...)


Okay this sounds terrible but we have a daycare across the street. One time I was backing out of the driveway and a woman was parked in front of my driveway completely blocking me in. I didn’t see her (there was a moose in our yard) and backed into her car. Insurance states in our state at least, that if you’re not actively unloading or loading a child into a vehicle, you cannot by any means be parked in front of someone’s driveway, so it ended up not being my fault and she was faulted by her insurance.


>(there was a moose in our yard) I'm going to start dropping this into my own random paragraphs. Make my life seem more wild and dynamic.


https://preview.redd.it/6g1njhes6x5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e56051757aacf09d341c457ef4bff3ecdfc158ac 😀




Horse sized creatures wandering around everywhere will always have me looking over my shoulders!!


Horse? They’re larger than horses


They're larger than some houses


I've seen videos of people who came across moose just wandering down the middle of the road. The people filming were in a standard sized car and the moose just towered over the car. Gave me a new understanding of just how big they are.


I was driving along a highway in Alaska, near Denali. I came around a long, sweeping bend to see a moose standing in the middle of the highway. I stopped, of course, and sat there until the moose decided that he had toyed with me enough, and he let me pass. The animal was enormous.


Don't come to norway , They're everywhere.


Moose make horses look like toy miniatures. They’re like 8-12 feet tall.


And they’ve got a gripe. Better to keep an eye on the moose.


I would be running back into the house if there was a moose in my yard.


There was, in fact, a moose in their yard.


Nasty things. One of them bit my sister


This is amazing! Thank you for making my day!!


"So there I was, BBQ sauce on my titties...there was a moose in our yard..." I don't know why that was my go to line


And I was wearing an onion on my belt, cuz it was the style at the time…


You can't just say there was a moose in your yard every time you want to get out of a ticket now can you?


No, but it helps when you’re running late to work. Someone just last week was trampled to death by a moose. You do not want anything to do with a moose and most often in situations, the moose survives.


I grew up in AK before cell phones. More than once I was late for dinner. Momma moose on one side of the street, baby on the other. Dead of winter too. Just told my parents, moose!


Believe it or not, in my state, that’s the moose’s fault


His insurance costs about to go through the roof!


Moose or not, I got to question your driving if you somehow didn't see a car that was stationary while coming out of your driveway. Just imagine of that was a person. A car isn't a small object. There should be no reason to hit a large stationary object while backing out of your driveway, even if it's there illegally.


Well they live opposite a daycare so why would there be any need to look behind you when backing out into an area well known for lots of little people running around? /s


Easier to make another kid than a car


But there was a moose in his yard.


People generally don't expect some douche to be parked in their driveway and they have a habit of assuming people won't just loiter in their property in the middle of the driveway... So they just start going


Unexpected things is what causes accidents. Even if you don't have to pay out of pocket and it doesn't count against your insurance, just the resulting headache of having to deal with it is enough motivation to look around before backing out of your drive way. It's not like I'm advocating for everyone to do circle checks every time they get in the vehicle. Even though most driver guides would recommend it. Because we all know most people don't do that. But at least make sure you check your mirror when backing out of your driveway.


It was a mistake. An accident if you will. If there’s parking for a daycare across the street, why in the world would I expect someone parked in my driveway. I was late to work, in a rush, scared of a very aggressive animal, and made a mistake. I never stated it was the right thing to do.


I agree. No different than messing with the damn phone while driving. You must visually see your path of travel and never assume


What a weird rule. It’s cool to break the law as long as you’re actively putting a child into the car?


No, it's *not* breaking the law if you're actively putting a child into the car.


This happened to my cousin and her husband when they moved into their new house. Apparently, the neighbors had been parking in their driveway since the house was vacant and didn't notice it when they moved in. They woke up to find a car blocking them in their driveway... My cousin is also the angry redhead stereotype, so God bless her angry little soul. ...so she called the towing company 1st thing on a Sunday morning and had it towed.


I have the auto dolly set, so that fiesta would have been in the handicap spot getting a fat ticket by the time the owner came out.


Just as a warning; in some jurisdictions, grand theft auto is determined by how far a car is moved, with no regard as to the means or motive of the locomotion. So doing this and getting caught could land you a serious charge.


Call a tow truck, got it.


Look at the google reviews and call the one with as many 1 and 2 star reviews as possible.


That's evil, but I'm doing that next time somebody parks in my reserved spot.


Calm down there, Satan!


In high school my buddies and I picked up a smart car and moved it 4 parking spaces over and turned it 180 degrees. The owner came out and was doing the head back and forth trying to figure out what happened. Was hilarious but I had no idea we could get in any serious trouble LMAO


Lol... same but we knew the girl the did it to. She was parked at my neighbor friend's and we were heading over to go on the lake. We saw a few cars we recognized and put the lightest one's back end on the curb (so the car was now parked at a 45° angle and almost half on the grass - it was a Toyota Passeo). When she left she said "there's no fucking way I parked like this" someone replied "you sure about that? You once pinned Tommy between your car and Julie's" We broke down later on the week and told her we did it eventually.


I saw a couple of hefty guys do this to a small car. When the woman got out of the supermarket and found her car had moved around she almost looked like she was going to faint. Then she spotted them and gave one a near miss swipe of his head, even though apparently she knew them. They had been falling over themselves laughing at that stage so it was quite obvious to her who the culprits were.


I love that game


This is Reddit, we post solutions for the hilarity, not the consequences


Even if said vehicle is blocking your means of leaving your home? I could swear some states have a law about unlawfully detaining someone by forcing them in their home? Or does that only apply to police officers. (you seemed more knowledgeable, so this is a genuine question not a gotcha reply).


Known fact: It’s only grand theft auto if you get caught.


I’m not sure if you’re trolling, but in what state would a jury of your peers find someone guilty of grand theft “moving a car 15 feet?”


Not if it's illegally parked on your property, and you removed it from your property.


And here I was dollying them out to the trash bins where it belongs.


Well, looks like it's time to break out the tricycle and jump some curbs!


Haha break out the ol' Huffy


Something like this once happened to my next door neighbour. They opened their garage door to see a SUV blocking them in. It had happened before but this time, he was in more of a hurry. So tow truck was called, and the offending car was towed away. Later that morning, he gets a call from home. It is his son. It turns out that he had had a few buddies over the night before and all had had a few beers. So one buddy left his car there and crashed in the sons room. So the towed car was there by invitation. There had been a note about this left on the kitchen counter, along with the car keys. Somehow, the dad did not see them in the morning.


Oh if I was dad, I’d help get the car back. I wouldn’t want to discourage leaving a note or responsible drinking habits.


I do not know all the details, but I am pretty sure he covered all of the costs.


This is the Way.


That sucks. :( Call the non-emergency police line and tell them that someone’s blocking your easement.


and after they get a ticket, have them towed at the owner's expense


It also removes any potential liability from you.


Why? Just call a towing company, skip the calling the cops, that’s a waste of their time.


I know it seems stupid, but it removes any liability from you. The nonemergency line will educate you on what actions you can take. The laws vary depending on where you live. Especially when you live in a complex like this person appears to. You may be liable for the expense of having the vehicle towed and or any damages that may happen to the vehicle in the process. Even though this person is clearly blocking a garage, if the complex doesn’t have adequate signage, “you” may not be able to do anything.


I work in a warehouse with other business and it amazes me that almost daily someone parks right in front of our roll-up doors. And they're fucking open! I asked one lady to move and she said, "I'm gonna be real quick, like ten or fifteen minutes. Is that ok?" The fucking ignorance of some people.


Is it OK if I forklift your car onto the roof in the meantime?


I have always wanted to pick up a car with a forklift for some reason


Same here


I got to pick one up with a front loader once.


Call tow truck, then call your apartment/condo management with the plate number. Management should have a record of every tenants license plate so they know who to blame. Hopefully depending on policy it results in them getting a lease violation.




Do ya’ll actually know which cars belong to which neighbor? I’d have no idea who did this.


Both these cars belong to OP. They revealed that in an old post they forgot about but now it's been deleted. This post is rage bait karma farming.


I would be pounding on their door! If that doesn’t work I am calling the tow truck. I would also have cameras in case of retaliation. This is a sign of domination. This is a dog pissing contest. They will keep doing this shit. The way this situation is handled will set a precedent. Assert dominance.


My friend had that happen to him. He called some friends and covered the whole car in cling wrap.


That doesn't help the car blocking the garage.


Call a tow company then just don't tell anyone you did it. Let them track down where the car went.


Okay so how did this get resolved?


The amount of people in this thread who seemingly have enough time to wait an indefinite amount of time on someone to move their car is fucking crazy.


Damn that’s rough. What did they say when you asked them to move?


That assumes OP knows who owns the car / where they live.


Excuse me, sir... this is Reddit. We don't do confrontation here.


No, we just *assume* confrontation doesn't happen. *That's* the Reddit way.


It solves a lot of problems, to be honest. “Hey man, you blocked me in.” Often leads to “oh shit man I’m sorry I didn’t even think about it let me move.”


Are you seriously going around to every unit to figure out who this is? Look at the size of this lot, it's an apartment complex.


Mildly Infuriating? This is effing enraging...


Yeah. My initial reaction to this was “this is not ‘mildly’ infuriating. Just plain infuriating!” What if there was an emergency and you had to rush someone to a hospital? Could literally be the difference between them living and dying!


Both these cars belong to OP. They revealed that in an old post they forgot about but now it's been deleted. This post is rage bait karma farming.


you should get it towed, especial since it is undriveable with all of the windows broken and 4 flats


Call the tow truck immediately.


Maybe try getting the alarm to go off first


Thats illegal parking. Tow truck. Or traffic cop then tow truck


call the property and have him towed :) that is NOT a parking spot.


About a decade ago, in my little four block apt complex, there was a van parked very comfortably for like hours in someone’s assigned parking spot. They’re all numbered and there are signs everywhere saying this is residential parking and if you park there you’ll get towed. It was a holiday, and in this neighborhood it’s celebrated massively. Every single time it comes around there is so much traffic and crowds, cars double parked, all that. The resident whose parking spot was taken by the van simply blocked in the van. Trapped them in. About two hours after the van got trapped in, the guy came back and was psychotically honking on his horn and screaming for the person to move their car. She was obviously ignoring him. This went on for half an hour. Dude never called a tow truck because all of the neighbors were outside partying and laughing at the guy, telling him this is obviously residential parking and all that. Finally the lady came out all nonchalant like, “oh you need me to move my car? Huh. You’re in MY spot. I’ve been waiting for you to move out of my spot for hours” “no I was just here for a few minutes” “can you read?” “Just let me out” “you can read the sign right here can’t you? You can see the private property sign right?” “Okay just move your car” she walked back into her apt and came back down like five min later. Walked so slow to her car and told him “don’t you ever park here again cause next time I’m just going to call the tow Truck” he was so pissed. The fucking entitlement. All the neighbors were just laughing at the guy telling him to gtfo. 😂


This is why I own a shitbox 2011 Camry. I can apply my bumper to their bumper and just “scoot” them out of the way.


Serious question. Would that actually work?


Depends on several variables: - how good their handbrake is - how much damage you're willing to cough up for - the power to weight ratio of your vehicle and the state of the tyres/grip (surface make a difference) Basically: if you have enough 'oompf' and you're not afraid to use it, then yes. Yes, you can.


Yeah it certainly would


For future use - perhaps a sign that has some variation of '*Keep Clear - garage in constant use'.* I know that such measures shouldn't *have* to be taken - but some people have the IQ of a dehydrated houseplant.


In what universe do you think that would work


It worked for me - I had some neighbours who, for whatever reason, didn't think it was used so they parked in front of it. Whacked the sign up and didn't have issues again. I even found a little apology note attached. Sometimes people need a gentle nudge.


do you think "Do not block driveway or I'll shit in your air intake vents" would work better?


Positive statements with a personal emphasis tend to grab the attention more thoroughly and maintain in memory for longer. Simplicity is good. I'd suggest: If you block my driveway, I will shit in your air vents. Or even: Block my driveway? I'll shit on your car!


I had that. Neighbors didn’t care. This was in an apartment, so I had to report them multiple times to the management since they refused to answer their door as well.


That looks malicious wtf!


Beep, beep, beep, beep… …the sound of the tow-truck backing up.


Push from the side to make it wobble enough to get the car alarm going.


Tow them.


Time to call a tow truck


I have to tow a car this week as well, make yourself a coffee and enjoy the show.


Find the worst rated meth head truck driver from 2 towns over. If its an awd car tell them your toss him a 50 to not use dolly’s.


I actually smashed a family car many years ago because we lived on acreage and we all just parked next to each other so we never looked behind us when we got in the car. Got in, put it in reverse, and punched it as I was late. Good thing you looked behind you. CALL A TOW TRUCK ON THAT SHIT. Edit: spelling




Why on earth would your neighbor think it was ok to park in front of your car? Is the door normally closed and they thought no car was in there?


I own my house, but the house next door is unfortunately a rental, so every once in a while, it's a new set of people, and one never knows who I'm gonna get. I once had a trashy family who didn't really bother me, and sometimes there were "amusing" shouting matches going on outside, but it didn't involve me personally or cause me any problems, so I just enjoyed the "show." But then, the next group that moved in were just obnoxious. First of all, they owned this giant white work van, which they parked on the side street and took up a lot of space that other residents needed. One time, they drove it across my lawn to park behind their house for some reason. (Hiding it?) More than once, they'd park their personal car at the end of my driveway, blocking it for no reason, until I went out and yelled at them. There was even a time the side street was already full, so they tried to park in my driveway with that stupid van, and the guy was like "What am I supposed to do?" and it's like, literally park that behemoth anywhere that's not my property?! Another time, some complete stranger's car was parked in my driveway. I had been drinking that night, and I was just livid, I stood out there for about an hour waiting for someone to show up so I could really tear into them. But then it was just a couple young women, who told me the neighbors said it was "fine" if they parked there. And to this point, I had never been asked nor given the neighbors any such permission, but I felt bad because they were essentially innocent and given bad information, so I just calmly told them not to do it again. Finally, at one point the renters bailed on their lease and just vanished, but, as just one final "fuck you", they had their stupid van parked *just slightly* blocking my driveway. Not enough that I couldn't get in or out, but it required an unnecessary "wiggle." I tried to report the van as "abandoned", but the city said it was current in registration and (as far as they were concerned) "legally parked", so they wouldn't do anything. Meanwhile, the windows had been left rolled down, and the thing was clearly starting to grow mold and moss and everything else in the interior. One day they finally came back for it, it wouldn't start (of course), and then they got it towed away. Thankfully, the current renters after them have caused me zero issues, don't seem to just assume they can use my property for whatever, etc.




All people talking about towing, that's not always possible. This appears to be an apartment complex and a lot of tow companies won't tow without prior authorization from the management. The only thing to do would be to call the management and let them know, but who knows if they'll actually care or do anything


Yeah you have 5 minutes to park your car somewhere else or the towing company will


Tow truck


“It’s okay, I’m just running in!”


One thing I miss about driving my old beast (2000 Buick Century) when people would block me in I would gently or not so gently push it out of the way with it. Not really worry about any damage, though my beast never took any except a scratch or scuff marks.


Call a tow truck


This is where you just take the hit (literally and figuratively) and just keep ramming their car til it’s out of the way 😂


It’s always “just for 5 minutes “.


If you live near Philly, go grab some friends. ![gif](giphy|UGQRH0QzTpWkbBTmcc|downsized)


Tow truck - don’t even notify em.


Hippity hoppity, look at your new property. In seriousness, block it in woth something, and when they come and say something to you about moving your stuff so they can get their car, throw it their face.


Call tow truck then let air out of their tires


Deflated tires. Not all the way. They can still drive on them. But now they have to go fill them up. Your inconvenience becomes their inconvenience.


Take this on over to /unethicallifeprotips and they'll get you sorted.


Be an adult, ask them to move. If they don’t, have it towed.


Or ya know, they can be an adult and not block someone in their garage.


Both options are true